magic eye doctor

Chapter 1315 It's All Unfamiliar

Chapter 1315 It's All Unfamiliar
Elder Mu, Elder Lan, and the others who saw the figure of Jinmaohou were a bit confused when they saw Jinmaohou, why did Jinmaohou drop the little fairy, what's wrong with it?

Golden Retriever Roar, who was acting as a messenger, was filled with grief and indignation. It was obvious that the little guy didn't want him, but in the eyes of those humans, he turned into a little guy who threw away the little guy?

Is it because Xiaobudian is small and he is big, do you think he is bullying Xiaobudian?
Being misunderstood, Golden Retriever Roar was so sad that he wanted to cry, he rushed to the head of Li, and grabbed the sleeve of a certain human being sadly: "It's not that the deity threw away the little one, it's that the little one didn't want the deity."

"Golden Retriever, stop messing around, you are in the out-of-body stage, and the little fairy is only in the fusion stage, can she throw you?"

Not to mention others, Mu Lianzi was the first to not believe it, and grabbed the big lion's hair: "Hurry up and tell me where you threw the little guy. There are no demon emperor-level monsters in the Wolf Mountain Secret Realm. There are many demon emperor-level monsters. In case the monster finds out that Little Fairy is alone, they can't arrest her for snacks."

"It's so small that I don't want my deity." Not being understood, Jin Maohou became even more sad, and explained bitterly: "When I was looking for some kind of spiritual plant, I found an ancient formation. This deity has no destiny there, so I left my deity and went .”

"Little Fairy discovered the ancient formation?" Several real people thought they were hallucinating. The wolf mountain secret realm is only one secret realm, so where did other secret realms come from, and where did the ancient formation come from?Even if there is an ancient continent, there must be some clues, why didn't they find any traces.

"It should be. Anyway, the deity doesn't feel anything in the place where it might be the eye of the formation. The little one will disappear when he walks there."

"In that case, it might really be some kind of ancient formation, Jin Mao, quickly take us to have a look."

Elder Mu, Elder Lan, and Zuo Hufali felt that there might really be some kind of big formation, but when they realized it, their first thought was - go and have a look!

Facts were as Xiao Budian said when he left, humans must check it out, Golden Retriever Roar didn't hesitate, and flew into the sky, running towards the back of the secret place shrouded in gray mist.

Sect Leader Li and Elder Lan, the elder of the left guardian tree, soared into the air, heading towards the direction where the golden retriever was going. Those who are interested can join us."

The real people of the Yulan Sect spoke with Jin Maohou without concealing it. The monks had sharp eyes and ears, and people in the Qi refining stage could hear it. No one would not be tempted, because of the status of the Yulan Sect, no one dared to stand out.

Yuxue, Yuxia, Yuheng, and Yuqingzong's real people heard the invitation from the head of Li, and they rushed to the sky like the wind, catching up with the Yulanzong's fellow Taoists, and they walked together.

All the teams sent out monks who could fly under the air to check. People in twos and threes took off from the front of the secret realm one after another, and those with aircrafts used aircrafts to rush into the distance in groups like meteors chasing the moon.

Luo Cheng kept his old friend Ma Er and waited for the junior sister to come back, but when Jin Maohou came back alone, he, his juniors and Ma Er also ran out of the tent to investigate, knowing the reason why the junior sister did not return, they didn't know what to say up.

When the elders of the sect and other sects left in the air, Luo Cheng also pulled his old friends and ran away: "Brother Ma, our little junior sister went to play, I made you wait in vain, we will go and have a look."

Ma Er also intends to explore the place where the little fairy found, and happily goes with her.

The strength of the monks varies, and their speed varies. Daoist people above Nascent Soul can travel thousands of miles in an instant, and those with higher strength can't even see their shadows. However, don't be afraid to lose track of them, because if you want to change direction, Daoist Nascent Soul will send a message to notify you. .

The team stretched for nearly a hundred miles like catching sheep. When the first group of people reached the finish line, the people behind were about thirty or forty miles away from the secret place.

The high-level real people from the five great immortal sects and several teams arrived at the lake first, and then flew over the lake with Golden Retriever Roaring. They all opened their fairy eyes and looked in all directions. No matter how they looked, they didn't feel any difference there.

The golden retriever roared and flew to the surface of the lake, and landed at the place where the little one disappeared. When it landed on the lake, it stretched out its paws to touch the water: "This is where the little one disappeared. I stood here with my back on my back and didn't respond. The little one walked here alone, here A huge vortex appeared, a light flickered for a while, and the little one disappeared."

The real people who landed on the lake following the Golden Retriever roared: "..."

They didn't know what to say, but in one word, the lake surface and water were no different from other areas in their eyes, except for the water, there was no aura fluctuation in the place designated by the golden retriever lion.

No one saw anything, and the golden retriever raised its tail high: "Hmph, I thought that one and a half of you might have a chance, but after a long time, you all have a shallow fate just like this deity. I can't even see the lines."

"..." All the real people wanted to squash the golden retriever into the lake and pour water into it, what nonsense are they talking about?How can people step down like this?

Most of the real people of Yuqingzong have the attributes of the water system. The head of Cun watched the lake twice, made a magic formula, submerged himself in the water, and went to explore the bottom of the lake.

Real people also sank into the water one after another, some used to avoid water drops, some controlled the water by themselves, and some wrapped themselves into a circle with true energy.

The real people who sank into the water found nothing, and dived all the way to the bottom of the lake, scaring the fish and shrimps in the lake that had been swimming freely like frightened birds, into a mess, and fled desperately.

Human beings wanted to investigate the bottom of the water. As the Golden Retriever Roar who watched the little one disappear in person, he didn't join in the fun. He himself was an authority figure who had experienced it himself, so he didn't need to mess around. He dared to see that human beings couldn't find useful clues at the bottom of the lake.

When another group of real people arrived, they saw Golden Retriever standing on the lake, looking up at the sun on the western mountain from a beautiful angle, his eyes were bright and sad.

The real people who were a beat behind flew to the vicinity of Golden Retriever Roar, looking around curiously.

"Don't look, they've gone into the lake." Golden Retriever glanced at the newcomers, stretched out his claws and pointed to where the humans were diving, and continued to look at the sky brightly and sadly.

The dozen or so real people who had just arrived took a look at the lake water, and some of them also dived into the lake, but most of them did not enter the water.

After a while, real people arrived one after another. Some people also dived to the bottom of the lake to check, and some stood above the lake and waited for the results.

Luo Cheng and the newly promoted Yuan Ying's juniors brought the Jin Danqi juniors and Ma Er at a slightly slower speed. They chased to the ground and found that some people who arrived first were staring at the lake. It didn't take Jin Mao to say that they could guess the elders of the sect Where did you go.

Luo Yi and the juniors didn't test the water with themselves, and the junior sister didn't even take the golden retriever with them, so they still shouldn't be sentimental and think that they are blessed to be able to open some kind of formation.

The real people who did not go down to the lake waited curiously for the news, but most of the cultivators who arrived one after another did not give up. They all ran back and forth after asking where Fairy Le disappeared.

There are countless lakes in Dongchen Continent, and thousands of them can be ranked. The lake in the mountains behind the Wolf Mountain Secret Realm Valley happens to be the one that can be ranked. It is about [-] times larger than the Banyue Lake in Yulan Mountain.

The surface of the lake is wide, and the deepest part is more than 6000 feet. For the high-level monks of the five great immortal sects, they just wander around after a few shakes. After searching several times, it took about a quarter of an hour before they broke through the water.

Seeing the failure of human beings, Golden Retriever's sad mood was instantly balanced, and he was extremely happy: "It turns out that you and this deity have no fate, so this deity can rest assured."

The real people who just got out of the water really want to clean up the golden retriever and roar, but unfortunately, they want face, and they are ashamed to haggle over every detail with a lion.

With a dark face, Elder Mu flew to the side of the big lion, and slapped him on the forehead: "You have the guts to say that? You follow the little fairy, and you can't go there even with the little fairy's blessing. How bad are you?"

"..." Golden Retriever's high-spirited aura was extinguished all of a sudden, he lowered his head in despair, turned around melancholy, and flew towards the secret realm dejectedly.

One sentence from Elder Mu knocked Golden Retriever down listlessly, Yu Qi hurriedly chased after him, stroked Golden Retriever's shiny hair and comforted him: "Jin Mao, Elder Mu is jealous that you are covered by a little fairy, you are the most powerful and the most blessed Golden Retriever, Little Fairy never forgets to give you a share of anything good, but Elder Mu doesn't have it."

Jin Maohou didn't have much energy, he just glanced at Senior Brother Yu, and continued walking with his head down in a gloomy mood.

The big lion was obviously in a bad mood after being hit, and Yu Qi didn't know what to do to coax him, so he had to run back with him.

Looking at a certain lion that was injured and left, Mu Lianzi's rigid face was cracked. That broken lion must be too narrow-minded, so he can't bear it?More squeamish than girls!

Master Cun and the others almost didn't laugh out loud, it's really rare that such a proud Golden Retriever Roar was so angry that he ran away with a single sentence.

They didn't find the so-called formation or passage to the secret realm. The real people felt a little regretful, but they didn't struggle too much. If there is no fate, there is no fate. There is nothing to care about. They want to know what it is, and there will be results when the little fairy comes back.

The high-ranking monks of the five great immortal sects floated back to the secret place, and when they left the head, they threw a boat-shaped flying machine to their direct disciple Luo Yi, and asked the direct disciple to wait by the lake until the people behind came to the lake to find their way before using the flying machine They brought them back because they told people to come and see them, and they had to be responsible for the safety of the monks. If they left and some monsters took advantage of the opportunity to slaughter low-level monks, it would be the fault of the Yulan Sect.

Luo Cheng and his juniors waited by the lake, and when all the Golden Core stage monks rushed to the lake for a stroll, they returned the monks with flying machines, and picked up some low-level monks below the Golden Core stage on the way.

The wolf mountain and the deep mountains at night are extremely dangerous, and the low-level monks also know that it is powerful, so naturally they don't have to go to the lake, hitch a ride and return to the station before the secret realm.

Some elders of the Yulan Sect went to the lake, but Miao Pu did not, so Elder Lu Xiao also did not go.

Golden Retriever returned to Yulanzong's camp, went to the tent where Yuqi lived, and ignored everyone in the corner.

What kind of formation is there in Jieyin Lake, which makes the stationed team very interested, no matter whether they went the day before or didn't go, from the next day, every other day or every day, they will go to the lake to study and reconnaissance, even if Returning empty-handed again and again cannot stop the monk's persistence.

(End of this chapter)

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