magic eye doctor

Chapter 1334

Chapter 1334
For more than a year, Miao Pu has almost gotten used to sharing the tent with other people, and is also used to living under the eyes of her senior sister. When it comes to matters related to sect affairs, she tries to follow her senior sister as much as possible.

As Senior Sister Lu welcomes the people who went to the secret realm back, and Senior Sister Lu and others enter the main tent, Miao Pu sits among the elders of the inner sect, only going to listen and not to express opinions indiscriminately.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, being chased away by the master who called out his name alone, Miao Pu crouched down in fear: "Master, I don't know what mistake I made to make you angry."

"You have the face to ask what mistake you made?" Mu Lianzi was completely disappointed with her own female disciple: "Who are you and your direct disciple thinking about? Why did your master and apprentice want to enter the secret realm successively? If we really want us to say Come out? You master and apprentice don’t have the Yulan Sect in mind, so there is no need to participate in the sect’s discussions.”

"Master, disciple, I know I'm wrong." Miao Pu pleaded guilty, she can't just go out like this, if she goes out, how will other sects treat her?
"It's not the first time you said this sentence. You said the same thing when I first came to Langshan. I gave you a chance to reflect on yourself, but have you ever really repented?"

Mu Lianzi stepped up, stood in front of his own disciple in two steps, raised his hand, lifted the disciple's head up, pressed his palm to cover the female disciple's head, and the true energy in his palm penetrated into the female disciple's head like a flood: "Miao Pu , you are thinking of the late Emperor Cang Yue in your heart, and in that case, I will complete you as a teacher, and today I will terminate this master-apprentice status!"

Miao Pu was so angry that his head was about to explode, Miao Pu knew that his master was going to destroy him, and his face turned pale in shock, tears welled up in his eyes: "Master, forgive me, this disciple realized his mistake, and this disciple will no longer care about Mrs. Mu, I beg Master to give this disciple one more chance, Master , Master..."

She tried to resist, but the master was a real person in the period of crossing the catastrophe, with strong true energy, she was powerless to resist, trembling with pain, calling out to the master in mourning, because the master was determined to break the relationship, and in despair, she thought of her younger brother, and asked Junior brother asked for help: "Junior brother Li, help me, I was wrong, junior brother, help me... I was wrong, please help me..."

Even though Li Yangzi sympathized with his fellow senior sisters, he was a disciple of the Yulan Sect first, and he is now the helm of the Yulan Sect. He can clearly tell which personal relationship is more important than the sect's safety.

He did not intercede, and sat down calmly: "Yu Shi, you are my senior sister, I should have pleaded for you, but as a disciple of the Yulan Sect, as the head of the Yulan Sect, the sect is above everything else, and any People or things that come to the Yulan Sect will be dealt with according to the sect's rules, Master Mu will follow the teacher's way, and I will not ask."

Miao Pu wept desperately when the junior brother in charge didn't save him, "Master, master, disciple...wrong..."

Mu Lianzi felt even more heartbroken. The personal disciples she had received had taught her so much painstakingly. How much expectations had been placed on her. Watching her grow up step by step, how much painstaking effort did she spend, but in the end she had to destroy it with her own hands. How cruel.

However, no matter how cruel you are, you can't be soft-hearted.

Don't underestimate any female disciple, women will do anything for love, the backyard of the royal palace in the secular world has always been a battlefield for women, killing people without blood.

Miao Pu's heart is no longer in the Yulan Sect. If she knows that the Yulan Sect has the most precious soul jade, she will have evil thoughts in her heart, stay in the sect secretly and manipulate, control the entire sect for her use, and the eternal foundation of the Yulan Sect will be destroyed. It will be destroyed once.

Mu Lianzi originally wanted to give her disciple one last chance. If she obeyed, she would leave the main tent to reflect on herself. It shows that she still has the sect in her heart and has him as a master, and she knows that she must set an example in front of the disciples of the sect to obey the master. And Zongmen's decision is the principle that Zongmen's disciples must abide by.

It's a pity that she didn't cherish the opportunity herself. She just wanted to use her status as the elder of the Yulan Sect to protect the royal family of the Cang Yue Empire and try to defy the decision of the master. Hidden danger.

Mu Lianzi governs the punishment hall, strictly disciplines herself and others with justice, never allows her disciples to harm the sect, and kills her first when she has the first signs of harm.

He didn't show any mercy when he struck, the true energy penetrated into the top of the disciple's head, countercurrently directed down to hit her dantian, Miao Pu twitched violently.

None of the elders of the Yulan Sect questioned, and no one interceded for Elder Miao. Elder Mu personally decided to sever the relationship between master and apprentice with his disciples, which shows that Elder Miao must have betrayed his master.

None of the disciples pleaded with the sect master. The master himself said that anyone who harms the sect will be dealt with according to the sect's rules, and Elder Mu will deal with his disciples according to the sect's rules.

Needle drop can be heard in the main tent.

In the oppressive atmosphere, only Elder Miao's rapid breathing and her howl of pain from the unbearable counterattack of true qi, the scream of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

She convulsed violently and exhaled for more than a dozen times. Everyone heard a muffled "bang". With that muffled sound, Miao Puru was exhausted and collapsed all of a sudden.

Thousands of years of cultivation was abandoned, and Miao Pu's original youthful face was aging rapidly, with wrinkles on his face, and his jet-black hair lost its luster, turned gray and white, but in the blink of an eye, he turned into an old woman with chicken skin and white hair.

Mu Lianzi abolished her female disciple Dantian, but she couldn't bear to see her getting old. She squatted down, put her hand on the disciple's head again, checked her spiritual consciousness, found that her spiritual consciousness was still very strong, and destroyed it again.

Suffering the second round of torture, Miao Pu convulsed violently again, blood oozes from his seven orifices soon, his eyes become dull, and he really has the look that an old woman should have.

She looked at her master, tears rolling down her cheeks: "Master, why, why do you punish disciples like this?"

"Do you still remember why I accepted you as a disciple? Do you remember the oath you made when you worshiped me as a teacher?" Knowing the possibility of sound transmission, he calmly withdrew his hand.

Miao Pu stared blankly at her master's face. At this moment, many memories that she had forgotten became clearer. The war broke out in her hometown, the people were displaced, and starvation was everywhere. In order to survive, the people exchanged children for food. Duo, who was originally traded by his parents, was fortunately saved by the immortal master who went to save the world.

Her aptitude is not good. Originally, she had no chance to join the Jade Orchid Sect. She begged the master hard, and the master was moved to take him back to the Jade Orchid Sect as an outer disciple. She worked hard for hundreds of years to build Ji, the master made a promise and brought her to the inner gate.

However, she really couldn't remember what vows she made when she was apprenticed to the teacher.

Unable to remember his oath, Miao Pu was in a daze.

Mu Lianzi snorted, raised her hand, took out a pill for the female disciple to swallow, counted the time silently, and after counting breaths, Miao Pu closed her eyelids heavily and fell into a coma.

No one in the Yulan Sect made a sound.

In the suffocating atmosphere, a crunchy and sweet girl's voice sounded: "Hey, Elder Mu, who made your pills?"

Everyone looked at Little Fairy, seeing her covering her eyes with her hands and looking out from between her fingers, they couldn't laugh or cry at once, if they wanted to see it, they should look at it openly, there was no need to hide it.

A brave little guy asked himself the origin of the pills, Mu Lianzi got up, floated lightly to sit next to the little fairy, stretched out his hand and rubbed the little guy's head: "What the hell do you have in mind?"

"No, just ask." Le Yun pulled down the big hand on the top of her head, not letting her touch her head: "Hurry up and talk about the business, and after finishing the business, Elder Lan and Elder Mu will go to work to help me dig mountains. Immortals must be more honest, and they cannot renege on their promises."

"You, naughty." Being disturbed by the little guy's nonsense, Elder Mu's dull mood because of the disciple's matter instantly improved a lot.

"The elders, please tell us about your experience in the secret realm first." The little fairy found a step for them, and Li Yangzi immediately took over the conversation and got down to business.

The elders who entered the secret realm took turns to speak, telling what they saw and knew from their own perspective.

When Elder Lan and Elder Mu left himself in the main tent, Mu Yuechan, who was ordered by the master not to listen to the sect's affairs, turned pale instantly, and the master knew that she was secretly looking for someone to inquire about the Cang Yue Empire's team!
So many people came out of the secret realm, people came and went, and there was a lot of noise. She had observed the sect before she left and no one paid attention to her, so she secretly went to find someone to inquire about the news.

However, I didn't expect the master to notice it, and deliberately walked behind the disciples of the sect, waiting to expose her selfishness.

Mu Yuechan was flustered and anxious, she didn't have the guts to follow in, so she quickly hid behind the tent quietly before not many people paid attention to the Yulan Sect, and then went back to her tent to wait for the master to come out to discuss the matter and tell her the situation.

The teams that came out early from the secret realm were either negotiating with the outsiders, or packing up their luggage. Some left-behind members of the teams went to find the early comers to inquire about the news of their teams. Some were happy and some were worried. .

Among the high-ranking monks of the five immortal sects who entered the secret realm, only Elder Niu Tao of the Yuxue Sect was seriously injured. After a year of recuperation, he was fine. Apart from missing an arm, he had no other serious sequelae.

Of course, losing a whole arm and a main vein will still affect the speed of practice, but it is better to be injured than to die.

The five alliance teams had already reached an agreement on the distribution of spoils before entering the secret realm, and there were corresponding compensations for those damaged in battle. If the elder Niu of the Jade Snow Sect lost an arm, there would naturally be additional compensation for spoils.

Yuxue Zongji and the head and all the elders also comforted Elder Niu for a while, but he made Elder Niu a little embarrassed. He smiled freely: "To be honest, I was really a little decadent at first, but later, Yulan Sect The chief direct disciple said that missing one arm and one meridian is okay, and asking Little Fairy Le to help widen the meridians can completely eliminate the defect of having one less meridian than others, and I am waiting for the little fairy to go to Jade Snow Sect as a guest and help me open up meridians."

"Really?" The elders were pleasantly surprised.

"Really." Elder Niu's answer was as firm as a firm one.

Everyone in the Jade Snow Sect was overjoyed. The direct disciples of the Yulan Sect actually said that the little fairy could solve Elder Niu's defect of losing his arm and lacking a pulse.

(End of this chapter)

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