magic eye doctor

Chapter 1326 Dark Creatures

Chapter 1326 Dark Creatures
The night in the dark world is very dark, and the light of the Ye Mingzhu only illuminates a radius of about one mile.

The little fox who died after seeing the light has a place for a hero, and happily helps him with work.

When the pitch black changes to gray, it means entering a new day. After waiting for a long time, a little red emerges from a certain direction, and then the dark gray sky turns gray.

Soon, a glowing red round cake lifted into the sky. The ball called the sun, except for its red color, had no light at all, let alone heat, it was purely for decoration.

According to the rising direction of the sun, Le judged the direction, and the direction pointed by the little fox was the deviating position from southeast to west.

Probably because it was the morning of the day, the light was slightly better, and the field of vision was wider. There were also many mountains in the distance, all of which were rocky and earthy mountains with no grass growing, and were bare.

Student Le also discovered that there was a mine far away. She could only see a little bit of faint light, and the content and type of mineral could not be determined. She was overjoyed and accelerated the speed of digging the gemstone mine.

It took three days and two nights to hollow out most of the area on the ground of a mountain, and then go to several points to dig a few mines. Le Xiaole gathered the strength of the long-term monks to hit an area of ​​the mountain.

The place that was bombarded couldn't bear it and collapsed. That area was a fulcrum supporting the balance of the mountain. When it fell, the whole mountain lost its balance and collapsed by itself.

The gem mountain collapsed as a whole, the rocks were torn apart, part of the ore was broken, or there were countless cracks in the gemstones due to the force.

Student Le didn't feel sorry for the loss. He grabbed the little fox as a handyman to help collect the ore. The little fox's stomach is very useful. It can hold more than ten tons of ore at a time. He can suck the ore in a few breaths and return to the space. Spit out again, convenient and trouble-free.

It took a day to collect all the ore, and then dug down for another day and night. Le gave up the gem mine buried deep in the ground and went to another mine.

The other mine is ilmenite, which has a purity of 90.00% II, which is pure ore with high precision.

As long as the mines are not gem-level, the little loli will directly bomb them with talismans. The method is simple and rude, but it saves effort and time.

The nearby mountains are all at a height of 400 meters. One man, one beast, and three organ beasts only took one day and two nights to evacuate the mine, and then dig three feet into the ground to dig a few feet. The ore buried deep in the ground was abandoned. It is better to find a mine in another place than to spend time digging that little mine.

Because the little fox said that the time in the Dark Realm was several times longer than that in Dongchen Continent, Le Xiao was in a good mood, looking for ore everywhere like a mine mouse, and dug up metal ores such as iron, nickel, magnesium, and silicon one after another. There are also ores containing phosphorus, potassium, thorium and other elements, more than a dozen light and heavy rare earth mines, and more than ten tons of diamond mines that coexist with crystal ores.

In the middle of the third month, we found an extremely rare boronite, which is rarer and more precious than boronite. Only 25 small crystals have been found on the earth. and 1 double-sided crystal.

Little Loli found a mine about 200 meters high, and its weight is calculated in millions of tons.

Find the chrysalis, which also fills the void in the gem ore she has on hand.

Classmate Le, who forgot about the time in mining, continued to search for ore all over the ground. In order to find ore, he swayed to the edge of the barrier and turned, and continued to search in other directions.

At the beginning of the fourth month, another major discovery was found - the ore soil containing helium-3 was found.

Helium-3 is a gas, which is not available on the earth. There is helium-3 element in the soil of the moon, and helium-3 needs to be extracted to obtain it.

Humans explore the moon for the helium-3 on the moon. It is a valuable new energy source and the best material for thermonuclear reactions. 100 tons of helium-3 can provide the total energy of the whole world on the earth for a year.

Helium-3 is a hot energy source on the earth, and a piece of soil and earth mountains in the dark zone contain helium-3. The soil and earth mountains are hardened, and they are also changing to the nature of rocks, which are extremely hard.

Finding a place with helium-3, Le Yun was stunned, oh my god, this is exactly how God's own daughter is treated!God could not have been kinder to her.

Happiness comes too fast, so fast that people are caught off guard.

The little loli, who was fascinated by the explosive happiness index, rolled in the air, rolled and couldn't find her way, fell to the ground and fell into the mud, and she, smirking and spitting out the mud, ran to the sky above the helium-3 soil, Don't throw money on the ground with earth-type spells.

The ground is very, very hard, but it doesn't matter, digging the ground for three feet is less than three feet deep, and digging two feet deep is no problem!

After testing the difficulty of mining, we sent three machine beasts to dig ore, and sent little foxes to help collect ore. The soil containing helium-3 is non-toxic, but Le students still use the storage container to load it, and they don't want to stack it directly in the space.

It took fifteen days and sixteen nights for one person, one fox, and three organ beasts to evacuate the earth hills with a radius of several miles, digging to a depth of more than ten feet, leaving a huge deep hole in the ground.

Satisfied with finding the soil with helium-3, Le Xiao had a good rest for two days and one night, drew thousands of talismans, prepared well, and ran straight to the southeast to find a possible exit.

Although I was on my way, when I encountered mine resources, I dug them without fail, bombed them in a rough way, collected them, and then patted my ass to leave. It took another month to reach the edge of the result.

There is no aura light at the edge of the enchantment, but a black mist as thick as ink.

Le Xiao made enough mental preparations, accumulated enough strength for the flying sword, stepped on the flying sword and rushed into the black mist, and flew for a full minute before breaking out of the black mist.

The sky outside the black mist is also gray and simple, the sun like a red round cake is still hanging in the sky, but the outside is not as calm as inside the enchantment, filled with a gloomy atmosphere.

Le Yun didn't see the Yin creature, but smelled a very strange smell. After observing for a while, he caught the little fox and let it sense the position. After confirming the correct position where the formation eye might exist, he sent him back to the space, and stepped on the flying sword.

After darting nearly a hundred miles away, he finally spied a creature from the dark world—a ghost!

Ghosts are actually spirit bodies, that is, the souls of humans or animals. In the dark world, there are human-shaped souls, animal souls, and even plant-shaped soul creatures.

The shapes of those creatures are clear. Humans have heads, feet, hands, faces, and five senses. They even have the same costumes as living people. Beasts also have the same appearance as living animals. have.

The world outside the barrier is also a colorful world, with trees, flowers and mountains and rivers, and everything is real, the mountains are real mountains, the soil is real soil, and the trees are also real.

The dark world is also like the world of Dongchen Continent. Outside the barrier is a plain with countless houses built. It looks like a town from a distance. Creatures without physical bodies are soul creatures. When they walk, their feet are clearly on the ground, but they make no sound. And like a ghost, it is floating around.

Soul creatures come and go, really ghostly shadows.

Looking at the soul creatures from a distance, Le Yun stared into copper bells. Can she say that plant soul cultivators are so cute?

The place that seemed to be a town was far away from the barrier. The soul creature smelled the fresh breath, and instantly went crazy, rushing towards the living humans like a tide, and the sound of babbling was like thousands of ducks squawking.

"It smells so good, I feel like I won't have to eat for a year after eating her."

"It's delicious blood, great tonic."

"Eating this person is more nourishing than eating a Nascent Soul."

The ghost cultivators became more and more excited, and some were salivating, chattering while rushing.

Student Le can't understand the language of animals and plants, but he can understand the nonsense spoken by the human ghost. Their language is actually the lingua franca of Dongchen Continent, which is very similar to Chinese on Earth.

A large group of soul creatures came rushing in, and the eerie and cold feeling rushed over. Le Yun's hairs stood on end. He grabbed the talisman from the space and threw it at a group of creatures. Many soul creatures looked cute in appearance, but they were not at all. Gentle, she doesn't want to be their snack.

"I don't charge money, I just want to eat meat."

"I want to drink blood."

The pieces of paper flew over, the ghost cultivators in human form shouted and rushed, and the dark creatures in the form of beasts and plants also danced and danced, no one cared about the pieces of paper.

The talisman flew towards the soul creature, and jumped into the group of dark creatures like a butterfly. The next moment, the talisman burst into a golden light, and the flame instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames, swallowing most of the creatures.

The soul creature burned by the talisman fire screamed in pain, and was quickly wiped out by the talisman fire.

When the talisman light shines on the ghost cultivator, it is like a monk or a monster being injured by a magic weapon, and instantly burns out holes or breaks arms and legs, and some of them are injured beyond recognition by the talisman light.

The soul creatures that were not taken care of by the Fuguang and Fuhuo were so frightened that they howled like ghosts and howled like ghosts, and ran away.

"Eh?" Looking at her masterpiece, Le Yun was very pleasantly surprised, ouch, the talismans she drew are really so good?
The soul creatures didn't back away when they saw her, and her talisman made them back away.

In a beautiful mood, little student Le waved his paw at the fleeing soul creature: "Hello, those soul cultivators who are running away, you can tell the clansmen you know, whoever wants to eat this little fairy, just let him go, and this little fairy will keep it." Let him not even be able to do ghost cultivation."

The fleeing dark world creature was so frightened that it turned its head to look at it, then ran desperately, and ran away completely in an instant.

Look at the talisman fire that burned dozens of creatures to nothing. Le Xiao snapped his fingers beautifully, took out two talismans and pasted them on his front and back, and threw two spirit stones at Feijian to make it suck side fly.

The dark world is extremely wide, and the density of soul creatures is relatively thin.

The soul creatures frightened by the talisman fire escaped without a trace, and the soul creatures in a large area nearby also fled after hearing the wind. Little Loli flew dozens of miles on the flying sword and did not meet any creatures from the dark world. When crossing the mountains, She paused for a while, dug some plants and soil, and stored them separately in a storage container.

Until they crossed a mountain range and saw Guixiu again, there was another plain on the other side of the mountain, with continuous houses and as many soul creatures as a cow's hair.

The creatures from the dark realm originally swarmed about smelling the smell of fresh flesh and blood, but when they saw the glistening body of the prey flying from the mountains, they turned around and ran faster than a rabbit.

"..." Le classmate said that she didn't understand very well, she just pasted two talisman papers on herself, why is it completely different from the picture she encountered before?
Of course, she didn't think about tearing off the talisman paper to cause trouble for herself. She was busy on her way, so she avoided trouble as much as she could, and didn't waste time.

(End of this chapter)

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