magic eye doctor

Chapter 135 Challenge

Chapter 135 Challenge

The freshmen's military training of Qingda University officially kicked off on the afternoon of the 1st. The instructors drilled the students with a straight face. The requirements are strict, the methods are decisive, the attitude is firm, and no one is allowed to be lazy and slippery.

On a sunny day in autumn, the sun is very hot, and the freshmen who are training in the sun are sweaty and exhausted. Whenever they take a break, they will rush to the place where they put water and keys in their classes to replenish water or add some snacks. .

The formal military training is very strict. You can't bring your mobile phone or anything that will rattle during training. You are required to travel light. Therefore, everyone should bring their own water, backpacks or small bags such as mobile phones or room key keys. , concentrated in a pile, the mobile phone has to be adjusted to the shock screen, and the ringtone must not be turned on, so as not to disturb the military's heart.

After only half the day, the freshmen were as tired as dogs, and when they disbanded, they were like a clockwork motor, rushing to grab food.

Break up at 5:30 pm and gather at 6:30 pm. There is only one hour to eat and rest in the middle. Freshmen have no time to pick and choose canteens, and they run wherever they are.

Classmate Le also rushed to the cafeteria with everyone, devoured his fill, and then ran back to the playground to rest. At some point, each class learned to sing military songs and pull songs.

The evening military training ends at 9:[-].

Student Chao waited outside the West Playground at 08:30 on time, and when they were disbanded, he took people back. Student Le climbed back to the dormitory, returned to the space to collect fruits, vegetables, and medicinal materials, took a bath, read books until eleven o'clock, and climbed into bed. She meditated and then went to sleep. It was also the first time for her to sleep on a bed in a dormitory.

During the military training, no one knew when the whistle would suddenly be blown in the middle of the night for an emergency gathering. Le was worried that the sleeping space would miss the whistle, and slept in the dormitory honestly.

On the night of September in Kyoto, the temperature is low in the middle of the night, so I have to cover the quilt, get up the next day, and fold the quilt.

Military training is actually a boring thing. Every day, standing in a military posture, walking in square formations, walking in parallel, and other stereotyped movements, students have military training once in high school, and the experience in college is similar to high school, which is more empty and boring.

Although it is a bit boring, each new student is optimistic and optimistic, and accepts the training with a good attitude. During the rest, he plays songs, tells stories, or does some small performances, so that the ordinary military training life is also full of joy.

During the day training, the second night was to unify the house, practice folding quilts, the instructor taught it once, and let people practice, he went to the next dormitory, and then toured to check the results, Le was the only girl, and followed the instructor to the boys' dormitory to visit Once, and because she was the only girl, she didn't go to her dormitory for inspection, and asked her to fold the boy's quilt once to have a look.

The third day of the military training was originally Saturday. The old students of the Youth University who returned to school have not officially attended the class. However, the party members, the backbones of the departments, the student union of the department, and the members of the Youth University students have various meetings and various party education classes. Various research topics are lined up on Saturdays and Sundays.

Also on the 3rd, most of the guests invited to attend the opening ceremony of Qingda University also returned to their hometowns. After all, most of them were the principals or head teachers of their alma mater in the college entrance examination, and they had to go back to school to do their jobs.

When it finally ushered in a new week on Monday, all the old students went to class, so when the freshmen sweated and shed tears during the hard training during the day, there were finally not so many people who were eating melons to watch, relatively speaking, the pressure dropped sharply.

Yan Shao and Liu Shao also followed the local customs to attend classes. The two were studying, and they were at the same level as the graduate students. They also listened to postgraduate classes. The two had different majors.

The two young men are very handsome, and they became eye-catching as soon as they appeared, and soon became famous in their respective departments. Beautiful men are always attractive, and the two young men love to go to various restaurants to taste delicious food. The name spreads to the various departments with a kind of like sparks catching a prairie fire.

Students are officially in class, and the campus of Qingshang University is no longer open to the public. Many parents of new students stay at Qingsong University for a few days. Seeing that their children have settled down, they are also relieved to go home one after another.

Of course, the suffering of the new students will not be alleviated by the old students attending classes, but rather aggravated. Training during the day, national defense education class in the evening, or a talent report meeting, or practice of backpacking, sometimes housekeeping evaluations at night, and sometimes internal affairs evaluations during the day, arranged every day. full.

Regardless of whether boys or girls are exposed to the sun every day, they get tanned a little, even the instructors are no exception, and Le’s classmates and the people from several nearby classes who often meet each other are jealous and want to strangle her every time they see Le. , Others have dry skin and tanned skin, but the little loli is still pink and tender, even if it is clear that her face has become red and black, and the next day, the little loli is still White and tender, watery and watery.

Little Loli's skin is so good and her recovery ability is good, she makes the boys in the same class hate and love her, and annoy her because she can't tan, which makes people jealous, and love her because she is too watery, which makes the boys in other classes jealous, especially There are no girls in the two classes, and they always move forward. They are very proud of this.

What annoyed everyone the most was the national defense students. Those guys didn’t know what to do. They challenged the military training class when they were free, and the instructors left them alone, because competition was a good thing, and challenges were good for stimulating the students’ spirit of competition.

So, today this class was challenged by the national defense students in the drag competition, and tomorrow the class was challenged, what endurance running? , Because among the national defense students, there are boxers, Mongolian and Tibetan students, who know wrestling, have great strength, and are good at running. Moreover, the northwestern ethnic group can sing and dance, and the singing is particularly loud.

Although the military training life is a bit hard, and it is often depressing to be challenged, fortunately, there are often senior sisters and seniors to care and condolences, and various clubs to do publicity, attract people to their respective teams, and bring the boring life of the freshmen. Fun and hot topic.

On Wednesday, the comprehensive test scores and English scores of the freshmen were also released. The original notice was to open the landing page after 08:30 in the morning. Therefore, when the freshmen are training for an hour, they can't wait to get their scores after the break after nine o'clock. Check online on your mobile phone.

When the students from all over the world tried their best to get on the Internet to check their results, they found that there was a guy who got full marks in the comprehensive test and English in the science department.

The science students wanted to scream and roar [-] words to vent their indignation. Classmate Le was so mad!You said, you only need to be the first in the national science subject in the college entrance examination. Why do you have to get a full score in the pre-school test, such a bullshit, how can you let other high-calibre science students see the green teachers and students?

All the science students seem to have millions of grass and mud horses galloping around in their hearts, and their hearts will be smashed into mud. To the classmate Le, who is a role model, they just want to ask: Classmate Le, you are going to die. Any other science champions?

The provincial champion of science at Qingda University: "..." Classmates, please leave a way out!

At this time, the top students in the science college entrance examinations in various provinces are really heartbroken, especially Shen Fusheng, who was also ranked first in the country for science, his mood is 144 times more complicated than breaking the five-flavor bottle. In the pre-school test, he got a full score in English, with a comprehensive score of 6, which was only [-] points lower than that of Le's classmates.

The pre-school test has three full marks in English, namely Le Yun, Shen Fusheng, and Zhou Yongheng. Among them, Zhou is a foreign language major, Shen is a precision instrument major, and Le is a medical department. The three students appeared on the same stage and were really popular. a handful.

In the pre-school test, the liberal arts also has a single full score in English. There are five students, two more than the liberal arts. The comprehensive test of the liberal arts has only 148 points, which are infinitely close to the full score.

For those with full marks in English, no one is jealous, but for those with full marks in comprehensive scores, all the students will be put on the ground. It is necessary to know that there are five subjects in science, each subject is 30 points, the maximum of each question is [-] points, and each subject is [-] points. For the above questions, the five subjects are tested in the same way. Often, the brain is still in the thinking mode of mathematical problem solving, and the question type jumps to biology. Then, before fully adapting to the biology question method, it goes to the chemistry question, and the comprehensive test question is extremely test. Human thinking ability and thinking transformation ability.

The students in the medical department felt a lot of pressure. The college entrance examination almost got a perfect score. Now a science student with a full score is in the medical department. You said, what special prizes will those in the future, what department first, department first, how can they be portion?

Student Dai and Student Wu and Student Xu were stunned. They shared the exam room with Classmate Le and knew that she left the exam room early for both subjects. They thought she was being watched by the invigilator, but she probably left without finishing the questions. As a result, they not only did After the question is over, you have done everything right.

The three classmates were hit hard, and other people in the same military training class also knew classmate Le, and knew that the only girl in the class was the guy with double perfect marks, so they almost rushed up to beat her up, and in the end, little girls were rare in the class. The animal was reluctant to start, but looked at her with a particularly resentful look in her eyes.

After the rest time, military training will continue as usual.

At ten o'clock, there is an intermission, which is also the longest one. It lasts for 10 minutes. People run to the toilet, drink water, or recover their physical strength.

After the intermission, each class flocked to the class station, or hurried to drink water, or ran to the toilet, or rested on his stomach, or used mobile phones to surf the Internet again. Most of the students were discussing the test results.

When a group of freshmen were chatting hotly, several national defense students rushed to the military training class to challenge again, but this time they hit a hard bone.

The one who was challenged was the second battalion, first row, second class, which is another class of freshmen in the medical department. The first-level students faced five national defense students without changing their face, but with a look of contempt: "If you want to challenge, okay, change the way. , how about a bibimbap?"

"What Wenbi?" The national defense students and the neighboring class were all excited.

"Wubi, that is, you always challenge fists, wrestling, endurance running, etc. Wenbi, civilized competitions, not hands and feet, brains, didn't you win more than ten classes in a row with your fists? If you have the courage to compare your brains with us, if you beat Le Yun from our medical department, I will obey you immediately, and I will follow your lead in the future."

Zhang Yingjie, the squad leader of the second military training class, raised his head arrogantly and talked about martial arts. Compared with the national defense students, these people lost [-]% of the time. If the paper was about brains, would they dare to challenge classmate Le?


"Well said, have the guts to write the text ratio."

"We enter Qingda mainly to learn knowledge, and our minds are very important. We can't emphasize martial arts over literature, and agree with Wenbi."

All around the students applauded.

The five national defense students look at me and I look at you, and the leader Sun Shilin hugs his chest: "Who is Le Yun?"

"Class [-], Brother Le, there is someone challenging you." All the students in Class [-] shouted.

A group of sentient beings were playing with their own, and when they heard the roaring roar, they turned their heads, and their eyes were cold. Don't think that they didn't hear what a group of people said to someone just now. Push it out, what's your motive?

The five defense students turned their heads in unison, looked at the freshmen of the other class, met the cold eyes of the boys, and secretly made a surprise.

Looking for ballast?

Le Yun just finished drinking the water, tightened the bottle cap, stuffed it in her backpack, stood up, and patted her butt: "Who is looking for me?" The second class brought the misfortune to the east, hehe!

The national defense students saw a small figure standing out from a sea of ​​camouflage, wearing a hat, showing a little bit of short hair, a short-sleeved camouflage shirt, long camouflage pants, and a belt around the waist. A little boy.

The reason they didn't see anyone just now was because all the freshmen were wearing the same camouflage uniforms, everyone wore hats, and none of them had long hair. They thought they were all boys.

Is that the national champion of science?

The corners of the five national defense students twitched slightly, feeling rather embarrassed. The challengers were all boys, but it was a girl!Still a white and tender girl, how to fight?

"You are Le Yun? The first in the country for science and the one with double perfect scores in the pre-school test?" Sun Shilin was slightly startled when he saw the short-haired girl. The little girl seemed to have some discrepancies with some information.

"Yes, it's the deity. I wonder what the senior can teach you?" Le Yun turned around, jumped out of the circle where the classmates were sitting, and carefully examined the five national defense students. The newly enrolled boys have a little more composure of a man, and their faces also have a fortitude of a soldier.

Judging from their appearance and bearing, it can be seen that they are the best among the national defense students, especially from the attitude of the national defense student instructors, it can be seen that those are the key training targets, because the instructors are very condone to them and allow them to challenge them everywhere. , to increase their popularity.

Senior?The corner of the defense student's eyes jumped three times, and the little girl called them seniors, and dug a small hole. The senior challenged the juniors, which was equivalent to bullying the small. Even if they won, it would not be very glorious.

"I heard that you have a good mind and study well, and you must be very good in sports. Do you dare to smash military boxing with me?" Sun Shilin's pupils shrank, the little girl smiled brightly, and she was not chaotic in the face of battle, I am afraid it is not good The master of the pinch.

"Cut, okay, okay, the boys in our class are afraid of hurting a rare animal like me, so they don't dare to attack me. That's fine," Le Yun rubbed her fists happily and looked at the instructor with an uneasy expression: "Instructor, the senior national defense student wants to fight me, can I fight?"

"Okay." Han Yuntao couldn't just sit back and watch, and stood up and walked towards the defense students: "You can cut your teeth, but you can't be competitive, just click on it."

"Yes!" The defense students nodded in unison.

Han Yuntao stood in the open space as a referee to prevent accidents; the students from Class [-] and Class [-], as well as the two neighboring classes, hula-hura, came to watch the battle, and the instructors of each class stood up to maintain order.

Sun Shilin went out first: "I'll come first."

Le Yun walked over to the tall national defense student and clasped her fists: "Senior, please."

Everyone looked at a man and a woman. The boy was tall and big, and looked at least 1.7 meters tall. The arms exposed under the short-sleeved training uniform were muscular and very powerful; the little girl was petite and slender, at most 1.6 meters tall, with short sleeves The two small arms protruding from under the camouflage shirt are more tender than a white radish.

One big and one small, one tall and one short, one male and one female, the contrast is huge. In vulgar terms, it is a contest between beasts and beautiful women.

Boys and girls all sweated for the little girl. The girl is so white, tender and petite. What should you do if you are bumped or knocked down by a boy.

"Let's invite you." Sun Shilin tensed his muscles. The little girl who dared to fight must have some support. If she is not careful, she may capsize in the gutter.

He took the little girl very seriously, made a gesture, twisted his waist slightly, took the first shot, and slammed the little girl with a fist.

Against the enemy, the first to strike is the strongest, and it is not possible to say that women are given priority.

Sun Shilin's eyes were always locked on his opponent, and he didn't dare to take it lightly.

"Ah—" Seeing that the boy took the lead, everyone screamed in surprise, and looked at the boy with color, bullying the small, and even sneaking a sneak attack, shameless!

In particular, there was a class that was challenged by national defense students and lost. They looked at the national defense students with prickly eyes. They bullied them who had just entered the school because of their strength after training for an extra month. What kind of heroes are they? Kind of to challenge senior defense students.

When Le Yun saw a punch coming, she squinted slightly, stepped to the left with one foot, turned sideways, attacked with her right fist, and her left hand was ready to go.

The students onlookers thought that their fists would be head-to-head, but who knew that the boy's punch was a false move, the purpose of which was to lure the little girl to punch. At the same time, the other hand grabbed the left hand of the little girl in a grappling style, flew out and swept her legs, and swept to the lower plate of the little girl.

One move is changeable, and the flexibility of the general's boxing and attacking at the same time is applied.

Han Yuntao moved his position silently and adjusted the best action posture. Once the boy's fist hit the little girl or swept the little girl to her back, he would pounce on the boy in time to hold the boy, and would not allow him to take advantage of the victory to chase and hurt the little girl.


Le Yun is short, and when she turned to the side, she saw the boy staring at her from a bird's-eye view, and her eyes collided with him.

How to say it specifically?

If it's murderous, it's too much, if it's vicious, it's a bit inferior, in short, it's a very unfriendly look, full of hostility.

She was surprised. She didn't offend him, right? Everyone didn't know each other. How could he look at her with that kind of eyes?

Suspicious in her heart, Le Yun's instinct has already made a counterattack, her body deftly twisted an angle, instead of retreating, she took a step forward, and the hand that met his fist sank, changing the fist to grasping, grasping with one hand. Hold the boy's hand with force, turn it around, put the boy on his shoulders sideways, bend over, use force, and throw him.

The little girl grabbed the boy's hand, pulled him to her shoulders, and then threw him beautifully over his shoulders, throwing him into the air and falling to the ground.

Everyone looked straight, Han Yuntao: "..." No, that doesn't look like a martial artist!


The boy flew out in an arc in the air, and then was thrown to the ground by the little girl, in a standard four-legged posture.

When Sun Shilin was pinching his hand, he only felt that there was an iron hoop on his hand, and then his eyes swayed. The shaking was too dazzling, and he couldn't see anything clearly. There were scattered shadows in front of him, and then his back hurt, and the sight in front of him was too dazzling. The scene was still, and the sun was a little harsh, making him blink.

He threw the man to the ground, Le Yun let go, and saw the four defense students staring straight at him, turned around, quickly ran behind the instructor to hide, then stuck his head out from the side, and whispered for help: " Instructor, I'm not good at learning, I didn't grasp the strength to throw the senior, the senior instructor is here, you have to save me."

Everyone turned their heads blankly and looked in the direction the little girl was looking at. Sure enough, they saw an instructor with epaulettes approaching, and the students in that direction hurriedly made way.

Sun Shilin fell to the ground, looking up at the sky for a few seconds, his mind was blank at first, he didn't know what to do, then suddenly remembered what happened, he got up and sat up, just about to stand up, seeing everyone looking in one direction, also sideways. Looking up, seeing the instructor coming over, he forgot to get up for a while, so he just sat there in a daze.

Wang Ziqiang, who was wearing the epaulette of the major, walked to the place surrounded by the students, and saw the national defense student he led was sitting on the ground. He could guess without asking, it must be a challenge and defeat.

When Han Yuntao saw Instructor Wang approaching, he quickly stepped forward, stood at attention, and saluted, "Hello, sir, may I ask what instructions sir?"

The students stood up straight, breathing lightly, and the scene was silent.

"What happened?" Wang Ziqiang returned the military salute and asked calmly.

"Report, sir, five national defense students came to challenge the students in this class. The students in this class were eager to fight. Because of their poor academic skills and lack of control of their strength, they knocked the national defense students to the ground with a shoulder throw."

Han Yuntao reported the situation truthfully, Wang Ziqiang's face muscles tightened, and he nodded lightly: "You can make progress only if you have to cut it. You don't have to be nervous. It was a classmate who threw the national defense student just now?"

The instructor named herself, and Le Yun obediently took a step forward and stood on a small stump: "Report, it's me, I'm sorry instructor, it's because I didn't master the essence of military boxing, so I accidentally dropped the senior."

Wang Ziqiang looked at the little girl, in a bad mood, um, in a very bad mood. If he was a tall boy, he could help the defense student to excuse himself, saying that the loss was not wrong, but in the end, he was thin and small, as white as dough Little girl, losing... is too embarrassing.

"Little classmate, don't be nervous, you have studied very well. National defense students train for a month more than you. Military boxing is more proficient than you. You can beat national defense students. This is your strength. Soothing the little girl, she turned to face the national defense student with a stern face: "Sun Shilin, get up, there are a few of you, what are you doing, come back to the team!"

"Yes!" Sun Shilin was shocked, got up in a hurry, and quickly followed the instructor with his companions.

The five national defense students did not dare to look at them when they left, and followed the instructor without squinting.

When returning to the inherent territory of national defense students, Instructor Wang's face was immediately covered by a dark cloud: "Sun Shilin, you are a boy to challenge a girl, how good are you? Boys look for girls to cut waste, even if you win, you won't be able to win, you It's good, not only challenging girls, but also challenging such a small girl, are you embarrassed?"

"I..." Sun Shilin bowed his head, not daring to defend.

"Report the instructor, I have a situation report." A boy shouted.

"Wang Xiuwen, say it."

"Report to the instructor, that girl is not an ordinary girl. She is the national champion of science. She got full marks in the exam a few days ago. Such a girl cannot be regarded as an ordinary weak person."

"Others get top marks in the exam, others get full marks, that's what others have worked hard for. You can also work hard to get full marks and win the first place. If you don't get full marks, it only means that you didn't work hard enough." Wang Ziqiang's face became even darker: "You guys I can understand it to challenge others, but it is still arrogant to lose to others. Is it shameful? The five of you go for fifteen laps."

"..." The five boys were trained to be speechless, they answered honestly, turned around and ran to the playground track.

Wang Ziqiang punished five people for running, and trained others with a black face.

When Instructor Wang took five national defense students away, and watched the lively students being chased away with a shout from their respective instructors, everyone quietly gestured to the little girl with thumbs up when they ran away. Let's see if the national defense is still arrogant.

The defense students left, Han Yuntao didn't praise everyone, just patted the little girl on the shoulder hard, well done!Really good job, can beat the defense students to the ground, enough to make everyone proud.

As an instructor, he is not good at praising the little girl for defeating the national defense students. That would mean to belittle the national defense students, and it would destroy the unity and friendship among the classmates, so he could only give silent praise.

That slap was extremely powerful.

When Le Yun was pressed like that, her shoulders sank and her tears were about to come out. Instructor, be merciful!She is a minor, she should be loved and handled with care.

"Little Loli, you're amazing, my buddy will serve you!" Classmate Dai and the others hugged him and patted the little girl's shoulder friendly.

Le Yun rolled her eyes silently and slapped her one by one, aren't you afraid of breaking her into pieces?She also knew that this was meant to be friendly, so she didn't hide, and people gave her a slap in the face.

Classmate Le's domineering move threw the national defense students to the ground, which made the two classes of students in the medical department proud. Not only were they not afraid of the national defense students' challenges, but they secretly hoped that the national defense students would come again, so they would justify pressing them.

Sun Shilin, Wang Xiuwen and others ran for fifteen laps. They were so tired that they returned to the team and fell to the ground. How could they still have the strength to challenge again. Because of the failure of the national defense, they temporarily died, allowing the military training classes on the same playground to breathe.

However, that calm only lasted for half a day. The next day, during the morning break, several defense students came to the military training class of the Medical Department again, aiming directly at Le Yun: "Le Yun, we challenge you, do you dare not Dare to fight?"

(End of this chapter)

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