magic eye doctor

Chapter 1307 Lessons

Chapter 1307 Lessons
Seeing his apprentice's red eyes, Miao Pu was very strange. He looked at Tongzong and Master, and found that Master's face was cold at that time, and he became more and more puzzled. He wanted to ask if he was wronged, but he didn't dare to face Master. After asking, ask the disciples and nephews to sit aside.

Mu Yuechan thought that the master would support her, but she didn't know that the master didn't ask anything, she was even more wronged, and sat behind the master's seat with red eyes.

Luo Cheng Yuqi and other direct disciples saluted Master Miao, and sat down with the inner disciples.

Everyone sat down without talking nonsense, and the person who went to the secret realm first reported the situation.

The Yulan Sect was discussing affairs. As an outsider, Le Xiaotong actually wanted to avoid it, but it was hard to bring it up. After all, she was used as a mascot. If she slipped away when they were discussing issues, she would seem out of place.

It’s too late to sneak away at this time. As a good boy, good-natured Lele can sit and listen. Listening also has some benefits. Characters need to be guarded.

Big sects like the Five Great Immortal Sects have a strong family background, so they carry formations with them when they go out, and they are all placed in the big tent. The voices from the inside cannot be heard from the outside, and the sects can discuss with confidence.

The Yulan Sect communicated for nearly half an hour. At the end, Sect Leader Li tilted his head and asked the little fairy who was always sitting upright: "Little fairy, what do you think of this secret realm?"

"?" Le Yun, who was sitting upright but wandering in the sky, was drawn back to the state of a horse by the question, blinked, with an innocent face: "I'm watching with my eyes open."

The little fairy was naughty, and the elders held back their laughter.

Elder Mu, who was sitting next to him, slapped the little guy's head with his big palm, and rubbed it vigorously twice: "Little fairy, what the master said is a very serious matter."

"I know," Le Yun hugged her head to prevent her from being trampled on: "I don't open my eyes to see, is it possible to close my eyes to see? The entrance of the secret realm is there, look horizontally and vertically, and look far away You have to use your eyes to see it up close.”

"Okay, let's ask this question differently," the little fairy was obsessed, and Elder Mu tugged at the little guy's bunched black hair: "Did you feel anything different after you got here?"

"Oh, I understand, Elder Mu, you want to ask about good and bad luck, right?" Le Yun covered her head with one hand to protect her hair: "It's hard to say, it's not stable yet, and the breath inside hasn't been exposed, so I don't have any special feelings. "

"Little fairy is so smart!" Elder Mu rubbed the little fairy who was hugging her head so that no one would touch her head, smiled and praised Mimi, and did not bully her little head, letting her go.

I finished what I needed to say, and I also asked Little Fairy how she felt, and there was nothing to do for the time being, so the head of Li asked the disciples to practice and recover the spirit that was lost along the way.

Elder Mu specially ordered his apprentice to stay.

Except for Zuo Hufa and Elder Lan who came with the head, and Lu Xiao, the second elder of the deacon hall, the rest of the elders also withdrew, Le classmate also wanted to get away, but Elder Mu held his head down.

The rest of the people came out one after another, and the last disciple withdrew from the big tent. Miao Pu, who was under Miao, respectfully waited for the master to show him: "Master, what do you want to tell the disciple?"

"Miao Pu, my master and your uncles, uncles, brothers and brothers all know about the mess between you and the former emperor of the Cang Yue Empire. door, we just turn a blind eye and close one eye.”

When Mu Lianzi mentioned Mu Er, she turned cold-faced: "But look at what's going on with you as a disciple. You are becoming less and less disciplined as a disciple of the sect. It is said that you are going out for a trip, and you will live in the Cangyue Empire for eight years. When she came to the sect, she still put up the airs of Princess Cang Yue, and wanted to let the whole sect support her, but she didn't like her, and she even played those insidious tricks in the secular palace, and played tricks in front of us, you see It's not an eyesore, and our sect's face has been completely humiliated by her."

"Master..." Miao Pu was a little dazed after being reprimanded. When the master mentioned his personal relationship with the late Emperor Cang Yue, he was so ashamed that he bowed to the ground, not daring to make even a single sentence of defense.

"Miao Pu, we didn't ask how many benefits you gave Mu Er and Cang Yue in private, as long as it didn't harm the interests of the sect, but now, your disciple has already done harm to the sect, if you If you don’t hold back and pamper her, don’t blame me for being a teacher and expel you and your disciples together, when the time comes, whether you go to Cangyue to protect the offspring of the person in your heart, or what you do, it’s all up to you.”

"Master..." Miao Pu lay on the ground, trembling uncontrollably, her voice trembling.

"Why, you have also learned the tricks of women in the secular world who can't stand on the stage, and you have learned to pretend to be wronged? Is it possible that I was wrong, and you didn't benefit Cang Yue and Mu Er in private? Or do you think that in the past three or two hundred years? Is the sect collecting news from the mainland in the name of going abroad, is it really collecting news wholeheartedly, and not using this as an excuse to look after the royal family of the Cang Yue Empire in secret?"

As Mu Lianzi spoke, she felt faintly angry, and regretted that he accepted female disciples back then. Most of the female disciples were too selfish, and they were easy to be fascinated by appearances. They often acted stupidly. They knew that men's sweet words were unreliable, but they were still willing to risk everything for love. .

"Master—" Miao Pu was terrified, got up, bowed down heavily, and knocked his forehead on the ground: "Master, this disciple has failed Master to teach, and this disciple knows his mistakes."

"Know your mistake? If you really know your mistake, why have you never reflected on it for hundreds of years? You are panicked because you are afraid that you will be expelled from the mountain gate, and you will lose face from then on, and you will no longer be able to protect Cang Yue as an inner elder of the Yulan Sect, right? "

Elder Mu was no longer angry, but his tone was unusually calm.

Those words were like a knife, piercing Miao Pu's heart, her body lying on the ground was stiff, she dared not move, her heart was terrified, even her muscles were trembling wildly.

Mu Lianzi floated up gently, and walked towards her disciple step by step, unable to hide her disappointment, walked up to the kneeling disciple, and ordered faintly: "Miao Pu, raise your head!"

Miao Pu trembled violently, raised her head little by little, and saw a pair of bear-monster animal skin shoes and the corner of a brown robe standing in front of her. It is extremely difficult to raise a little bit.

Trembling, she raised her head little by little, her eyes moved up from the instep of Master's feet, and when her eyes touched Master's knee, she raised her head little by little.

Looking up, she saw Master's face. Disappointment appeared on Master's face. Apart from disappointment, there was still pain in her eyes. Miao Pu opened her mouth, but did not call out "Master". meaning.

Looking at her disciple, Mu Lianzi asked slowly: "Do you still remember what you said when you asked me to be your teacher?"

"..." Miao Pu tried hard to recall, for a long while, she was still only confused, what did she say back then?
"You really don't remember," Mu Lianzi lamented, only remaining calm: "You probably only remember that man from the Cang Yue Empire, and you must remember what he said to you. The precepts that disciples of the Lanzong should abide by, you have forgotten the oath you once made."

Miao Pu's back was stiff and her spine was cold.

Mu Lianzi sighed softly, tapped Miao Pu's eyebrows like lightning, and quickly cast the confinement technique: "From now on, you must not disclose anything about the Yulan Sect to any outsiders, and you must not provide any information for Cang Yue Mu's family." Support, not to mention half a word with Mu Yuechan, once you disobey the teacher's order, you will lose your spiritual root and be expelled from the sect."

After being imprisoned by the master, some things were sealed, and there were spiritual hints, Miao Pu trembled all over while enduring those things. When the master withdrew his hand, she sat paralyzed with sweat and tears all over her face.

"I'm only giving you this one chance. If you commit the crime again, don't forgive me again, so you can take care of yourself." Mu Lianzi turned around resolutely, floated lightly back to where she was sitting, and sat with her back to her disciple.

Miao Pu looked at the master's back and knew that the master was extremely disappointed in him, so he didn't want to see him again, and felt so panicked that he couldn't cry.

"Eldest brother, before taking the post of head of the sect, and before Feixian left two legal metaphors, saying that if senior sister Miao wholeheartedly serves the Cang Yue royal family and does not know how to repent, she should first go to the execution hall to receive her punishment, and if you survive, I will allow you to be free, Miao. Senior sister, go down and reflect on yourself, if you think Cang Yue Mu's family is your responsibility, after the secret realm is closed, you go back with the sect to be punished, so everyone is well."

Li Yangzi remained silent until now.

What he said was like stabbing Miao Pu's heart again, causing her to be dripping with blood. She couldn't hold back anymore, and burst into tears.

Guardian Zuo sat like a pine, and seemed not to exist. Elder Lu and Elder Lan didn't express any opinions.

Miao Pu cried for about a stick of incense, and his voice gradually weakened. After a while, he wiped his face clean, and wiped his face with the elixir to make his face clean so that he would not be seen. clues.

After tidying up, he silently bowed to the master, stood up and retreated to the door of the big tent, turned around and walked out of the main tent, it was very quiet outside, no one from the major immortal sects walked around, let alone anyone else swaying around.

The sun has moved to the western peaks and will soon be setting.

Still lingering in his heart, Miao Pu didn't make any pause, turned around, and entered another big tent which was only a few feet away from Jade Snow Sect.

She didn't live in the tent alone, but several elders lived with her. The people who returned to the tent first were meditating. Miao Pu lowered her head into the tent and sat where she used to sit, silently. She was panicked and couldn't calm down at all. Meditate, sit in a daze.

Elder Miao sat for less than half a stick of incense, and Elder Lu Xiao also entered the tent lightly.

Miao Pu, who was in a daze, saw Lu Xiao coming in, stared blankly at her as she walked to the opposite side and sat down, then asked Ai Ai expectantly: "Senior sister, do you have any instructions for the master?"

"No, Elder Mu arranged for me to live in the same tent with my junior sister." Lu Xiao calmly explained the reason for his arrival, then he closed his eyes slightly and meditated without further ado.

Miao Pu's pupils shrank, Master no longer trusted her, so he sent Senior Sister Lu to live with her to prevent her from posting things to Cang Yue Mu's in private.

(End of this chapter)

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