magic eye doctor

Chapter 1312

Chapter 1312
The main goal of the team stationed in front of the secret realm is to enter the secret realm. No one wants to lose manpower before the secret realm is opened to affect their strength, so even if they go around to collect resources, they don't go far, and they stay within a hundred miles.

The disciples of the Five Great Immortal Sects have Yuanying to press the formation, and go deep into the inner circle for two to three hundred miles to sweep resources, while the main peak of Wolf Mountain is surrounded by the greatest crisis in thousands of years. monster.

Some of the high-level monsters in the inner circle of Wolf Mountain escaped when they sensed the threat of human high-level monks long ago, and some hid. come out.

The five great immortal sects formed a team to encircle and suppress the monsters in Langshan, which is undoubtedly a disaster for the monsters. If you ask why the people of the immortal sects chased and killed the monsters, the reason is nothing more than old grievances.

Thousands of years ago when the secret realm was opened, all the five great immortal sects sent disciples to explore the secret realm. The team that explored the secret realm suffered heavy losses in the secret realm, and those who managed to get out of the secret realm alive were attacked by wolf mountain monsters. Ninety percent of the regiment was wiped out.

The disciples of the five great immortal sects were also not much better, and even the Nascent Soul-level Daoist had lost a lot, and only a very few were able to escape and report back.

The Immortal Sect suffered heavy losses. Later investigations revealed that there were monsters at the level of demon gods in the secret realm of Wolf Mountain. During the period of crossing the catastrophe, each sect and the real Mahayana were dispatched, and the monsters at the level of demon gods in Wolf Mountain were nowhere to be found.

In view of the painful lessons from ten thousand years ago, this time, the top immortal sect did not want to repeat the same mistakes, and conducted a thorough search first, but hunted and killed any monsters that might threaten the disciples of the sect, so as to prevent future troubles.

As a result, the monsters in Langshan couldn't understand why human beings wanted to kill them all, so they became helpless to pay for the crimes committed by a monster ten thousand years ago.

The high-level monks who went deep into the inner circle did not go back at night, lurking deep in the mountains, secretly spying for any monsters hiding in dark caves or formations, and relaxing at night to reveal their flaws.

The disciples who went out of the Five Immortals School returned to the station in front of the secret realm when it was dark. They all tidied up and went to the wooden house for a stroll. The little fairy didn't open the door, so they went back to their tents to practice.

That night, the team camp stationed in front of the secret realm was still very quiet, and the treasure hunters also slept very peacefully. Early the next morning, the disciples of the five great immortal sects went into the depths of Wolf Mountain together.

Ma Eryuan planned to visit old friends in the morning, but before breakfast time, the disciples of the Yulan Sect set off in a team, so he had to postpone the plan.

The treasure hunt team from the sea area rested for half a day and one night. During the day, some people went to collect resources, and some people walked around the station, exchanging the rare spiritual plant spiritual fruit in the mainland with the spiritual plant spiritual fruit that is only found in the sea area.

On the same day, several groups of treasure-seeking teams came, most of them were teams from certain empires or cultivation families in the Northland and Westlands, with as many as a hundred people and as few as twenty.

The old ones and the newcomers were all poisoned by the scent of spiritual food, but they were not familiar with people, so they could only look at the wooden house and drool secretly.

It was not until the sun was halfway down that the door of the wooden house was opened after being closed for two days. A big golden lion stood guard on the corridor outside the central hall of the wooden house. It was majestic and majestic.

When the sun was about to set, the real team of the five great immortal sects who had been away for one night and two days returned together and landed in the camp in front of the secret realm. They didn't return to the sect's site and visited the wooden house in a fluttering mood.

Golden Retriever looked at a group of human monks with different characteristics, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "Really, every time the little one cooks something for the deity, he will always be robbed of it. Is it easy for the deity?"

"Jin Mao, you are the treasure of the little fairy, who would dare to steal your spiritual food." Li Yangzi flew to the corridor, and reached out to touch the head of the big lion full of resentment: "We caught a few demon king-level monsters!" , bring it back and give it to Little Fairy, Little Fairy has been so kind to you, how can I lose your share."

The golden retriever let out a humming sound, reluctantly accepting a group of guys snatching food and getting out of the way.

Head Cun, head Shang, and the others secretly twitched their mouths. Sure enough, the golden lion of the Yulan Sect was spoiled by the little fairy, and even the head of the Yulan Sect wanted to coax him to enter.

Li Yangzi led the crowd into the central hall, and invited the guests from the four sects to take their seats. He went to the kitchen on the side, saw the little fairy still busy in the kitchen, flew over, and gave her the Qiankun bracelet.

"The Yulan Sect and fellow real people went around the inner circle of Wolf Mountain for two days, but they couldn't find any demon beasts at the level of demon emperors. They caught a few little monsters at the level of demon emperors, and gave them to the little fairies as spiritual food when they have nothing to do."

Li Yangzi was very generous, putting all the monsters caught by the five great immortal sects into a super-large storage container and giving them to the little fairy regardless of their level.

"I like this gift." The immortal sects gave themselves ingredients, Le Yun smiled happily, and took the storage to check, ouch, monsters, black bears, brown bears, tigers, leopards, eagles, eagles, lizards, birds , grouse, rabbits, etc., and a huge boa constrictor.

I don’t know if a group of immortals haven’t been fighting for a long time, so they ran to the mountains to try their hands with monsters. All kinds of monsters and beasts were piled up in a pot. The biggest monster king-level short-toothed tiger and black bear, black-spotted leopard And boa constrictors, all of them are scary big.

Seeing a pile of ingredients, Le Yun was so happy that she could not see her teeth, she put the ingredients into her storage container, and returned the Qiankun bracelet: "The master master and the real people sit first, and there is probably more spiritual food The time has just come out. Please tell the sect masters to inform the real people who are sitting in the tent to come together."

"Okay, maybe there are too many people, little fairy, don't worry, we can afford to wait." Li Yangzi took the Qiankun bracelet with a smile on his face, flew out of the kitchen, and returned to sit in the middle hall.

The real people sitting in the middle hall also heard what the little fairy said. The head of Yuxue Yuxia Yuqing Yuheng Sect sent the real people sitting in the tent to visit the little fairy's residence.

The real people of each sect were delighted when they heard that the little fairy invited them to eat the spiritual food. They tidied up, boarded the cabins in twos and threes, and sat in the middle hall, looking forward to the spiritual food with joy.

They haven't expected the spiritual food yet, and the disciples of their sect also returned together, all of them took a bath before returning, and the smell of vanilla fell in front of the cabin, and Yu Shijiu rushed towards the cabin in a hurry : "Little sister, little sister, brother found something good."

Seeing the soaring contract partner, Golden Retriever stretched out his big paws to lift him up: "Don't be sobbing and yelling, the little one is busy in the kitchen, scaring her that if she gets her hands burned, you are the only one to ask."

Yu Mowen, who was picked up as a chick, was saddened in his heart: "Golden Retriever, whose family's Golden Retriever are you? Is there anyone who eliminates contract partners like you?"

"Who doesn't know that this deity is now the golden retriever next to the little one, step aside and learn more from the big brother." Golden retriever threw the contract partner aside: "The real people from all sects are here as guests, you go to the kitchen."

"Got it." Yu Mowen straightened his clothes, and didn't bother with Jin Maohou, he scurried to stay beside Seventh Senior Brother, and left with the Senior Brothers.

The disciples of Yuxue, Yuheng, Yuqing, and Yuxiazong had already seen Jin Maohou's loyalty to the little fairy wholeheartedly, so it was not surprising.

All the young people walked into the middle hall without squinting, saluted the head of the sect and the real people first, and then lined up to eat in the kitchen.

The kitchen was occupied by the stove, and the tables and chairs in the dining room were not enough for people to sit on. Luo Cheng simply put away the tables and chairs, and used the floor as a stool to sit facing each other with all the brothers and sisters. The way to sit in three rows, so that the space is more than enough.

After arranging people to sit down, Luo Cheng sent storage containers to the little junior sister, specifically explaining which one belonged to which sect.

Not counting the disciples of the Five Immortals Sect, the average number of high-ranking real people such as the sect master and the Great Elder is about ten, and less than sixty people are all gathered together. There are more than 100 disciples who go out to help collect resources, and more than 100 people are running around. In two days, the harvest was rich, and there were piles of monsters and spirit plants and spirit fruits.

Le Yun received the gift softly, smiled so hard that she couldn't see her eyes, transferred all the things into her personal storage, and returned the storage.

The little fairy burst into laughter, and the young monks were in a happy mood. The little fairy liked the gifts they gave, and their hard work was not in vain.

Everyone is back, and dinner can be served soon, Le Yun grabs the cheap seniors of Yulan Sect to serve as hard work, and asks them to go to the middle hall to put away the long table and replace it with a round table.

Luo Cheng only took the seventh junior brother to the middle hall, and found the storage from the top box cabinet in the small compartment at the back of the middle hall. One of them collected the table, and the other took out the round table and round drum stool to rearrange.

The arhat bed in the middle hall remains unchanged, only the long square table is removed, and some round stools are added. A large table for 20 people is placed in two rows.

All the real people cooperated very well, and waited for the table to be set before sitting down by themselves.

The two brothers set up the table and went back to the kitchen to wait for the mission.

Everything was ready, Le Yun also opened the pot and asked the dishes to come out of the oven. First, he brought out the three stewed second-level monster wild boars, and then brought out the whole monster cows, hogs, deer, sand crocodiles, whole fish, and whole animals. grouse, and two Lingzhi vegetarian dishes, and finally fish head soup.

The younger junior sister served the dishes, and Luo Cheng led the juniors to help cut the meat, put it in a basin, and sent it to the middle hall. Every table was packed to the brim with the meat basin.

The last brother who left took a storage container and handed out chopsticks and steamed buns. A steamed bun used half a catty of noodles, and after steaming, it was as big as a ripe thousand-eyed golden pear.

"Little junior sister is not done with her work yet, so I won't come out to accompany you, please take it easy, real people." When the spiritual food was in place, Luo Cheng saluted and brought his junior back to the kitchen.

The real people don't mind if the little fairy has no time to entertain. After the head of the Yulan Sect took a sip on behalf of the master, everyone immediately opened the table.

Miao Pu also visited the small wooden house with the three elders who stayed behind. After eating the first mouthful of the spiritual food, he felt mixed feelings. The taste of the spiritual food was as delicious as the fragrance. To catch monsters in exchange for the chance to eat spiritual food.

The spiritual food made by the little fairy is a hundred times more delicious than the spiritual food made by her apprentice, Miao Pu silently chopped it up quickly, because the spiritual food arouses the resonance of true energy, that kind of experience is too difficult to appear, and she is reluctant to let such a good opportunity slip away from her eyes Walk.

(End of this chapter)

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