magic eye doctor

Chapter 1339

Chapter 1339
Elder Mu and his team arrived at the big lake at about six o'clock in the morning. When they dug out the hill in the lake, half of the sun on the west side was blocked by the mountain, and the water at the bottom of the lake had accumulated enough to cover the big and small ponds, which would soon flood them. The side of the huge pit dug in the mountain.

The monks finally emptied the rocks in the giant pit, slapped off the sticky dust, and flew out of the lake with Golden Retriever Roar, who was a quiet and beautiful lion with the little fairy on his back, and returned to the camp in front of the secret realm together.

Le took out his wooden house and placed it on the grass. He lit a fire in the kitchen, steamed rice, and warmed spiritual food.

Facing the weird gazes of the monks in front of the secret realm, the elders and protectors of the five sects were in a happy mood. They all went to the river to take a bath first, tidy themselves up in a fairy-like way, and then boarded the wooden house and sat in the middle hall to discuss the details of sharing the spoils of the secret realm.

Luo Cheng and his juniors don't get involved in the matter of sharing the spoils, they go to the kitchen to help, in fact, they just help watch the fire, the younger junior sisters use firewood to make spiritual food, and need firework.

A group of old and understanding real people helped him dig a mountain, and Le Xiao would not let them be idle workers, so he decided to thank them and take out the monster meat that had been stored as winter food and reheated it , steamed, stir-fried, stewed, fried, and stewed in each flavor, make a new fresh fish head soup, and fry a few home-cooked stir-fries with fresh and tender Lingzhi.

Even if a lot of materials were ready-made, it took more than two minutes to prepare the dinner. There were relatively few people, and the meals were not divided. Two tables were set up, one for the elders of the five sects, and one for Le and his brothers.

It was worth the wait, especially waiting for the little fairy to make spiritual food. The elders of the five sects waited until dinner and forgot who was sitting next to them. They just remembered to eat!

Golden Retriever Roar is the happiest, alone...well, a lion monopolizes a hog weighing about a thousand catties, he is afraid that some guy will steal his spiritual food, so he sits in the kitchen and holds a basin to eat happily, basically even The bones were all eaten up, and the animal bones that the little guy made were the spiritual food, and they were made like brittle bones, crunchy when chewed.

The elders of the five major sects ate very contentedly, and all of them were ninety percent full. When the direct disciples of the Yulan sect cleaned up the table, the real people caught the little fairy and asked what those spiritual plants were, and why they made them so well. So delicious.

Do you know how they eat Lingzhi?

Under normal circumstances, unless there is a special requirement that the spiritual plants must be stewed or boiled, those that can be eaten directly can be eaten raw like monsters, which can also ensure the maximum absorption of the medicinal effects of the spiritual plants.

The little fairy used the Lingzhi as a vegetarian dish, and the whole Lingzhi not only did not destroy its original medicinal effect, but the aura was stronger and it tasted more delicious.

Le classmate didn't hide his secrets. He said what the main raw materials are and what combination they use. After learning, whether they can make spiritual food with the same taste depends on their craftsmanship.

The elders and protectors of the five sects sat down for a while, and each sent a message to the disciples of the sect who went to the secret realm, and called people to share the resources collected in the secret realm.

The elders and disciples of the five sects gathered in the wooden house, sitting in the middle hall and preparing to share the spoils.

Little student Le originally wanted to avoid it, but a certain elder held her head down and listened. She couldn't run away, so she had to accept her fate and sit on the back of a golden-haired lion to be a quiet and beautiful girl.

The leaders of the five sects in power have discussed the distribution methods of various resources before. When the five sects gather, they will first talk about the distribution method in general. No one from each sect objected, and the distribution began.

In principle, the resources for the injured and those who contributed the most are taken out first, and all the remaining resources are divided into five shares, one for each case. Which kind of spiritual plant or ore is needed by the case can be exchanged with each other.

The injured members of the five alliance teams who entered the secret realm each received a piece of compensation, Elder Niu lost another piece of compensation, and after that, each case received one point of resources.

The resources they collect are mainly three types of ores, spirit plants and monsters, each of which has dozens, hundreds, and thousands of varieties. For example, ores include red gold, gold, pure gold, black gold, black gold, etc., and spirit plants are more types numerous.

The alliance staff had done an inventory and summarization before, and it was much easier to divide the same kind of spiritual plant ore together, and the five sects were each in charge of some resources, so the division would not be messy.

Allocation actions are neat and orderly.

Because of the large amount of resources, it took an hour and a half to divide them up. Each sect got its share first, and then exchanged with each other. It took another half an hour for the transaction to be completed.

After the assignment was over, Elder Mu looked at the little girl and suddenly found that she had fallen asleep!At that time, the whole person was in a daze, the little guy could fall asleep while sitting, how tiring was this?
"It's all gone, the little girl is asleep." The little guy slept peacefully, and Elder Mu didn't want to disturb her sleep, so he gently reminded everyone to lighten up when they got up and fly, so as not to make any noise.

Head Cun and the others nodded slightly, and floated away gently, out of the wooden house, and went back to the tents of their respective sects to rest first, and we will discuss tomorrow.

The little guy on his back fell asleep sitting up, and the golden retriever was crying and laughing, and he didn't want to disturb her, so he lay down quietly, guarding the little guy to sleep.

Luo Cheng and the others were also worried that their presence would disturb the little junior sister, so they also went back to the tent to meditate.

The five immortal sects rested at ease, and those left behind members of the team who had entered the secret realm gathered on the grass opposite the secret realm gate to wait.

Mu Yuechan sat and waited in her tent for a whole day but did not get any reminder from her master. In the evening, she went to the master's tent to say hello and did not see her master.

After midnight, until the early morning of the second day, the white light in the Valley of the Secret Realm that had remained unchanged for a whole year gave off a dazzling brilliance, and the white light shone with gold, and the gold and white swirled in a vortex.

The monks in front of the secret realm gate were extremely excited, eagerly looking forward to the stabilization of the secret realm gate.

In the secret territory, those who have been waiting for a long time or for several days were relieved to see the golden light bursting out from the secret realm gate, and no one was willing to rest, waiting for the golden light to stabilize.

Le Xiao, who fell asleep while sitting, woke up naturally after sleeping until [-]:[-] in the morning. It took a while to regain her sanity. She couldn't help rubbing the ears of the big lion. The big golden retriever actually served as a bench for her all night. So heartwarming!
In order to thank the big lion for his thoughtfulness, she went to the kitchen to make breakfast, put the fish in the pot and put the spirit fish in the pot to make soup, and then went to the window to see if the golden light outside was coming from the secret realm door.

Little Lolita was not very interested in the golden light from the secret realm gate, so she glanced at it and turned around to make her own spiritual food.

The light at the gate of the secret realm swirled for half a night, and it didn't stabilize after dawn. The elders of the Five Immortal Sect observed for a while in the morning, went to the small wooden house as guests, had breakfast, and each sect gave the little fairy a gift.

Afterwards, the elders in power of the five great immortal sects who went to find the little fairy for a meal of spiritual food returned to their tents and called their disciples to discuss matters.

The disciples of the Yulan Sect also entered the main tent to wait for orders.

Li Yangzi and the protector didn't talk nonsense. They talked about the harvest in the secret realm, and they said that they would set off to return to the sect later, and the elders would build a secret place for cultivation. ten years long.

Four of the direct disciples who were promoted to Yuanying petitioned for Lilian, and head Li agreed;

The disciples of the Jindan period also want to accompany the junior sister to practice, but they know that their cultivation is not enough. The sect has the magic weapon of the junior sister to assist in the cultivation. Why not go back to the sect to practice hard, strive for an early baby, and then go to the junior sister It is more practical for the younger sisters to travel to the mainland together.

Mu Yuechan struggled for a long time, and also expressed that she wanted to spend a few years abroad to refine her mind.

Li Sect Leader's words and deeds are the same, and he promises the same.

There was nothing else, the staff dispersed, and Sect Leader Li ordered his disciples to pull out the camp. At the same time, he sent a disciple to send a return gift to Chen Zhenren, the envoy of the Jin Yao Empire, asking him to give it to Emperor Huan. It was the gift that Emperor Huan gave to the little fairy. .

Yu Qingzong also broke out after the morning meeting.

Yulanzong and Yuqingzong quickly packed up their luggage, said goodbye to Yuxue Yuxia Yuhengzong, and set off in an aircraft.

The two sects paused after flying for a while, and brought along the comprehension family, sect, and loose repair group who bought soul jade at Yulanzong yesterday, and they were in the same direction as them. Help the little fairy get the supplies, and save them before running away.

Yuxue Yuxia Yuhengzong hasn't left yet, they will stay for one more day, and they will not leave until the personnel who explore the secret realm withdraw.

Yu Lanzong's tents were pulled out, Luocheng Yu Qiyu Mo Wen wished success to the little junior sister's wooden house to rub the ground, they lived in the empty room.

Mu Yuechan waited for the sect staff to leave, and wanted to ask Yu Mo, Zhu Yi, where her master had gone, but when she found that Luo Yi had taken three juniors to live with someone, she was so angry that her teeth were itching, and there was a golden hair roaring on the eaves, she It's not easy to find someone, just sit and wait in front of the secret realm.

The golden light of the secret realm gate swirled until it stopped at noon, and the secret realm gate turned into a golden ball of light.

The gate of the secret realm was finally stabilized, and the team in the secret realm packed up excitedly, walking towards the glittering golden gate in groups, and leaving the place where they had been staying for a year.

Group after group of people came out of the secret realm, and most of the teams were greeted with cheers. Those teams with no one left outside calmly passed through the crowd, preparing to leave the secret realm canyon.

The day before, thousands of people left the secret realm with the five great immortal sects, and thousands of people remained behind. In about two quarters of an hour, all the survivors walked out of the secret realm.

The team of the Cang Yue Empire was also one of the group of people left behind. There were dozens of people when they went, and only nine people left when they returned. The two princes had to go in with their tails. Prince.

Daoist Yuanying, the team leader of the Cang Yue Empire, was not much better, he was blind in one eye, lost one ear, and suffered other minor injuries.

When Mu Yuechan saw only one crippled nephew came back, she was so angry that her liver was about to explode. The Cangyue Treasure Hunting Group was led by Yuanying, who was the elder of Mu's Keqing, enjoying Cangyue's offerings. Ying couldn't even keep the two princes, what did he do for food?
Could it be that since he wasn't there to supervise, Daoist Yuan Ying didn't take Prince Mu seriously?
She could ignore any prince, but she couldn't accept that others didn't pay attention to the princes of the Mu family. Mu Yuechan, who was burning with anger, was looking for the Daoist Yuan Ying who was the leader of Cang Yue's team, and wanted to ask him what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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