magic eye doctor

Chapter 1345 1 All For Space

Chapter 1345 All For Space

Golden Retriever Roar took over the task of fetching water, carried the swallowing snail on his shoulders, and happily ran to the foot of Yuhengzong Mountain to cut off the big river and intercept the river water.

There are several big rivers in Yuheng Mountain. The largest river originates in Hokuriku, crosses Hokuriku, circles in Zhonglu a few times and then passes through Yuhengzong to the southwest. Its flow is the suspension of Yulanzong Twice the size of Tianhe.

The flow of the river is large, and it takes less time to fetch water. However, Golden Retriever wants to catch fish. Therefore, in order to catch fish, he carried the swallowing conch and kept changing places. It took an hour and a half to fill the conch and find it with the spoils. Little ones invite pets.

Herring is the most popular in Yulan Mountain, while yellow croaker is abundant in Yuhengzong. Jinmaohou caught tens of thousands of catties of fish, including more than 1 catties of yellow croaker.

The big golden lion gave him strength, Le Xiao decisively rewarded him with a roasted and stored braised whole lamb as a reward for his hard work, and at the same time moved the little fox to the side of the sickle lake in the east of the space.

The little fox brought the swallowing snail to the bottom of the lake, which the little girl euphemistically called "Scythe Lake", and poured the water from the swallowing snail into the lake for storage.

The water filled with the conch belly was poured into the lake, and the deepest lake pool was only about [-] feet long. Before evening, the water at the bottom of the lake was sucked up by the soil, leaving only a layer of wet marks on the bottom of the lake.

The little fox who was watching, sympathized with the little girl very much. The sickle lake consumes more water than the previous small lakes. The little girl will definitely cry and faint in the hut if she finds out.

He silently picked up the fish that were sucked into the swallowing snail with the current and then fell into the lake, quietly acting like a handsome man.

Student Le really didn't know the ferocity of the sickle lake, so she found a safe place to rest in the evening. When the big golden retriever was practicing, she secretly fed the birthmark and stones while condensing the spiritual energy beads.

The next day, Le Xiao moved the little fox to the medicine field area, took the snail and gave it to the golden lion, and continued to run all over the mountain by himself, digging plants and picking tea.

Helping little ones fetch water and often eat spiritual food, Golden Retriever Roar is most happy to be an errand worker, happily carrying conch to the river to absorb water.

From this day on, Jinmaohou went to cut the river every morning to fetch water. The disciples of Yuhengzong took water from Jinmaohou for three days in a row before finding that the river stopped flowing. No one made a fuss. Liao Yuling told Yuhengzong that if the rivers and lakes of Yuhengzong were to dry up one day, it must be the little fairy fetching water, so the disciples of Yuhengzong kept calm and occasionally went to pick up some yellow croakers and beavers to start a small stove.

After continuing to transport water to the space for half a month, Le went back to his private site. He thought that even if he couldn't see the whole of the sickle lake, it would be full of water.

However, what greeted her was that the deepest part of the sickle lake only accumulated water at a depth of only about two thousand feet.

"..." Looking at the little water in the deep pit, the sadness in Le Yun's heart flowed like a river, and she cried so much that her tears could almost fill a lake.

Can people still live like this?
Heartbroken by the water consumption of the lake, Le Yun found the little fox silently and temporarily changed the plan. From now on, half of the water will be thrown into the lake, and half of the water will be watered on the lakeside land. First, some land will be nourished to plant trees.

The little fox didn't talk nonsense, and gave sympathetic touches to comfort him. When the little one threw back the water-filled conch, he also cooperated with the plan, carrying the conch and throwing it on the lakeshore, pouring water to irrigate the land, and pouring the other half of the water into the sickle lake.

It took another week for classmate Le to return to the space. He plowed the moistened land with soil magic and opened up about five acres of land. He planted Populus euphratica and camphor trees, willows and metasequoia on the shore of the lake, and planted grass seeds and shrubs in the forest. seed.

Plant trees, water the soil with spiritual spring water, return to nature and continue running all over the mountain.

The Golden Retriever happily helps fetch water every day. The little one sometimes gives a portion of food every day, and sometimes only after a day or two. He also knows that the little one has a limited stock of spiritual food, so he is not greedy, and he does not expect to have spiritual food every day. As long as Xiaobudian has time to cook a delicious meal for him, that's fine.

The little fairy went into the mountains and was happy not to return. The elders of Yuhengzong were very calm. In the blink of an eye, it was late March, and it was also the peak season for tea and various mushrooms. Send out people to pick tea, pick mushrooms, dig bamboo shoots, and dig spiritual plants in the bamboo forest.

Classmate Le Xiao had a great time in the mountains, and did not climb back to Yuhengzong until the beginning of April. After nearly two months of busy work, the deepest lake area of ​​Liandao Lake was finally filled with water.

When she returned to Yuhengzong, she knew from Huangsun Huan, who was brushing his face in front of him, what his senior brothers were doing, and she was not in a hurry to dig bamboo shoots or anything.

The little one is making spiritual food, and Jin Maohou is the happiest. Every morning, he goes to cut the river to fetch water, and after dark, he carries conch to fetch water from Yuhengzong's spiritual spring. Every day, he will take half of the spring water from Linghu Lake.

The inner disciples and elders of the Yuheng Sect were also very curious about what the little fairy collected so much water for, after all, they were just guessing for themselves, no one went to ask her, and they all turned a blind eye to her action of fetching a large amount of water. Eye.

Under their blind indulgence, the golden retriever roared to fetch water for more joy.

Classmate Le worked in Yuhengzong's food kitchen for ten days, and prepared five flavors of fish and roasted whole camels. He invited the direct disciples and elders of Yuhengzong to have a feast of spiritual food. The camel was shared with inner disciples.

That spiritual food can be called the most sensational spiritual food meal in the history of Yuheng Sect. There are hundreds of disciples who have successfully advanced or improved after smelling the fragrance of spiritual food. They soared to the Nascent Soul stage in one fell swoop, one of them crossed the Nascent Soul stage to the out-of-body stage, and the few remaining Bigu consummation disciples also successfully advanced to the Jindan stage.

Among the inner disciples, more than 20 broke through the bottleneck and successfully advanced, [-] to Bigu, five to Jindan, and one to Nascent Soul.

Several of the elders were originally stuck at a certain level without any progress for hundreds of years. After eating the spiritual food, they successfully broke through the shackles and took a step forward.

Therefore, from the supply of spiritual food to noon that day, the kitchen hall of Yuhengzong was quiet. After noon, screams and cheers erupted in the kitchen hall.

When everyone cheered for a while, they thought of the great hero Xiaoxianzi, and hurriedly searched for it. Where is the shadow of Xiaoxianzi in the kitchen? The head of Zhuerba and the elders used their spiritual sense to sense, and after searching, they found that Xiaoxianzi was not in the sect. In the middle of the day, she had already run towards the south bamboo sea outside the main peak.

The direct disciples heard that Little Fairy and Junior Sister had gone to the South Bamboo Sea, and grabbed Junior Huan Wangyuan, turned into a shooting star and rushed into the sky, rushing towards the south, and the disciples of the inner sect also ran away, flying in all directions.

The power of the little fairy's blessing is amazing, under her protection, promotion is as easy as eating and drinking, she likes spirit plants and spirit beast meat, what are you waiting for?Hurry up and do the sweeping, and help the little fairy find spiritual animal meat, the little fairy will have time to make spiritual food, and they will also benefit.

The personal disciples chased after the bamboo sea to the south of the main peak and found the little fairy. All the senior brothers and sisters rushed up to catch the little fairy and the little junior sister loved her for a long time. delivery.

Le Yun, who received the gift, was stunned by the soft-handed Le Yun. Oh my god, you can receive a lot of resources if you please eat a meal of spiritual food. Run, why don't you go back and make spiritual food, and then wait for the gift to be taken back.

Of course, that kind of thought only flashed in her mind and then disappeared, and some resources had to be collected by herself to be the most reliable, so she accepted the gift, returned the storage device to the owner, and rushed into the bamboo sea to dig plants.

The brothers and sisters also rushed in all directions, digging all kinds of bamboo shoots, digging spiritual plants, picking plant seeds to grow plants, collecting mushrooms, chasing and killing wild animals, catching bamboo rabbits and digging bamboo rats, the spirits of the bamboo sea and nearby mountains Plants and beasts suffered a great disaster for this.

No matter how courteous the disciples of the Yuheng Sect are, Golden Retriever Roar's number one favorite has never changed. He carries conch shells every day to help fetch water, catch wild animals, search for pine eggs all over the mountains and help collect flowers of various plants.

The two generations of direct disciples of the Yuheng Sect accompanied the little fairy to go crazy in the mountains for more than a month, sweeping away all the bamboo seas in the sect's territory, and searching all the available resources in the mountains and mountains within tens of thousands of miles of Fangyuan. , the collected materials piled up into mountains;

At the same time, the disciples also removed countless large and small stones from the river bank and the mountains.

As a result of their frantic raids, the flowers of flowering plants in the mountains within tens of thousands of miles were almost plucked, and the mountains were full of greenery but no flowers. If there are clusters of blooming flowers, they must have no medicinal value. kind of.

Before the hot summer of June came, the direct disciples returned with a full load, and most of the inner disciples also returned.

After getting a lot of presents, little student Le was so happy that he could see his teeth but couldn't see his eyes. With a bright smile like the sun, he ran to the food kitchen to occupy the place. I am grateful to the cheap brothers and sisters for helping me collect resources.

The inner disciples, direct disciples, and elders of Yuhengzong enjoyed another top-level spiritual food, and someone made a breakthrough again. Because of this, Fairy Le's status in the hearts of Yuhengzong's disciples has risen, and she has become A super mascot that helps people level up.

The little loli, who was used as a mascot, invited someone to have a big meal, packed up, and went to the mountains the next day. She refused to be accompanied by cheap brothers, and ran alone. She sent the Golden Retriever to fetch water in the mountains. In order to take the opportunity to sneak back to the space to plow the land, plant trees and grass.

In June, many immortal sects, aristocratic families and imperial teams who had gone to the secret realm of Langshan also returned to their own sites. soul jade.

Because the continent is too wide, the strength of each team also varies. Some teams are still on their way home, and some teams are heading to new places to find resources.

Le, who stayed in the mountains for about half a month, also managed to plow the relatively flat land along the west and south shores of the sickle lake and plant trees and grass. As for the slopes and mountains, let's not worry about them.

There is a hard-working big golden retriever who helps collect water. When Little Lolita and the disciples of Yuhengzong are busy collecting resources, the sickle lake is also full of water, and the surrounding soil absorbs enough water, and the consumption tends to stabilize. Evaporate three to five feet of water.

Because there is water replenishment every day, the lake cannot hold a large amount of water, and the water overflows from the shallow area of ​​the lake to nourish the river ditches, and more than a hundred miles of river channels have been soaked.

(End of this chapter)

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