magic eye doctor

Chapter 1311 As long as they are happy

Chapter 1311 As long as they are happy
The real people of the five immortal sects have a snack.

Thinking about the rhyme of the meaning of several great immortal sects, sighed silently, and gave friendly advice: "I don't recommend that you put it into practical actions, and the fragrance of the spirit is not [-]% effective. Instead of working hard for the fragrance of the spirit, it is better to practice down-to-earth, or Find other resources."

"Don't worry, little fairy, we are just discussing and discussing, and we are idle anyway."

"That's right, now that you know which medicines are introduced, you can collect them when you find resources in the future."

"It's better to know more than less."

Because three or two of his disciples were promoted to Nascent Soul in one day, the real people in power of the five great immortal sects are in a good mood, they have long lost the arrogance of immortals, and are as kind as the grandfather next door.

What else can students say?As long as they are happy.

The happy real people boiled the spiritual spring water and made spiritual tea to drink.

The disciples of the five great immortal sects all dispersed after their promotion, and those who ran out to watch the excitement in the middle of the night also dispersed, and hurried back to practice.

Mu Yuechan also went to watch with her fellow clan members, and found that not only Yu Qi Yu Nineteen was promoted to Yuan Ying at the same time, but also a personal disciple who was usually inconspicuous also successfully conceived, she was so jealous that she almost pinched her palms.

There are already four Daoist Nascent Soul disciples, all of whom are younger than her, and three of them are juniors.

She felt that a certain person was born to restrain her, and that person easily helped others to advance, thus crushing her to death and making her unable to hold her head up.

Mu Yuechan was angry and resentful, and after the head of the sect and the elders went to the main tent, she quietly retreated to her own tent, extinguished the candles that illuminated it, and secretly cursed someone troubled by gritting her teeth in the dark.

When the fragrance of tea wafted from the tent of Sect Master Yulan, Luo Cheng washed himself deliciously, and floated lightly to the front of the wooden house to wait for leisure.

He waited for about one stick of incense, and the people who went to take a bath by the river flew back one after another.

All the young people who have been promoted take a bath at the fastest speed. Because a lot of impurities are discharged, each of them washes at least three times before washing away the dirt. They dry their hair at the fastest speed and return quickly.

The three senior brothers of the Yulan Sect's newly promoted Yuanying class ran back to the little fairy's house and flew into the middle hall without making a sound. First, they opened the windows for ventilation. The windows of the wooden house are double-layered. The wooden boards can be disassembled and assembled at will. In the hot season, the wooden boards are removed, and the windows are floor-to-ceiling carved windows.

The windows were removed and put aside, the brothers took out cloth and water, wet the cloth, and scrubbed the chairs they sat on, the floor around them, and the edge of the table.

The disciples of Yuxue, Yuheng, Yuxia, and Yuqingzong also entered the wooden house to clean without saying a word.

All the young people carefully wiped off the dirty places, wiped the floor and all the tables and chairs again, and then dried the water with the wind technique.

Feeling that there was still a bit of a bad smell in the air, everyone worked together to blow around the wooden house with a wind technique, and then lit a stick of incense and stuck it in the soil to smoke.

After cleaning up, a group of young people went to the nearest Yuxiazong tent to drink tea, and then went back to their respective camps.

Classmate Le waited for the people outside to do a good job of hygiene, and brought the golden retriever back to his house. Those real people can go without food for several years, and no matter how much tea they drink, they will not feel urgent to urinate. She is an ordinary person, and she will urinate after drinking too much urgent.

Climbing back to my own site, I felt good for a second. First, I closed the door, went into the kitchen and opened the window, and moved out a large earthen stove made by myself and put it in the kitchen, and then got firewood.

She didn't stay in Yulanzong for nothing. She ran far away from the main peak to find pottery clay and clay, and built many earthen stoves. Fire the earthen stove, by the way, use the earthen stove as a cellar to burn pottery.

Self-made jar containers are not as delicate and exquisite as professionals, but they are practical. There are enough containers for wild fruits and plant seeds.

Take out a pile of firewood from the space, burn the firewood in the earthen stove, and put a large stone pot on the stove, wait for it to be slightly hot, brush the oil several times, put the marinated grouse and spiritual plants into the pot , use another stone pot upside down to make salt-baked chicken.

Then turn on the anthracite stove, stew lamb, stew hog meat and monster bear meat, stew fish head soup, put some hard vegetables on the stove, regenerate a firewood stove, put a flat stone pot, take out the reconciled Throw the dough out of the space, knead it, then divide it into groups and spread the cakes, and use a stone pot to pancakes.

The little one is making spiritual food, and the golden-haired, pissed-off is working as a fire burner. While lighting the fire, his saliva flows three thousand feet. God is sorry, he hasn't seen the little one's spiritual food for several months.

The little fairy ran away, and the real people of the five great immortal sects drank a pot of tea, and went back to their own sects, practicing and cultivating. In the middle of the night, they were stimulated by the scent of spiritual food and regained their senses from the practice. They all looked at the air speechlessly, Silently and earnestly meditate again.

Le classmate was busy until midnight, turning over the salt-baked grouse in a stone pot. After that, he put a wooden support in the pot, then put a bamboo steamer, and steamed the buns at the same time.

The steamed buns are steamed for half an hour, and then steamed in another cage. The steamed buns are soaked in the aroma of grouse, and they taste delicious.

So, the first cage of steamed stuffed buns was killed by a golden lion roaring in one go. He was not a vegetarian at first, but ended up hanging out with the little one for a long time, and now he is not a vegetarian.

With Golden Retriever's belly, he can eat as much as classmate Le cooks. Of course, the steamed buns were not given to him and were put away.

Before dawn, Le put the baked grouse and the braised lamb out of the pot, and put another raw material on the pot. At the same time, he forked a pig to make a barbecue. While guarding the barbecue, he changed the dough to make pancakes.

When the morning light dawned and the darkness dawned, the team members in front of the secret realm woke up one after another from their sleep. They were all tempted by the scent of spiritual food to secretly swallow their saliva, feeling resentful in their hearts. Who would not invite people to eat, and make delicious food to tempt them? It's really wicked!

Master Li Zuo, Guardian Zuo, and Elder Mu, Elder Lan finished their practice, brewed spiritual tea and drank it, walked out of the main tent, and flew gracefully into the depths of Wolf Mountain, where they disappeared in a blink of an eye.

As soon as the three big figures of Yulan Sect left, the powerful leaders of Yuxue, Yuxia, Yuqing, and Yuheng Sect also took to the sky one after another, rushing to the deep ridge inside Langshan Mountain.

The other sects and teams were secretly nervous. Could it be that there was some movement in the inner circle of Wolf Mountain, which is why the five high-level monks of the immortal sect formed a team to investigate?
While others were still in shock, a group of disciples from each of the five great immortal sects led by Yuan Ying went to the inner circle of Wolf Mountain.

The teams waiting for the opening of the secret realm were even more panicked. There were only a few real people left in the five great immortal sects. Could it be that something big happened in the inner circle of Wolf Mountain?
The team, which was a little anxious in their hearts, waited until the sun rose to the top of the mountain, but they didn't hear any visions around the wolf mountain, so they also dispatched one after another to collect useful resources nearby.

The teams stationed in front of the secret realm went out one after another, leaving less than half of them. Many scattered teams were busy preparing dry food and storing food, which was quite lively.

Mu Yuechan went out of the camp to meet her master in the middle of the morning. She saw Elder Lu meditating in the tent, but she didn't dare to act like a baby with her master. Spirit food.

Several teams and several sects originally wanted to visit the owner of the wooden house, but when they saw the owner closing the door to thank the guests from a distance, they didn't bother to bother them. They didn't see the owner of the wooden house open until the middle of the morning, so they temporarily gave up their visit.

Near noon, a new group of people arrived, more than [-] people. It is considered a large team in terms of numbers, and its strength is not low. There are fifteen Nascent Souls, four in the out-of-body stage, one in the distraction stage and one in the fusion stage.

A group of people is not an organization. After arriving, it is divided into three groups. One group has more than 100 people. He is a bigu and fusion monk.

The team with the highest strength wore uniform service, azure blue robes, a fiery red circle around the waist, and a fiery red stripe on the sleeves and the hem of the robes.

Its team comes from the famous island in the southeast sea—Yancheng of Yandao.

Yan Island is a large island, about 300 million miles away from the coast of Dongchen Continent, the main island is more than 2000 million miles across, and there are hundreds of islands around it.

Its island is also the most inhabited island in the sea from the land. Looking around the mainland, the inhabited islands in other directions are about several million miles away from the land. 200 million miles, no matter how far away it is, it is an inaccessible place.

It's not that no one wants to go, but that the sea monsters are too ferocious. Once human beings settle down, they will be slaughtered one day or overnight.

Yandao is also a dominant city in the sea area composed of casual cultivators. Most of the residents are casual cultivators and post-rogue cultivators, with a total population of several billion.

Because Yan Island is very wide, there are many free cities, and the overlord is Yancheng.

As soon as the new group of people arrived, they were a little dizzy by the wooden house in front of the secret realm and the aroma of spiritual food wafting from the wooden house. Is this exploring the secret realm, or playing in the mountains and rivers?

Whose family went to the secret realm to snatch resources and bring a wooden house?
Have you seen it?

The three teams from the sea area almost thought that they had gone to the wrong place, but the huge secret vortex was hanging there, indicating that they did not go the wrong way, and the one who went to the wrong place should be the owner of the wooden house.

The three teams full of doubts landed and chose a place to camp, and at the same time sent clever people to inquire about the news.

The spies who were in charge of inquiring about the news found the target who wanted to inquire about the news, and gave them special spiritual fruits from Shanghai as rewards, and soon gained a lot of useful information.

Turning around, the spies returned to the team to report the results to the team leader.

When the scouts from Yancheng ran back to the camp, the main tent had already been set up, and the leaders were inside, so they quickly slipped in and reported to the leader sitting in the main seat: "Ruan Zhenren, I found out that the owner of the wooden house is a girl, from the Yulan sect. guests."

Ruan Zhenren is a monk at the fusion stage. He looks about [-] years old, with a beard and a cold face. When he heard the spies report, he couldn't help being slightly surprised: "A guest of the Yulan Sect?"

"Yes, this girl has a very special background. It is said that the former head of the Yulan Sect blocked the thunder and survived. Now she is the guest of the Yulan Sect. The mainland cultivating circles regard her as an auspicious star. We also regard her as a distinguished guest, she is the little fairy that the Jin Yao royal family talked about."

The spies will report what they have found out: "In addition, it is said that the little fairy is blessed and unparalleled, and whoever she protects is lucky. Last night, the elite disciples of the five great immortal sects went to the little fairy's wooden house as guests. With the help of the little fairy, there were a dozen golden alchemists. To be promoted to Nascent Soul at the same time makes many people envious."

"Is it really that amazing?"

The real people in the big tent couldn't believe it. Doesn't Zhen Youze being someone else's lucky star mean that whoever invites her to sit in the Zongmen, and Zongmen disciples are promoted as easily as drinking water.

"Yes, among the team stationed in front of the secret realm, everyone above foundation establishment knows what happened last night. I heard that when more than a dozen golden cores were promoted, the Nascent Soul's coercion came and went. Fortunately, some of them were far away. It might scare you to pee."

The spies spoke eloquently, and the real people were dubious. Ruan Zhenren looked at a Jindan: "Ma Er, I remember that you met a direct disciple of the Yulan sect. How is your friendship?"

The named Ma Er is a young monk. Don't think that his name is Ma Er, he is the type of "Zhang San Li Si Wang Er Ma Zi". He is a handsome young man in Yushu Linfeng. People in remote areas are illiterate and don't have a good name, so they are called Ma Er.

Ma Er was questioned by Daoist Ruan, and he replied respectfully: "I have some friendship with Luo Cheng, the first direct disciple of Yulan Sect's previous head. Brother Luo keeps his promise and is a friend worthy of deep friendship. I have never had any filth with him. The relationship is pretty good."

"Ruan Zhenren," the spies cleverly reported what he knew again: "The eldest disciple of the Yulan Sect has also come this time, and he has already been ranked as Yuanying Daoist. I heard that Luo Zhenren and his juniors want to praise the little fairy. In the palm of my hand, a fairy beast of his junior brother will always follow the little fairy."

"Ruan Zhenren, brother Luo lost his left arm more than ten years ago. Everyone was sorry for him. It was concluded that he would never have a baby in this life. When I parted from him six years ago, he was still a golden core. He can be promoted to a nascent soul. There must be a romance, "

Ma Er volunteered: "Brother Luo actually came to the secret realm. I would like to find a time to visit my old friend. I would like to ask Master Ruan for permission."

"Well, yes, you should visit your old friends when you have time. Don't go empty-handed, and bring some spiritual fruits from the sea that are scarce on the mainland."

Ruan Zhenren readily agreed that no matter whether a certain little fairy is really blessed or not, she is regarded as a guest of honor by the five immortal sects, and it is best not to oppose her.

The clever spy reported the news of his investigation again, saying that the head of Yulan Sect and the senior monks went to the inner circle of Langshan early in the morning, and the head of Yuxue Yuxia Yuheng Yuqingzong also took people to the inner circle , After that, the disciples of the five great immortal sects also went to the inner mountains one after another, but have not returned yet.

Of course, he also found out that the owner of the small wooden house did not go, and the little fairy was staying in the wooden house with the fairy beast from the Yulan Sect to make spiritual food.

There are many treasure-hunting teams in front of the secret realm, and it is the five immortal sects that must really focus on how to get along. After all, the five immortal sects are the leaders of the immortal cultivation world in Dongchen Continent. Hai Yu doesn't want to offend any Xianzong.

The leaders of the Yancheng Treasure Hunting Team analyzed the situation and knew what to do. They had to observe and observe first.

(End of this chapter)

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