magic eye doctor

Chapter 1310

Chapter 1310
The elders in power of each sect happily watched the disciples falling to the ground freely, no one wanted to reach out, they watched with great interest.

The people who were thrown flying were imprisoned by the power of the golden retriever, and they couldn't control themselves at all. They fell all over the place, but it didn't hurt, they just wanted to cry a few times.

"Smelly boys, I didn't hurt you, why are you yelling so loudly, hurry up and wash it, come back and clean up the dirt you left, if you don't clean it, I will break your legs."

The human kid was screaming like ghosts, the golden retriever was so disgusted, he roared again, and then, very considerately, he lifted the little one up and sat on his back.

"Yeah, if they dare not clean up the house for me, I will go to their head to sue and ask them to compensate me for a new house."

The golden retriever is smart, witty, considerate, and Le Yun pulled his hair happily: "The golden retriever is the most considerate and loves me the most. The golden retriever is so good. I will make spiritual food for you tomorrow."

The praised golden retriever raised its tail triumphantly.

The people who fell to the ground were able to move on their own after landing, and they got up one after another. Before they yelled, when they heard the golden retriever roar, the people with the smell and the people with the smell rushed to the river immediately.

Those who didn't stain their clothes had a little smell on them, so they hurried back to the Zongmen tent to change their clothes, Huan Wangyuan, who looked dazed, was carried away by his seniors.

"Don't jump into the river to take a bath, if you dirty the river water and the fish in the river, the deity will still break your legs." Golden Retriever watched the young human beings fly away with the smell, and reminded again.

"Wow, the Golden Retriever is so careful, I'll give you two sheep tomorrow." Le Yun really wanted to hug the Golden Retriever and kiss him a few times. The warm-hearted Golden Retriever is a treasure, he knows everything, and he can be called a caring and omnipotent housekeeper.

Suddenly remembering the things in the house, with a scream of "嗤", he flew up and rushed into the middle hall, picked up his bamboo tube and stone bowl and rushed out quickly, sat on the floor and pinched incense, and extinguished the burning spiritual plants.

The little one ran back to get the things, the golden retriever roared and looked up at the sky, if the things were burned, it would be burned, did it take so much effort?

The little fairy rushed into the wooden house and came out with her things in her arms. The real people didn't care about the stench, and flew to the corridor of the wooden house to watch. They smelled the smell of incense and the scent of spiritual plants. The smell was particularly good, but they couldn't recognize it. what is it.

"Little fairy, what kind of incense is this?" Mu Lianzi also has experience in alchemy, and is interested in the three incense sticks that are as thick as a little guy's little finger.

"This is the broken step incense I developed, Elder Mu, don't move around, this is very delicate, it will fall apart with a little force." Seeing that Elder Mu wanted to pinch the incense powder with his hands, Le Yun snatched it back quickly Three sticks of incense.

"Pojie incense? Just light it up, and you don't need to eat Pojie Dan and the like?" The incense was snatched away, and Elder Mu picked up a piece of yellow-brown Lingzhi meat and smelled it. I can't tell what it is, but I can vaguely distinguish a few spiritual plants such as Huanglianzi, Yipinxiang, and woody fragrance.

"Of course, if it doesn't work, how can those senior brothers be promoted to Yuanying at the same time." Le Yun took out a box to put away the spirit incense and sealed it, and snatched the spirit plant piece: "Elder Mu, It's not that I don't give you old face, no matter how long you smell this, you won't be able to smell what it is, so you should return it to me quickly, and don't let the aura scatter."

She was unambiguous, took out the ice jade box, put a few pieces of spiritual plants that had extinguished the embers into it, sealed it, threw it back into the storage container decisively, and took away the bamboo tube and stone bowl.

"You're so stingy, show me what you want." Mu Lianzi followed the example of the little guy and complained about her stinginess, reaching out to rub her small head.

"Of course it matters. It took me half a year to make the thing. A piece of spiritual plant is worth 3 yuan of top-quality spirit stones. If you play with it, the spirit energy will be scattered, and the 3 yuan spirit stone will disappear. "

Le Yun hugged her head: "I think for the sake of helping me catch fish, catch monsters, dig spiritual plants and pick up firewood, I have worked hard to prepare them spiritual food suitable for them at this stage, and help them advance. Call me stingy, talk about me again, I will no longer care whether the brothers can advance or not."

"Oh, I'm just talking casually. The little fairy is serious. The children's house is full of childishness. Let's go back to the main tent and drink tea. Let the boys clean up here and come back to clean it. How dare they not give it to you?" Clean up the place, and my old man will personally grab them and use them as rags to mop the floor for you."

Elder Mu turned his words wittily, with a smile on his face, he gently grabbed the little guy by the skirt, lifted him up, and flew towards the main tent of the Yulan Sect.

Master Cun and others figured out the clues from Xiaoxianzi's words. Xiaoxianzi used spiritual food, spiritual plants and spiritual incense to help Jindan promote Yuanying, and their hearts were shocked.

Elder Mu grabbed the little fairy and flew away, and all the real people followed silently, followed by the leader Li and filed into Yulan's main tent, the masters took the main seat, and the guests sat on both sides.

After sitting down, the elders of the Yulan Sect took the stove to boil water.

A group of people looked at themselves, and Le Yun covered her face with her paws: "Don't look at me, I don't give you spiritual incense and spiritual plants, I just make some, and I won't give them to anyone."

"We won't steal it from you," Mu Lianzi smiled and rubbed the little guy's head with a beautiful mood: "Little fairy, is your fragrance useful for every level?"

"That's not true. The incense currently produced is aimed at Jindan's promotion to the Nascent Soul stage. Don't look for me for the higher-level broken-stage incense. It's too troublesome to make those. I'm busy."

Le Yun was so angry that she wanted to cry. She was patted and killed on the earth, but she still couldn't escape in Dongchen. She obviously tied all her hair on top of her head, so why was she still being ravaged on the head.

"Oh, what are you busy with? There are so many brothers from the five great immortal sects here, what do you want to call them? There are all kinds of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and ice, sword repair, talisman repair, alchemy repair, fire repair, earth repair, everything. Everything is complete, digging soil, sweeping fallen leaves, digging spiritual plants, picking mushrooms, catching monsters, gathering firewood and carrying water, they all know how to do it.”

Elder Mu burst into laughter, the little fairy is indeed a lucky star, she can make high-level broken incense, so what are you waiting for?Send the disciples of various schools to her on errands, and she can make incense when she is free.

Elder Mu thought beautifully, and the head of Cun and others hurriedly supported him: "Yes, Elder Mu is right, what is the little fairy looking for, tell your senior brothers to go."

"Little fairy, there are hundreds of Jindan Nascent Souls here in our five great immortal sects. When necessary, there are us old bones. It is not a problem to scrape away a layer of land from Langshan."

The head of Juerba and others think that if their five great immortal sects can't solve the problem together, looking at Dongchen Continent, others can't solve it.

"You don't understand, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice," Le Yun spread her hands: "To make spiritual incense, you need top-grade spiritual plants with the best aura, and it's troublesome to refine. , The raw materials of other tiers are pitifully scarce, and I think it’s impossible to develop and play with it.”

"What spiritual plant does the little fairy lack?"

"There is a lot of shortage. The broken spirit fragrance from the Nascent Soul to the out-of-body must use the whole plant, flowers and fruits of the Dragon Clothes Grass as medicine, the blood of the monster emperor level and the beak shell of bears and birds; the out-of-body to the distraction The spiritual fragrance needs the young silkworms of the snow spirit silkworm, the snow lotus more than 3 years old, the blood of bears and beasts of the demon emperor level, and the horns of the armored rhinoceros of the demon emperor rank; let alone the above, it is even more difficult to find."

"Our Yuxia Sect has snow spirit silkworms, and there is no shortage of snow lotuses."

"The Jade Snow Sect has a small amount of jiao blood and a piece of armored rhinoceros horn."

"Yuhengzong has a bottle of demon emperor bear beast blood,"

"As far as I know, the lord on the top of our Yulanzong mountain has a bear bird in his hand. It is unknown whether he has eaten it or not."

All the sect masters summed up, well, the few hard-to-find items are basically all in place, and they continued to ask expectantly: "Little Fairy, continue to talk about the higher-level ones."

"Further up, distracted to cross the catastrophe, we need Canghai Polygonatum from the sea area, Tianxin Mingyuehua, Jiaolong horn and a section of spine,"

Le Yun paused, and said together: "It's too difficult to pass the catastrophe to Mahayana, and it's even more difficult to find the things you need. The main medicine is the leaves of the nine-flowered bamboo, the young shoots that have not broken through the ground at the end of February, and some more. Take the dew from Jiuzizhu on the day of Lichun or Liqiu.

If you don't have Jiuzizhu, you can also have fire lotus. Fire lotus needs to be matched with the frost water collected from the leaves of kylin on the day of Lidong.In addition, the eyes and fish bones of the kun fish in the deep sea are also needed, as well as the inner alchemy, and the eternal stone more than 5 years old. "

Canghai Yuzhu is the jasper phoenix-tailed bamboo on the earth, and Tianxin Mingyuehua is the giant clam flower. The names of these two things in Dongchen Continent are slightly different from those on the earth, and they are also very rare.

It is said that the Canghai Polygonatum can only be found on the far sea islands in the southeast sea area, and Tianxin Mingyuehua grows in seashells, and that kind of seashells live in the far seas of the eastern sea area and the southern sea area, which is also rare.

The fire lotus is a plant bred by underground volcanoes, and it belongs to the treasure of heaven and earth; the unicorn tree is the Podocarpus pine, and the Dongchen Continent is gone now. It is rumored that it existed before the continent collapsed, and it is a rare spiritual tree.

The eternal stone is Tai Sui.

Le classmate has read millions of books, and basically read all the basic books that record the mainland's natural treasures, spiritual plants, monsters, etc. After nearly two years of research, he also put plants and animals in the same place.

All the real people humbly asked for advice, and when they heard the name given by the little fairy, their expressions were: "..."

"Finding Canghai Yuzhu is not a problem."

"Tianxin Mingyuehua appeared in the distant sea."

"The fire lotus may also be found."

"There are also kun fish."

"Immortal Sect has Eternal Stones."

"The Qilin tree and Jiuzizhu are extinct."

The five sect masters and the great elders spoke one sentence at a time, and when they were broken down, it turned out to be quite rhythmic.

The combination of them means that everyone works hard to find Canghai Yuzhu, Tianxin Mingyuehua, Fire Lotus, Kunyu can also be caught, and the ancient stones are available in every fairy sect, but what the hell are Qilin Tree and Jiuzizhu?

Jiuzi bamboo became extinct millions of years ago, and kylin tree disappeared from the mainland hundreds of millions of years ago, and the remnants of Jiuzi bamboo can still be found in the mainland, so there is no kylin tree, except for its name, there is nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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