magic eye doctor

Chapter 1320

Chapter 1320
The battle formation of the five great immortal sects and the group of monsters were inextricably fought. The monks of the three major fusion stages and the monster giant-toothed tiger were fighting at a thousand feet high. The roar of thunder and lightning is endless.

The two sides of the two battlefields kept changing positions while fighting, up and down, left and right, and the two sides fought inextricably. The longer the time lasted, the more intense the battle would be.

Because the team battle was close to the jungle, many spell attacks of the monks and monsters failed and fell in the jungle. Large areas of trees were destroyed, and some places were even burned with fireworks.

After more than an hour of killing, the group of monsters and monks hit the ground from the sky, fighting in the destroyed jungle clearing, more trees suffered, and the ground was riddled with holes by various skills.

Tearing and tearing, both sides are red-eyed, you want to avenge your senior brother, and it wants to avenge its own clan, the enemies face each other, and the more they fight, the harder they are.

The longer the battle lasted, the more casualties on both sides gradually increased. Because of the lessons learned from the previous two openings of the secret realms, the five great immortal sects came prepared this time and brought all kinds of magic weapons. Fortunately, at least no one died on the spot.

The battle lasted until after noon, and the three beasts who fought in the sky also had their own records. The giant tooth tiger injured a monk in the integration period, but it didn't take advantage of it. It injured its hind leg and had a claw cut off. , into a three-clawed tiger.

Both sides suffered losses, but no one backed down, fighting with injuries, fighting to the death.

After another three hours of hard fighting, the battle between humans and beasts continued until the evening, both sides were exhausted and exhausted, unable to continue.

At that time, a group of monks also entered the narrow valley. The giant-toothed tiger sensed the number of human monks and the number of high-ranking monks, and immediately abandoned the three humans. With a long roar, it turned around and retreated into the canyon.

Hearing the long roar of the leader of the demons, the group of monsters couldn't react a bit, slowed down for a while, retreated like a tide, did not take away the corpses of the same clan, and rushed to the depths of the canyon like a gust of wind.

The monsters suddenly withdrew their troops, and the five immortal sects did not pursue them. Half of them inspected the wounds of their companions, and some immediately cleaned the battlefield and picked up the corpses of the monsters.

The three fit monks who fought against the giant-toothed tiger supported each other and landed in the aircraft. The one who was severely injured was Niu Tao, the elder of the Medicine Hall of the Jade Snow Sect. Cut off, even with medicine, the wound is still bloody.

Elder Lan Qin from the Yulan Sect and Elder Lin Ling from the Yuheng Sect supported Elder Niu Tao, helped him clean the wound, applied pills to it, and bandaged it up.

Niu Tao swallowed a large amount of elixir, his pale face became more rosy, and he sat and meditated to recover.

After setting up Elder Niu, Elder Lan and Elder Lin went to look for the claws of the giant-toothed tiger. They searched for a while and found the claws of the giant-toothed tiger in the jungle. When it fell, it was also crushed by their fighting power and could not be found.

When Elder Lan and Elder Lin returned, the cultivators who had cleaned up the battlefield flew towards the mountains with their aircrafts. All of the five immortal sects had Jindan disciples who died or were severely disabled. They had already reached this point, and it was impossible to retreat.

While the human monks were counting the wounded, the giant-toothed tiger retreated into the canyon with the orcs. After flying for more than two thousand miles, it flew over a lake under a mountain range. After that, a huge vortex appeared in the sky above the lake. The monsters Flying into the vortex, the herd disappeared with the vortex.

The five immortal sects drove the aircraft to the depths of the canyon. After chasing the place where the group of monsters disappeared, they lost the breath of monsters. They searched the surrounding area but found no clues. They continued to move forward, and after flying over a distance of more than two thousand miles, the sky turned dark .

It is not advisable to act in unfamiliar places at night. The monks landed and chose a place near a big river to spend the night. Of course, they arranged a formation protection when they camped.

The team that walked the same canyon as the five great immortal sects was a team from Yancheng in the sea area. They were divided into three groups. Two groups entered the secret realm first to inquire about the situation.

Yancheng's team entered the secret realm and waited at the gate of the secret realm. They did not continue to move forward until the first team returned. Guess there may be some rare treasures, so the canyon is the target route of the expedition.

Master Ruan from Yancheng led the expedition team into the canyon. After traveling several hundred miles, the sky was dark and they were looking for a place to camp. There were no monsters to disturb them at night. The team continued on the second day.

Because the mainland monks suffered heavy losses when the secret realm was opened twice before, Master Ruan was also very careful and did not rush forward. He collected some useful resources while walking. For example, there are many spiritual plants in the canyon that are tens of thousands of years old. Those are treasures. Can't be wasted.

Yancheng's team moved forward in a slow-moving manner. The five immortal sects rested for one night and continued on the second day. They did not dig medicinal plants, but only checked for spirit stone veins and precious ore veins.

Because of the large number of people, a rotation system is implemented, some people rest or draw symbols, some are on guard, and some are in charge of reconnaissance, and they control the aircraft in turn.

The five major groups of people flew about [-] miles, and flew out of the canyon after noon. At the other end of the canyon was a vast plain. The endless plain and the canyon were connected. The area about [-] miles wide was a virgin forest, followed by low plants and sparse forests, and meadows. , and then the plain grassland.

The secret realm is dominated by beasts. There are groups of wild beasts in the forests and grasslands, and there are also some lower-level monsters. The monsters each have their own territory.

The monks flying in the air found that there are more monsters in the canyon than in the plain, and their level is also higher. In the canyon, there is an average of ten thousand miles of monster emperor level monsters. In the plain grassland, there are mostly low-level monsters, tens of thousands of miles away. Does not have the demon beast breath of the demon emperor level.

There are also oases with mountains and forests in the plain grassland, and those places are generally fought by high-level monsters.

A group of people flew for more than 4 miles, and finally found something - the outline of the building appeared in the plain grassland!
The distance is far away, only the outline of the building can be vaguely seen, and it is impossible to see whether it is a building or a group of buildings. As it gets closer, the outline of the building becomes clearer and clearer. When flying near the building, it is condescending , the building is clear at a glance.

It was a complex of stone buildings, a huge palace complex, the main building was about a thousand feet high, with only three floors, like a giant three-story tower, and the other buildings were also three-story, about [-] to [-] feet high.

All the buildings are in the style of palaces, the heights are scattered and orderly, and they are connected in a row. The stone buildings are surrounded by square courtyards.

The building complex stands quietly in the green grassland oasis, surrounded by sparse or dense trees, and there are large and small lakes in the distance, and the surface of each lake is full of aura.

I don’t know how many years the secret realm has existed. The building made of stone has no traces of corrosion by the years, as if it was newly built, and the white jade-like stone is shining.

Some of the courtyards between the buildings are stone-paved, with several trees planted. The living trees strive to grow upwards, and the tallest tree is more than a hundred feet high; some courtyards are full of low plants.

The aircraft observed around the building. The buildings in the building complex are interlocking and form a square shape. There is no city wall. The outermost circle of buildings is a natural walled city.

It was quiet in the building complex.

The monks drove the aircraft down and wanted to fly into the building to investigate. However, it was like hitting a wall at a distance of [-] meters from the building complex, and it was difficult for the aircraft to go any further.

Elder Lan and the others also knew that they had crashed into the formation of the protective building, causing the aircraft to retreat a few feet and land on the ground. They then flew with restraint and walked forward from the ground. They were also blocked by invisible forces and could not move forward.

The monks who opened the sky eye observed with the sky eye, but found no formation pattern. They circled from the ground and kept testing. No matter which direction they went, the result was the same, and they were all rejected by the invisible force.

The monks who were able to move did not give up. They tried again and again, and finally moved those who could not move out to take the test, and ended in failure every time.

When the research failed, Elder Lan said with emotion: "It would be great if the little fairy was here. We can't go in, but the little fairy will definitely be able to go."

The elders and disciples of the Yulan Sect nodded unanimously: "Yes, it's good that the little fairy is here."

Yuxue, Yuxia, Yuheng, and the elders of Yuqingzong also firmly believe that the little fairy is blessed by heaven, and no one can stop her wherever she wants to go, but it's a pity that she didn't come with her, alas!

The little fairy didn't come, so all the monks had to do their own research, looking for the traces of the magic circle, exhausting all kinds of means, searching for hundreds of miles around, but they couldn't find anything, let alone the birth gate of the magic circle.

The monks speculated that either the magic circle protecting the building has become a natural magic circle because of its age and some geographical changes, or everyone is not a predestined person, so they are not allowed to enter.

When the monks of the five immortal sects were helpless, they gave up and continued to move forward in the aircraft, and flew about [-] miles, and saw forests and mountains.

A group of people flew to a lake near the savannah, stopped to rest, and flew to the mountains after dawn the next day, and flew into one of the many canyons facing the plain.

There are monsters and spiritual plants in the canyon. The monks of the five immortal sects aimed to explore and did not stop to collect spiritual plants. They only stopped to collect some when they found rare spiritual plants or extremely rare spiritual plants in Dongchen Continent.

The canyon is very long. The five immortal sects flew all the way in the aircraft and found a red gold mine. They drew a map and marked it. They still did not mine and continued to go.

Three days later, the canyon came to an end.

When they flew out of the canyon, Elder Lan and the others were stunned. At the end of the canyon was the canyon plain facing the gate of the secret realm!

In other words, they went back to the exit of the secret realm.

Five monks in the integration period held a temporary meeting, and after discussing and voting, they decided to try another canyon.

The monks took the flying machine and chose a nearby canyon as the target without picking and choosing. They flew into the canyon and went on their way blindly without collecting resources. After flying for a day, they found two teams exploring the secret realm.

The expedition team was in the dense forest, and the five great immortal sects were in the air. They did not stop, and drove the aircraft away. Four days later, they walked out of the canyon and returned to the plain grassland with a building.

"..." Looking at the familiar place, the monks had to admit that their guesses were correct. No matter which canyon they took, they would end up with the same destination. The end point was either the plain grassland or the canyon plain at the entrance of the secret realm.

(End of this chapter)

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