magic eye doctor

Chapter 1321 Disappointment

Chapter 1321 Disappointment
Returning to the grassland, the monks of Yuxue Yulan Yuxia Yuqing Yuhengzong also gave up continuing to do unnecessary tests and rested for half a day plus one night. The men and horses are responsible for collecting plant resources, and a team of men and horses go to find mineral veins.

It is not the first time that the five great immortal sects have cooperated, so there is no need to discuss any gentleman's agreement at all, and they have arranged candidates reasonably and headed to the target.

Yancheng Ruan's team led the team based on the principle of putting what they could collect into their pockets first, and walked extremely slowly. It took ten days to reach the place where the five immortal sects fought with the monsters. Seeing the devastated battlefield, guess what? Knowing that the looming light seen before is not a natural vision.

The scene of the battle was chaotic and the damage was high. One could tell at a glance that it was a fierce battle between humans and monsters. Looking at the situation, one could guess which one of the five great immortal sects must be in front.

Master Ruan was also more careful, giving up some unimportant spiritual plants, picking precious species to collect, and walking as they went. After 20 days, they also walked out of the narrow valley.

They didn't find the building in the middle of the grassland, missed it, and spent eight days crossing the grassland and entering the mountains on the other side to continue searching for resources.

The mining personnel of the Five Great Immortal Sects spent nearly a month digging out the red gold veins and changing lands. They went to search for a mixed ore vein found by the mining team. The collection team also searched a mountain range and changed lands.

They have also encountered the teams of casual cultivators and comprehension families, certain empires, and first-, second- and third-rate immortal sects. All of these teams have been attacked by monsters of the demon emperor level. There are a lot of people, but fortunately, the whole army has not been wiped out.

As for those teams without real people, it is unknown how many survived.

The collection and exploration teams of the Five Great Immortal Sects also rescued several teams. Those teams were besieged by demon king-level or demon king-level monsters. They passed by and killed the monsters and rescued the team.

The monks who entered the secret realm had long been aware of death, so even if some teams were completely wiped out, or only one out of ten survived, there was no one to blame.

In the realm of cultivating immortals, the strong prey on the weak. Humans are not as powerful as monsters. If you die at the mouth of monsters, you can only blame yourself for being weak. Monsters are not as strong as humans. Beheaded by humans is also the fate of monsters.

The team led by Ruan Zhenren searched for ore veins in the canyon and collected resources that could be taken away. It took more than a month to get out of the canyon. Another canyon.

Of course, when Master Ruan and his team walked out of the canyon again, and the plains and grasslands were on the other side, they also gave up asking why and went to different mountains and mountains to collect resources.

After the opening of the Ten Thousand Years Secret Realm, many of the teams stationed in the canyon in front of the secret realm all entered the secret realm, and only about one-third of the teams left a small number of people outside to support them.

Most of the people in the left-behind team collect resources every day, not to mention bringing them back, at least to ensure that they have temporary food and use without capital.

Mu Yuechan sat for a day and a night, and temporarily gave up entering the secret realm. The master made it so clear that if she really entered the secret realm as the eldest princess of the Cang Yue Empire, the master would be angry and think that there was no sect in her heart to drive her out. Yulan Mountain, the gain outweighs the loss.

Cang Yue's team has Nascent Soul Daoist, so it wouldn't be too miserable to enter the secret realm. With Nascent Soul Daoist, it should be more than enough to protect the two imperial nephews. Besides, it doesn't matter if the two imperial nephews are really broken. There are many children, and the death of one or two will not hurt the overall situation.

After careful consideration, Mu Yuechan chose to focus on the overall situation and not to violate the taboo of the head of the sect at this juncture.

Miao Pu persisted for a month because his apprentice did not enter the secret realm, but he was finally worried that Cang Yue's two princes would go to see the head and petition to explore the secret realm.

The moment she went to meet the head of the sect, the morning sun had just risen that day, bringing warmth to the grass wetted by winter dew, but the main tent of the Yulan Sect fell into a low pressure because of Elder Miao's petition.

Sect Leader Li and Elder Zuo Hufamu, who were making spirit tea, drank the spirit tea quietly, and ignored Elder Miao, who was sitting in a well-regulated place, drank a cup of spirit tea that was full of spiritual energy, and then Sect Leader Li spoke lightly: "Elder Miao has already made a choice. He has decided to betray the Yulan Sect, right?"

"No, I haven't." Miao Pu, who was uneasy in his heart, was shocked by the headmaster's words, and bowed his head to the ground: "Master Mingjian, this disciple just wanted to go to the secret realm, and did not betray the master. "

"Then, what you said the day you first came to the secret realm as the suzerain was a joke?" Li Yangzi's eyes no longer showed any warmth.

"..." Miao Pu fell on the ground, his back shivering, and tremblingly admitted his mistake: "Disciple... I know my mistake!"

Li Yangzi glanced at Elder Mu, unable to bear it, he was silent for a while before speaking: "For Master Mu's sake, this suzerain will not hold you accountable for offending the head of the sect this time, this is also the last favor the sect gave you. One chance, you master and apprentice can do it for yourself."

"...Yes!" Miao Pu felt cold for a while, and slowly got up, not daring to say a word, and retreated after saluting, and when he walked to the tent door, he heard Master's words, and he said, "You have disappointed me so much." .”

In an instant, Miao Pu's legs were stiff and he could barely move. He stayed motionless for a few breaths before he managed to regain his consciousness and walked out of the main tent slowly and slowly.

Outside the tent, the sun shines on the grass in front of the secret place, and the early winter sun is very bright.

Miao Pu felt the cold in his bone cavity, only felt that the sun was very glaring, and he went back to his tent without stopping for a while. After entering, he saw that Senior Sister Lu kept her meditation posture unchanged, and walked back to his tuanpu to sit down. Putting the still stiff hands in the sleeves on the knees, silently calmed down.

After Miao Pu walked out of the main tent, Li Yangzi looked at his uncle helplessly: "Uncle Mu, nephew's words are not nice, but Junior Sister Miao's heart is no longer in the Yulan Sect, I'm afraid she won't be able to keep it."

"I know." Mu Lianzi's eyes were full of heartache: "Students who don't care about the sect, it doesn't matter if they don't stay, even if they are direct disciples. It is a pity to waste so much effort to raise a white-eyed wolf. If they have enough resources, if they accept disciples in the future, it is best not to accept female disciples as much as possible, whether it is Miao Pu or Mu Yuechan, one or two don't worry about it."

Yu Bali couldn't help laughing out loud: "You're speaking a little one-sidedly, female disciples are not bad, little black duck is good, and little fairies, little fairies are also girls, if you say you don't accept female disciples, if If Little Fairy hears about it, she will definitely argue with you again, saying that you are patriarchal."

"That's right, it's just that I was unlucky and didn't receive a good female disciple. If I receive a female disciple who is like a little fairy, she will teach me to be a cow and a horse every day."

"There is only one little fairy, no one can compare to her, and the little black duck is also good. I haven't seen that girl for a long time, and I miss her."

"Yes, I didn't mean to come to the secret realm to gain experience with my seniors, why haven't I come yet?"

"That girl has gone to Hokuriku, she may have gone crazy..."

The atmosphere in the main tent instantly improved, and the three happily talked about a certain little duck.

(End of this chapter)

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