magic eye doctor

Chapter 1314 Don't Abandon Me

Chapter 1314 Don't Abandon Me

Birthmarks are hard to find something you want to eat, and it is rare to have a reaction. Le Yun naturally cares about it. After flying for a while, the test did not change, and the golden retriever walked in the opposite direction from the secret place.

The golden retriever ran happily.

Le classmate sensed the heat of the birthmark, and when the distance gradually weakened, the heat became weaker, which proved that the direction was wrong, so he turned again, flew a certain distance and measured again, and turned around again when the measured direction was wrong.

The golden retriever couldn't understand what the little one was doing, and asked her why curiously. She said that she smelled some kind of plant, and she didn't know where it was, so she had to search in all directions, so he didn't ask any more, and just took charge of flying. .

There is a heart-warming golden retriever who works hard as a mount. Le students only need to speak out and test several directions over and over again. After tossing until almost noon, there is finally a new progress - from the mountain on the side of the secret valley to the secret. When going to the direction behind the narrow valley, the heat of the birthmark rises.

The birthmark finally reacted, Le Xiao couldn't help but continued to rush forward for more than a hundred miles, the birthmark was as hot as a soldering iron, and continued for more than ten miles, the heat became weaker.

According to the birthmark reaction, I turned back for more than ten miles, walked in different directions, excluded several directions, and finally pointed to the back of the secret canyon covered by gray fog.

Golden Retriever Roar followed the instructions of the little one, and rushed forward. After crossing the canyon covered by gray mist, he turned over several transverse mountain ranges. On the other side of the mountain range was a medium-sized canyon. Can't see the side.

There are small hills and continuous forests in the hinterland of a flat plain. The forest is as wide as a sea. There is a huge lake between the forest sea and several hills, and there are islands in the lake.

Because the climate in the middle land is mild, the forest is still green, and the lake reflects the surrounding trees and clear sky, which is blue and blue, like a huge sapphire inlaid in the middle of the green land.

The lake is sparkling on a sunny day, which is really beautiful.

"Little boy, this lake is very beautiful, and the water is also very good. There must be big fish." The golden retriever flew over the narrow valley, overlooking the large lake in the distance, and his first thought was to absorb water with the snail!

What the hell, why is it a deep lake?Le Yun endured the urge to raise her head and scold the country, but she remained calm on the surface: "Go to the lake and have a look."

The Golden Retriever ran happily, flew to the edge of the big lake, had a bird's-eye view of the lake and the forest, and still had the same idea - he wanted to suck the lake water with the snail, he wanted to test whether the lake could be filled with the snail.

It's so close to the lake, the birthmark on her arm is burning like a branding iron, Le Yun has the heart to scold ten thousand MMPs, it's really enough, the things needed for the birthmark are in the lake!
Looking at the azure blue lake, she refused in her heart, she was afraid of deep water, okay?
No matter whether something is in the lake or in... or mysteriously, it has something to do with the lake. She is a person who is afraid of deep water, so she is not joking to let her take the risk of jumping into the lake?

Looking at the surface of the lake and a certain mysterious "door" above the lake, Le Yun was so entangled in her heart that tears flowed like a river, should she go or not?
There is a magical "gate" on the lake - a vortex like the gate of time and space, but it is not a gate of time and space, it should be the eye or teleportation array left by the immortal with great supernatural power long, long ago.

The vortex is different from the vortex-shaped gate of time and space. It is hard to say how to say it specifically. Probably the vortex of the gate of time and space looks like there are countless thin layers of aura stacked on top of each other. The vortex is a single layer and always appears thin.

The vortex on the lake is similar to the great vortex in the [-]-year-old secret realm in the narrow valley. The former is invisible, and the latter has already appeared because it is about to open and needs to gather strength.

A certain gate on the lake, quietly "lying" in the lake, with the mouth of the vortex facing upwards, has been maintained for an unknown number of years.

The lake is formed by absorbing hundreds of rivers, and I don't know how deep it is.

Le Yun, who wanted to scold the country, didn't know how to describe her mood, and she was so entangled that she wanted to jump off the building. She wanted to explore, but she was afraid that that place was the underwater world.

If it was the underwater world, she would be reduced to a snack for ferocious beasts if she entered the deep water like a landlubber whose feet were limp.

I don't want to be a monster snack, but I don't want to give up the "food" that the birthmark on her arm likes. The things she wants to "eat" in her space must not be ordinary things. If she misses it, she doesn't know when she will meet again.

After struggling for a long time, Le Yun finally couldn't hold back her obsession with space, and let the big lion fly to the place with vortex.

The golden retriever descended excitedly and flew less than three feet away from the lake.

It's so close to the lake, it's like walking on the lake, Le Yun's heart is so nervous that her heart can't beat, and she's also very afraid that a big whirlpool or a beast will suddenly appear on the lake and swallow herself .

Golden Retriever Roar didn't know, he swayed slowly, and happily landed on the lake, put his feet into the lake water, and walked like walking on water.

The big lion had fun playing in the water, and Le Yun wanted to cry. She was really afraid that the golden retriever would get stuck in the lake, but she couldn't let the big lion know that she was afraid of deep water, and the skin on her back was stretched even tighter than the skin on the drum.

When her nervous heartstrings were about to break, Golden Retriever walked slowly to the designated place. He didn't know what the little one saw, but he didn't see it anyway, and stretched out his feet to stir the lake water.

A big golden retriever is as happy as a child playing with water, Le Yun's heart aches, she looks down at the lake, what's more... I don't know whether to scold the country or cry, the golden retriever is clearly standing on the invisible vortex, But it didn't touch it, it just means that the golden retriever has nothing to do with it.

Such a fact broke her down. She still wanted to take the golden retriever to enter the world, but in the end, the golden retriever has no relationship with that mysterious place. Doesn't this mean that she is required to enter the world alone?

The sadness in his heart was beyond comprehension, Le Yun asked the golden retriever to step back, ten feet away from the coverage of the vortex, and restrained his fear of water, stood up in the air, grabbed the golden retriever's long hair and said: "Golden retriever, I want The thing you are looking for is here, you can't go, I will find it myself, you can go back."

"Ah?" The golden retriever almost fell into the lake, hurriedly stood up, stretched out a claw to grab the sleeve of the little one: "Little one, you don't want me? Don't leave me, take me, I If you don't cause trouble, you can still deter monsters."

"It's not that I don't want you, it's because you have no fate with this place," Le Yun stroked her big head, "There is a formation left by the predecessors here, and you can't activate it even if you step on the eye of the formation. Power is not welcome, if you want to force your way, your life will be explained here."

"I'll go in with you." The golden retriever quickly looked at the lake, and the paws holding the little one's sleeves tightened.

"No, I'll take you with me, even I was excluded," Le Yun patted the big lion's mouth: "I'll go in and have a look, if I can come out, I will come out first to tell you, if I don't come out for an hour If you can’t get out of battle for the time being, go back and tell Brother Luo that their secret realm won’t open until at least the end of mid-October, and the newly opened secret realm is unstable, so let them wait patiently for three to seven days before entering.”

"I..." Jin Maohou was not happy, very unhappy, he just wanted to follow the little one, and he didn't want to go anywhere else.

"Golden Retriever, be good. I found some rare spiritual plants and brought them back to make spiritual food for you. You can't follow me when I go in. If you follow me, I might be strangled by the formation."

"This..." Golden Retriever hesitated, he still wanted to wait for the little one to activate the formation and then rush to follow him into the formation. With his speed, he would definitely be able to catch up, but if he would kill the little one by rushing over, then he would definitely not go.

"Hey, don't worry about me. I can't beat a powerful monster, and there is a way to escape. Of course, if you think I don't like me, if you want to kill me, you can follow me secretly. If you don't want to hurt me, just listen to me."

"Okay, be careful, I'll wait for you to come back and make spiritual food for me." Golden Retriever reluctantly compromised, the little one was blessed by heaven, everything should be fine, he believed her just once.

The golden retriever lion is a bit clingy, but it is still very sensible in major matters. Le Yun is not afraid that he will secretly follow her into battle, so she told him a few words, rubbed his little ears, suppressed her fear of water, and flew to the invisible vortex .

When she flew above the vortex, her feet just touched the water surface, and the vortex was spinning at an extremely fast speed. Suddenly, a huge water vortex appeared on the lake surface, and a burst of light flashed, swallowing people into the vortex.

Golden Retriever stood on the surface of the water, watched the little one fly forward, and saw her fly to the place where he had stayed before, where a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared on the surface of the lake, which shocked him too.

The little one didn't lie to him, he really didn't have a relationship with a certain place, so even if he touched any formation, he didn't have any reaction, and the little one was aroused as soon as he went.

Just as his consciousness slowed down a little, the little one disappeared. He only saw a flash of light, but he didn't see clearly how the vortex took the human beings away.

Human beings disappeared out of thin air, and the lake was instantly calm, with no whirlpools or lights, as if nothing had happened.

The golden retriever roared with staring lion eyes, and was really stunned for a while, staring blankly at the calm lake, unable to accept the reality for a while, the little one just disappeared?
He stood motionless on the surface of the lake, staring at the place where the little one disappeared. One stick of incense passed by without any movement, two sticks of incense passed without movement, and three sticks of incense...for a quarter of an hour, for a quarter of an hour...

Waiting and waiting, Golden Retriever stood stiffly in the same place and waited for half an hour before the little one came back. He silently went back to the forest by the lake and continued to wait. One hour passed, two hours passed...

After waiting for three full hours, the sun had moved to the west and dusk was coming.

Golden Retriever knew that he would not be able to wait for the little one, so he flew into the sky dejectedly, and returned to the canyon in front of the secret realm to report to the real people of Yulan Sect.

His speed is fast, even if he swayed slowly, he climbed over several mountains in less than a stick of incense, and returned to the canyon in front of the secret place shrouded in gray mist.

Because Li Yangzi and the others had the golden retriever following the little fairy, they had nothing to worry about. In the evening, when they realized that the golden retriever had returned, but there was no sign of the little fairy, the real people who were meditating in the main tent rushed out of the tent immediately.

People flew out of the tent, and seeing the golden hair roaring down, Elder Mu's eyes widened: "Golden hair, where is the little fairy? Where did you throw the little fairy?"

(End of this chapter)

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