magic eye doctor

Chapter 136 Declaring War

Chapter 136 Declaring War

August in Kyoto is mixed with rain and rain, the most sultry, and September is less rainy and more sunny. Every sunny day when the autumn sun hangs high, the air is dry and it is easy to get angry.

Around ten o'clock in the morning, the sun was hanging in the sky, and the bright silver light made people feel like they were in a sauna. The military trainees who had just finished their training had no sweat on their bodies, and most of them were paralyzed on the ground. How to position the limbs.

When a few National Defense students came in full of anger, the people from each military training class sat down subconsciously, waiting to watch a good show. When they saw the National Defense students running to the second battalion, the expressions of everyone were even more excited. National Defense lost face only two days before his death. , must be for revenge!

The second battalion, a row and a certain class broke the news about the national defense students, because considering that the national defense students are reservists of the national army, they always have to save some face for them, so the instructors still mentioned it, and let everyone discuss it in private. Now, don't spread the word about destroying the unity of classmates.

So, even though that little bit of shit is not known to everyone, in the next few classes you pass me and I pass you, but they still know it internally. Everyone knows it, and they still despise national defense students in their hearts. The girl also lost the heads-up, what a shame!

Now, according to yesterday, only one day has passed, and the defense students came to look for trouble again, and all the military trainees had an idea: classmates, beat them hard, beat them to the ground, and make them embarrassed to come looking for trouble.

Many freshmen in military training secretly look forward to the wonderful scene where a certain class of classmates will make a big splash and beat the defense students to the brink.

The first class of students in the medical department finally had a chance to take a breath, of course, they were happy to relax their nerves. As a result, the pleasant time was disturbed. 44 boys sat up and stood in a row, glaring.

"Have you finished yet? Challenge this class today and pick that class tomorrow, is it interesting?"

"After training for an extra month, you will be challenged everywhere. Do you feel a sense of accomplishment when you win?"

"Do you think it's an honor for a national defense student to challenge an ordinary student?"

"A group of boys challenge a girl, do you still want shame?"

"There is a challenge, it's clearly bullying the younger."

"Student Le is only 14 years old. A group of 16, [-] and [-]-year-old boys challenge a little girl under [-]. If you lose, you don't lose your temper, and you come here to fight in groups. It's not embarrassing."

The boys were indignant, everyone blamed a few defense students one by one, and they were not as polite to other peers.

There were a lot of boys and they talked a lot. Sun Shilin, who came to look for someone, didn't have a chance to interject at all. A few times they tried to speak, but their voices were suppressed. The faces of the five boys were very ugly.

Han Yuntao sat on the side calmly, and the defense students came to challenge again. It must have been approved by Major Wang, so he left it alone and let the students solve it by themselves.

The boy got up, and Le Yun sat still. According to her past temperament, when she met someone who was looking for trouble, she usually ignored it. Just like Yang Xiaocao who was next door in high school, she often ran off to create things out of nothing, and she took it. The puppy is barking, just ignore it, get angry, and can't bear it anymore, so he can directly punch Yang Xiaocao like he did before the college entrance examination.

As for the five boys who were looking for her by name, Classmate Le also decided to ignore it. As a result, she was not angry yet. The boys attacked in anger first, which made her feel mixed.

In the third year of high school, when someone was looking for her, no matter if it was justified or not, except for the small belly at the same table, other people in the class, regardless of gender, would not speak for her, but would only watch the play, and then wait for the fight or quarrel to end. , those so-called class cadres came out to be peacemakers.

I was used to the kind of life that depends on myself for everything, and when I moved to another place, suddenly someone helped me to stand out, and someone held an injustice for me. At that moment, Le Yun was really moved.

In those three years of high school, apart from her classmate, no one regarded her as a part of the class. When she arrived at Qingda University, these were not classmates. They were only classmates in military training. After only getting along for a few days, the boys already regarded the class as a whole. Is willing to stand up to shield her from the wind and rain, and for her to be at the forefront, how can this friendship not be heart-warming?

Sometimes, the emotion is in an instant.

There was a warm current in her heart, Le Yun smiled tenderly and opened her eyes, put her elbows on her knees and supported her chin, quietly being a petted little girl.

Sun Shilin and his companions were scolded by the boys sentence by sentence and had no room to speak. Angrily, they looked around to find the target, looked around, saw the girl who was out of the matter, immediately left a group of men, and ran two steps to the girl: "Let's go. Yun, what kind of hero is hiding behind people, there is a way to fight."

"The girl's defeated general is too embarrassed to shout?"

"Without morals, anything is possible."

"It's too shameless!"

"I was smashed into a dog yesterday, and no one dared to say a word. I probably got comfort from my parents last night, so today I forgot how much I weighed."

"Classmate Le, next time you don't need to talk about your demeanor, just beat up people into dead dogs."

"It's better to beat the shameless guy so that his parents don't even know him."

Classmate Sun's arrogant attitude made the boys' hearts angry, and almost spit saliva on each other's face, isn't he a national defense student?What's so amazing?If they were willing to apply for the exam, it might not have happened to these few.

In fact, boys can still scold and scold people. They don't scold, just because of their demeanor, because of their self-cultivation, and they don't want to be quick with words.

The boys are angry, Han Yuntao can't laugh or cry, you can be reasonable, don't scold the street, it's too immoral for a group of talented people to fight in a team.

"You..." Sun Shilin's face flushed red, and he wanted to throw a fist in anger.

"What happened to us?" Le Yun put her hands around her knees, and took over the words coolly: "Tell me what happened to us? Did we go to your national defense team to provoke trouble? We have been fighting for strengths like you. Did we fight? Did we form a team to bully you? Did we run in groups to challenge the girls in your defense students? We non-defense students were beaten by you, and there were gangs. Are you sending someone to look for you to find your place back?"

"Well said!" The boys responded in succession.

"Could it be that you are bullying the less with more?" Wang Xiuwen grabbed a bit of the story and used his voice to grab people.

"Pfft, you came to our class to find the bank, and you are not allowed to fight back with words? When did the national defense students of Qingda have the right to control the speech of others?" Le Yun didn't like the national defense students in front of her. She really didn't understand when the national defense students The threshold is so low that even people of average quality are accepted, which is really disgraceful for future soldiers.

"We're not here to find trouble, we're here to challenge." Without the boys attacking again, Sun Shilin looked directly at the girls who couldn't afford to sit on the ground, and his heart was very angry. The little girls were still sitting still in front of them. disdain for him.

"I'm not interested." Le Yun stretched her waist lazily, and supported her cheeks with her hands and knees: "boring people do boring things, handsome guys in the same class, you can't care about boring people, you might as well take the time to rest, or Think about which restaurant to go to for lunch is more realistic.”

"Mmmmmm." A group of boys felt very reasonable, hula la and sat down again, drinking water when they should drink water, and finding chocolate when they were looking for chocolate. They really took the five defenses as air.

"You don't accept it?" The defense students' chests burst into flames. They ran with all their strength, and the little girl just said "no interest" and it was over?

"Who stipulated that I must accept it? You have the right to challenge others, and others have the right to accept or reject it. This is everyone's freedom." Others formed a team to find her to bully her, why would she still accept it?

"You don't have to accept it now, we will challenge again." Sun Shilin glanced gloomily at the little girl and the boys, greeted his companions, and turned to leave.

Wang Xiuwen let out a sneer before leaving.

The five men came in a rage, and rushed away with momentum, where they passed as if no one was in the land, as proud as a warlike rooster.

That look, very flat.

The military trainees also endured it. National defense students occupy the word national defense. As long as personal safety is not involved, they generally do not conflict directly with the defense students, so as not to cause trouble.

"It feels like something isn't quite right."

"They came fiercely, how could they be so talkative?"

The five national defense students just left, but it made the boys very puzzled. Looking at the frame, the national defense students were not good, how could they have died without a disease?

"What about them, if they like to toss, let them toss. If we are happy, we will ignore them. If we are not interested, we will ignore them. Is it possible that a group of them can still come up and fight us?"

Military training is inherently exhausting, and who is bored to care about those boring people?

Le Yun is really too lazy to cut slaps with people. It doesn't make sense to cut slaps like that. It's better to rest when you have time, and analyze and analyze the book knowledge that has been scanned into the brain and stored.

There is not much free time during military training. Every day there is a period of rest at noon, and there is also a period of time after the team disbands in the evening. Those are free time, which is controlled by the people themselves.

Classmate Le is busy scanning textbooks at noon or in the evening. He can scan a thin textbook in one hour, and he can scan a thin textbook in about an hour at noon. It is 11 pm in the dormitory. Lighting off the lights, military training ends at nine o'clock, except for the time to take a bath and enter the space to harvest, there is about an hour left to read books, and it is possible to scan a textbook that is not too thick.

A book cannot be read at one time and can be divided into two parts. Generally speaking, at least one book can be scanned in a day. By analogy with this speed, the results are also considerable.

Le Yun is busy reading books against the clock. First, she just scans and stores, and then sorts out, memorizes, and understands when she has time. How can she have the spare time to play the child-like game with others.

Little girls don't care, and boys don't bother to guess what the defense students are thinking.

A group of students did not tear up, Han Yuntao was relieved and relieved. The little girl is small, she is assertive, and she is not competitive, and he is also relieved.

Take a break, continue training, and disband at the point.

The instructors gathered after the students were dismissed and lined up to go to the cafeteria. When the meal was finished, a group of people took the bus around the school back to the building where the school had arranged for them to have a small meeting every day at noon. rang.

Instructor Han said to the team leader, and went to a quiet corner to listen to the phone. The soprano voice came from the other end of the phone extremely impatient: "Xiao Tao, have you considered what I told you yesterday?"

"Mom, soldiers are disciplined, and I can't violate the discipline of the army."

——"It's just asking you to help take care of individuals, not letting you do things that violate discipline or law, not letting you give gifts to people through the back door, or asking you to pay bribes. Where is the violation of the law?"

"Mom—" Han Yuntao's eardrums went numb from the roar of his mother's soprano.

- "Speak directly, do you really help? Your father has been the section chief for so many years, and he finally has the opportunity to be promoted to be the manager. He entrusts your father with such trivial matters. If you don't help, you will be worthy of your father? Your father If you can't get a promotion, you're worthy of your conscience..."

"...Mom, I'll think about it..." Han Yuntao reluctantly squeezed out a sentence after being scolded, and hung up the phone after hearing Xiaozhi's affectionate remarks from his mother.

When he walked back to the building after talking on the phone, he saw that the head of the instructor group Liu was still waiting for him, so he walked over embarrassedly.

"Xiao Han, is there something urgent at home?" Liu Zhenjun asked concernedly when he saw Instructor Han's unhappy expression.

"It's nothing urgent, it's just trivial things that parents care about. It's not important, but it's annoying." For the past two days, the family has to do ideological work for him every day on something. Keep your emotions under control.

Instructor Han was reluctant to say, and Liu Zhenjun didn't ask the bottom line. Every family had a scripture, and the most difficult thing in the world was housework. Naturally, he couldn't take care of other people's housework.

The old students have a lot of time to eat what they want to eat at noon, which canteen to eat. The new students consume a lot of physical strength in military training. Generally, they rush to wherever they are, and go back to the dormitory to take a small nap, or the nearest Which library to read and which cool place to surf the web.

Just at this noon, an invitation post flashed on the campus forum of Qingda University. To be precise, it was a challenge post. The main title was "Challenge Post", and the subtitle was "Freshman in Arts Challenges No. [-] Scholar in Science".

The subtitle is too conspicuous, so that the forum administrators pull it out from a pile of posts, and directly add it to the top and put it in the first place, so that people who enter the Internet can see it at a glance.

Because the post is more refined and sticks to the top, facing all living beings, it will quickly attract attention. People who enter the forum are all eager to watch the excitement. The post is the content of this year's liberal arts freshman challenging a science champion. To put it bluntly, it is liberal arts The freshman gave birth to a war post to the science department.

After reading the content, those who entered the forum immediately searched for the challenger and the challenged, and quickly pulled out the information on both sides. There were three who challenged. The leader, Sun Shilin, was also the champion of liberal arts in southern Y province this year, and Wang Xiuwen, Bian Yuan, two classmates.

The three students are all liberal arts students, and they are also national defense students. Among them, student Sun scored full marks in English in the pre-school exam, student Wang also got a good score of 147 points, and student Bian's comprehensive score reached a high score of 139 points.

All three students are outstanding among the liberal arts.

And the challenged is even more incredible. The challenged is Le Yun, the first female champion in the science department this year.

When it comes to Le Yunle, many people who fall in love with the forum know a little bit about it. When the college entrance examination results came out in June and July, the university collected the names and scores of the champions in each province, and made a post on the forum. Constantly updated, and then, the national rankings of the provincial champions came out, as well as the list of champions who applied to Qingda University.

Obviously, the name of classmate Le is at the top of the list. The surname of classmate Le has been discussed by the forum members for a long time. The dispute is whether the surname is yue or le. The majority of people support the surname. Few have the last name le.

As a result, the truth did not stand for the majority, and the minority prevailed. As a result, Le also gained a certain reputation.

The old student Lunmin who logged in today saw the name of classmate Le in the post. He had some vague memories but it was clear. Someone picked up the information on both sides and posted it directly in the free speech area.

Also because of the reason of classmate Le, many people are more interested in the challenge post and are willing to pay attention to it.

To tell the truth, everyone is not very interested in the challengers. They are interested in the reaction of the challenged classmate Le. You must know that the three challengers who submitted the battle post challenged the classmate Le at the same time. The content has three items. The first item: [-] meters Long-distance running, that is endurance running;

The second item: push-up competition;

The third item: wrestling.

Theoretically speaking, the three challenges are all boys' strengths. From a rational point of view, they are somewhat disapproving of the challenger's challenge to Classmate Le. After all, the three liberal arts students are all male students, while Classmate Le is a female student. , Men and women are different, the school sports games are also divided into men's and women's groups. Three boys challenge girls, which is morally unreasonable.

Originally, some liberal arts or science students saw that liberal arts students challenged science students and were ready to cheer for their subjects. After checking the information, they found that boys challenged girls. Well, well, the liberal arts students stopped talking;

When the girls in science majors saw it, they immediately became unhappy. Boys formed a team to bully girls?We had to fight back, so I replied in a stern voice: Classmate Le/Xuemei Le, call someone back, we will support you!

After going back and forth, the attention of the war posts is slowly increasing.

Liu Dashao and Yan Shao ordered takeout, ate in the dormitory, and worked overtime to handle official duties. Liu Xiangyang browsed the Internet, ran on the computer, and jumped to Yan someone excitedly, exclaiming happily: "Xiaoxingxing , I'll tell you great news, do you want to hear it?"

"Tell me?" Considering that Liu Xian was swaying with a handsome face every day for the mission these days, and sacrificing color to achieve the goal is a great behavior, Yan Xing rarely accompanies him in his troubles.

"Keng Keng, let me tell you, someone made a battle post to the little beauty, and the little beauty was challenged. What a great event. Look, the battle post is here."

Liu Xiangyang couldn't hold back his happiness, so he handed the computer to someone Yan, and shared the happiness with his brother. The little beauty is a disciple of Guwu, isn't it? Someone dared to send a battle post to the disciple of Guwu. The battle situation is worth looking forward to.

A boy challenges a girl. If it were another person, he could only sympathize with the unlucky girl. Now the challenged object is the little beauty, and he sympathizes with the three boys.

What stimulated those boys to challenge a girl?Who is not good to challenge, but to challenge the little witch who knows ancient martial arts?

Think about it, even a guy like Yan can't get a good deal in the hands of a little beauty, and he has been thinking about it for a long time in vain. It's no wonder how much the three boys can get.

Under the same conditions, the physical strength and stamina of ordinary girls are naturally much lower than that of boys. He doesn't think so much about little beauties. Girls who understand ancient martial arts cannot use ordinary theories in terms of physical strength, stamina, and strength. If you look at Gu Wu's children with normal eyes, they will be beaten badly.

Finally having fun wow!

Liu Xiangyang's heart is bright and sunny. He has classes every day in Qingda University, and he can't go out for a walk.

"Huh?" Yan Xing thought that he had heard it wrong and that Little Loli was being challenged. What was wrong?He was about to ask someone about Liu, when the computer stretched out in front of him, and he saw the forum thread opened by Liu Shao, it was really a battle book.

Counting lines at a glance, I quickly browsed through it, and the dragon's eyes in the deep tunnel flashed a dim light: "Three defense students challenge a little girl? Do their instructors know?"

"It is estimated that if you know, you will turn a blind eye. Shall we come forward and mention a thing or two?" Liu Xiangyang sympathized with the three national defense students and the two national defense instructors who were suspicious of Yan Shao, the general situation The situation is worrying, even if the situation is not worrying, the secret information of the eight generations of the ancestors is also worrying.

"Don't worry about it for now, the Youth University Student Union doesn't mean to interfere, it's not our turn to intervene in the affairs of the students." Yan Xing continued to read the replies of the other students indifferently.

The Youth Student Union has autonomy, and its literature department and forum network are only subject to the supervision of the school department, and the management and decision-making power is in the hands of the student union.

The post was added to the top by the forum department, indicating that the literature department of the student union is known, and the development of laissez-faire shows that it is a benign development, and everything is under control.

Besides, even if some things go beyond certain boundaries, there is still Brother Chao. There is nothing that Brother Chao can't solve at Qingda University. Now that Brother Chao has not come forward, who will get them to meddle in their own business.

Yan Xing was sure that Brother Chao would take care of him, and he also believed in the abilities of the young boy from the Chao family. Otherwise, Brother Chao would not be able to secure the position of the president of the student union. They were here for further studies and could not steal the limelight.

"I'm afraid that the little beauty will be bullied and grieved and cry." Liu Shao felt that this time was a good time for them to express their anger and anger in front of the little beauty. Come to a hero to save beauty.

"If you cry, little Lolita may not cry." Little Lolita is tenacious and unyielding. When she is wronged, she will probably just wave her fist directly and beat people to the ground.

"Look at what you said, it seems like my brother is a bitch made of water." Liu Xiangyang was dissatisfied with being looked down upon, and turned to be in high spirits: "Actually, I would like to know the mood of the little beauty now, whether she should or not. Should it be?"

"You can think slowly, the challenge time is set on the 10th, and on Sunday, you can still watch the scene."

"The behavior of the three little brats is not in my heart. I only care about the time they choose. I only hope that the little beauty can take on the challenge, let my brother have a feast for my eyes, and experience how the female disciples of the ancient martial arts defeated the three boys. Heroic and heroic."

Yan Xing wanted to shoot people, Liu Xiangyang hoped that Little Loli would take on the challenge, but she just wanted to use some clues to figure out Little Loli's martial arts skills.

(End of this chapter)

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