magic eye doctor

Chapter 1308

Chapter 1308
The arrival of Senior Sister Lu caused Miao Pu to suffer a lot in his heart, and his mood became more disordered. He forced himself to sit and meditate quietly.

After Mu Lianzi reprimanded his apprentice, he waited for a while before turning around, and then asked Lu Xiao to live with Miao Pu. The old man was not in a good mood, and sighed sullenly several times.

Li Yangzi and Yu Bali also knew that Mu Lianzi was unhappy, so they didn't persuade him, and just sat and practiced peacefully.

Being caught and listening to the gossip about private disputes, Le Yun looked unlovable and felt drawn to the rhythm of hatred again. She dared to bet that if a certain old apprentice had nowhere to vent his anger, he might end up with a certain woman too. Disciples are just as angry at themselves.

Her troublesome physique hasn't changed even in another time and space. She doesn't cause trouble, but trouble always leans towards her, so tired!

Feeling in a bad mood, little classmate Le moved into the big lion's neck, took out a book and gnawed on it. Everything was false, and the knowledge that belonged to him was his own, so he had to study hard.

The little fairy just read the book without saying a word, the head of the left guard left and the elder Mu the elder Lan looked at each other, the little fairy was reading on the way, and she was still reading when she arrived in the secret realm, she worked harder than the students who took the imperial examination in the secular world.

Yuxue, Yuxia, Yuheng, and Yuqingzong didn't stop by after discussing the recent changes in the secret realm, especially since they didn't see the little fairy wandering around.

When the sun was setting, several casual cultivators sent a wave of explorers, because the secret realm was too far away from human towns, and there were certain dangers along the way. Loose cultivators are also willing to escort people into the secret realm of the mountains, in order to collect some hard work fees.

After the new team arrived, they were busy choosing a place to set up camp and tidy up the venue, which added a lot of excitement to the peaceful place.

In the evening, the team in front of the secret realm was very quiet, even cooking was done on schedule, and no one was shouting or making noise.

Many monks have low cultivation and must eat. There are quite a few cooking teams, and various aromas are floating in the sky in front of the secret realm.

After the monks had their meal, they fell into silence again. After dark, many tents lit open fires for lighting, and all of them were extinguished before midnight, and it was dark everywhere.

The Five Immortal Sects arranged for people to be on duty. The aura of the high-ranking monks dispersed, and the high-ranking monsters had long since fled without a trace. The wild beasts were naturally keen, and did not dare to approach when they sensed danger.

A quiet night.

When the dawn broke, the depths of the mountains became lively, the birds sang the morning symphony, and the small animals that came out at night and during the day also got up and moved.

The human beings in front of the secret realm are also active, running in the dense forest to remove the impurities left by the reincarnation of the five grains, washing their faces in the river, fetching water for cooking, and the people who come and go in the morning light are full of energy.

When the morning light was bright, Luo Cheng took Yu Qiyu and Nineteen to the head tent to wait for the head master and the guardian elders to wash their hands, boil water and make tea.

Student Le also washed his face and paws under the care of Brother Nuan Nan Qi, took out some fruit and gnawed it himself, drank the spiritual tea, and waited until the sun rose into the sky before climbing on the golden retriever's back to breathe.

At the end of autumn, the forest is heavily dewed and wet everywhere, and even the wind carries the coolness of water.

The golden retriever who had been cat all night was so excited when he heard that he could go out to play, he rushed out of the big tent with the little one on his back, floated into the sky, and roared excitedly: "Little one, where are we going? Let's catch monsters, or go to the river catch fish?"

"Choose to go around the sky." Le Yun has a goal, but she can't say it directly.

"Okay." Golden Retriever excitedly floated into the sky, to a place hundreds of feet high, and chose a direction at will.

When the golden-haired lion was walking in the sky, all the teams below looked up and saw the huge fairy beast jumping freely in the air. No one from the five great fairy sects stopped them. They were very surprised. Who is the owner of the spirit beast? It's so big that it didn't get knocked down even if it ran over the head of the Great Immortal Sect.

The younger junior sister took the golden retriever to play, and Luo Chengyu's seven Yu Nineteen hurriedly followed, lest anyone who didn't have eyes ran to provoke the younger junior sister and make her unhappy.

The three senior brothers floated high into the sky and sat on Jin Maohou's back, otherwise they would be floating in the sky like stepping on someone's head, which would be too arrogant.

As soon as the golden retriever roared, the elders of Yuxue, Yuxia, Yuheng, and Yuqingzong knew that the little fairy couldn't stay idle and might go into the mountains to dig plants.

He Chaoyang stood outside the tent and looked into the distance. When he saw the golden retriever circling in the air and flying towards the river, he also flew towards the river.

The Golden Retriever flies to the river with the little one on his back to watch. The canyon is very wide, and a big river flows through the canyon plain. The widest part of the river is more than fifty feet, and the narrowest part is more than ten feet. misty.

"Big Lion, there are fish in the river. Do you want to eat spicy boiled fish?" Le Yun salivated as he looked at the wide river. The water quality of the river was very good, and there were many wild fish in the water.

"Little one, throw the magic weapon here, I'll fetch water and catch fish for you." Golden Retriever roared that there is no one who doesn't understand the little one's thoughts, and volunteered to be a laborer.

The three senior brothers floated lightly from Jin Maohou's back to one side, and Le Yun also flew to the side with great energy, throwing out the big conch.

Golden Retriever hugged the big snail, turned into a golden light and flew over the river, opened the swallowing snail, and threw it on the river to absorb water.

The swallowing snail turns on the water absorption mode, the water coming down from the upstream turns into a water column and flies into the stomach of the swallowing snail, and part of the downstream water also turns into a water column and flows back.

The length of the river flowing backwards is about a hundred feet, and then only the upstream water flies to the Tuntian snail. Because the upstream water is loaded, the downstream river surface dries up, and the fish without water jump around.

The golden retriever happily ran into the river to pick up fish.

The corners of Luo Cheng's eyes twitched, and he flew forward: "Jin Mao, I'm looking at the Sky Swallow Snail, hurry up and catch more fish."

"Humph—" Golden Retriever hummed unhappily, and a certain big disciple stole his credit again!He didn't bother to bicker with that person, he was busy picking up fish.

Yu Qiyu Mo Wen also flew to the ditch without water to help catch fish, because Langshan is too weird, there are no sects of cultivation, there are many monsters, and there are more beasts without enlightenment. There are many kinds of fish in the river, and there are also ordinary fish. The smallest fish is a grouper that is only as big as a human wrist.

There are brothers and golden retrievers to help catch fish, so Le Yun doesn't make up for it, and flies to the woods on the other side of the river, carrying animal claws to dig wild medicinal plants.

The people who came first were more picky, and they had high vision. They only dug precious medicinal plants that were more than 500 years old. Some monks with low strength also dug medicinal plants.

He Chaoyang slowly flew over the canyon grasslands and jungles, and arrived at the river. He saw Luo Cheng of the Yulan Sect carrying sea shells on the river surface to absorb water, and flew over in surprise: "Senior Brother Luo, when will your sect get rid of the water?" Picked up a swallowed snail?"

When Luo Cheng saw the handsome monk in white robe flying over, his cold face eased a little: "Junior Brother He, you are free to come out, this swallowing snail is the magic weapon of the water element of Yu Qingzong, the younger sister likes it very much Hurry up, it's back from Yu Qingzong's hands, and the Tiantian Snail belongs to Junior Sister Le now."

"I went to the Yulan Sect last time, and then I came directly to Langshan first. I guessed that you might come here. I wanted to find you yesterday. I thought you were busy. I saw you coming this way this morning, so I came too. "

He Zhaoyang flew to the sky above the river, landed beside his old friend, looked up at the sea shells, and then at the two people who were busy catching fish in the lower reaches of the river and Jin Maohou, smiling all over his face: "It must be that the little fairy wants to catch fish, so I took If the monks in front of the secret realm saw this cut-off river, I don’t know what their thoughts would be.”

"I'll probably be beating my chest and screaming that I'm overqualified." Luo Chenghun shrugged nonchalantly, "The masters of the Yuqing Sect knew about it a long time ago. Sect Master Cun sent Tuntian snails to the Yulan Sect, and the younger junior sister held Tuntian snails in her arms. The snails intercept the spiritual spring water of our sect."

"There is a little fairy in Yulan Mountain, so the fish in the Xuantian River might run away in fright." He Chaoyang wiped off his cold sweat. He imagined that the little fairy cut off the Xuantian River with a sea shell in his arms, and the fish danced wildly. The picture is so beautiful.

"I'm not sure, every time it's the Golden Retriever Lions who go to fetch water and catch fish. Anyway, the little junior sister and the Golden Retriever Lions are running around Yulan Zong Mountain with their magic weapons, and they have a great time."

"Does Junior Brother Yu have any taste?"

"I and the nineteenth class are only envious. The golden retriever helps the younger junior sister catch fish, and the younger junior sister will make spiritual food for him to eat."

"Senior Brother Luo, you are not kind, why didn't you tell me earlier to help the little fairy catch fish and have spiritual food?"

He Chaoyang flew downstream, and Luo Cheng looked at the sky: "Junior Brother He, why don't you go and catch monsters, there are no camels here, and you go to catch monsters like grouse, bamboo rabbit, porcupine, blue sheep, etc. Catching fish is more pleasing to Junior Sister."

"Good brother, thank you!" He Chaoyang was overjoyed, and turned to fly upstream to the canyon.

Luo Cheng looked at the people who went flying away, feeling very happy in his heart, um, that's right, he brought another helper to the younger junior sister, the younger junior sister just sits and collects the monsters.

While running upstream, He Chaoyang sent a message to his fellow apprentices to gather them to go hunting.

The direct disciples of the Yuxia Sect received the summons, and immediately told the head, they left the tent area in a group, first pretended to be wandering on the edge of the secret realm, and rushed to an area where others could not see to meet He Chaoyang, and formed a group into the upper reaches of the canyon In Senshan Meadow, tens of miles away, hunting monsters and beasts.

Jinmaohou and Yuqiyu Mowen went all the way downstream to pick up fish, and went to the shore to catch monsters and wild animals when there were few fish, chasing the current all the way down, almost forgetting their way home.

Luo Cheng controlled the swallowing snails to absorb water, waited for a long time, controlled the swallowing snails to change places, let the seashells move up to the landlord a few miles away to absorb water, and he took time to pick up fish.

When the sun rose, the team in front of the secret realm also went hunting and digging spiritual plants one after another.

The canyon in front of the secret realm and the surrounding mountains are due to human activities, and the animal residents in the forest are harassed by the intruders, ranging from frightened to losing their lives, and the mountains are full of chaos.

Luo Cheng carried the swallowing conch and took half an hour to fill the seashells. There was already some water in the conch, otherwise, it would take more than an hour and a half to fill the conch with the water volume of the river.

When the seashells were full, Senior Brother Luo took the conch to find Junior Junior Sister who was busy digging spiritual plants, sweeping fallen leaves, digging soil, collecting sap and resin, and picking mushrooms in the forest, and helped her dig plants and soil.

Yu Qiyu Nineteen and Jin Maohou walked down the river for more than 40 miles, and came across another big river that joined the river. Because the river was too deep, they could no longer catch fish and returned with their harvest.

The two senior brothers and Jin Maohou found the junior sister, gave her the harvest, and helped sweep up the resources in the forest.

The four people and one beast were busy for a while, and the disciples of the Yulan Sect also rushed to help. Afterwards, the disciples of the Yuqing Sect, the Yuheng Sect, and the Yuxue Sect also went for a "walk" by the river, and "coincidence" with the disciples of the Yulan Sect, Very friendly to help share worries and search for resources together.

A group of people swept away what could be found in the canyon, forest and meadow with a radius of more than sixty miles, and flew across the river in the middle of the afternoon to pick up trees.

The monks stationed in front of the secret land cut down a large number of trees when they cleared the site, and almost no one collected the wood, transported it away and threw it in a place several miles away from the secret land.

Some trees were cut down in the past two years, and they are dry, and some are still half-dead. Some teams collect firewood for cooking, and most of the trees are dead branches. A large number of trees are piled up, which is a waste.

Based on the principle of not wasting resources, Le led his helpers to clean up the wood. The branches of the big tree were first sawed and then divided into sections. The branches were also picked up.

A group of monks were sweating, and they gave up their lives to accompany the gentleman, helping to remove branches, split them, divide them into sections, pile them up, arrange the branches into piles, sweep leaves and broken twigs into piles, and put them away one by one.

A lot of people are powerful, let alone high-level monks, hacking, sawing, and sweeping, it is almost effortless. It takes less than half an hour to clear up a large piece of wood, and go to pick up the trees piled up in another place.

Le Yun didn't go, so she ran back to the camp in front of the secret realm, told the leader Li, and took out her big rosewood house and put it in the open space in front of the Yulan Sect's camp.

In order not to let the house cover the main tent of the Yulan Sect and suppress the prestige of the Yulan Sect, the house was turned towards the Yuxia Sect, so that it also covered a big tent next to the Yuxia Sect.

Because of the problem of the little fairy's house, the head of the Yulan Sect went to visit the Yuxia Sect and informed the master that the Yuxia Sect had no objections. The little fairy took out the house, and the real people walked around to admire it with great interest.

The real people of Yuxue Yuqing Yuhengzong also surrounded the house to admire, and then went to the main tent of Yulanzong as guests together to ask Yulanzong about the house.

Student Le couldn't move the house into the storage container, but she was able to move it out after putting it in the storage container. After putting the house in order, she climbed back into her own house, went into the kitchen to start a fire, steamed rice, fried Fish, preparing the soup for braised fish, very busy.

When the soup boils, put the fried fish into the soup pot and put all the ingredients together. Soon the aroma of the spiritual food will form a vortex. Because there are too many spiritual foods, an aroma vortex will also form in the sky above the kitchen.

The fragrance of the spiritual food dissipated, and the air in a radius of more than ten miles was dyed with fragrance.

The team stationed in front of the secret realm swallowed silently, went out during the day, and those who came back from work could smell the fragrance from a distance, and all of them rushed back at a furious speed, when they found an extra wooden house in front of the Yulan Yuxia Sect of the Five Great Immortal Sects , are all dumbfounded.

The disciples of Yuxue Yuqing and Yuheng, who were helping the little fairy to pick up firewood, smelled the scent of the spiritual food, all of them were excited and glowing. The little fairy said that they would be invited to eat the spiritual food at night. Smell the smell, the spiritual food must be very good eat!
(End of this chapter)

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