magic eye doctor

Chapter 1343 Telling You to Grow Fast

Chapter 1343 Telling You to Grow Fast

The Yuheng Sect sent some inner disciples to wait in the town early on. When Fairy Le arrived as scheduled, they immediately sent a message to the sect, and at the same time led the little fairy to pass from the teleportation formation to the outside of the Yuheng Sect's mountain protection formation, and then entered the Yuheng Sect. Zong.

The brothers didn't go to Yuhengzong to be a guest, and Le, accompanied by Jin Maohou, happily followed Yuhengzong to guide his disciples into Yuhengzong's mountain protection formation.

The inner perimeter is protected by the mountain protection array, which also makes Yuheng Mountain shrouded in clouds and mist. From the outside, you can only see the clouds and no mountains. When you pass through the mountain protection array, you will enter Yuhengzong.

Yuhengzong's territory is more than one hundred thousand miles away, and there are high mountains and plains. No matter where you look at it, you can see the mountains and peaks, and there is no end to it.

The main peak of Yuheng covers an area of ​​10,000+ miles, and there are dozens of branch peaks on the main peak.

It is still early spring, and the snow on the high mountains has not yet melted. The area above [-] feet above Yuheng Mountain is completely white.

Stepping into the territory of Yuhengzong, Le Yun looked around and found that the aura was similar to that of Yulanzong, but the mountain peaks of Yuhengzong were gentler.

Mountains are not people, so naturally it does not refer to gentle temper, but to the situation of mountains.

Generally speaking, the mountain of Yuhengzong has a relatively gentle trend of sharpening from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and the slope of the mountain changes relatively gently. With a sense of solid foundation, it looks like a middle-aged person, calm and introverted.

Yuhengzong was built on the mountainside of Yuheng Mountain about [-] zhang high from the foot of the mountain. It is located in the canyon plain between the main peak and the branch peaks. It is a huge city. The outer city is the outer gate, and the inner gate is backed by the main peak.

Yuhengzong is surrounded by a big river. The Zongmen is built in the plain area facing the bend of the river. The river is also a natural moat.

The inner and outer sects of the Yuheng Sect are the same, but there are other places such as spiritual fields, animal gardens, and secret places for cultivation.

The disciple of Yuhengzong who was in charge of receiving and guiding led Xiaoxian Le to enter Yuhengzong, stepped on the flying sword and flew into the air, leading the little fairy to fly over dozens of mountains in the inner circle to the real main peak, and then flew upwards obliquely until reaching Yuhengzong. The place where Hengzong was founded.

There are wide squares in front of the inner and outer main halls of the Yuheng Sect. The disciples of the inner sect who have been to the secret place of Langshan for thousands of years are already waiting in the outer gate square. When they see the little fairy arriving on a golden retriever, they greet them with joy and wait for the golden retriever to come. He fell to the ground with a roar, and rushed forward: "Little Junior Sister, you are here!"

"Junior sister, here is the spiritual fruit newly picked by senior brother."

"Junior Sister, the sect master and the elders are already cooking tea in the inner hall."

All the senior brothers surrounded the little fairy and the younger junior sister, happily accompanying her to the inner gate.

Le Yun doesn't know how the real people of Yulan Sect and the cheap senior brothers tell other immortal sects how they get along with each other. Anyway, the people of all immortal sects treat her like a child, and she accepts her fate. Anyway, the youngest of them It is an indisputable fact that they are all three or four hundred years old and have lived hundreds of years longer than her.

Classmate Le Xiao, who was treated as a child, had his head ravaged by a good meal. Of course, the head was not touched for nothing, and dozens of spiritual fruits were exchanged.

Pass through the square, along the wide avenue, pass countless neatly lined buildings, and enter the scenic forest between the inner and outer gates of Yuhengzong, where there are hills, lakes, and spiritual plants.

The scenic forest is more than a hundred miles wide, and the inner gate is after that.

The main hall of the inner sect of the Yuheng Sect is surrounded by various halls. The sect faces east, and the houses where the disciples and elders of the inner sect live are in the southeast, north, south, and north respectively.

Entering the inner gate area of ​​Yuhengzong, there is a small square, and an avenue leads to the main hall in the central area.

Several elders from the inner sect of the Yuheng Sect welcomed Little Fairy Le in the small field, and saw the second generation of direct disciples arriving around the little fairy and leading them to the main hall.

There is a large square outside the main hall, and there are also elder-level disciples of the inner sect waiting. Outside the main hall, the first generation of disciples under the head of the sect stand.

Little Fairy Le was the one who gave away soul jade without blinking an eye. Yu Hengzong did not despise her because of her young age, and gave her the highest standard of courtesy.

Student Le doesn't feel flattered, she is a person who has crossed the gate of time and space, she has had such a miraculous experience, how can she be surprised by the courtesy, she calmly followed the envoys through the square, and climbed the steps to the main hall. temple.

The main hall group of Yuhengzong is a mixed structure of red sandalwood and golden nanmu. It is majestic, majestic and resplendent.

There are disciples standing inside the gate of the main hall, the head of the Yuheng Sect and the elders in charge of each hall and courtyard are in the hall, as well as the first and second generation direct disciples, there are almost a hundred of them.

No one stopped him, the Golden Retriever roared into the main hall of the Yuheng Sect swaggeringly with the little one on his back, with his head held high and his chest held high, he walked steadily and poisedly.

The head of Zhu Erba and others saw the big golden-haired lion of Xiong Jiu Jiu enter the hall, showing friendly and kind smiles, they all got up to welcome the little guest.

Le Yun floated to the ground from the back of the big lion, bowed his hands in parallel, and said something like "I have been waiting for you for a long time", Shi Xuanran floated.

The little fairy is still wearing a man's hairstyle in a skirt, and the head of Juerba and others are very happy to see it. The little fairy has been in the secret realm for nearly a year, and her hair has grown very long. It is now longer than her hips and will soon reach her knees. Her hair is like a waterfall, and she likes to tie her hair all over the top of her head, which really adds some height to her when viewed from the back.

After a period of raising, the little fairy's thin face has grown a little flesh, and she looks much better than when she left the secret place of Wolf Mountain.

The little fairy smiled like a spring flower, and the head of Zhuerba, the elder and the disciples of Zhongyang Chuan were very happy, asking her how the New Year was, and whether she had a good time on the way to Yuhengzong. Why didn't several direct disciples come together and wait.

The real people of Yuhengzong were full of enthusiasm, Le Yun answered their concerns with a smile, and finally explained the reason why the senior brothers of Yulanzong did not come to Yuheng as guests: "The senior brothers of Yulanzong said that Yulanzong and Yuhengzong I have always been close, and Yu Hengzong is not in a hurry to bother me at this time. Taking advantage of the spring, which is the milking festival for sheep and camels, they rushed to the pasture to buy fresh milk from sheep, camels and lambs produced that year for me. "

The head and elders of the Yuheng Sect also guessed what the four direct descendants of the Yulan Sect were busy with. They didn't mind that they didn't go to worship the mountain when they were outside the Yuheng Sect. Their sect had other things to do at the moment. For the time being, there is no manpower to go to Zhonglu's ranch to purchase all kinds of animal meat, but if manpower can be handed over, people will be sent there long ago.

Accompanied by the disciples of the Yuheng Sect, Le went forward to the seat facing the gate, and sat in the seat reserved for her by the head of Zhuerba.

The golden retriever stayed behind the little one, and lay down on his stomach as a pillow for her.

The little fairy sat down, but Juerba couldn't control her, and climbed up the top of the little fairy's head with his big hands like iron cattail fans, rubbing her little head: "When the little fairy arrives at Yuheng Mountain, he must stay for a few more months. There are mushrooms in Yuheng Mountain. Lingzhi wild fruit, there are tens of millions of acres of bamboo sea, a lot of grouse, bamboo, rabbits and fish, what do you want to call senior brothers and they will accompany you."

Le Yun, who was killed by touching her head, has a look of lovelessness. All the immortal sects know that she loves mushrooms, so can you stop touching her head?I thought that the cheap seniors were not around all the time, and finally got rid of the special treatment of being touched, but who knows that the real people of Yuhengzong are also like this!
"Yeah, Yuhengzong is very beautiful. I can't wait to go to the mountains to play. Brothers have something to do, so you don't need to accompany me. Just tell me which places are forbidden and you can't go." What else can she say?

"The Yuheng Sect has no forbidden areas..."

The little fairy didn't recognize her, and the elders of the Yuheng Sect were very happy. They introduced to the little fairy what was there, and what was strange. The danger is not the sect's secret place.

The personal disciples who were in charge of the refreshments made tea after the little fairy sat down, and brought fresh fruits picked recently from the Lingtian to the table, which also crowded a small table to the brim.

The elders of Yuhengzong devoted themselves to various affairs after returning from the secret realm of Wolf Mountain. When the little fairy came, they took the opportunity to relax and drink tea and chat happily with the little fairy.

After drinking the spiritual tea, a group of disciples of the Yuhengzong sent spiritual food. In order to entertain the little fairy, several top spiritual chef masters of the Yuhengzong who had seldom cooked for a long time also cooked in person, cooking several kinds of special spiritual food. Food.

Yuhengzong didn't forget the golden-haired lion that the little fairy loved, and he also prepared a rich food for him.

When Jin Maohou saw the spiritual food, he smiled brightly, and when the little boy and the people from Yuhengzong started to eat, he also ate the meat, and just finished eating his own portion, the little boy stuffed him with food again, and he ate everything.

The little fairy shared the food with the golden-haired lion while eating, and the Yuheng sect and his gang were no strangers to it. The little fairy ate very little, unlike them who would not be able to eat more than a dozen catties of animal meat each time.

Yuhengzong's spiritual food tasted good, and Le Yun ate very happily, but his stomach capacity was limited, so he only ate a quarter of it, and the big golden retriever helped to eliminate the rest.

After eating the spiritual food, drinking the spiritual food for digestion, and eating the spiritual fruit, the head of Juerba and the elders sent the little fairy to the residence arranged for her to rest.

The little fairy lives in the main courtyard of the Yulan Sect, so it is naturally impossible for the Yuheng Sect to let the little fairy go to the secondary main courtyard or the guest courtyard, give the same standard of courtesy as the Yulan Sect, and arrange for the little fairy to live in the head of the main courtyard The side hall next to the hall.

The main halls in the main courtyard are magnificent, because the founders of the Yuheng sect loved Jinsinnan, the interior of the main halls of each hall is inlaid with golden nanmu boards, shining golden.

The head of Zhu Erba and the elders accompanied the little fairy into the main hall of the side hall. They sat down for a while and then left first, letting the second-generation disciples play with the little fairy.

When the head and the elders were busy with the family affairs, Huan Wangyuan, who had always been an invisible person, jumped up to the little fairy sister excitedly, grabbed the sleeve of the beautiful little fairy with one hand, and smiled like a flower: "Sister fairy, how about you?" remember me?"

The little junior brother who had been quiet all this time finally couldn't bear it and jumped out to cling to the little fairy girl. The direct disciples of the Yuheng Sect kept on laughing.

"Ah, why are you so much taller than me!" Seeing the tall and slender boy stuck to him, Le Yun was envious and jealous.

Huangsun Huan is ten years old this year. Before he met Fairy Le, he was sickly, thin and weak. After meeting Fairy Le, his fate changed drastically. After being treated by Fairy Le, he was healthy and healthy. Inch by inch, he is already over five feet seven inches tall.

Huan Huang's grandson has inherited the fine genes of his ancestors, and has a plump appearance. He wears a light blue moiré shirt and combs his son's hair.

Le Yun saw Huangsun Huan when she entered the main palace of Yuheng, because he grew up too fast and was taller than herself, she was very sad and wanted to pretend not to see him, but now he jumped out to brush his face and let her see Feeling itchy feet, I really want to kick the guy who grows faster than myself.

More than a dozen seniors who were hundreds of years old silently looked at Xiaoxianzi and their junior brother. The junior brother was only ten years old, and was already taller than Xiaoxianzi. Moreover, the little fairy was not only short, but also very tender. It made people feel that the little fairy was several years younger than their junior brother.

Ang, is Little Fairy really two years old?

The brothers expressed serious doubts about the age of the little fairy, the little fairy is really too young, she looks like a child of seven or eight years old.

When it came to the height issue, Huan Wangyuan grinned and looked at the little fairy who was shorter than him with a smile. He couldn't help stretching out his hand and patted the little fairy's head like the master master: "Sister little fairy, I'm only taller than you." You are a little taller, don't worry, you will grow taller too."

After being touched by the bear child, Le Yun was dumbfounded at the time, she was stunned, jumped up with an "Aww", and angrily pressed her paws on the bear child's head and rubbed it: "Stinky boy, little bastard, you are obviously so younger than me!" How old are you, and you touch my head because you are taller than me, and tell you to touch my head!"

Feeling bitter, Little Demon Claw didn't hesitate to ravage the brat's head vigorously, loosening his hairband while rubbing it, making his head into a chicken coop.

The little fairy was jumping anxiously, and the senior brothers of the Yuheng School were not in a hurry, watching the little fairy tormenting the little juniors with all smiles.

"Little fairy, I was wrong, please forgive me." The little fairy jumped up in anger, Huan Wangyuan hugged his head, embarrassed to run, and kept begging for mercy: "Sister little fairy, I was wrong, please forgive me!" Me, I won't dare next time."

"Humph, I told you to grow fast, I told you to touch my head..." Le Yun was jealous of the brat's height, and angrily rubbed and rubbed the brat's hair into a mess, still feeling puzzled. Stretched out its claws to scourge his face.

Huan Wangyuan hurriedly covered his face, but unfortunately, he couldn't protect it, and the little fairy pinched his face countless times.

Le Yun pinched Huanhuang's grandson's face until it turned red before retracting her claws, and her heart was balanced. It felt so good to pinch a child's face.

Sister Xiaoxian was finally willing to let her go, Huan Wangyuan blushed, and shyly hid beside her senior brother, combing the chicken nest by herself.

All the senior brothers watched the little fairy tormenting the little junior, and laughed while watching, but they didn't go to rescue him. When the little fairy let the little junior go, the senior brothers who were close helped him organize his clothes and help him comb his messy hair , to help him re-tie his hair.

(End of this chapter)

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