magic eye doctor

Chapter 1325 Is She Still God's Daughter?

Chapter 1325 Is She Still God's Daughter?

After the opening of the Wolf Mountain Secret Realm, Mu Yuechan was upset at first, but as the days passed and month after month passed, she gradually calmed down.

In the past six months, a certain person disappeared, and the five great immortal sects visited the lake frequently, and Mu Yuechan's mood became better and better. It's better if someone doesn't come back, and it's better not to come back forever!

The tenth month after the opening of the secret realm was coming to an end, a group of envoys from the Jinyao Empire arrived in the secret realm. The envoy group was led by a Daoist Nascent Soul from a cultivating family of the Jinyao Empire, with the envoys sent by the emperor.

Under normal circumstances, Emperor Huanzhu would not be able to invite Daoist Yuan Ying, because a grandson of the Huan family was accepted by Yuheng Sect as a direct disciple, and Emperor Huanzhu's status also increased accordingly, so he was able to invite Yuan Ying from a cultivating family. Ying went to the secret place of Wolf Mountain.

Before the envoys arrived at the secret realm, they set up camp and went to visit Yulanzong.

Sect Leader Li received the envoy sent by the Jin Yao Empire, and after the disciple presented the spiritual fruit, he asked why: "Emperor Huan invited Zhenren Chen to the Yulan Sect, what do you want?"

The leader of Jin Yao's emissary was from the Xiuxian family of the Chen family in the imperial capital. Some of the children of the Chen family were officials in the court, from officials to ministers, and some of the children of the Chen family were appointed princesses.

The Chen family and the Huan royal family are related by marriage and have a close relationship.

"The emperor sent an envoy to come to the secret realm with me to exchange some spiritual plants or earthly treasures with the monks who returned from the secret realm. At the same time, the emperor specially asked me to send a small gift to Fairy Le. All the immortals were in a hurry to come to the secret realm, and the emperor was too late to prepare. The Boli, only had time to prepare after the five great Immortal Sects left, thinking that when the Five Great Immortal Sects go back, they will definitely not go to Jinyao Emperor Capital again, so please ask me to bring the Boli, and please hand it over to the little fairy from the Sect Master."

Zhenren Chen explained his purpose and presented a storage vessel.

The disciples of the Yulan Sect took the storage container and presented it to the head.

Sect Leader Li held it in his hand and didn't check it: "The little fairy went to a mysterious place and hasn't returned yet, and the sect doesn't know when she will return, and I'm not sure if the little fairy will accept this gift.

It's not easy for Chen Zhenren to travel across mountains and rivers, so the sect will keep it for him. If the little fairy doesn't accept the gift or wants to give something in return, the disciples of this sect will send it there.What does Zhenren Chen think? "

"It's all up to Sect Leader Li to decide, and I have no objection." Chen Zhenren secretly heaved a sigh of relief, no matter what, it's good that he wasn't sent back directly.

The purpose of the guest's visit was clear, and the head of Li greeted the guest to eat spiritual fruit.

Chen Zhenren sat for less than a quarter of an hour, said goodbye, and then went to visit Yuhengzong, mainly to give something to Huanhuang's grandson. It was the clothes and shoes made by Huashi for Huan Wangyuan, and a few items that were said to be Huanhuang's grandson's mother. Gadgets from the family.

The head of Juerba also gave Jin Yaodijun's envoy face, received him, and called Huan Wangyuan to receive the gift.

Zhenren Chen completed his mission and returned to the camp to wait for the secret realm to close with peace of mind.

Classmate Le Xiao in the mysterious secret place, because the mining was too busy, he forgot about the time, and ran into the invisible vortex with a salty taste, only hoping that the next place would be suitable for self-cultivation and let himself relax Take a few days off.

However, her ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. When she experienced dizziness and dizziness, and her vision changed from white to clear, the eyes were not sunny or green mountains and green waters, but gray and gloomy. !
The gray color in front of my eyes is brighter than the summer night, just like the original cloudy day in winter has come to the evening again, the dusk is heavy and the sky is dark.

Moreover, there is no bright light at all!
It's like the underworld in the movie, gray and dark.

She didn't move, just stayed where she was, moving her neck hesitantly to look around, looking around, it was gray, with no light, no life, and no sound... Uh, no, it felt like the wind had blown by, very faint.

Looking at the feet, the land under the feet is also gray and dark, and the ground is full of potholes and looks devastated, very much like the place where a meteorite hit, and also like the surface of the moon exposed to the universe.

He looked around several times, but didn't feel any vitality. Le Yun's heart was chilled, what kind of place is this, there are weirdness everywhere, how can people play happily like this?
After thinking about it, he caught the know-it-all little fox and let him appreciate the new environment: "Little fox, take a look, isn't the place you said God's own daughter came to this time very surprising?"

The little fox who was raptured and slipped out was quite surprised at first, rolled his eyeballs to look a few times, and straightened his big tail straight up: "Oh, why did you come to such a place, God's dear daughter?"

"You really know what this place is, right?" Le Yun is very sure that the little fox must know where the weird place is.

"If Benhu is not mistaken, little girl, you ran to the Dark Realm." The little fox looked up to the sky and was speechless: "The Dark Realm is the shadow side of a continent, and the earth also has a dark realm. It's hard to say where it is hidden. To be more popular, The Dark Realm is equivalent to what the people of your country call the underworld."

"..." Le Yun wanted to scold the country, didn't she mean that she was God's own daughter, and God's own daughter would also be sent to the dark world?

Or, God felt that her purse was too full and was afraid that she would float away, so he threw her into a dark place to practice and let her understand the profound meaning of "surprises are everywhere in life"?

"Luck is limited. I admit it. Find the exit quickly. Finding the exit direction is the top priority." No matter what, find the next exit first. She doesn't want to deal with the creatures of the dark world, although this place is currently gone. dark creatures.

"Little girl, in fact, you are still God's daughter, and God has never treated you kindly." The little fox wrapped his big tail around the little girl's wrist, playing with his beard in an old-fashioned way: "This place should be the dark world." In a certain enchantment in the world, dark creatures cannot enter, so you can dig any treasure you find with confidence."

"Oh, no wonder I didn't see any strange creatures." Le Yun suddenly realized that she still had the advantage of being a child, and the dark creatures saw her fleeing.

"Since it's an enchantment, can you still feel another exit?"

"There are two differences in this place. One is in this direction, and the other is in that direction. It should be extremely far away. Let's feel it after leaving the barrier."

"Okay, let me try positioning first."

Le Yun put the little fox on her shoulders and squatted, facing the direction the little raccoon was pointing to, and took out the compass to locate it, who knows, the compass failed!

The needle of the compass rotates like a clock, so fast that it can't stop.

If the compass fails, it means the magnetic field is disordered.

"?" Le Yun stared, didn't it mean that in the enchantment, there are no dark creatures, why would the compass fail?Or there are too many dark creatures outside the barrier, so many have a huge impact on the magnetic field.

"Little girl, your high-tech stuff is useless in this kind of place. The magnetic field in the dark world is different from that in the light world. It has to be divided into north, south, east, south, and east. You can only distinguish your direction when you watch the sun come out tomorrow morning."

"There is also a sun in the dark world?" Did the little fox bully her for not studying enough?The sky is gloomy now, where is the shadow of the sun?
"Yes, the sun in the dark world is the image of the sun in this continent. It only has a shape, no warmth, and it lasts for a very short time."

"...This is really a magical world." Apart from this, what else could she say?

"Little girl, time passes faster in this place than outside, about five times faster. You can happily search for treasures."

"What kind of treasure can there be in this place where the birds don't shit?"

The little fox's beard trembled fiercely: "Little girl, you are God's daughter, how can your luck be so bad? The creatures of the dark world live on dark energy, and other resources are rubbish to them. In addition to the lack of light, heat and aura, all kinds of resources are everywhere, especially mineral resources, so hurry up and find them.”

"Oh, there is a mine, I'll look for it." Hearing that there is a mine, Le Yun is happy, and doesn't mind being sent into a strange world.

In order to find the mine early, I hurriedly sent the little raccoon back to the space, took out the flying sword, put a few pieces of spirit stones in the spirit-gathering pattern of the flying sword, waited for it to absorb the spiritual energy of the spirit stones and accumulate enough energy, stepped on the flying sword to face Little Fox thinks a little differently.

The light in the dark world was too dark, and the visibility was too low. Le did not dare to fly. He waited and watched while flying slowly. After flying for less than half an hour, he found a faint crystal light in a certain direction, which was especially conspicuous in dark places.

Flying through the gray dark air, he found a place where the crystal light was shining, and little Lolita felt the shock of a deer bumping into his heart again, it was a mountain of gems.

The mountain is not high, the height on the ground is about [-] meters, and the diameter is about [-] meters. Most of the ore is spessartite, and there is a small amount of opal.

Magnesite is the rarest mineral on earth and the most expensive gemstone, more expensive than diamonds, and is listed as one of the world's rare gemstones.

The magnesite ore in the dark world is very pure, and the unprocessed raw ore is blue-green. Because of the gray and dark environment, the blue-green is more deep and deep, while the opal is colorful because of the mixing of other atoms.

Le, wandering in the desert for so long, has dug up many kinds of minerals, but there is no pure silicon, boron, magnesium and aluminum gemstone mine. When he saw that gemstone mine, a lot of money appeared in his eyes!
Money, that's money!
The silicon-boron-magnesium-aluminum gemstone, which is rated as the rarest gemstone in the world, is more expensive than diamonds. One piece can be sold for a sky-high price, let alone a mine. If you bring it back to the earth and sell the ore, it is estimated that you will be able to sit on the richest man in the Great China. .

The little loli, with green eyes, rushed to the ground, brought out three mechanism beasts, and led the mechanism beast brother to dig the hole hard.

Magnesite is a crystalline stone, and it cannot withstand the violent mining methods like bombing with symbols, so it needs to be treated gently.

In order to get a lot of banknotes, Le classmate was extremely patient, and led the machine beast to dig a hole like a mouse. From the gray light to the darkness around him, he took out the luminous pearl to illuminate and continued to work.

(End of this chapter)

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