magic eye doctor

Chapter 1340 Feeding

Chapter 1340 Feeding
Mu Yuechan searched furiously for Cang Yue Mu Clan's supporter Ke Qing, and soon saw him. Yuan Ying Ke Qing was at the end of the line, half of his face was torn to pieces, and he was blind in one eye. Lost one ear.

Seeing that Ke Qing, who was under Mu's care, was also severely injured by blindness and deafness, Mu Yuechan was stunned, and the fire in her heart could not be vented. Even Daoist Yuanying himself was almost in danger. It is quite good to save a prince.

Unable to find the fault of Daoist Yuan Ying, the raging fire in Mu Yuechan's heart was accumulating in her chest, burning her heart so badly, she went back to Cang Yue's camp with Cang Yue's treasure troupe with a cold face, and asked them to enter the secret realm after sitting down What happened afterwards, and why only a few people came back.

The people who came back alive almost collapsed, describing in horror what happened. They originally planned to advance to the secret realm and move around in an area not too far from the gate of the secret realm. in the back.

The Cangyue Treasure Hunting Team did the same thing. They searched for resources in the canyon plain and waited for news from the eldest princess without going far after entering the secret realm.

However, they waited and waited, but there was no one at all. After waiting for nearly half a month, they met a team that entered the secret realm late, only to hear that the five immortal sects had gone to the depths of the secret realm together. There was no news of the eldest princess, nor Elder Miao came to look for them, the two princes insisted on going to the secret realm to explore, and the team went to the depths of the secret realm.

Their team was almost in the same category as the other team, and it went smoothly at first, but within half a month, one day, they were attacked by a group of monsters with the level of a demon king. The monsters appeared too suddenly, and the two teams were slaughtered .

Monster beasts at the level of the Demon King are equivalent to monks at the Nascent Soul Stage, and because they are monsters at the peak of the Demon Emperor, the Daoist Yuan Ying of the Cang Yue Treasure Hunting Group can't stop him. He can actually escape, but he has to protect Cang Yue. Yue's two princes were tied hands and feet. When he was injured by a demon king-level monster, other monsters took the opportunity to sneak attack and killed one prince, and the other fell into the siege of monsters.

Mu's Keqing tried his best to snatch back the only remaining prince, and when he was trying to escape with his people, a treasure hunting team passed by and rescued them so that a few survivors survived.

After experiencing the life-and-death disaster in the secret realm, the surviving members were also frightened and lost half of their souls. Since then, they have been active in the canyon plain not far from the gate of the secret realm, trying to support it until the secret realm is closed.

The surviving personnel intermittently described what happened, and Mu Yuechan's face turned black with anger. If Master can enter the secret realm, even if Cang Yue's treasure hunting team encounters a demon beast at the level of a demon emperor, nothing will happen to her, but she was forced to not enter the secret realm. , I don’t know why Master didn’t go either.

She was very angry and helpless, she was only a direct disciple of Yulan Sect, she could not go against the orders of the sect master and the guardian elders to act privately, even if the master was an inner sect elder, he had to obey the orders of the head sect.

Thinking of Master, Mu Yuechan became even more depressed. Since the people from the Yulan Sect who entered the secret realm came out yesterday, Master went to the main account to listen to the discussion and has not seen anyone since. Where did Master go?
Just when she was getting irritable, the Master Keqing who was under Mu's care spoke up, his tone was still very polite: "Eldest Princess, after this experience, I have gained a new understanding of the way of life and death, and decided to resign as a guest minister of the Cang Yue Imperial Family. I went to find a hidden place to practice hard, and it happened that the eldest princess was here, so I will not go back to the Cangyue Imperial Capital, and just put on the crown and leave."

He made a decision, took out the famous spy given to him by the Cangmu royal family and the badge of free passage in the palace, put it on the ground, got up, and left in a hurry.

Without any warning, the real Ke Qing resigned with the crown, Mu Yuechan was stunned, the trip to the secret realm didn't yield much, Mu's family killed the two princes, she didn't blame Ke Qing, he actually left just as he said? !

Just for a moment when she was dazed, Mu's former guest Qing flew out of the tent, flew lightly into the sky, and went away without any hesitation, taking tens of miles at a step, and disappeared in a few steps. figure.

Mu Yuechan was stunned, and when she came back to her senses, she was furious, and wanted to ask why, and hurriedly chased out of the tent, but there was no figure of Ke Qing, her nose was crooked with anger, it's fine, just leave, In the future, even if he regrets and wants to turn around, even if he begs her on his knees, she will not accept it!
Accumulating unnamed karmic fire in her heart, she turned around and ordered the guards to pack their luggage and tents, and immediately set off to return to the Cang Yue Empire. It was because she lost a Nascent Soul, and without him, she would still be able to protect the Mu clan for generations.

The guards of the Cang Yue regiment didn't dare to neglect the eldest princess's order, they immediately packed their luggage and left the camp, made arrangements, took the aircraft carried by the eldest princess, and set foot on the road back to the Cang Yue Empire.

Because for nearly a year, her mind and body have been subjected to long-term overload work, and Le Xiao also needs to relax. Therefore, she gave herself a vacation, did not refine spiritual plants, and did not read books, but only made for herself. Eat, and organize your presents when you are in good spirits.

The five immortal sects gave her a gift in the form of the sect, including demon beasts at the level of the demon emperor, and spiritual plants and ores found in the secret territory; The presents are all kinds of mushrooms, fish, beasts and monsters they raided in the secret realm, as well as honey.

Also, the monk Yancheng Ma and the Emperor Jinyao each gave gifts. The gifts sent by the Emperor Jinyao were different. What he gave were commonly used items in the secular world, [-] catties each of pure gold and platinum, and [-] bolts of silk and satin each. And [-] bolts each of yarn, linen, and cotton.

There are also tailor-made ready-made clothes, which are popular in Zhonglu. There are [-] sets of clothes with different styles and different materials. It is a full set of inner clothes, middle clothes and outer clothes. Each set of clothes has matching embroidered shoes and handkerchiefs. And round fans, and hundreds of sets of exquisite heads.

There are many kinds of clothes, including spring and autumn clothes, summer clothes and winter clothes, with a total of more than [-] sets. Le students can change a set every day, and they can not repeat it for ten years.

The gift from Emperor Huan was delivered to Student Le's heart, and her liking for him, which was not very high at first, has also increased by two levels, so knowing that Emperor Huan sent the gift to thank her for letting Huang's grandson enter the Yuhengzong, she Still give back some gifts.

The secret land is closed, and the explorers in the secret land valley are sad and happy, some are busy leaving and some are resting, there is noise outside from time to time, Le Xiao is not interested in other people's affairs, so he relaxes his nerves and rests for half a day in the morning, slips into his bedroom in the afternoon, and takes a rest. Feed the celestial stone dug back yesterday to the birthmark on the arm.

At first, she took out a celestial stone that was about the same size as the birthmark and placed it on the surface of the birthmark. She covered the birthmark with a special potion and could not see its shape. He sucked it in, and turned a stone to drill into the flesh at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She didn't feel any dizziness, no pain, no pain or discomfort, and soon a stone was "eaten", and she didn't even vomit!
Ok?A question mark flashed in Le Yun's mind. The birthmark didn't spit out the stone after eating the stone. Does it mean that the stone and the power in the stone are pure?
She took out a large celestial stone and put it on the surface of the birthmark, watching the stone being "eaten" first, then the celestial stone became smaller and smaller, and was quickly eaten up.

She has a wonderful feeling, as happy as she is when she eats delicious food!
Sensing the reaction from the arm, Le Yun happily fed the birthmark stones, feeding it one piece after another, feeding the smaller ones first, feeding dozens of pieces, and felt that it was too troublesome to feed them one by one , moved out a boulder that was taller than her and put it on the ground, and put her arm on the stone.

She herself was interested in observing how the birthmark "eats" the stone. At first, there was no change in the boulder on the surface. After more than ten seconds, she found that the size of the celestial stone was getting smaller, just like a balloon being released a little. Gas, its distended belly thinned a little.

Le Yun was so excited that she spent all her time researching the process of the birthmark "eating" the stone. The whole process recorded that it took a few seconds for the stone to change once, and how much it would shrink in size.

Witnessed by her own eyes, a boulder was continuously deflated like a balloon with a bulging belly, shrinking round and round, from being taller than her to being shorter than her, from a boulder that she couldn't hold into a boulder. It is only the size of a football, and finally becomes the size of an egg, and is swallowed whole by the birthmark.

It takes less than a stick of incense time for a birthmark to devour a huge celestial rock, and the birthmark eats faster than a human can eat.

After feeding a boulder, the heat of the birthmark did not fade away, and he still felt eager to eat. Le moved out a larger celestial stone for the birthmark to eat, watched it finish eating, and then fed it.

The birthmark is like a brave animal, no matter how much you invest, you can still eat it. The speed of "eating" not only does not slow down, but also has a tendency to speed up.

Throughout the afternoon, Le was immersed in the process of feeding food to the birthmark. According to the weight of the celestial stone, the birthmark ate about 5000 million catties of stones. However, it was still not full, and the feeling was still longing for food. !

In the evening, Le Xiao suspended feeding and made dinner first. She didn't fiddle with spiritual food, and only cooked her own favorite home-cooked dishes.

Even so, the four senior brothers also ate extra deliciously after rubbing the ground, scraped the rice pot clean, and also attracted Jin Maohou's extremely resentful little eyes, but the four senior brothers can't be blamed, he said it himself He doesn't want to be a vegetarian, so the four brothers are of course happy to help him.

Classmate Le, who was full of thoughts about how many stones her birthmark could eat, didn't realize that she had the tendency to bring the four immortal brothers into the mortal world. I continued to feed the birthmark in my own bedroom.

Facts have proved that the human spirit is not as powerful as those things that cannot be explained by science. Le classmate fed countless celestial stones, and the birthmark was like a bottomless pit, and no one was rejected. When she was tired, the birthmark’s desire for stones did not diminish. half point.

Feeling tired, classmate Le couldn't hold back the drowsiness, and didn't bother with the birthmark. He admitted that he was defeated, threw a huge celestial stone on the ground, and fell asleep on his own.

(End of this chapter)

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