magic eye doctor

Chapter 1327 Please Chapter [-]

Chapter 1327 Everyone please go back
Classmate Le stepped on the flying sword and kept on absorbing the spirit stones to replenish energy for the flying sword. Every other day and night, he changed two talisman papers by himself. Wherever he passed, the ghost cultivators hid themselves without seeing them, which saved a lot of money on the way trouble.

After running day and night for ten days and nights, even though she often practiced while flying on the flying sword, she was still very tired. She found a safe place and went back to the space to rest for a day and a night, drew hundreds of new talismans, and set off on the journey again.

There are also many mineral resources on the dark land, because it is the place of ghost cultivators, Le Xiao is not greedy, not greedy for mineral resources, no matter what mines he sees, he will go forward.

After flying for more than ten days, they entered the plain area, and the settlements of dark creatures became more and more dense. After flying for more than ten days, they entered the bustling city of dark creatures.

The big city built by the creatures of the dark world is similar to the densely populated city of Dongchen Continent, with high-rise buildings everywhere, continuous houses and traffic.

Plants and beasts have dwellings just like human beings. Their dwellings are divided into yards and buildings. The yards are the places where plants grow, and they live in houses when they are free to shrink in size or transform into human shapes.

The strong dragon does not overwhelm the local snake, and Le Xiao doesn't want to cause trouble, so he takes a detour when he encounters a big city, and is followed by many senior ghost cultivators in several big cities.

If the ghost cultivators don't do anything, she won't take the initiative to kill, and everyone will commit crimes.

After another month of sprinting, there was finally a ghost cultivator who was not afraid of death and cut off the path of human individuals from the light world. There were many ghost cultivators, mainly humanoid ghost cultivators and monster soul cultivators.

The leading human-shaped ghost is tall and slender, more than seven feet three inches in length, with a white face and beardless, black hair in high bundles, holding a fan, and wearing wooden clogs, with an elegant demeanor.

The ghost cultivators intercepted people more than [-] miles away from the ghost cultivator city. The sky in the big town was crowded with creatures from the dark world. How will you deal with it after you move in.

After being cut off by dozens of high-ranking ghost monks, Le Yun stopped, and greeted with a smile: "Hello, monks from the dark world, what are you doing to stop this little fairy?"

"Leave all the spiritual stones and spiritual plants you brought from the mainland, and you can go there." The leading monk was good-looking, but his words were not as beautiful as they appeared on the surface.

"I think you look a little familiar," Le Yun stared at the man holding the folding fan: "Are you related to the royal family of the Cang Yue Empire in Dongchen Continent?"

"Oh, you also know the Cang Yue Empire." The man curled his lips and smiled triumphantly: "This real person used to be the prince of Cang Yue's Mu family, and Cang Yue's current emperor is the descendant of this real person's brother."

"So that's how it is." Le Yun understood, no wonder he looked a bit like Mu Er of the Yulan Sect, it turned out to be a nest of snakes and rats.

So, without even hesitation, she threw the talisman with one hand, and slapped it on a sword-shaped magic weapon that she took out, and sacrificed the magic sword.

The dharma sword lit up with a golden light, and flew over the heads of the ghost monks in less than a tenth of a second. The brilliance exploded, and several golden thunders suddenly appeared in the golden light, blasting towards a group of ghost monks.

"You have enmity with Cang Yue?" Prince Mu thought that the little girl belonged to Cang Yue, but who would have thought that she would do it without saying a word, quickly offering magic weapons to resist the talisman light.

He sacrificed a magic weapon in the shape of a bamboo hat to block the talisman light, and also sacrificed a flying sword to kill the living little girl.

"This little fairy didn't have any enmity with Cang Yue, but there is a self-righteous princess in your Mu family who is always looking for trouble. I didn't care about it, but you robbed me again. If you dare to break ground on your head, just You have to live with the consequences."

Le Yun raised his hand and threw out another talisman. The talisman exploded with golden light in the air. When it detonated, a flash of silver thunder appeared out of thin air in the gray sky of the Dark Realm.

The thunder fell instantly, and before the ghost monks had time to escape, the thunder exploded and swallowed everyone.

In the lightning, Prince Mu's magic weapon was instantly blasted into slag, and the next moment, his soul body was scattered by the lightning, and then disappeared, the real soul disappeared.

Even Prince Mu couldn't bear the sky thunder, let alone other ghost cultivators, dozens of ghost cultivators only had time to let out a howl, and their souls died in the blink of an eye.

The silver thunder killed all the ghost monks and dispersed quietly, the sky in the dark world was still gray.

Xiao Le, who used the thunder charm to lure the thunder to kill ghosts, stood on the flying sword and looked at the sky, um, God treated her very well, and the treatment that Lei Lei came to her was probably few in the world.

Looking at the place where the ghost cultivators were standing, there was no ghost, she only had sympathy, a group of ghost cultivators were acting like ghosts, and came to provoke the good children who are loved by the gods as their own daughters, isn't this impatient?

The naughty student Le Xiao recalled his magical weapon, put two top-quality spirit stones on the flying sword, and ran away without looking back while driving the flying sword.

The day the thunder landed in the dark world, the creatures watching from above the city were frightened and did not dare to move, until the living person turned into a light, and there was no shadow in the distance. The ghost cultivators burst into screams and cried. The father and mother fled back to their own residences and hid themselves like turtles.

After killing a group of ghost cultivators, Le classmate didn't feel relieved at all, and insisted on running all the time, running day and night, and after another month of running, he arrived at the most feared place in the dark world - Ruohai.

In the water of the Weak Sea, not to mention that humans and beasts can't cover themselves when they fall, and even feathers can't float up. No creature from the dark world dares to cross the river.

The weak sea is actually not a real sea, but a big lake. In the dark world, the highest punishment is to sink ghost cultivators into the weak sea.

The weak sea is also the place where sinners were punished in the ancient world of cultivating immortals. In ancient times, immortals made mistakes, tied them up, and let their half-body sink into the weak sea, so that people could never be freed.

Rushing to the edge of Ruoshui Lake, Le Yun looked into the distance, and then looked behind. A group of high-level ghost cultivators rushed over a hundred miles away, and they must also want to catch her as a snack.

"Ghost cultivators, I will send you off for thousands of miles. I will go, everyone, please come back." Seeing those ghost cultivators flying to her eyes in an instant, the little loli waved her claws and flew into the weak water with her flying sword over the lake.

The ghost cultivators who walked for more than a hundred miles in the blink of an eye watched the living person who was only a few meters away from them fly into the sky above the weak sea, and stopped on the shore unanimously, smiling at Mimi's eyes. Whether it is a living monk or a ghost cultivator, no one has ever been able to stay for a full column of time.

The gravity in the air above the weak water is aggravated, and a person will bear a weight of tens of thousands of catties above, and the longer the time, the greater the gravity will be.

The ghost cultivators waited for the little girl to fly out on her own, and they caught the ready-made ones.

Flying over Ruoshui Lake, Le Yun also felt the invisible force of gravity squeezing his body, like a circle of lead sheets tied around his body at 360 degrees without dead ends, which is equivalent to a weight of about a thousand catties.

That little weight meant nothing to her.

Therefore, Xiao Le drove the flying sword, and he traveled for dozens of miles, and his castration was as fast as a shooting star across the sky.

The ghost cultivators standing on the shore were dumbfounded to see the little girl flying over the weak sea as if flying over the flat land, like a duck being strangled by the neck.

After a while, there was a bold one who jumped into the sky of the weak sea. Just after jumping above the weak sea, he was pressed down by the heavy weight and almost fell into the weak sea. He was so frightened. With a scream of "Ah", he used all his strength to break free from the shackles of gravity, rush back to the shore, and then, not caring about anything else, he sprinted towards the way he came from.

The other ghost cultivators witnessed all the changes in the guy who tried to take the risk, and the ghost's face changed, and he backed up a few feet in horror, and then looked at Ruohai, the fresh little girl stepped on the flying sword and had already gone So far, so far.

The terrified ghost cultivators couldn't help sweating profusely, and they had already killed off their thoughts of catching the little girl. That little girl is definitely not an ordinary person, and she must not be messed with!
The ghost cultivators didn't dare to sit back and wait for the rabbit, they hurried away, and the weak seaside was empty again in an instant.

The water surface of Ruoshui Lake is very calm, never rippled, flatter than a mirror.

Little student Le flew over Ruoshui Lake and often watched the water surface. Ruoshui was clean and clear, and the bottom could be seen at a glance. Countless people, animals and plants were piled up at the bottom of the lake, and their corpses were immortal.

Weak water keeps the corpses from decaying and decaying, and also keeps the corpses as they were when they sank. They have strange shapes and various postures, but they have one common feature—the skin of humans and animals is pale and horribly white.

To tell the truth, even if her mental quality is super good and her psychological endurance is super strong, little Lolita still feels uncomfortable seeing the dead body in the weak water lake.

She didn't want to hurt her eyes, but she had to face it squarely. She had to be vigilant, in case any strange creature was born to be in harmony with the weak water, and it was cultivated by the weak water to not be bound by the weak water, and suddenly rushed out of the water to catch her. The unlucky one was her.

Not wanting to be the ration of alien creatures, Le Xiaoliu tried her best to ignore the sharp-eyed creatures and fly hard. As for hydrophobia, of course it is not good, because the water is clear to the bottom, not the green deep lake and deep sea, she is not too scary.

No one knows how wide the weak sea is, because no one or a beast can cross it sideways. Le classmate flew for a whole day before finding the teleportation point hidden in the weak water lake.

In this regard, she can only say that the power of designing the teleportation eye is too powerful, and the teleportation point is hidden in the weak water lake, so that the creatures in the dark world cannot get close, so it is naturally impossible to run out to harm all living beings.

The horizontal sword stopped in the air, Le Yun stared at the invisible vortex and thought for a long time, took out a piece of jadeite and threw it into the vortex, the vortex turned rapidly, and the piece of jadeite sank into the bottom of the lake without any trace, the golden light of the soul jade It is only a flash in the pan.

The teleportation eye swallowed the soul jade, and quickly stabilized, only one foot above the weak water surface.

Le Yun, who originally wanted to leave immediately, stopped near the lake, squatting on the flying sword and taking the weak water from the ceramic jar.

Weak water is miraculous, and even her external eyes can't explain the cause, and there is no information about its medicinal value at present.

She didn't know if Ruoshui could be preserved without leaving the original ecological land, so she decided to give it a try. She got a hundred tanks of Ruoshui and stored it alone, stepping into the invisible vortex. The dark world is too depressing.

(End of this chapter)

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