magic eye doctor

Chapter 1342 Heading to Yuhengzong

Chapter 1342 Heading to Yuhengzong

After placing the order, Le and the cheap brothers left from Xiuzhuang, because it was only half afternoon, and continued to go shopping, Le went to pick rice and grain stores, whether it was rice, wheat, corn, millet, beans or flour, the quality was all there No problem, buy it all!

What she wants to buy most is wild rice.

Speaking of wild rice, many people may not know what it is, but many people know its tender stems are wild rice stems, and wild rice is the fruit of wild rice.

Dongchen Continent is rich in water resources. There are countless wetlands and shallow rivers and ponds in the central and southern lands. Wild rice can be seen everywhere, and most of them are wild. Due to the low yield of wild rice, it is troublesome to collect and expensive. Generally, only big families can eat it. Ordinary people I don’t know how to buy, but if I want to eat, I can pick them myself to satisfy my cravings.

Under normal circumstances, the common people eat by themselves when they are very young. After finishing their farm work, they go to collect wild rice and sell it to the rice shop to increase extra income for themselves.

There are two kinds of wild rice in Zhonglu. One variety matures around September, and the other kind is later. It doesn’t mature until the end of October and is picked in early November. The late-ripening wild rice was newly harvested not long ago, and many rice shops have bought it. When it comes to wild rice, there are hundreds of catties to several thousand catties in stock.

Le classmate is rich and powerful, so he buys wild rice whenever he sees it. Moreover, because wild rice is available, he usually sells out all other rice, which also makes rice stores that store wild rice happy.

Before the junior sister went to the embroidery village, she bought bamboo weaving supplies in a big way, and after she went to the embroidery village, she bought rice grains in a big way. Luo Cheng and others were full of depression. Why did the junior sister buy so much grain?
As far as they know, the little junior sister has tens of millions of catties of bamboo rice in her hands, and she has as many kinds of grains as there are grains produced in Yulanzong Lingtian. Each grain exceeds one million catties. The transactions amounted to tens of millions of catties of grain.

Moreover, the little junior sister will soon receive the grains she traded with the soul jade, and it is estimated that the grains can reach more than [-] million catties.

The little junior sister is not short of food, and she goes to the secular world to buy rice, what does she want to do?
The four senior brothers couldn't figure it out, because the little junior sister was happy to buy, they were afraid of affecting her good mood, so they didn't ask, and just helped pay for it. By the way, grain is really cheap. Rice is only three taels of platinum.

The four senior brothers accompanied the junior sister to sweep away the empty rice shops on one street, and then went to another street to find a wine workshop. Son, Yu Nineteen didn't hold back, and asked quietly, "Little Junior Sister, do you like to drink?"

"I don't drink." Le Yun firmly expressed her position. She is a medical student and wants to be a miracle doctor. Drinking alcohol will stimulate her sense of taste and nerves, causing nervous excitement. Alcohol will affect her judgment, so she resolutely does not drink. Of course, red wine and some non-human-made fruit wine can be tasted properly.

"Then you still buy so much wine?" Yu Mo asked puzzled, why buy wine if you don't drink?Could it be that it was prepared for them?

"I use it to be useful." Who stipulates that you can't buy alcohol if you don't drink it?The wine of Dongchen Continent is truly handmade and fine wine, some of which can be collected and brought back to the earth, which can be used to brew medicinal wine, or given as gifts to people who are good wine.

Yu Mowen was speechless, thinking that the junior sister was preparing for their brothers, but he was overthinking it!
Luo Chengyu Qi Zhuyi snickered beside her. The junior sister has a lot of wonderful ideas. In her eyes, everything is useful. Nineteen even ran to ask. Isn't that just looking for depression?

The owner of the shop appeared soon. At first, he didn't believe that the customers wanted to buy all the wine in the store. After all, there were a lot of wine in the store, and there were hundreds of large and small wine jars. The place.

There are dozens of wine jars stacked in the backyard, and there is a row of side rooms in the backyard that are warehouses for storing wine jars. The wine jars are piled up layer by layer to form a wall.

After counting the amount and paying the money, Yu Qi and Yu Shijiu helped collect the wine jars, one from the house and the other from the yard, and with a wave of their hands, all the wine jars disappeared.

Without waiting for the shopkeeper to react, the four brothers flew out of the tavern with their junior sisters, and ran away in a blink of an eye to avoid being surrounded by people.

The four brothers and sisters continued to go shopping, not only went to rice shops and taverns, but also went to vinegar workshops to empty out the vinegar from a workshop.

The five people wandered around until sunset, called it a day, and went back to the inn. The dinner was still the famous local dish provided by the store. The four brothers tasted a little bit, and went back to the guest room where they lived to eat the spiritual fruit they brought.

Classmate Le ate deliciously, was full of wine and food, and took a beautiful flower bath. He didn't sleep at night, so he took the time to feed the birthmark on his arm with celestial stones.

Because the journey from Langshan to Yuhengshan did not require her to worry about safety issues, she rested on the road with peace of mind. After more than a month of adjustments, the adverse consequences of overloading work were eliminated, and all body functions returned to their best. Good value, let her stay up all night for half a month.

From dark to dawn, Le Xiao was feeding his arms and eating stones all night.

According to the weight, the birthmark on the arm has eaten about [-] million catties of stones, but it has not yet shown signs of saturation.

However, after dawn, she didn't continue to feed, washed up, ate breakfast, and went shopping with her seniors.

Because a certain little fairy is too good at sweeping goods, because the shopkeepers brag to the neighboring shopkeepers about what the fairy bought in their shop, you pass it on to me and I pass it on to you, and once you pass it on to ten or ten, soon there are several in the city. The shops on the main street spread rumors that the immortals are purchasing in large quantities. Many shopkeepers are waiting eagerly, hoping that the immortals will come to their stores. medicine.

The four senior brothers are all Yuanying real people, and they can hear voices several miles away, let alone a few streets away. They heard the conversations of the street people, stopped shopping frantically, and strolled around slowly. Back to the inn.

After resting in the inn until early the next morning, the five of them left the inn with the beasts, left the city, slipped into the mountains, opened a flat field in an inaccessible place, and took out a small three-room house of the junior sister. Dive in the mountains.

Le classmate made spiritual food in the kitchen of the small wooden house, and the golden retriever was the guard. The four senior brothers happily went to catch wild animals, dig spiritual plants, and helped the younger sister cut the river to fetch water.

The little loli in the cat’s kitchen not only cooks spiritual food, but also keeps steaming rice, making some wine and some vinegar, using homemade yeast, both wine and vinegar need to be fermented, sealed in jars After that, you can leave it alone.

A young teacher started to make spiritual food, and the happiest ones were the four brothers and Golden Retriever Hou, who could eat a hearty spiritual food meal every three or two days.

Eat well, feel good, the four senior brothers ran far, far to find Lingzhi, and also helped to find wild mushrooms in the wilderness, because most of the central mainland does not snow in winter, only frost, even in December, The wild ears will not all wither and fall to the ground.

The four brothers searched the mountains within a radius of more than a thousand miles, and found many wild medicinal plants and wild animals. The dead wood they cut could be piled up into mountains, and they even helped dig some clay and porcelain mud suitable for pottery.

The brothers are busy, the end of the year is coming in a blink of an eye, and the people in the mainland are busy celebrating the new year, so the brothers also returned to the cabin to rest.

On the day before the Chinese New Year, Le instructed the brothers to deal with the caught wild chickens, rabbits, blue sheep, wild boars, and fish. She was in charge of preparing condiments for marinating. Chicken wrapped in mud and burned in embers, stewed wild boar, braised lamb, roasted wild boar and fish.

The names of animals in Dongchen Continent are very clear. Animals that have not cultivated spiritual intelligence are called wild beasts, and those with spiritual intelligence are called monsters. Some animals even have different names after they cross the beast level. The monster is called hog.

There are also pheasants, the ones that have not evolved are called pheasants, the ones that have evolved are called grouse, blue grouse and red grouse are named because of their different feather colors.

The next day is the New Year's Eve. On this day, the people of Dongchen Continent are busy with the New Year's Eve dinner from the morning, and every place is bustling with activity.

Many sects and cultivating families in the world of cultivating immortals on the mainland, as well as many empires and casual cultivating teams, are still on the way back from the secret realm of Wolf Mountain, and the Chinese New Year is naturally on the way.

Luo Chengyu Qiyu Nineteenth wished Sixteen the happiest, spending the New Year in the mountains with the little junior sister Mao, no outsiders disturbed, and no one snatched food, they followed the little junior sister's buttocks from the morning to help fetch water and clean the spiritual plants , responsible for burning the fire and so on.

The five of them had been busy for a whole day, and prepared more than a dozen dishes. The New Year's Eve dinner began at sunset, and Golden Retriever was also on the table. In front of others were bowls, but in front of him was a huge basin.

The New Year's Eve dinner for five people and one lion was delicious. The four brothers were full, their stomachs were round, and they almost didn't want to move. They sat and digested for a while before washing the dishes.

In the evening, the seniors accompanied the junior sisters to sit on the roof and watch the stars at night. After watching for an hour, they went back to rest. The seniors and the golden retriever rested in the middle hall of the wooden house, and the master lived in the bedroom.

During the Chinese New Year, Le Xiao didn’t feel wronged by the birthmark on his arm. He stayed in his bedroom and kept feeding stones, and then he ate stones all night with the birthmark on his arm.

I don’t go out for a few days at the beginning of the first month. Except for three meals a day, I stay in the bedroom and feed stones to the birthmark at other times. With so many celestial stones, even if the birthmark on the arm eats 24 hours a day, it will take at least one or two years to recover. depleted.

Little Lolita eats some hot food every day, and spends the rest of the time in her bedroom feeding her arms and eating rocks. The seniors do nothing every day and concentrate on practicing. After the second year of junior high school, they help the little junior sister fetch water every other day.

Those days lasted until the sixth day. The senior brothers put away the wooden house and sent the younger junior sister to Yuhengzong. Of course, they played in the mountains and rivers on the way, fetched water and dug spiritual plants, and nothing would fall.

Five people and one beast swayed and swayed, spent the Lantern Festival on the road, and did not arrive at Heng Town outside the Yuheng Sect until the last day in the middle of the first lunar month.

Heng Town is the nearest inhabited town to Yuhengzong. Most of them are the disciples of Yuhengzong from past dynasties. It is located in the east of Yuhengzong, and it is also the transfer station of Yuhengzong outside the mountain.

Luocheng Yuqi wished Yu Jiujiu to send the junior sister to the territory of Yuhengzong. The four of them did not stop, and immediately set off to the north of Yuhengzong to buy sheep and camels from the pasture where sheep and camels were raised.

(End of this chapter)

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