magic eye doctor

Chapter 1322 Found it (2 more

Chapter 1322 Found it (2 more

In the mysterious Le Xiaoluoli, she almost forgot about the Langshan Wannian Secret Realm. She was busy digging medicine plants, digging soil, and fetching the spirit lake water from the lake every day. She was so busy that she almost forgot who she was. Who.

Collecting resources is a joy. Little Loli took two little pet babies and three mechanism beasts and spent a month running around a radius of more than [-] miles, sweeping up a large number of spiritual plants.

Filling her purse to the brim, she collected a portion of each medicinal material. Considering the time issue, she had to say goodbye to the place full of spiritual plants.

Before leaving, he resolutely filled the swallowing snails and all the magic weapons, tanks, basins, and barrels that could hold water with spiritual spring water, and then moved towards the place that the little fox said might be the eye of the formation.

The vortex she entered the mysterious medicine garden should be a one-way teleportation. Classmate Le searched all the lakes but couldn't find the vortex or any formation eyes, so he could only rely on the little fox's space talent to guide the way.

The small plain where medicinal plants are grown is surrounded by mountains, and the mountains on all sides seem to be about the same. Classmate Le follows the direction pointed by the little fox, crosses the small plain, and climbs mountains and mountains, collecting some spiritual plants and wood along the way.

The ancient trees on the mountains around the mysterious medicine garden are towering, and there are many kinds of trees, and they are mixed forests, such as linden pine, oak, hazel, camphor, catalpa, pines, and cypresses.

Xiao Le from the earth deeply feels that the earth’s resources are limited, and he doesn’t want to let go of anything. He wants to take away everything that can be packed away. Trees are also scarce resources, so it’s impossible not to collect them.

She worked as a lumberjack while walking, and it took her ten days to climb three mountain ranges. When she crossed a mountain range, crossed a river, and walked into another world—a world with animals.

In the plains and mountains full of medicinal plants, there are no small animals, not to mention mice, and even insects. All plants rely on the wind as a medium to spread pollen.

There are chirping sounds, cicadas singing, bees and butterflies singing in the mountains on the other side of the river, and butterflies and bees flying among the plants on the banks of the valley.

The bees in Dongchen Continent are also very big. Ordinary worker bees are as thick as an adult's little finger, and the smallest species of butterflies spread their wings as wide as a human's palm.

Seeing the bees, Le Xiao was like a wolf seeing a sheep, his eyes glowed green, he sniffed the air carefully, remembered the smell of bees, then threw out the flying sword, stepped on the sword and flew into the sky, and ran in one direction.

She analyzed the smell of the air while running. After running for several miles, she dug a bunch of medicinal plants into the mountains, ran again, turned over a mountain, and went upstream along the canyon. The golden-feathered eagle with a long-term cultivation base was used as a snack, and one man and one beast fought in the air for an hour.

Le Xiao used the talisman paper to fix the eagle, and continued to follow the scent. His hard work paid off, and he chased for more than [-] miles to find the beehive. The beehive was at the bottom of a mountain. The beehive was so huge that at least five adult men held hands. In order to be able to hug.

After finding the beehives, Le went to search for resources nearby. When night fell, she dressed neatly and used special incense to lure the bees away. She quickly took the honey, took half of the honeycombs, put away the incense, and hurried away.

Stay two miles away from the hive in the dark, go back to the space to rest, sort out your harvest, start the journey early the next morning, walk slowly for half a month, and find a place with strong spiritual energy far away.

Finally, it was discovered that Le Yun was flying in a sprint of [-] meters, flying over several mountains with a flying sword, and found a place with strong spiritual energy, which was a spiritual energy valley.

The valley with aura is surrounded by mountains, and there is a spirit gathering array in the valley, so that the aura in the valley is as dense as white mist.

Unable to see the situation inside the formation from the outside, Le Yun flew to the mouth of the valley, circled around the place surrounded by white mist, searched for the eyes of the magic circle such as Shengmen, landed on a flat place, put away the flying sword, Walk into the white mist with the courage to see death as home.

The white mist of spiritual energy was so thick that it covered her eyes. For a moment, her eyes were completely white. After about 3 minutes, her vision recovered. There was a flat valley in front of her, with countless spiritual plants planted, and there were sparse trees in some places in the distance. There is another aura of light in a place far, far away.

Another Lingzhi Garden!

Le Yun suddenly realized that she was also proud of her good luck. Looking at her luck, she was a koi fairy. She happily flew high into the sky and ran towards a place with aura in the distance.

Looking down from a high altitude, Lingzhi Garden is planned in an orderly manner. The place with aura and light is the center, and the areas are divided in all directions by the way of solar radiation, and then divided into small areas by drawing circles. In each area, a kind of Ling Zhi.

Some spiritual planting areas are shaded by trees. Most of the trees are male trees. Because they do not bear seeds and cannot spread seeds, they can only reproduce by root system. The speed of reproduction is very slow. Some trees die and do not grow new trees, so The trees in most places are still sparse, and have not become dense trees.

There are several Lingzhi areas where the trees have strong reproductive ability and the trees form forests.

There are several small lakes in the Lingzhi Garden, and the aura of the lake water is richer and purer than that of the medicine garden with the dragon crocodile.

Lingzhi Garden has not been harmed by monsters. There are countless Lingzhis over 10 years old. Le Yun is drooling while flying, and no matter how greedy Lingzhi is, he still restrains the urge to fly down to dig. At this moment, the place protected by the spirit array more alluring.

Flying in front of the aura light group, landed, and studied it in a circle, I couldn't help but be surprised when I turned around, the white aura group was not a man-made spiritual gathering array, but a naturally generated protection circle!

No matter how miraculous the man-made formation is, there are always traces to be found, while the naturally formed protective circle is truly natural, and even monks cannot destroy it.

To be able to generate a protection world, it must be a treasure of heaven and earth, that is to say, there must be rare treasures in the protection world!

Le Yun, who was standing outside the aura ball, made his little heart thump like a deer. He took a few deep breaths, prepared himself for a surprise attack, and rushed towards the aura light ball.

Heaven, material and earth treasures are usually guarded by spirit beasts or ferocious beasts, or because something broke in from a long time ago, they take the heaven, materials and earth treasures as their own, and they will regard new outsiders as enemies.

Le Xiaoliu had the experience of suddenly falling into the dragon crocodile monster, and he was alerted and alerted. He didn't dare to rush in rashly, and he acted only when he was prepared to deal with the sneak attacker.

There is no discomfort in rushing into the white aura, it just feels like being illuminated by a beam of soft light, and it suddenly becomes clear in front of the eyes, inside the aura is a small world, full of plants, among the green plants there is a lake and A bunch of green plants.

The plants in the small world are also all medicinal plants, ginseng, licorice, dendrobium, sealwort, gastrodia elata, saffron, aescin, a bead on the top of the head, etc., all the precious plants on the earth, and Dongchen Continent also It is a rare spiritual plant such as Dragon Clothes Grass, Dragon Soul Grass, Kirin Vine, Ghost Orchid, etc.

The spiritual plants are all herbs and vines, about a long time ago, full of aura, many herbs and vines grow into old piles, dendrobium and licorice grow into trees, some are more than ten meters high, and the vines of Polygonum multiflorum are as thick as a calf .

The green lake is about ten acres wide, and the center of the lake is also an aura eye, so that the aura above the lake is as thick as white cotton, and there is an invisible vortex in the cotton-like aura.

A few miles away from the lake, there is the only tall plant - bamboo.

The whole body of bamboo is transparent, like ice cubes in winter. From the outside to the inside, you can clearly see the bamboo joints and the bamboo membrane attached to the inner wall. If there are any insects or water in the bamboo, you can also see clearly .

The bamboo poles are transparent, the bamboo branches seem to be made of ice, and the bamboo leaves are as green as green jade; the bamboo is taller and larger than the bamboo in Dongchen Continent, the thinnest is more than [-] centimeters, and the thickest bamboo is nearly three feet in diameter and about [-] meters high. Ninety to one hundred meters.

Bamboo is not standing in a row, but in clusters, each cluster has only nine bamboos, each cluster of bamboos is more than [-] meters apart, and the density of bamboo clusters varies.

There are only nine clumps of living bamboo in one area, dozens of clumps of bamboo are dead, and a few clumps of dead bamboo seem to have died not long ago, with no bamboo leaves, and the bamboo stems and branches are intact; , some of which are only a piece of bamboo, and some have even turned into tree powder.

The place where the bamboo grows is not a blade of grass in a radius of ten miles. The exposed soil is black, and the soil is as shiny as a black gem.

The nine clumps of living bamboos tower into the sky, with dense branches and leaves. Each bamboo is like a canopy, standing in a pavilion, green and dripping, and the faint fragrance of bamboo is overwhelming.

"..." Le Yun's eyes moved from the invisible vortex on the lake to the bamboo forest as if struck by lightning, Jiuzizhu? !
What is she doing across time and space?

Of course he was looking for the Divine Tree!
She almost suspected that she was dazzled, rubbed her eyes vigorously, and took another look, yes, that was the Jiuzizhu she was looking for!

Jiuzi Bamboo is a natural treasure in Dongchen Continent that is only slightly inferior to Soul Jade. It is said that it has been extinct for a long time, but there is a bamboo forest right here!
I thought it was only possible to find the sacred tree Jiuzizhu by searching all the secrets of the mainland, but why did I find the treasure that disappeared from the extinct continent when I entered the mysterious place for the first time?

This is the so-called nowhere to find when you have broken through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.

This luck is simply against the sky.

At this moment, Le Yun also had to believe in a fact - she might really be the reincarnation of God's own daughter, otherwise, how could she have such good luck?
Jiuzizhu is like an elegant gentleman, gentle as jade, and like a beautiful girl, quiet and elegant, just growing there, it makes people feel peaceful, even if there are thousands of troubles, they will disappear like clouds and smoke.

Staring at the beautiful and peaceful bamboo bushes, Le Yun stood quietly for a minute or two... After standing for a full 10 minutes, she let out a long breath, smiled from her heart, found Jiuzizhu, really it is good!
Finding Jiuzizhu means that the next thing is to determine where the space-time channel is, find the space-time channel and wait for it to stabilize, and return to Earth at any time.

The earth is her home!

The heart blossomed with joy, and Le Yun cheered and jumped up, like a fledgling foal, running happily, running over the plants all over the ground, rushing through the nine-child bamboo forest, quickly picking up and breaking of dead bamboo.

 Little fairies, come here, here is the second update today, a certain guy is still revising the first two volumes, and it took many days to complete more than 500 chapters, and he is about to vomit blood, please comfort, please give me a hug~
(End of this chapter)

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