magic eye doctor

Chapter 1344 The space has widened again

Chapter 1344 The space has widened again
With the help of his seniors, Huan Wangyuan tied up his hair, then jumped up next to the little fairy, coquettishly and cutely begging the little fairy sister to take him with her when she went out to play.

Fairy Jie Yinle caught Junior Brother Huan and made a fuss. The direct disciples of the Yuheng Sect felt that Fairy was very kind and friendly, and even the slightest tension in his heart disappeared unconsciously. There were a lot of topics in the chat, and the atmosphere was very good.

After chatting for a while, the senior brothers accompanied Xiaoxian to the inner gate of Yuhengzong to familiarize themselves with the environment.

The cheap brothers of Yuhengzong are warm and friendly, and the kindness is hard to deny. Le Xiaole can do whatever he wants, let them go for a walk, appreciate the building courtyard, and know the division of functional areas.

The direct disciples of Yuhengzong first took Xiaoxian to visit the inner gate, and finally went to Lingquan Lake.

The Lingquan of Yulanzong is Feiquan type, and the Lingquan of Yuhengzong is of karst cave style. The karst cave of Lingquan can accommodate a bow boat to sail. , below is a large lake.

The water flow of Yuhengzong's spiritual spring is large, at least twenty times that of Yulanzong's Lingquan. Lingquan Lake covers an area of ​​more than [-] mu. There are ditches on the lakeshore. One ditch diverts water to the spiritual fields; Door.

All the brothers of the Yuheng Sect led the little fairy to appreciate the Lingquan to lead the way. The little fairy knew where the Lingquan was, so she could take the water from the Lingquan any day she wanted.

Le Yun sees Lingquan Karst Cave and Lingquan Lake. I feel tired and don’t like it. Do you hate the deep lake or something?

To tell the truth, if it didn't require a lot of water, she would never want to get close to the deep pool of the blue lake, not to mention the Lingquan Lake of Yuhengzong is so big, it makes her feel creepy just looking at it.

Therefore, Xiaolei decided to hand over the task of fetching water to the golden retriever lion. She would rather take out the meat of the monster and give it to the golden retriever as spiritual food than face the big lake by herself.

After shopping around, I went back home.

Send the little fairy and junior sister back to the side hall of the main courtyard. The senior brothers took the little junior brother Huan away to let the little fairy rest. Stones and charcoal are convenient for the little junior sister to make spiritual food.

Le Yun: "..." Doesn't this mean that you want her to be a spiritual food?
So, she stared silently for a while, resigned to her fate, lit a fire, took out the animal meat she had marinated in the space, stewed what should be stewed, put the spiritual food on the pot, sent the golden capillary to fire, and she slipped away. Go back to the side room of the main hall to rest.

The architectural style and specifications of Yuhengzong are similar to those of Yulanzong. The side room is also a large room, which is divided into inner and outer rooms by screens. The furniture in the inner and outer rooms is all agarwood, brand new.

At a glance, Le Yun knew that the bed and the like were all prepared for herself, and it could be seen that Yu Hengzong was very concerned about how to entertain herself. Knowing her precious agarwood and red sandalwood furniture, she also did what she liked and took out Agarwood furniture.

After admiring my guest house, I sat down outside and took out the celestial stones to feed the birthmark on my arm. The birthmark on my arm has a good appetite. The surface of the birthmark is eaten away in the blink of an eye.

There was a fire in the golden capillary, and Le, who was the shopkeeper, hid in the room and kept feeding the birthmarks on his arms and eating stones. In the evening, he went to the main hall to add some seasonings to the food in the pot, and then continued to feed in the room.

The aroma of the spiritual food did not form until mid-afternoon. When the aroma dissipated in the air, the elders of Yuheng Sect and his direct disciples knew that the little fairy was making spiritual food. It was so exciting.

They secretly waited for the little fairy to invite them to be guests, and waited and waited, day after day, until only five days later, the little fairy sent a message from Huan Huangsun to invite them to eat spiritual food.

Huangsun Huan was too greedy for the scent of spiritual food, so he ran to find the little fairy to wash his face, and was caught as a microphone, he passed the message to his seniors, and the seniors passed the message to their masters and grandparents.

The elders of the Yuheng Sect and the first and second generation direct disciples were guests in the side hall of the main courtyard. There were more than 100 people, and there were six tables full. They ate four kinds of monster meat. What a joy to eat.

The leaders of the Yuheng Sect and their disciples were invited to have a big meal, Le Xiao had a good rest, and the golden retriever helped to fetch water with swallowing snails. The next day, Le took the golden retriever to the side of the main peak of the Yuheng Sect. Feng dug Lingzhi to pick tea leaves.

The little fairy invited him to eat a meal and then went to play in the mountains. The elders of the Yuhengzong unanimously showed expressions of "I knew it", and no one was surprised. The little fairy didn't go anywhere in the Yuhengzong. Worried about whether she was in a bad mood, she dug up spiritual plants all over the mountain to show that she was in a good mood.

Classmate Le Xiao went into the mountains to pick a large number of tea leaves. There is a kind of tea in Yuhengzong that can be picked in three seasons a year, especially the tea in early spring is the best.

Because of the excellent location, the temperature in the first month of Yuhengzong is mild, and because the humidity is just right, it is not long before the beginning of spring, and the tea has already sprouted, which is very small, and it is still a grain of rice.

The tea buds with small rice grains are time-consuming to pick, and the disciples of Yuheng Sect are all eager to pick them. Generally, they don’t pick tea until the beginning of March.

Classmate Le likes it. He went into the mountains to pick tea leaves as his first job, and also dig spiritual plants. After three days of busy work, he sent the Golden Retriever to fetch water, and took the opportunity to sneak back into the space.

Ever since she was carried into the Ten Thousand Years Secret Realm of Wolf Mountain, she has never returned to the space, and she also gave the water to the little fox when she took the water from the swallowing snail. It has been nearly four months since she returned to her private domain.

Climb back to your own one-acre three-point land, and land near the water storage lake. When you stand firm and look closely, your whole body will float up, and the trees will become forests!
She has planted trees since she was still in the Yulan Sect. During the year in the secret land of Wolf Mountain, she herself would plant saplings whenever she had time to go back to the space. When she had no time to go back, the little fox helped plant trees, because she kept planting trees , the green area has reached more than [-] mu.

It has been almost two years since the earliest trees were planted. Originally, the saplings were one to two feet high when they were planted. Now the trees beside the lake are about three to four meters tall. They are strong and lush.

Even if the newly planted saplings don't grow very fast, they still look good.

The saplings stand tall and graceful, and the herbaceous plants under the trees are either green grass or withered green. In some places, because the saplings have just been planted, the seeds sown have just sprouted.

The trees are mixed species. Even in the red sandalwood forest, other trees are planted at intervals. Only a few are deciduous trees, and most are evergreen trees.

The shores of the lake are green, and the lake water is also a deep blue.

Seeing the fruits of labor, Le Yun couldn't help but yelled, fell to the ground and rolled twice on the green lawn, got up and rushed to the sky to have a look.

The distance between the trees is large, but because the seeds of the low plants are sown, the forest has become a meadow, and the continuous ground is light green, just like a meadow in a savannah plain, which is really gratifying to look at.

Because most of the water used to irrigate the soil and later water the trees is water from spiritual springs, 100% of the saplings survived, and there were no gaps in the rows of trees.

The greening results are so remarkable, Le Yun floated in the air and couldn't help rolling a few times, then rushed into the woods to observe the soil humidity, observed around the green forests and lakes, first went out of the space and then went back, and landed in the central area of ​​the space medicine fields and meadows.

Back in the central area of ​​the space, I also found little fox and little Huihui. Both little ones were busy. Little Huihui was watering the plants in buckets and pots suitable for deserts and arid areas, and little fox was breeding them. Change the water for giant clams or water tanks for aquatic plants.

Seeing the little human girl come back, the little fox poured a basin of water into the big clam and stood on the ground to wait.

Le Yun rushed away, first rushed to grab Xiao Huihui, kissed a few mouthfuls, then rushed to the little fox holding Xiao Huihui, and then picked up the little fox and kissed fiercely.

The two cuties who were kissed so droolingly showed shy expressions.

The little fox half-covered his face with his paws, flicked his big tail to caress the little girl's wrist, his eyes shone brightly: "Little girl, what treasure did you pick up again, which made the Paradise of Paradise widen considerably several times in a row?"

"Wait," Le Yun was still a little dazed, looking around with her big eyes wide open, with a suspicious expression on her face: "You said the blessed land of the cave has widened again?"

She could see the outline of the mountains hundreds of miles away at a glance, but she couldn't see the edge of the space, so she naturally didn't know whether the space was expanding or shrinking.

"Yeah, you don't know?" The little fox showed a "don't lie to me" expression, and explained very kindly: "Since you left, Dongtian Paradise has changed four times, and the latest one was three days ago. , Benhu and Xiao Huihui will be stunned by the mysterious power. What good things have you found, Benhu feels miraculous."

"Is that really the case?" Le Yun withdrew her gaze from looking around, and looked at the little fox suspiciously. She just dug up a celestial body stone and kept feeding her birthmark to eat stones.

"Zhizhizhi—" Xiao Huihui kept nodding her head to agree with what the little fox said, some and some, it's really amazing.

"Of course it's true. When did this fox lie to you?" The little fox was playing with his beard, and his expression was extremely proud: "Every time the Dongtian Paradise changes, the land expands, and the current area is about twice as large as before."

"Two... twice?" Le Yun stuttered in shock. The space used to be [-] miles wide, but now it is twice as wide as before. Isn't it [-] miles wide?

Sixty thousand miles across, what kind of concept is that?

In a blink of an eye, my own space is twice as wide as the land area of ​​Great China, happiness comes so suddenly!

Moreover, the celestial stones haven't been fed yet. Only feeding the birthmarks and eating hundreds of millions of catties of stones can expand the territory. If all the stones are eaten by the birthmarks, the territory may be expanded several times!
When the huge surprise came, Le Yun was dizzy from the blow, and she totally agreed with the little fox's statement that she was the daughter of the gods. With such a good treatment, who would believe it if she was not the reincarnation of the daughters of the gods?

The little girl laughed like a fool, the little fox grabbed Xiao Huihui and jumped onto the little girl's shoulder, and stroked her tender sister's face with his big tail: "Little girl, what adventure do you have?"

"No adventure," Le Yun grinned stupidly and said, "There was a huge celestial rock hidden in the place where I went to the secret realm last time. I dug it back, and it was constantly swallowed by the star core. The star core It should be devoured to the celestial body stone to change."

While talking, he took out a celestial body stone from the Qiankun bracelet and showed it to the little fox: "That's it. This kind of stone has a very magical power. Even I can't understand it. I only speculate that it is the residue of some kind of star explosion. .”

The little fox stretched out his claws to pick up the celestial stone and studied it, looked left and right, but found no difference, and returned the stone to the little girl: "This kind of stone can expand the star core, and it should contain some power that the star core lacks. , how much do you have in hand?"

"I can't estimate the specifics. About a quarter of it has been consumed." She said conservative data, but in reality it will only be more. Such a large celestial rock mountain is tens of billions of catties.

"You are a dear daughter of God, if you continue like this, you will have no friends!" God, you are too partial to the little girl. She has found all the treasures of heaven and earth. The lucky ones don't survive.

"It doesn't matter if I don't have friends, I have little fox and little Huihui as companions." Le Yun threw the stone back into the Qiankun bracelet, grabbed the two cuties and kissed again.

Le Xiao, who gnawed the two cute pet babies so that his face was drooling, hid the two little ones in his sleeves, flashed out of the space, and then came back in seconds, appearing in the eastern area of ​​the space, that is, her At the stop point when exploring the river last time, I threw out the flying sword again, stepped on the sword and flew to the east, looking for the birthplace of the big river.

The newly added areas of Dongtian Fudi are mountains and plains, with bare hills and dry soil.

Le Yun stepped on the flying sword and soared in the air. After flying for a while, she returned to the natural world, and then returned to space. Flying by yourself, it is impossible to find the edge within a few hours.

In the way of non-stop leaving-returning-leaving-returning, crossing countless mountains and ridges, when you find the edge, you still can't find the source of the big river, and the edge of the space is still a cotton-like white mist.

Although she didn't find the source of the big river, she found the source of a big tributary of the big river. The source of the tributary is a huge lake among the mountains.

Juhu moves from northeast to south, with continuous mountains in the east and low terrain in the west, with endless plains and basins. Most of the lake is narrow and long from northeast to south, and there is a curved arc at the southerly end. , so that the overall shape is like a sickle.

The length of the lake area from northeast to south is about 120 miles, the widest part from east to west is 9000 miles, and the narrowest point is 300 miles. The northeast area is deep and the south is shallow. The deepest part is about [-] meters. The shallow part is about [-] meters deep.

The shallow area at the southern end of the giant lake is also the water outlet, and the water flows from the mouth of the lake to the big river. The distance between the river and the lake is about [-] miles.

The lake is so big that it is wider than the Caspian Sea, which is located between the Eurasian continents and is known as the world's largest saltwater lake. Its depth makes the Caspian Sea only look up.

Finding the location of the lake, Le Yun stood on the flying sword condescendingly looking at the big pit like a bloody mouth, the back skin is numb, it's too scary, isn't it?
After studying outside the big pit for a long time, I caught the little fox to study and discuss together, and finally made a final decision and decided to choose it as a water storage lake. In the future, the water brought back from the outside world will be thrown into the big lake first, and from this point, we will move towards the central area. Plant trees in the direction of the medicine field.

After working out a new plan to revitalize the space, Le Yun stepped out of the cave, returned to the medicine field, put down the little fox and Xiao Huihui, left by herself, and worked hard to dig plants.

(End of this chapter)

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