magic eye doctor

Chapter 1335

Chapter 1335

Those who returned from the Yulan Sect spent about [-] minutes describing their experiences. After that, everyone gathered what they had gained in the secret realm and what resources the sect wanted, and they could bring it up when the five sects were allotted.

Because the members entering the secret realm need to be vigilant at all times in the secret realm, the pressure is high, and the sect meeting only lasts for half an hour, leaving the sect leader to let the disciples go to rest first.

The elders and disciples who came back from the secret realm really need to let their spiritual consciousness relax, and they all went back to the tent to adjust their breathing with peace of mind.

Most of the staff left, but the direct disciples and Elder Lv left to protect the Dharma. They were waiting to go with Elder Lan and Elder Mu to help the little junior sister dig the mountain.

"You guys are done with your business. It's time for me to tell you. Uncle Li, quickly send someone to invite the heads of the other four sects to bring the elders who protect the Dharma to discuss matters." After listening to people telling stories so much, Le Yun listened I was almost going to sleep, and now I am full of blood and resurrected.

"What kind of resources did Little Fairy find among the five sects? Tell me first, we know what to do, and we can discuss it with other sects." Sect Leader Li smiled and rubbed Little Fairy's forehead affectionately.

"The resources you found didn't have what I wanted the most, but I found the most precious thing in Dongchen Continent, so let's ask each sect to see what price they can afford."

Le Yun didn't bother to care about the treatment of being touched on the head, probably those real people wanted to make up for the loss of not touching her head for a year, and they crawled up her head at every turn, and she had no place to cry if she wanted to.

"Little Fairy found the Soul Jade?" Elder Mu and the others suddenly realized, and looked at Little Fairy in shock. Is the luck of the Heavenly Blessed One so unnatural that you can find the Soul Jade in any secret place?

Golden Retriever Roar also raised his head, his big lion eyes were full of surprise.

"In the secret realm I went to, there was the Realm of the Realm. When I saw the Soul Jade, I didn't want to snatch it. It was needed by the Immortal Sect of He Dongchen Mainland, so I had to go to the Realm of the Realm to help you get some back." Le Yun Sighing, with a troubled expression on his face: "Don't ask me about the secret realm, some secrets belong to heaven and should not be revealed."

"We don't ask."

"Well, that's good. People who don't let me reveal the secrets are good people. In fact, I think the five immortal sects shouldn't be too greedy. Why don't you distribute them to other immortal sects or casual repair teams? Soul jade is distributed all over the mainland. , there are only advantages and no disadvantages for the luck of the entire continent."

"Little fairy, what you said is too profound, and I still understand a little too much. Does little fairy mean that the future luck of the mainland is related to the soul jade?" Li Yangzi humbly asked for advice.

"more or less."

"I understand. How about this? Let Yuxue, Yuxia, Yuheng, and Yuqingzong come over to discuss it first, and then make a total calculation, and then choose a suitable sect or family, Sanxiu City, and invite their principals to come over." Li Yangzi Look to the elders and ask for their opinions.

The elders had no objections, so Luo Yi went to invite the other four real people in power.

For safety's sake, Sect Leader Li threw out the cave to make it bigger, and then casually moved Miao Pu aside, blocked it with a table, and covered it with a cloth.

The cave grew up, and the roof almost touched the dome of the tent.

With the little one on his back, Golden Retriever happily shifted his position, and several personal disciples from the master Li and the elders also entered the cave.

Luo Cheng, who was ordered to invite people, didn't need to go to the door one by one, but stood in front of the tent of the Sect Master Yulan, and spread the word: "Little Fairy, Junior Sister, please invite Yuheng, Yuxia, Yuxue, and the head of the Qingzong, the protector and the elder. Thank you!" The real people of the four sects moved to the Yulan sect."

People from Yuheng Yuxue Yuxia Yuqingzong may have finished the sect meeting or are about to finish their conversation. When they first heard that the little fairy invited people to Yulanzong, the elders in each sect were a little bit puzzled. What can the little fairy ask for? Could it be that they want to tell the secret of the eye formation in the Mysterious Realm of Ten Thousand Years?
The heads, protectors, and elders of the four sects did not hesitate, whether they went to rest in the tent or those in the main tent, they got up one after another, groomed themselves, and walked out of the tent calmly.

The sect masters were either accompanied by Dharma protectors or great elders. Each sect had three to four people, each of them flew leisurely outside the Yulan Sect's tent, and waited for the four sects to arrive together, and followed Luo Cheng into the Yulan Sect's main tent.

The disciples of the Yulan Sect made it clear that it was the little fairy who invited the Four Sects to the Yulan Sect for a talk. Many teams who left the secret realm at the same time as the Five Immortals Sect also vaguely guessed that the little fairy might be talking about the buildings in the plain thing.

For those who have never watched Little Fairy go to the central building complex in the grassland, it took a long time to guess.

The heads of the four sects and the Great Elder Guardian followed Luocheng into the main tent and saw that the Yulan Sect had opened the cave, so they knew that there must be a big event, and they all flew into the cave.

Luo Cheng walked last, entered the cave, and closed the gate.

Yuxue, Yuxia, Yuheng, the head of Yuqingzong, the elders and protectors sat down in turn on the right hand side of the entrance in a first-come, first-served manner.

Sect Leader Li said first: "It's a great thing to invite you here. The little fairy found the soul jade in the mysterious secret place. Please invite the four sects to see how much each sect can eat. What does the little fairy mean? The head of the Immortal Sect, for the sake of the future of the mainland, we should not be too greedy, we can eat meat, but we have to give some soup to other monks."

The four heads and elder guardians who had just sat down almost jumped up when they heard the word "soul jade", and they were all ecstatic: "Little fairy found the soul jade?"

"Of course, if I can't find the soul jade, no one else in Dongchen Continent will be able to find it." Le Yun was so proud that she raised her tail to the sky. There are so many free picks in the treasure house of the Jiang family, and the emeralds are piled up into mountains.

In order to prove that he was not bragging, he took out a piece of jadeite that he had prepared earlier, about the size of two adult fists, with a yellow jadeite on a white background and waxy beans.

Although farming is not very advanced, the color of yellow emerald is extremely strong, golden.

Just as the yellow jadeite on a white background appeared, it burst into dazzling golden light, and there was another rainbow-like brilliance in the golden light.

Phew, the heads of the five great immortal sects, the great elders, the protectors, and the direct disciples of the Yulan sect floated up at that moment, their eyes filled with shock.

"Two-color soul jade?!" The voices from everyone's mouths were like a dream.

Soul jade is a precious treasure. The more colors on a piece of soul jade, the more precious it is. Soul jade has been extinct in Dongchen Continent for millions of years. A little soul jade can cause madness, let alone two-color soul jade.

A group of people showed ghost-like expressions, Le Yun sighed silently, what a restless person!

She didn't urge them to shock them, but she took out a magic sword to cut the emerald stone, one knife, two knife, three knife, four knife, five knife, six knife, seven knife, eight knife... One knife after another, cut a piece of emerald into slices , and then change the face to cut, cut the jadeite into long strips, and then cut it crosswise.

She cut one knife after another, like cutting Chinese cabbage, the eyes of the five great immortal sects were fixed on the magical weapon sword, and their hearts were beating wildly up and down.

Until a certain little fairy cut a stone into small pieces, Elder Mu howled: "Oh, actually chopped it up!"

"If you don't chop it up, which one of your sects can afford it?" Le Yun said speechlessly: "Elder Mu, you should sit down quickly, I'm afraid your saliva will spray me all over the face."

Elder Mu, who was disliked, fluttered down, sat and moved towards the little fairy, next to her, looking at the shining soul jade, he was so nervous that his heart jumped in his throat.

Ji He, the head of the house, and the head of the house, Shang, and the others also sat down cross-legged awkwardly. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the soul jade, and they couldn't bear to miss it.

"Now bid, how much spirit stones are you willing to pay for soul jade?" Le Yun picked up a jade strip two fingers thick: "I accept spirit stones, spirit plants and ores as trades, and spirit stones must account for five-tenths of the total price. Spiritual plants and ores each account for [-]%, and the remaining [-]% can be used for grains and spirit beast meat to pay for spirit stones, of course, it is also fine if you have enough gold, three catties of pure gold can be exchanged for a low-grade spirit stone."

The gold in Dongchen Continent is brass, pure gold is the gold on earth, and red gold is copper.

In the sect of Xianzong, brass and red copper are more popular, and the ore is a low-grade metal. In the secular world, pure gold is the currency that circulates among the common people. The most intense looting is also for wealth such as brass and red gold.

Immortal sect sects who enter the secret realm generally do not dig gold mines when they encounter enough gold mines, unless other resources are wiped out, and they will dig enough gold mines when they have enough time.

Classmate Le went to the secret realm to dig countless kinds of mines, but there was no pure gold mine. For this reason, she secretly questioned how many times she was not the daughter of God.

The real people stared at the soul jade, moved their eyeballs, but did not respond.

Does Le Yun want to swear?There is no way, put all the soul jade into the storage device.

The soul jade was taken away, and the golden light was gone.

Seeing that the soul jade was gone, the members of the five immortal sects blinked blankly, with cute and cute expressions.

After a while, everyone returned to their sanity, with a bit embarrassed expression.

Little student Le didn't speak, blinked his big eyes, puffed his cheeks, and played with blowing on his own bangs.

"Little girl, we have something to discuss, can you give me a reserve price?" Without the temptation of the soul jade, Elder Mu pressed the little guy's head again with his big hand.

"Old rules." Le Yun removed the mischievous hand on the top of her head, her beautiful eyes widened: "Hurry up to discuss and bid quickly, and negotiate a deal. Hurry up and help me dig the mountain."

"Oh, don't worry, don't worry, such a big matter needs some time to discuss. Come, you eat fruit." Mu Lianzi was afraid that the little guy would run away, so she quickly took out a big basket and filled it with fruit for her to eat.

The head of Yuqing Yuxue Yuheng Yuxia Sect followed suit, and took out spiritual fruits and put them in baskets or buckets and gave them to the little fairy, letting her pick and eat them slowly.

"Hmph, don't think you can buy me with spiritual fruit. I'm not easy to buy. Discuss quickly. You have set a quantity so that you can inform other people to negotiate a deal." Le Yun has a fruit in her left hand and a fruit in her right hand. One bite and one bite there, while biting and thinking.

Li Yangzi laughed amusedly and said that it was not easy to buy the little fairy who had actually been bought by the spirit fruit, and communicated with the elders with spiritual consciousness.

Ji and the head and the others also communicated with their spiritual senses. No one was talking in the tent, and they heard the sound of a certain little fairy eating the spiritual fruit. She took a few mouthfuls of the spiritual fruit and thought it tasted good, so she stuffed it for the big lion: "Golden Retriever, this is not bad. Try it. It's a bit sweet and crispy. It nourishes the liver and stomach."

The golden retriever roared: "..." Can he not eat?He hasn't eaten the spiritual food made of monster meat for a year, he only wants to eat the spiritual food made of monster meat and doesn't want to eat the spiritual fruit!However, the little one gave it to him, even if he felt sick when he saw the fruit, he had to eat it.

"Golden Retriever, eat more. The meat of the demon emperor level monster is difficult to digest. You can't do without a good stomach. Only a good stomach can eat spiritual food happily." He just ate the spiritual fruit that was stuffed into his mouth , A certain little loli stuffed him with a spiritual fruit.

Golden Retriever ate silently, in order to eat the monster beast meat of the Demon King level, he had to nourish his stomach even with tears.

Le Xiaoluoli, who successfully lured the golden lion to eat vegetarian fruit, picked one to eat a few bites, tasted the taste, collected the information of the spiritual fruit she wanted, and stuffed it to the golden retriever, so happy to spoil the spiritual fruit.

The real people of the five sects first communicate within their own sects, and then talk with other sects to discuss the time for a stick of incense, and end the communication of spiritual consciousness.

Li Yangzi acted as a representative and offered a quotation: "Little fairy, we all want to trade more soul jades, but the spirit stones are limited, and each can produce 7000 million top-grade spirit stones, [-] million top-grade spirit stones and [-] million mid-grade spirit stones. Hundreds of millions of plants, all kinds of ores can make up about [-] million catties, [-] to [-] million catties of grains, and [-] catties of various monster meat.

The pure gold of each sect is not much, about 20 catties, and more flame stones, each sect can take out millions of catties, the little fairy can cut the equivalent soul jade according to this amount and exchange it.

The materials of each sect were not brought with them, the little fairy designated a place, and the people of each sect sent them to trade, and each sect welcomed the little fairy as a guest. "

"Okay, I'll see." Le Yun ate the spiritual fruit in his mouth, stuffed the spiritual fruit into Jin Mao's big mouth, took out the magic weapon and jadeite to cut, and divided a few pieces of jadeite with the flash of sword light segment, into a small piece that is two fingers wide, one finger thick, and two knuckles long.

Cut it up, picked it up, and threw it to the Five Immortals: "I'm at a disadvantage, one piece for each Immortal, you keep it yourself, if someone robs me, I won't pay for it."

The soul master was thrown like a stone, the head of Yuxia Yuheng Yuxue Sect, the great elder, and the protector's heart almost stopped. , booing with lingering fear.

Sect Leader Li and Sect Leader Cun guessed that the little fairy might throw the soul jade, and they were prepared to catch it steadily. They couldn't laugh or cry, but the little fairy was still so naughty.
Throwing the trading soul jade to the heads of the five sects, Le Yun grabbed a few more emeralds and threw them to the heads of each sect: "The uncles and brothers of the five great immortal sects give me the spiritual fruit, help me catch The monsters look for mushrooms to dig spiritual plants, they are all very good people, they come and go, this is a return gift for each sect."

The soul jade flew in, and the elders of various sects rushed to catch it, everyone was dumbfounded, the little fairy's gift in return was twice as big as the soul jade they bought with huge sums of money.

"Why is this so embarrassing?" Several sect masters were overjoyed but also deeply guilty. They wanted to make friends with the little fairy and hope for some good luck, but this time the gift was too heavy.

"If you're sorry, leave me the grouse's paws, bear's paws and camel's paws from your sect, and then help me to crush all the spirit beast bones you threw away into ashes, and then burn 200 million catties of charcoal for me. There are tens of thousands of ceramics of all kinds, do you have jade, do you have the racks for storing animal meat in the material warehouse, do you have good wood, if you have them, give them to me.

In addition, you can give me some plant seeds, but I feel embarrassed, build me some storage containers, a few magic weapons to hold water, and a fast-flying aircraft. "

(End of this chapter)

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