magic eye doctor

Chapter 1328 It's agreed that you can only get in and out

Chapter 1328 It's agreed that you can only get in and out

The days passed day by day, and the Ten Thousand Years Secret Territory also experienced the changes of autumn and winter from the spring and summer period of the original opening period, and turned into the late spring period again.

In the winter in the secret realm, heavy snow covered the ground, and the monks who explored the secret realm were able to recuperate for a while.

At the end of spring, many plants in the secret territory are grabbing the tail of spring, vying for beauty.

Many expedition teams in the secret realm walked and approached the exit of the secret realm, and some people had already arrived at the safe area of ​​the secret realm gate or set up camp in the canyon plain not far from the secret realm gate at the beginning of No.11 months after the secret realm was opened.

The team that arrives near the gate of the secret realm first waits while moving around a radius of a thousand miles or three or four hundred miles to collect resources. Teams with Jindan masters have a farther range of movement and will go to places that are ten thousand to twenty thousand miles away. Teams with lower strength Just pick up the leftovers left by the high-ranking monks nearby.

When it was another early morning when the light was rising, the teams stationed in the secret territory were busy making preliminary preparations for going out to collect resources every day, a golden light bloomed in a certain place on the lawn not far from the secret realm gate.

The sudden appearance of the golden light came out silently, just like the sun rising from the sea level and appearing on the lawn, the brilliance is dazzling.

The golden light bursts into the sky and can be seen for hundreds of miles.

The monks from far and near noticed the golden light. At first, it was nothing. After a few breaths, the personnel exploded. Those who could fly with the air rushed to the sky, and those who could not fly with the air rushed out of the tent to look around. Hundreds of miles of teams packed up or pulled out their camps one after another.

The team stationed on the canyon plain opposite the secret realm gate, when the golden light burst into the sky, those inside the tent rushed out of the tent, and the people who were washing or meditating also jumped up. They originally thought that the secret realm gate had opened, but when they watched, they found that A golden light ball appeared out of nowhere on the grass, rushing towards the golden light ball like a swarm.

The golden light suddenly appeared, it must be the birth of a strange treasure!

Those who rushed towards the golden light group wished that their parents would give them two less legs, and they also hated their low cultivation base. If they were high cultivation bases, they would arrive as soon as they raised their feet.

The cultivator who can fly with the power of the air uses [-]% of his strength to fly wildly, wishing he could reach it in the blink of an eye.

Before they arrived, the light of the golden light group that appeared suddenly disappeared, and white light flashed instead. The next moment, a person appeared there, half of the person was covered by grass, and only half of his body could be seen. Going to see the man with black hair and shoulders in white.

In some directions, people can be seen from the side. The person who appeared out of thin air is small, delicate like a flower, with manly hair tied up, but she is a real girl.

The flying cultivators got close, saw the girl clearly, almost fell from the sky, and screamed: "Little Fairy Le?!"

"little fairy?!"

The monks were more surprised than seeing a ghost. Some stopped suddenly, some couldn't hold back their momentum and rushed forward, and some ran into them because the people in front stopped suddenly and they didn't have time to stop.

In an instant, many of the monks in the group of monks who were rushing like shooting stars to the moon collided with each other and howled. Looking at the girl who appeared out of thin air.

With Le Yun full of anticipation for the next journey, he experienced dizziness for a long time, and the feeling of dizziness and darkness ended when his thoughts were about to become muddled.

Because she had been in a dizzy state for too long, her vision was blurry, and she hadn't recovered for a long time. She finally became clearer. Just as she was about to observe, she sensed the human breath, and she subconsciously looked over.

Looking up, she saw a group of monks bumping into each other and pushing you into a mess, and some individuals fell from the sky. The picture was so vivid and beautiful that she couldn't help but smile.

I was in a happy mood, and suddenly remembered that I heard someone calling me "Little Fairy" before. I collected myself, observed the monks carefully, and found myself standing in the waist-deep grass, floating up, floating into the air to observe the surroundings, I saw tents, canyon plains, and a group of monks thousands of meters away.

There are forest mountains and rivers in the distance. When I saw a vortex formed by spiritual energy in a certain direction, I was shocked. Wouldn't it be teleported into the Ten Thousand Years Secret Realm of Wolf Mountain?
She was still a little uncertain, and said to a group of monks who were hesitant to walk towards her, "Hello, where is this place?"

The monks who were also confused when they saw the girl who had suddenly appeared, were refreshed when they heard her speak, and rushed to answer: "Little fairy, this is the secret place of Wolf Mountain."

"Little fairy, this is the entrance to the secret realm of Wolf Mountain."

"Little fairy, this is the Mysterious Realm of Langshan Ten Thousand Years..."

A group of monks clamored to express their meaning clearly, and Le Yun also got the answer she wanted. Her heart was...complicated. She entered a secret realm from a certain lake, but why was she transported to the Ten Thousand Years Secret Territory?
Could it be that the lake is also a teleportation point of the Myriad Years Secret Realm?

Now is not the time to be entangled, and she is not entangled in why she was sent to the secret realm, so she asked the second question in a friendly manner: "How long has the wolf mountain secret realm been open?"

"The secret realm has been open for a long time, and this is the middle of the No. 11 month."

"Now is No. 11 months after the opening of the secret realm."

The monks rushed to respond again, and some people asked by the way: "Little fairy, before we entered the secret realm, you went to a certain big formation and haven't returned to Yulanzong. How did you get here?"

When asked how she arrived at the secret realm, Le Yun was particularly sad: "I don't know why I came to this secret realm. I entered a secret realm from a big lake and was chased by monsters every day. Before I came here, I was hunted down again. , running and running to appear here."

The monk stared wide-eyed in shock: "Little fairy, did you really go to another secret realm?"

"Yeah, that secret realm can kill people, you are lucky if you can't get in, there are demon king-level monsters running all over the place, and demon king-level monsters can be seen everywhere,"

Le Yun faced the monks and pointed to her own face: "Look, how much flesh is there on my face? I was hunted down by monsters above Nascent Soul day and night in the secret realm, which made me tired of running for my life. I can rest for about an hour, and I am so tired that I am about to fall apart."

The monks looked directly at the girl, only to realize that the girl was really skinny with only skin and bones on her face, her body was so thin, and her waist was so thin that it would break if the wind blows.

The girl has no flesh on her face, her eyes are very big, and her skinny appearance looks like a monkey.

The monks had mixed feelings in their hearts. They were glad that they could not enter a certain secret realm, but also hoped that they could enter. There must be countless spiritual plant minerals and spirit stones in such a secret realm that has never been discovered.

The monks didn't speak, Le Yun didn't want to wait for them to react and ask her about the secret realm, so she humbly asked again: "What are you doing here?"

"We're waiting for the secret realm to close."

"We're waiting to leave."

The monks rushed to answer subconsciously again.

A group of monks who were unable to control their flight, when they saw a person in the golden light group instead of a treasure, they stopped running when they were disappointed. Hearing that the person was Little Fairy Le who lived in Yulan Sect, they ran forward again , at this moment also ran closer one after another.

"Isn't there an exit? You can go out anytime you want. Why did you wait until the secret realm is closed?" Le Yun was confused by the monks' answers. The aura vortex is so big and it's not invisible. Can they see it? ?
"Little fairy, after the opening of the secret realm, before the closing time, humans and beasts can only enter but not exit."

The monks suppressed their curiosity about the secret realm discovered by the little fairy, and explained the reason why they did not leave. They really wanted to inquire about a certain secret realm, but since Fairy Le was the guest of the five great immortal sects, they dared not leave. Ask her, afraid that the five great immortal sects will find themselves to settle accounts.

"You can only enter but not exit?" Le Yun was stunned. Why didn't anyone tell her that people are not allowed to leave after the secret realm is opened?

The monks nodded in unison.

"I'll go and have a look." Le Yun's curiosity was aroused, and she turned and flew towards the spiritual vortex door.

After all, she was a monk in the integration period, and she was extremely fast. After a few shakes, she rushed to the door of the secret realm. Looking at the aura vortex, she looked left and right, no matter how she looked at it, she felt that it was stable and safe.

After studying it, Le Xiao didn't even think about it. He landed and walked into the white light vortex.

The girl didn't believe that the gate of the secret realm was not allowed to enter, and the monks couldn't do anything about it. They watched the girl fly towards the gate of the secret realm without moving. Give Kick Back.

However, the scene they expected did not appear. The girl walked over and disappeared from the secret realm gate.

The monks looking in the direction of the secret realm door were dumbfounded.

Time is like running water, and the secret realm has been opened for eleven months in a blink of an eye, and the team waiting outside the secret realm is vaguely nervous. Many people must wait and see the secret realm gate every morning, either waiting for someone to come out, or just thinking that a few glances can give them peace of mind.

The little fairy did not come back for a long time, and the suzerains of the five great immortal sects were also a little anxious, and they remained calm on the surface.

Just when everyone was secretly counting how many days until the one-year period of the secret realm, the silent gate of the secret realm bloomed with brilliance, and the spiritual energy vortex swirled.

The high-ranking monks who were secretly watching the secret realm noticed that there was a change in the secret realm gate, and flew out of the tent one after another to study what happened in front of the secret realm gate.

The heads and elders of the five great immortal sects also dispatched, standing and staring in front of the tent.

The vortex of spiritual energy in the secret realm flickered, bursting with brilliance. After about three or four breaths of time, the brilliance was still, and then a person floated out. The men's gown was pulled aside, revealing black bearskin boots.

"little fairy!"

The people of the five great immortal sects saw the appearance of the person floating out from the gate of the secret realm, and they were extremely astonished. The heads and elders couldn't stand still, and they surrounded the weak ones as if they could be blown down by the wind. little girl.

Le Yun, who stepped out of the gate of the secret realm, saw the familiar tent and familiar face, and was stunned: "The people inside said that after the secret realm is opened, they can only enter but not exit, and they can obviously come out."

She must have been tricked!
Looking at the tent stationed in front of the secret realm, Le Yun couldn't turn her head around, and said she couldn't get out, why did she walk out with one kick?

(End of this chapter)

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