magic eye doctor

Chapter 134 It is time to find someone to talk about ideals

Chapter 134 It is time to find someone to talk about ideals

In the beginning of the school season, the student union has a lot of work chores. It was nearly 11:30, and Chao Yubo finally finished his work and went downstairs to the office. When he arrived in front of the building, he saw two young people standing next to his car, as slender as green bamboos. He was helpless. With a wry smile, those two people always want to hitch a ride, they are not kind at all.

Li Yubo and Talent Jun saw the young classmate Chao, who was as elegant as a white plum and as beautiful as a porcelain, and showed bright smiles: "Little Chao, hurry up, we have been waiting for a long time."

"I'm going to pick up Lele, but I'm not on the way." The beautiful boy walked to the car in a speechless manner with his thermal water bottle in hand.

"We know, let's wait for Little Lolita's military training to go to dinner together, just to form a table."

"Oh, I originally wanted to say who of you can run fast, go to the apartment cafeteria to buy food and wait on the fourth floor. Now that you want to go to the cafeteria, I'll take you there along the way."

"Don't say no, Brother Chao, you go pick up the little Loli, the big talent and I run fast, let's go buy food, OK, that's it."

"I forgot to say that there is only one dish at noon."

"One dish is enough. Xiao Chao, hurry up and pick up little Loli, we will go back to the apartment and wait for you." The talented Junsheng was afraid that President Chao would regret it, so he threw his feet and rushed out.

Li Shaoda took a step with his long legs, and he also jumped out, and ran towards the dormitory with his classmates Cai.

The two school tyrants rushed out more than ten meters away in a flash, Chao Yubo was very resentful, and he was also drunk when there were two friends who forgot everything when they saw it.

He stretched his legs, walked to the car, walked to the car, took the key to open the door, and just touched the handle of the cab door when he heard an eager shout - "Little Chao, wait for me."

The young man's delicate and beautiful eyebrows frowned imperceptibly, and then quickly regained his calmness. He looked up and looked sideways, and a faint smile appeared on his handsome and delicate face: "Sister Le, what's the matter?"

Just after coming downstairs, trot ran out of the building. Le Shiyun ran out of breath. Seeing classmate Chao looking over, she trotted while exhaling: "Well, I have something to do."

Vice President Le wore high heels that were seven or eight centimeters in length, and stomped on the ground with a thud. When trotting, he clutched his handbag with both hands and shook his gauze skirt.

"What makes Vice President Le look for me in such a hurry? Which department of the student union has gone wrong?" Chao Yubo didn't change his face as the beauty was close at hand, and did not go to peep at the seductive scenery.

"There is nothing wrong with each department, it's a small matter," Le Shiyun took a few breaths, stood up straight, and looked up at the young president slightly: "I checked the personnel roster of the Zhuangyuan Building this year, and there is only one freshman in one dormitory. Thinking it was a mistake, I asked the life department and said that it was signed by the president and the logistics department."

"Vice President Le, what do you want to say?" Chao Yubo's picturesque brows and eyes did not move, his faint smile did not change, only the breath was unknowingly dyed with coldness, such as cold moonlight, cold snow and autumn frost, cold and lonely .

"Xiao Chao, I think this is unfair to students in other disciplines, and it violates the principle of fair competition, so I want to hear your reasons." Le Shiyun felt a little cool, and her nerves unconsciously collapsed.

"Are you questioning my favoritism and abuse of power? Vice President Le." Chao Yubo restrained his smile, his beautiful phoenix eyes staring at a pool of cold autumn frost.

"No...yes, I just think it's out of principle." Le Shiyun argued.

"Which point is out of principle?" The young man was not aggressive, just a calm rhetorical question.

"The Zhuangyuan Building has never arranged a single room for a single person before."

"Vice President Le, it seems that after you were promoted to Vice President, you did not understand and study the history of the Student Union, and you did not really pay attention to the history of the Zhuangyuan Building from its completion to the present. The special case of a single room is not this year. Uniquely, four years ago, in order to win the senior Chen Shuyuan, who was the first in the national science department and the fifth grade in the current medical department, the school gave seniors a special case of arranging senior Chen to live in a room alone;

Then, two years ago, Gong Qinghua, the vice president of the student union of the Department of Political Science and Law in the current junior year, and the vice minister of the study department of the student union, also lived alone in a room in the east unit of the champion building for one year when he enrolled;

This year, in order to win the first female champion in the country, that is, the junior champion in Room 404 on the fourth floor of the current champion building, the school also gave her a special case and gave her a room alone.

In this way, what does Vice President Le think is inconsistent with the principle, and what is the principle of fair competition?If there is anything that Vice President Ruo Le doesn't understand, you can go to the school's government building to ask the school leaders and the leaders of the medical department who made this decision. Oh, I have something to do, so I won't be with you. "

Chao Yubo clearly pointed out a few special cases in the former Zhuangyuan Building. There was no sternness, and his tone was calm. After speaking, he opened the car door, got into the cab with a body like a bamboo and chrysanthemum, started the car, backed a few meters, and bypassed Yue Fu. Chairman, walk away.

Le Shijun was speechless when she was refuted. She was voted by the Student Union to replace the vice-chairman last semester because she resigned as the vice-president. Today, there is no scholar-god who occupies a room exclusively.

Among the academic god-level figures in the Zhuangyuan Building, several of them received special scholarships from Qingda University, some have published scientific papers in academic papers, and some will go directly to the Academy of Sciences after graduation. She feels that there is not even one of those academic gods. With the preferential treatment of a one-bedroom, there is no reason for a freshman to get a special exception.

When was the school's decision to give preferential accommodation to new students this year, and why didn't she know?

Le Shiyun stared blankly at the young president's car as it went around, her brain still couldn't turn around, and it took a while for her to wake up. !

It's all the fault of the freshman in Room 404. If it wasn't for that person, how would she come to look for Xiao Chao, how would she be scolded by Xiao Huang, and how would she lose such a big face!

Le Shiyun gritted her teeth fiercely, ran quickly to her car, got into the driver's seat, started the car, and chased in the direction of President Chao.

Chao Yubo drove straight to Xicao, and it only took a few minutes to arrive. Xicao was wide, and there was no fence around it. The traffic was in all directions. He didn't know which direction Xiaolele would go in a while, so he parked the car on the side of the road and went to find someone by himself.

Before twelve o'clock, the students of the military training class were still training.

No. 1 old student returned to school, senior undergraduates, graduate students, master students or international students went to register, some of them were wandering around the school, and young men and women could be seen everywhere. Many people came to watch the freshman training because they had nothing to do. Revisiting my own experience that year, therefore, in addition to teachers, there are also onlookers outside the venue.

Outside the West Gymnasium, Chao Yubo waited and watched for a while, then walked along the outskirts to a corner. The division plan of the school's military training grounds was initially decided by the student union, and then submitted to the logistics department and school leaders for approval. Therefore, he knew which battalion was arranged in which. He couldn't remember which company was in which area on the playground, but he remembered clearly which company and where Xiao Lele was in which row.

Yan Shao and Liu Shao stayed on the high platform, holding binoculars to look east and west, they were very happy. The student military training is a bit similar to the army recruit training, and it is quite interesting to watch a group of people fall and touch.

Liang Jun Shao happily pointed and pointed, looked at it for a while, and inadvertently appeared on the camera a charming and amazingly beautiful young man, Yan Xing: "..." I feel that the Chao family is always everywhere.

"Little Princess Chao is here too, hey, does he know where the little beauty is?" When Liu Xiangyang observed the direction of the little beauty, he saw a graceful young man slowly swaying in the direction of the little beauty's class. To accompany the new students in the military training, I just wanted to block the little beauty, and went to the cafeteria for dinner together at noon. As a result, the little princess Chao came again. Didn't they plant green onions on the slate again - it was a waste of effort.

Yan Xing pouted the corners of his lips. Brother Chao had to be windy and rainy at the Youth College Student Conference. It was not easy for him to find out which military training class was located?

"Xiaoxingxing, when the meeting is disbanded, don't hold me back, run faster."

"..." Young Master Yan was speechless, when did he hold back?He didn't fight against Liu Xiangyang, he held up a telescope and continued to observe the enemy's situation.

Le Shiyun drove the car, followed President Chao's car from a distance, and arrived at the west playground. When President Chao got off the car and walked for a while, she drove the car to a place not far from Chao's classmate Black Chery, and parked it. Also went to watch the freshman military training on the playground.

When Vice President Le arrived at the west playground, the head of the military training instructor group was inspecting the training of the military training class and communicated with a counselor. She approached with a smile and greeted everyone.

The counselor recognized the main personnel of the student union of our school, and saw Vice President Le, with a friendly smile, Liu Zhenjun, the head of the military training instructor group, as the leader of the military training instructors, he had discussed with the Youth University Student Union on the issue of military training for new students. The vice president of the student union is also familiar with it. When he sees the vice president coming over, he only thinks that she is here to care about the military training of the freshmen and invite her to watch the training together.

The counselor said a few words to Liu Zhenjun, smiled and went to work on his own business. Le Shiyun and Liu Zhenjun inspected together, watched a few classes, and asked calmly: "There is an underage elementary school girl among the new students this year. I have to worry about Senior Liu's troubles."

Liu Zhenjun used to be a national defense student at the National Defense University. He graduated six years ago and served in the army for two years. He performed well in the army and was selected to study at the National Defense University. The training of his alma mater is also the trust of the leaders in him.

Therefore, speaking of Liu Zhenjun is a veritable senior of the students of Qing University, not only him, but also several of the instructors who are also former national defense students of Qing University.

When Vice President Tingle mentioned minor students, Liu Zhenjun had mixed feelings. There are not many students who are 16 or [-] years old and go to college these days. Last year, he went to Hang University as a military training instructor. The two students had just turned [-] years old, seven months and nine months old, and they were also underage students. At that time, he was particularly depressed and worried, fearing that the training tasks would seriously hurt the future pillars of the two countries.

This year, when he led the team back to his alma mater, he finally breathed a sigh of relief in secret, thinking that it would be smooth sailing. Who knows, when he got the qualification list of the freshmen, he found that there was a student under the age of sixteen among the freshmen.

At that moment, Liu Zhenjun's mood was broken. Last year, he met two students who were not even 17 years old. This year, he has improved to a higher level. There is also a student who is under [-] years old. Tell me, is it God watching his military service? The road was so smooth, so he was finally stuck with the exam questions?

People who are not full of minors, but those who are less than 16 years old are also minors. However, there is a difference even if they are minors. For the same crime, people who have reached the age of 14 but not 16 have to bear half of the legal responsibility. , and juveniles who have reached the age of 14 and under the age of [-] commit crimes, even if they are criminal felonies, they are not punished by the law and cannot be sentenced. At most, they will be sent to juvenile prisons. Guardians are responsible, and children can only be educated by state law enforcement officials outside prisons.

In fact, it’s okay if the student is under the age of fourteen, because children under the age of fourteen are children. For their health, they are exempted from military training. Under sixteen and over 14 years old, he is stuck on the level of neither embarrassment nor embarrassment.

For this reason, when Liu Zhenjun got the military training list, he secretly had a few hairs of white hair, and finally had to bite the bullet and take up the post. Now, when he heard the vice president of the student union mention the little college student, his heart was very complicated and tangled. , the surface is watertight: "Vice President Le, please rest assured, we will consider as appropriate, the military training tasks are carried out in moderation without harming the health of minors, and serving as an instructor in a class with minors is also a senior who graduated from the National Defense Students of Youth University. , has many years of experience in education and knows the importance."

"This way, our seniors and sisters will feel more at ease. I don't know which senior is the instructor of the underage elementary school class?" Le Shiyun stretched her face and showed a relieved smile.

"Han Yuntao, who graduated four years ago, served as the deputy secretary of the National Defense Student League Branch of the Youth University and a member of the Cultural Department of the Youth University Student Union."

"Oh, senior Liu and senior Han are old seniors that we look up to. If I have the opportunity, I want to ask the seniors for some work experience, and I hope they can teach you a thing or two."

"If we win the prize, we will have the opportunity to exchange and learn from each other."

The fellows were tearful when they saw the fellows, and the alumni were especially cordial when they saw the alumni. Liu Zhenjun and Vice President Le were polite to each other and continued to watch the team training while walking.

It was 10 minutes before twelve o'clock, and Chao Yubo was not in a hurry. He made a detour along the playground, not far from the military training team of the second battalion and the first company, and sat on the clean grass, holding his mobile phone, as a quiet Beautiful boy, quietly admiring the heroic appearance of each class.

After waiting for a while, the captain of the military training instructor blew the whistle, and all the teams stopped abruptly and quickly formed the team. The instructors of each class inspected and explained what time they would gather in the afternoon, calling "disband".

The students who were finally liberated scattered in all directions, and the head of the crowd shook for a while, dazzling.

The students disbanded the team to move freely, and the instructors gathered.

"Hurry up, let's go." When the students finally disbanded, Liu Xiangyang immediately rushed off the high platform and ran to block people.

Yan Xing put away the binoculars, stuffed it back into his backpack, and followed Liu's footsteps in two steps. The biggest advantage of having a brother who likes to nagging and committing secondary diseases is that no matter what he does, someone will take the lead, and there is no need to do so. Everything starts on its own.

As soon as they got their freedom, classmates Dai and Wu, as well as a few newly-acquainted friends, rushed to the cafeteria. I heard that the cafeteria was a bit crowded at lunch time, and the boys who were already hungry were eager to grab food.

Le Yun didn't go with her. She was about to go back to the dormitory. She was about to start running when she heard the phone ring. She took it out from her pocket and saw that it was Brother Chao.

When it was almost twelve o'clock, Chao Yubo was waiting to find someone. When the military training was over, he walked to the playground. The young students were like rabbits. He couldn't run. The wind brought by the fluttering figure almost carried him away.

It took three or four minutes before he crossed the corner of the stadium full of Leaping figures, and found the little girl who was waiting for him. Looking at Xiao Lele who was still puffing her cheeks, he pinched her face with a smile: "Blow your beard and stare again, Be careful not to turn your face into a frog face."

"I can find the way myself, Brother Chao won't be here to pick me up." Being pinched, Le Yun shook her head angrily, throwing Brother Chao's claws away, Xiong Jiujiu took the lead.

"I will pick up Lele today and tomorrow, and I won't accompany Lele in class the day after tomorrow." Chao Yubo looked at the child who was finally a little childish and rubbed her head dotingly. Although she was wearing a hat, the feeling of touching the top of her head was also very special. good.

Le Yun doesn't argue with the beautiful young brother. Brother Chao is more and more likely to be controlled by sisters. Fortunately, he doesn't care about her in everything. Otherwise, she will regret having a young brother.

The freshmen were full of energy, most of them ran away quickly, only a few students fell behind, and the instructors lined up and went to the cafeteria to eat.

The playground was sparsely populated, so there was no need to worry about being hit by people rushing over. Chao and Le walked towards the road outside the playground. As soon as they stepped out of the playground, they saw two handsome young men facing each other.

"Little beauty, we have been waiting for you for a long time. Let's go to the cafeteria together."

"I want to go back to the dormitory first, you can go by yourself." Sometimes, Le Yun really wanted to wave her head and beat Liu Shuai in the face to see what it would be like.

"Oh, that Xiao Chao will take us for a ride, and we will also go back to the dormitory." Liu Xiangyang's eyes shone brightly.

Classmate Chao seemed to hear the sound of swallowing, and was about to refuse, but the two young men with long legs had already stood on the other side of Xiao Lele and formed a team of four with them, which left him stunned.

Le Shijun accompanied Liu Zhenjun for a circle. When it was almost twelve o'clock, Liu Zhenjun was going to explain something to the instructors. She took a step first and sat in the car to watch.

When she saw President Chao and two young girls walking out of the playground with the little girl, she widened her eyes in surprise. Liu Shao and Yan Shao also came to Qingda?Do you know that little girl?

How can this be?

Le Shiyun doubted her dazzling eyes, but no matter how she looked at the four of them, they all seemed to know each other, especially Liu Shao, who was smiling brightly when talking to the little girl. I don't understand, isn't that little girl a country girl, what is there to pay attention to?

Classmate Chao was speechless about Liu Shao and Yan Shao who were always posted, and what shocked him even more was behind him. As soon as he walked to the side of the car, Liu Shao swayed forward, took two steps forward, and opened the cab door. , stepped up: "I'll drive, don't worry, I have a driver's license, a ten-year-old driver, and the safety is guaranteed."

Chao Yubo: "..." Did he agree? !

"If you bump into Brother Chao, I'll chop your soup." Le Yun glared angrily at the other eunuch walking towards the passenger seat, opened the rear door, and got in the car first.

"Well, don't worry, as long as others don't bump into me, I promise that there will be no rambling. If I drive around in a frightening way, you are welcome, little beauty, to chop human flesh and ribs." Liu Xiangyang patted his chest and stood up the military order.

Some two are shameless, Chao Yubo is a gentle and gentle person, and he can't lose his temper in front of Xiaolele, so he has to throw the car key to Liu Shao and sit in the back seat by himself.

Liu Shaoxin happily took the key, started the car happily, and happily returned to the student dormitory area.

When Chery's car was far away, Le Shiyun started the car and turned to another road to go back to the apartment. When she made a small circle back to the front of the Zhuangyuan Building, she saw that President Chao's car also arrived in front of the building.

Chao Yubo and Le Yun got out of the car and reached for the keys. Liu Xiangyang blinked with a smile: "Brother Chao, you and the little beauty went upstairs to get something and hurry up to get it. After you get the thing, go downstairs quickly. We will wait for you to go to dinner."

"I'm not going to dinner, Lele and I have instant noodles at noon." If Lele was not around, Chao Yubo believed that he would have punched Liu Shao in the face earlier. , this is the rhythm of minute-to-minute maddening.

"Little beauty, you should have more instant noodles, right? Make a pack for me too." Liu Xiangyang had no choice but to climb out of the cab and return the key to the owner.

Le Yun was too lazy to look directly at Liu Shao and the eunuch, and dragged Brother Chao away: "Brother Chao, let's go, anyway, there is only one dish at noon, they want to come, starve them to death."

"Xiaoxingxing, hurry up and eat some noodles." Liu Xiangyang happily followed.

Yan Xing had an astonishing face and a hint of shame in his heart. Liu's face was really thick, and he would probably be out of reach for another ten years of cultivation.

Chao Yubo took a deep breath again, and put the bubbling fire pressure in the depths of his heart. The two young masters thought that it would be bad for them to be embarrassed in front of Lele, right?Let them eat and eat, and when necessary, he will not let them bleed, and he will write the Chao character upside down.

The four of them climbed the building and climbed to the place between the third and fourth floors. When they saw three wooden pillars standing upstairs, their eager eyes were like a puppy waiting for their master for a long time. distressed.

"Little Loli, you're finally back, I almost thought you went to the cafeteria."

"Little Loli, you are back."

The three youths looked at the little Loli elementary school girl, just like a soldier seeing a general, and he suddenly had a backbone, and they all smiled.

"Hey, Senior Chen didn't go to the Research Department today?" Chao Yubo was very surprised when he saw that Senior Chen was among them. It was a surprise that Senior Chen didn't go to dinner with those in the Research Department when the old student came back today.

"I was going to have dinner with a few people in the research department. When I met Xiaocai and Xiaoli, I became a little tail." Chen Shuyuan pushed the spectacle frame and explained the reason why he would appear in the Zhuangyuan Building.

Talented Zijun and Li Yubomo, you left your old friends and ran away, you are happy, but we have suffered countless scorns. As juniors, it is very hard.

The three academic masters each held two disposable lunch boxes in their hands. Seeing that there were two uninvited guests, the three academic gods said: "..." I feel that the meal may not be enough!

There was a group of foodies waiting for her. Le Yun didn't talk nonsense. She opened the door and went into the den, washed her hands, turned over the refrigerator, and took out the duck that was cooked in the refrigerator in the morning. The last piece of meat left, took the bitter gourd, radish, and corn. In the kitchen, only bitter gourd was left from the vegetables Liu Shuai bought, and the radish that Brother Chao bought was still uneaten. Now a group of foodies came along, and bitter gourd and radish came in handy.

A group of foodies sat in a row, eagerly waiting for food.

Classmate Le got up at [-] in the morning, cooked the duck first, and then put it in the refrigerator to cool it down. In that case, it wouldn't take much time at noon, and it would be ready to eat after heating. As long as the duck and the last bit of meat were eaten, and the meat in the refrigerator was emptied, she was ready to eat. Also eat in the cafeteria.

Before cooking, classmate Le boiled corn cobs in a soup pot, chopped bitter gourd and radish, roasted bitter gourd with duck meat, and fried shredded radish with shredded lean meat. The duck meat was cooked, and it came out of the pot soon, and the shredded radish was also easy to cook. Two dishes are out of the pot, pour part of the boiled corn soup into the wok, and cook the matsutake soup with corn water.

Two dishes and one soup were served on the table. The three young scholars shared the rice, the classmate Le shared a bowl, and the remaining six men shared it equally. Almost each of them had a box of rice.

The six people tore off the lids of the disposable lunch boxes and divided half of the rice, holding the bottom box as a bowl, and as soon as they started eating, they immediately turned on the mad rush mode. Eat eight full, all still not enough.

Liu Xiangyang and Yan Xing exchanged glances. They ate it. The radish was not as delicious as the green vegetables before. There should be no medicinal herbs, but the duck still had medicinal herbs, which was delicious.

Although classmate Le Xiao repeatedly emphasized that there will be no good herbs in the future, the five young people nodded their understanding on the surface, and secretly decided that as long as Xiao Chao came to Xiao Luoli in the future, they would of course be bound to accompany them. Enjoy.

Chen Shuyuan and Li Shao washed the dishes, waited for a while and divided the corn, four corn cobs, one for the master, and half for the remaining three and six people. Anyone who has an opinion, please rot in your stomach.

Eating corn, the beautiful boy went to record the English lecture, Classmate Le sat on the floor and read a book. The three school tyrants and Liang Jun were dumbfounded when they watched the speed of the little girl turning the book.

At [-]:[-], classmate Chao sent him to practice training in the west, and San Xueba and Liang Jun Shaocai followed Dangyou downstairs and dispersed.

Le Shiyun went to eat first, then sat in the back seat and waited. When President Chao went downstairs again, she saw the satisfied smiling faces of Li Shao, several academic masters, Liu Shaoyan and others, and their pretty faces were frozen, she might have to look for them. Some people talk about ideals.

(End of this chapter)

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