magic eye doctor

Chapter 1346 Encountering Fierce Beasts

Chapter 1346 Encountering Fierce Beasts
The sickle lake was full of water, and Le Xiaoluoli was so happy that she took the golden retriever to the desert in the territory of Yuhengzong to explore the secrets.

Yuheng Sect is the one with the richest geography and landforms among the five great Sects, and it is also the only Sect with a desert in the territory.

The desert in the territory of Yuhengzong is in the northwest corner, which belongs to the extreme edge of the scope of Yuhengzong. The area of ​​the desert in the territory of Yuhengzong is almost half of the total area. However, the desert in the territory of Yuhengzong is dominated by desert grassland and semi There are mostly desert wastelands, and the other half of the desert outside Yuhengzong is even more wild.

Because there are deserts in the area that are suitable for raising camels, Yuhengzong also adapts to local conditions. There is a special camel pasture. Xianzong's spiritual field grows grass, chaff, and some spiritual plants that only eat flowers and fruits, etc. can be fed. Spirit beasts can raise more than [-] first-class spirit beasts and camels every year.

On the way to the desert, Le did not forget to collect water. She stopped and stopped, and it took half a month to get to the desert. Moreover, she walked out of the mountain protection formation in an open and honest manner.

Others need to go through a special teleportation formation or a life gate to get out of the mountain protection formation. However, in the eyes of Tianzhe Le, there are life gates everywhere in the mountain protection formation, and, in her eyes, it seems like nothing, so she just He walked out of the mountain protection formation without seeing it.

When the head of Zhuerba learned that it was a day since the little fairy left the mountain protection formation, he stared with all the elders for a long time, with the same meaning in their eyes: um, huh, it's nothing, the little fairy even Natural barriers can be entered as soon as they want, not to mention their sect's mountain guard array!
The big bosses in power who found a suitable reason for themselves quietly passed an order to the disciples of the sect not to inquire about the whereabouts of the little fairy, and let her go wherever she likes.

No one stopped her, Le Xiaoluoli just swept the resources in Yuheng Mountain unimpeded, and rushed to the desert area without any nonsense, rushing into the desert to dig desert plants.

She ran around in the desert and stayed there for a month and a half, and she also found out that there is a passage to a mysterious secret realm in the desert. The passage to that secret realm may have been damaged and incomplete, so it will not appear. Sometimes there are power fluctuations, which have an impact on the surrounding area, causing mirages, tornadoes or sandstorms to appear nearby.

Unable to go to the secret realm to explore, Le classmate swept up enough desert spiritual plants, patted his ass and left, collected resources all the way back, and swaggered through the mountain guard formation.

Returning to the inner circle of Yuhengzong, she excitedly ran to the canyon where strange phenomena often appeared in the rumors of Yuhengzong. She didn't find any strange phenomena, and entered the deep ravine where the disciples of Yuhengzong lost their way all the time.

It looks like a deep stream about 10 feet wide from the outside, but it is actually a secret place protected by an ancient formation. Walking into the deep stream is a plain, and the forest is endless. Because no one has visited it for [-] years, the ancient trees are towering, and spiritual plants are everywhere. , Monster King-level monsters are walking everywhere.

When classmate Le stepped into the deep gorge, he was besieged by giant apes that were active nearby. There was one monster king-level monster, ten monster king-level high-level monsters, and hundreds of apes of different levels. At the same time, there was a group of giant eagles in the sky Join the hunt.

Facing unreasonable monsters who shouted and killed them without even saying hello when they first met, as Le Xiaolioli, who likes to use force to solve problems, she also doesn't talk nonsense. She sprinkled a talisman to block the monster The beast silently released the big golden-haired lion that had been brought into the space of the soul beast in the jade slip.

Then, of course, nothing happened to her, she stood aside and watched the golden retriever kill all directions.

Golden Retriever had a rare chance to perform. He was so happy to see the group of monsters. He showed the aura of a monster emperor and unilaterally suppressed the monsters. He beat a group of monsters to pieces and left their corpses on the spot. He was very happy. The collection of corpses.

After finishing the monster, the golden retriever roared in front of the little one to claim credit, received a round of praise, shook his head in a high-flying manner, and his tail was about to go up to the sky.

In fact, Le Yun is not interested in the meat of apes, but the blood, guts, bones, and bones of giant apes at the demon emperor level are good things. She reluctantly accepts a group of monster corpses, and decides to wait until she gets out of the deep stream secret realm before taking the apes. The raw meat is used as spiritual food for the golden retriever.

With a powerful golden retriever roaring by his side, Le is much more relaxed. He doesn't need to clean up the monsters himself. He just digs spiritual plants, cuts down precious trees, digs the soil and sweeps away the leaf decay, and sets up an array to rest and recuperate every night.

When classmate Le was a guest at Yuhengzong, Luo Cheng Yuqi wished Yu Mowen and the four of them to go to the largest camel animal ranch in mainland China. On the way, they helped little junior sister collect all the things she liked, and went to big cities in the secular world to buy nobles The family likes high-end furniture and buys chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep raised by ordinary people.

The four Nascent Soul real people stopped and went, and it took a month and a half to reach the grassland pasture, and they split into two groups. Luo Cheng and Zhu Yi went to the camel farm to buy camel animals, and Yu Qiyu Mowen went to the sheep and animal pasture.

The senior brothers rushed to the ranch in teams and temporarily moved in to collect camel milk and goat milk. They went to the site to supervise every day. Store in storage.

In the afternoon, they collect blood when the helpers kill camels or sheep. After the helpers have processed the animal meat and meat offal, they put it into storage containers to prevent the meat from becoming stale after a long time.

The four senior brothers stayed at the ranch for three months, and they left at the end of May. They rushed to the city not far from Yuhengzong to pick up the clothes that the junior sister ordered.

It took them nearly a month to return to the city where they had played with their junior sister for a while, and went to the embroidery village to pick up the clothes and fabrics ordered by the junior junior sister.

The Embroidery Village has been working for more than half a year, and successfully completed the orders placed by the fairies. They also made hundreds of extra sets of beautiful clothes, and specially made dozens of quilts of different sizes. The clothes were tailored for a certain little fairy. Made to order, and also planted and cut hundreds of sets of men's clothing in different styles for her.

After inspecting the custom-made goods, Luo Cheng and his juniors also inspected the extra shares, and found that the material and style of the clothes were quite good, so they decided to buy, buy, buy, because the embroidery shop's approach was quite popular, and the four senior brothers were also generous. , Not only was he not picky at the checkout, but he also gave an extra bottle of elixir.

After getting the ready-made clothes, the four brothers rushed to Yuhengzong non-stop. They rushed to the town outside Yuheng Mountain and found out that the younger sister was still playing in Yuhengzong. They didn't wait for her and left a message for the disciples of Yuhengzong to convey them Junior sister, they will take a step ahead and meet again in a certain city they had agreed upon.

The disciples of the Yuhengzong sent the message of the Yulan brothers back to the sect. The head of Juerba and the elders waited for the little fairy to come back from the desert before telling her. However, they did not wait for the little fairy to return to the Yuhengzong. The news that she went to Shenjian.

The elders rushed to Shenjian, and waited for several days without the little fairy coming out, leaving their disciples to pay attention to the movement of Shenjian. They returned to the sect to busy with affairs, and at the same time sent their disciples to the city that the disciples of the Yulan Sect had made appointment with the little fairy to wait for them. Those who deliver the letter, if the little fairy has not gone by the appointed time, it means that the person has not come out of the secret realm, let the four wait.

Le Xiaoliu from the earth, before entering the deep stream, she thought that her pockets were very bulging, so she went to research and study any secrets, and then went into the deep stream secret realm, and saw the plants all over the ground, and she had already scared her with so many spiritual plants The fact of the dead is forgotten, and all I can think of is-wow, Lingzhi, dig!It can be used for three or two years if it is dug back!
With the thought of never returning empty-handed after entering the treasure mountain, he swept through the giant ape's territory for more than a month's resources, and even dug up a Taisui stone tens of thousands of years old.

Before deciding to change the map, taking advantage of the golden retriever to get water, she caught the little fox to find the exit, determined the direction, and went back to the space together. She plowed the land in the sickle lake basin and handed it to the little fox to plant saplings. Back to nature.

The water resources of Shenjian Secret Realm are not inferior to Yuheng Mountain. There are many rivers and many lakes.

Golden Retriever filled the swallowing snail with water, and left the giant ape territory with Xiaobudian.

Collect all the things that can be taken away while walking. In the third month, one person and one beast stepped into the territory of the Rock Leopard Clan.

Golden Retriever unceremoniously killed the leader of the Demon King-level rock leopard, seized the territory, and swept up the plants with the little one, even dug a mine, patted his ass and left.

One person and one beast marched forward bravely, passing through the territory of wolves, bears, and snakes, and if they didn't have long eyes and ran out to fight and kill, Golden Retriever Roar relied on the strength of the demon emperor to clean them up.

Probably because Golden Retriever Roar is so proud that even God can't stand it. In the ninth and a half months, one man and one beast encountered the first Waterloo after entering the secret realm - being picked on by a demon-level iron-backed rhinoceros!

There are several species of rhinoceros. The iron-backed rhinoceros of Dongchen Continent was once unique to the Huaxia Kingdom on the earth. They have small rivet-like nodules on the surface of their skin, and wide knobs on the shoulder blades, under the neck and at the joints of the four feet. The pleats look like a layer of armor.

The demon god-level iron-backed rhinoceros in Shenjianmi Territory is a black rhinoceros, its skin is as dark as ink, its eyes are purple, the purple is so thick that it turns black, and there are many bulging bumps on the top of its head.

It is huge in size, more than ten feet long and three feet high, its limbs are like columns, and its huge one-horn is pitch-black. It came out of the mud layer in the swamp, and there was a large lump of mud on its back above its buttocks. The lump of mud seemed to grow on it, sticking firmly, and a cluster of reeds about ten feet high grew on the mud.

The iron-backed rhinoceros woke up from the swamp, flew high into the sky recklessly, and rushed from the sky to humans and golden-haired roars who were still more than a hundred miles away. It appeared suddenly, and it also crossed a swamp and a forest in an instant, killing even In front of humans and golden retriever lions digging plants in the savannah on the edge of the plain.

Feeling the danger, Le Yun threw the thing in his hand into the space in an instant, grabbed a handful of talisman papers, and just made that step, a giant beast fell from the air like a hill, and the momentum was creepy.

Golden Retriever Roar sensed the aura of a monster at the level of a demon god, his hair stood on end, and he made an attacking posture.

When the huge iron-backed rhino flew towards the treetops in the distance like a cannonball, the golden-haired roar let out a roar, and stood in front of the little one, helping her block the ferocious murderous aura of the iron-backed rhino, and he himself was shocked to the ground two steps.

The iron back rhinoceros fell to the ground, like a huge comet hitting the ground, the ground felt like an earthquake, rumbling, the place where it fell was splashed with mud, the trees were broken, and the surrounding trees fell to the ground in an instant.

Le Yun couldn't dodge even if she wanted to. She was numb all over when she was hit by a mass of black objects that rushed towards her. She almost fell apart, fell to the ground with a slap, and couldn't even get up.

Golden Retriever Roar was also sent flying, and retreated about seven or eight feet before he managed to stabilize himself. He wanted to find the little one, but was afraid that the iron rhino would pounce on him, so he growled anxiously and uneasy.

Le Yun, who was shaken, was bumped and thrown. At that time, the smell of blood came out of her mouth. She tried several times to get rid of the dizziness in her head. Well, no broken ribs, just cracked bones.

Standing up with his waist supported, he held the tree with one hand, opened his mouth to spit out the blood in his mouth, and looked at his chest by the way, there was a mass of gray... mud stuck to the clothes on his chest, and the stench was suffocating!

That mass of sludge was also the chief culprit for knocking her into the air, and it also showed that she was so weak that even a mass of stinky sludge thrown away by the iron-backed rhino could knock her into the air.

She was almost smoked so that her nose failed, and Le Yun didn't care about the dirt on her clothes. She quickly took out a handful of pills and stuffed them into her mouth. While looking at the big pet animal that fell from the sky, she saw the whole picture of the iron-skinned rhinoceros, and took a deep breath. There is only one thought in my mind - I'm going to play with eggs!
The rhinoceros's hide was four feet thick, and its rivet-like nodules were harder than steel. Visually, all of her magic tools couldn't chop off its leather armor, let alone its horn.

The level of the Ironback Rhinoceros - Demon God level, two levels higher than Golden Retriever Roar!
This, how to fight?
Le Yun's heart is cold and cold. Golden hair is a bully beast when it is out of body. It is a bully to fight a demon king level monster. Now it is easy for a demon god level monster to fight golden hair. Not to mention the rhinoceros, probably only a magic weapon of the mortal level can break through its armor.

The moment she looked at it, the iron rhino moved, it burst up, roared towards the golden retriever like a hill, and its long, slightly backward horns turned around and stabbed forward.

"Little one, run!" The iron-backed rhino obviously seemed to have been stimulated and went crazy, and the golden-haired roar swelled up, revealing its huge body, and rushed towards the big rhino.

Le Yun ran away: "Jin Mao, run if you can't stop it."

Roar - The iron rhino let out a roar that shook the mountains, and rushed fiercely towards the golden fur roar. When the huge body moved, it was like a flying giant tower. The strong wind hit the trees in all directions and cracked them again.

Golden Retriever Hou's hair stood on end, even though he knew he couldn't beat him, he rushed forward without fear, and stretched out his huge palm to pat the Iron-backed Rhinoceros.

Two huge ferocious beasts were close at hand in an instant, showing their ferocity, one hit the head with the head, the other slapped the head, the two giant beasts tore at one place, the impact of force was like a landslide, and there was a huge bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang ring.

Le Yun, who was flying wildly to one side, was almost blown away by the power of the two giant beasts. She turned somersaults in the air before she stabilized. Regardless of watching the situation, she rushed tens of meters in an instant, and imprinted a handful of talismans on one side. At the root of a tree, he turned around and flew in another direction.

(End of this chapter)

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