magic eye doctor

Chapter 1338

Chapter 1338
The talisman paper exploded the mountain, shaking the ground and the mountains, the sound was deafening, and the birds and beasts in the mountains were startled to run around.

The young monks who were busy catching fish glanced away and continued to catch fish;

Li Yangzi turned his head to take a look, and continued to drink water from the deepest small lake, and caught high-level spirit beast fish by the way. Few monks went to the Langshan Great Lake to catch spirit beast fish. The spirit fish in the lake ranged from ordinary to eighty-nine There are all high-level spirit beast fish, and the high-level spirit beast fish is relatively small. Frightened by the Golden Retriever Roar, it swam to another lake to hide.

Head Li took the water from the big pond, leaving only a small amount, and captured the high-level spirit beast fish, and then went to fetch the water from the small pond, leaving only a shallow layer of water to raise fish.

Li Yangzi held the swallowing conch and sucked up the water in several small lakes. Because the thick smoke caused by the collapse of the mountain did not disappear, he carried the conch and flew to the big lake on the other side to continue filling the water.

The smoke from the explosion and collapse of the mountain did not dissipate for a long time. The monks of the wind department used wind skills to blow the smoke away, and it took about half a stick of incense to blow the smoke away.

A mountain was blown up and collapsed as a whole, and the gravel poured like a quarry, but the middle part of the mountain did not suffer much damage, and the entire section sat on the gravel.

"Little girl, your move is so powerful." Elder Mu and Elder Lan saw that the corners of his eyes twitched. The little guy nearly razed a mountain to the ground with a few talismans. It is so cruel. Get out of the way.

"That's right, I've always been lazy, and being able to use the smallest force to achieve the greatest effect is the realm that lazy people pursue." Talisman repair is the best, fighting with people, throwing talismans; mining, throwing talismans!Grabbing resources, or throwing talismans, it feels so cool!
The little fairy's little tail was up to the sky, and the head of Zhuerba, Ji He and others were embarrassed to remind them, and everyone was also gearing up to go on stage!

The monks of the high team, who had a place for heroes to use, took sword-shaped or knife-shaped or spear-shaped magic weapons, first cut off a section of the mountain about three hundred feet high, and then divided into five directions, cutting towards the mountain body, only Seeing the silver light erupting from the magic weapon, it landed on the mountain one after another, splitting grooves.

The mountain couldn't bear the weight, and large pieces were shattered.

The high-ranking real people have not split the mountain into slag, and Li Yangzi also filled the swallowing snail with water. The other half of the lake is shallower than the previous half. There are lakes in the lake, and the deepest lake is about [-] feet. Many small lakes are only three thousand feet deep.

Because the lake is shallow, the amount of water is naturally small, and in the end there is only water in a small lake, and the amount of water in the entire lake of Langshan Great Lake is about the same as that of 22 half-moon lakes.

From this, the capacity of swallowing snails was also measured, which can swallow 22 half-moon lakes of water.

It is not necessary for him to split mountains by himself, Li Yangzi simply caught fish first, and caught all the high-level spirit fish, and also captured most of the common fish, shrimps and aquatic animals, leaving a small amount for them to reproduce.

After Yu Qi and the others finished catching fish from the big lake, they ran to smaller lakes to continue catching fish. They only caught fish from the two smaller lakes, and the entire lake was swept away.

Li Yangzi took his personal disciples back to the place where Elder Mu and others split the mountain. What he saw was that the real people were trying to split the mountain and the rocks. Chewing the spirit fruit on the golden retriever's back happily.

Li Yangzi gave the swallowing snail to the little fairy, and at the same time gave her the storage container full of fish, and let her direct disciples play with her, and he also went to the scene of splitting the mountain to help.

The senior brothers gathered around Jin Maohou, rubbed the little junior sister's head with a smile, and chirped about what fish or beast they had caught.

Le Yun: "..." The little junior sister who is loved by the senior brother is very happy, if everyone doesn't engage in head-to-head killing, it will be more perfect!Anyway, I can't hide it, I just endured it silently, watching a group of real people smashing rocks, it's very joyful, doesn't this scene in front of me look like Yugong Yishan?Is there a sense of joy?

Juerba's head, Ji, Shang's head, and Cun's head, and other heroes were carrying magic weapons to chop the mountain. They thought they could do it easily with their strength. The first layer was broken several layers, and the harder it got to the middle of the mountain, every time the magic weapon was cut down, only a small groove about three feet deep could be cut.

All the real people: "..." Is this a mountain rock or refined steel and copper?
To tell the truth, as long as they don't encounter mortal artifacts, even if they are made of fine steel and natural copper, they can cut a depth of more than ten feet when they chop down with high-grade magical artifacts. I have to say that the rocks on this mountain are a bit strange.

The real people who noticed the strangeness communicated for a while, and first worked together to clean up the gravel, and put the blasted mountain rocks and the boulders and gravels chopped into pieces by their magic tools into storage containers respectively.

It took more than [-] high-level monks two hours to clear the rubble and rocks, and what was left was a huge rocky mountain, brown and white, no matter the color or shape, there was nothing special about it. There are similar stones everywhere in Dongchen Continent. rocks.

Le Yun, sitting on the back of the golden retriever, looked at the familiar color and appearance of the stone, and was so excited that countless fireworks bloomed in his heart. No wonder his arms became hot. Langshan actually hides such a large celestial stone!
Celestial stones can also be called meteorites, which are the core parts left behind after the explosion of stars, and they can also be called star core stones.

As we all know, if the meteorite is not naturally burned up in the air, it will hit other planets. The place where the planet is hit by the meteorite cannot withstand the huge impact, and generally a huge crater will be formed. There are craters in many places on the earth.

The area where the Langshan Great Lake is located may have been formed a long time ago by the impact of extraterrestrial meteorites, and later underwent changes in the crust to become what it is today.

The celestial stone in the big lake has the same origin as the small stone she found from Grandpa Li Daniu. They are the same kind of stone. The energy of the stone eaten by the arm before has disappeared. This huge stone contains mysterious power.

The celestial rocks in Langshan Great Lake are huge and covered by a layer of rocks and soil. They are still in Dachang Lake. If it wasn't for the birthmark on his arm, even Le Yun would have thought it was an ordinary island.

Yu Qi and the others looked at the cleared rocks from a distance, with the same expression, it was just a stone, why did the junior sister have to dig it back?
Master Cun and other real people study rocks.

"Damn it!"

After some research, the head of Juerba shouted carelessly, this thing is just an ordinary stone, even if it is not a rare ore or a magic weapon, how can it be so hard?
Elder Mu poked the rock a few times with the magic weapon, sparks shot out, and only scratched a few inches deep, put away the magic weapon, raised his hands: "Stay away, I will try."

Zhabulli and others flew away from the rock as promised.

Elder Mu made a seal with his hands, gathering his true energy and magic power in his palms, and soon his true energy gathered into a three-foot-large golden ball with a silvery light.

After accumulating enough strength, Elder Mu held up the power ball and piled it forward, imprinting it on the rock surface.

With such a strong force, a single blow can blow up a ten thousand zhang high mountain. When all the golden power hit the rock surface, the hard stone couldn't withstand it, and a huge crater was smashed out with a loud "bang". Flying, and the mountain rocks also cracked countless large and small cracks, and some places were broken.

Elder Mu used his power to isolate the splashed gravel. When the accumulated strength was exhausted, he retracted his hand and looked at the rock.

After studying for a while, he gathered his strength again, and gave another blow at the place where he had hit hard once. With that blow, the rock pit was wider and bigger, with more cracks.

Elder Mu hit the rock one after another, and after hitting the rock a hundred times in a row, the rock with countless cracks began to be torn apart from almost the middle with a loud "boom", and a section of the top of the mountain collapsed to one side, hitting the ground heavily , smashing a huge pit out of the bottom of the lake.

Even though the rock is broken into countless pieces, the top and foot of the mountain are still two huge rocks, like two hills standing in the lake.

After experimenting, Ji He came to the conclusion: smashing stones with true energy and mana is more effective than using magical weapons!

They put away the magic weapon, pulled it out in two, and shot at the two boulders respectively. The golden power ball smashed on the rock like money. It must be broken into pieces, and the largest one weighs more than one hundred thousand catties.

The real people then crushed the big stones, so that the largest stone was less than [-] catties, so that it was convenient for the little fairy to pick it up and collect it later. Yu Qi and the others also flew to the gravel yard to help collect the stones.

Some of the storage containers brought by the five immortal sects to the secret realm of Wolf Mountain are filled with resources, and the free space is limited. Some of the stones collected are handed over to the little fairy, and the small fairy takes the storage container to pick up the stones again.

It took nearly an hour and a half for a group of monks to collect all the stones, and retrieve all they could find. After that, they dug the stones again, and there was still a piece of rock buried in the mud at the bottom of the lake!

At this time, the importance of teamwork came out. First, the earth repairmen dug the ground and dug holes, the wood repairmen and the fire repairmen transported the soil, and the metal sword repairmen waited far away from the diggers and began to chop and chop. A layer of rock on the surface of a brown mixed stone.

They chipped only one side of the rock so they could see how deep the white and brown rock went down.

Luo Cheng Yuqi and other direct disciples also all came to the stage, helping to dig pits and transport soil.

The high-ranking monks and the Yuanying Jindan monks worked together for three hours to dig a circle around the rock, and finally dug to the bottom. The rock in the center of the mountain was buried more than 500 feet deep at the bottom of the lake.

Knowing the depth of the rocks in the mountain is much easier to do, so I dug mines around the mountain again, and also dug a circle of mines on the mountainside. Le Xiao took out a lot of talismans and asked the fast-running elders to throw talismans for fun.

Because the mountain was buried so deep below the bottom of the lake, when the foot of the rock and the mountainside were blown up, the power of the double explosion was too great, and the shock wave hit the surrounding area, expanding the entire crater by more than five times.

When the real people used wind skills to disperse the gunpowder smoke, looking at the bottom of the lake that was completely devastated by the blast, all the monks quietly wiped off their sweat, the little fairy's talisman was too scary!

They found out the secret that the little fairy was safe and sound even when being chased and killed by monsters of the demon emperor level in the secret realm, and the talisman in her hand was more than enough to deal with monsters of the demon saint level.

The monks, who felt deeply that the little fairy couldn't be messed with, quickly flew into the pit to work as miners, collecting the crushed stones, and then reprocessing several huge rocks.

(End of this chapter)

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