magic eye doctor

Chapter 1323 Don't be greedy

Chapter 1323 Don't be greedy

Jiuzizhu can stand shoulder to shoulder with soul jade because it has the power to quiet the soul. It is the nemesis of immortals and monsters. If anyone has demons, he only needs to wear Jiuzizhu or often practice under Jiuzizhu. It does not need a thousand years , No matter how big the demons are, they will disappear invisibly.

At the same time, Jiuzi Bamboo is also the raw material for casting magic treasures, and it is also a vital spiritual plant in the immortal-level elixir, so it can be said that the whole body is a treasure.

Jiuzizhu is a magical treasure of heaven and earth, and because of its magic, there are only nine clusters of living bamboo in the bamboo forest, and there is no grass in the area of ​​nine miles and nine. At the same time, the distance between the bamboo clusters is nine feet nine feet.

Moreover, not only will there never be more than nine bamboo bushes alive, but the total number of dead and alive bamboo bushes in the entire area cannot exceed nine nine and eighty-one bushes.

Therefore, there are no more than 72 dead bamboo clumps in the Jiuzi bamboo forest, and two clumps of bamboo have turned into powder, leaving only a bamboo stalk less than three or four feet high.

Bamboo looks like crystal or ice jade, but in fact the bamboo flesh is hard and tough, unlike crystal that will shatter when touched.

Le Yun quickly picked up the dead bamboo, picked up the broken bamboo branches one by one, and stored them in a storage container. There were dozens of clumps of dead bamboo.

After picking up the broken bamboos that fell to the ground, and touching only a small piece of bamboo, the clump of bamboos shattered into powder.

She wasn't sad either. The secret realm had been sealed for hundreds of millions of years, and those dead bamboos had been dead for tens of millions of years.

Check the broken bamboos that are not left behind, take out a big broom and gently sweep the fallen leaves, sweep all the dead leaves into a pile, and put them away.

After collecting the fallen leaves, Le Yun took out a scalpel made of emerald rough stones to chop the dead bamboo, one object fell one object, ordinary magic tools would easily cause damage to the bamboo, but the Soul Jade Knife is no problem.

Infuse true energy into the emerald knife, one knife at a time, it can't be more labor-saving to chop bamboo, chop one and take one away, and change the place after cutting bamboo.

After cutting down a clump of dead bamboo with little effort, Le Xiao took out a hoe and happily dug the ground, digging along the perimeter of the clump, while digging a hole, incidentally put the soil into the storage container favorites.

It took an hour to dig out the surrounding area of ​​the bamboo bush, find the bamboo root, cut off the bamboo bush, put it away, and then dig along the direction of the bamboo root, digging along the vines to another clump of dead bamboo, and digging out the bamboo clump. Come out to collect.

A clump of bamboo will grow nine bamboo roots, because only one clump of bamboo survives in each generation, and the bamboo shoots of other root systems usually die before they are unearthed, so there are very few roots in Jiuzizhu, and some bamboos only come from the mother Come a root.

She dug out three clumps of dead bamboo by herself, and the little Lolita, who was so excited, remembered the mechanism beasts belatedly. She grabbed the three mechanism beasts and put them in spirit stones, making them work hard.

Mechanism beasts have no intelligence and can't think, but they are easy to manipulate. They are equipped with spirit stones and can be controlled with a little mental power. They can be called the most competent little hands.

The working efficiency of the mechanism beast is high. One person and three beasts were busy until the sun went down, digging out all the dead bamboo and bamboo roots, leaving only pits.

Little Le Xiao was too tired, so he rested by himself and let the three mechanism beasts rest. After resting enough, he continued to dig bamboo, digging the living Jiuzizhu.

Living bamboo is to be used as seedlings. In order to ensure that the bamboo and the root system are not damaged, Le classmate personally supervises the work process and dare not slack off. When digging the bamboo root, first dig along the bamboo root and find the end of the bamboo root. Is it bamboo shoots or bamboo.

There are ten bamboo roots in the living Jiuzi bamboo bush, one of which is the bond between them and the mother bamboo bush, which is equivalent to the umbilical cord between a human baby and its mother;
The other nine roots are their sub-roots, and each root will grow bamboo shoots. Because of the high competition for bamboo shoots, many bamboo shoots died before they broke through the ground. Some bamboo shoots at the end of the roots have died; middle.

Following the vines and digging along the roots to the end, there are three bamboo roots with bamboo shoots, and the sizes of the bamboo shoots are different. Only one bamboo shoot grows like a bamboo shoot, and there are two bamboo shoots that have taken shape.

Le, with the organ beast, was digging the bamboo with great effort. The sky darkened quickly, and he took out the luminous pearl for lighting. After digging for another hour or so, he dug out the whole clump of bamboo and all the roots, and moved it to the ground. back to storage.

The nine-child bamboo that was moved back to the space was placed on top of the Lingshi abutment of the big circle surrounding the medicine field. Fearing that the bamboo branches and leaves would break, Le used a bamboo frame as a support for it.

Put it properly, leave the space, and lift the little fox and Xiao Huihui out of the space.

The little fox was carried out of the paradise, and saw Jiuzizhu, which was as bright as a crystal in the night pearl light, and his eyes widened in shock: "Little girl, you found Jiuzizhu so quickly?"

"That's right, I'm very lucky." Le Yun was extremely snarky, look, how lucky are the people on Earth?So, little fox, you can consider not going back to that world, and just settle down on the earth.

"Benhu will say that you are God's own daughter. This luck can piss off all the gods."

"Yeah, I'm very lucky, I'm a little koi."

"The koi can't compare to you. With you here, the koi has to hug your thigh." The koi also has to go through the thunder disaster, and it may be chopped into scum. Purely to give her strength.

Xiao Huihui decisively hugged the thigh of the little sister who was stronger than the koi, squealing happily, very happy.

The little girl was able to find the Jiuzi Bamboo without any effort, and the little fox had no fluctuations in those spiritual plants, so he jumped to the ground to dig bamboo.

Xiao Huihui is too small to work under gravity, and after playing for a while, she will be sent back to the Paradise to help clean up the soil of mushroom roots and spirit root systems.

Le led the little fox and the three beasts to dig bamboo. They started working non-stop, digging out one clump after another. They worked until the ugly end of the next morning, and finally called it a day. They dug out six clumps of Jiuzizhu.

In fact, the little fox suggested that it is enough to leave a clump of bamboo as a seedling. Bamboo bamboo has bamboo shoots. If you dig some, the bamboo shoots are just in their early stages. One clump will grow in a year, and it will become nine clumps in a few years.

Le classmate pursues "satisfaction and happiness", and one should not be too greedy. Usually, one of three or five of five is used for harvesting spiritual plants. Because Jiuzizhu only lives nine bamboos in one generation, digging a few more clumps is not against harvesting. In the way of medicine, she just poached Liu Cong and became two out of three, which is a special case.

Dig away six clumps of Jiuzizhu and a lot of soil, leaving many pits. As a conscientious earthling, Le Yun dug a few feet down a big pit and buried a few pieces of emeralds.

She should also give corresponding rewards for digging Jiuzizhu. The soul jade of Dongchen Continent is supreme, so just leave a few pieces of emerald. With the power of soul jade, maybe it can make the natural protection world stronger and last longer, and it can also protect the world. Jiuzizhu is immortal in the secret realm.

Hide the soul jade, fill the pits, and then bury some animal bone meal in several pits, let the mechanism beasts level the soil, let the little fox and the three mechanism beasts sweep the spiritual plants in the protection world first, and the spiritual spring water that I will save Water the space land, use up the inventory, and then use the swallowing snails to absorb water.

Based on the growth status of the plants, it is late spring and early summer in the secret realm, and many spiritual plants are in the flowering season. Many plants are very fresh and tender. The flowers can be used to make beauty cream and moisturizer. The twigs can be eaten, and the essence can be extracted. Collect them all. In the next ten years, she will not have to bother to find raw materials.

The little fox is willing to be a hard worker. In the words of the little girl, in order not to have to look around for condiments for spiritual food in the future, now she must work hard to collect spiritual plants. For the spiritual food, she has to work hard!
Le classmate sucked up all the water in the lake, no matter whether the snails were full or not, he threw them back into the space first, and rushed into the Dendrobium field to cut Dendrobium. The Dendrobium in the natural protection world is too attractive. From one dendrobium, she can make tens of thousands of detoxification pills.

Moreover, cut a few pieces and dry them in the sun, and they can be made into bowls and buckets, which can be used to hold dendrobium juice in the future and used as wine barrels to brew dendrobium wine, which doubles the effect.

It's a pity that not all members of the Dendrobium family grow into old stumps. Only some lucky ones from Dendrobium candidum, Dendrobium nobile and Dendrobium black gold grow into old stumps. Most of the other members of the family Dendrobium have a life span of only 5 to [-] years.

The little fox immediately hid back to the blessed land of the cave when it was getting dark, and was responsible for pouring the water from the swallowing snails into the medicine fields and flower gardens, and also chose a place with a radius of [-] mu outside the big circle as a crop area for planting crops in the future , and kept watering it with spiritual spring water.

Little Le Xiao didn't know how long the secret realm could stay by himself, so he didn't want to waste time, so he worked hard to collect spiritual plants regardless of the day and night.

She was too crazy, and the three mechanism beasts and the little fox also sacrificed their lives to accompany her, protecting the small world in the world. There are too many spiritual plants, the years are long, and the excavation takes a long time. They dug day and night for a month and a half. One-third of the spiritual plants, the oldest ones, were also dug up.

Sweep once to protect the spiritual plants in the boundary, and continue to sweep the spiritual plants outside the boundary. The number of spiritual plants is so abundant that Le Xiaoluoli often has no choice but to dig everything. .

The people on earth swept away at the speed of locusts crossing the border. The mysterious spiritual plants were brutally murdered by the earth people. Not only the medicinal spiritual plants were "robbed" by humans, but also many ancient trees that had lived for tens of thousands of years were not spared, and all the dead trees were also uprooted. She got up and was put into her pocket by the people on earth.

Le Xiaoluoli, a native of the earth, is overloaded with work every day, and loses weight day by day. Her rosy face has lost its flesh, and her eyes look extraordinarily large.

But she, who is happy to be a fool every day, was obviously exhausted an hour ago, rested for an hour or two and regained her vitality, and continued to harvest plants with high spirits.

When the little loli arrived at the medicine plant garden, many spiritual plants were blooming. When the flowers were gone, she hadn't left yet, and when the plants had produced small fruits, she hadn't left yet!
It has been three months since some spiritual plants bloomed to fruit, and then to fruit ripening.

The little classmate Le, who ransacked the entire Lingzhi Garden, was finally satisfied. With a thin face and a small mouth that couldn't be closed, he collected enough spirit spring water and happily entered the protection world. Invisible vortex, start a new adventure itinerary.

(End of this chapter)

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