magic eye doctor

Chapter 1347

Chapter 1347
The level of the iron-backed rhinoceros is too high, and the golden retriever is more dangerous if it is slower. Le Yun used all her strength to soar at the fastest speed, put a talisman behind the first tree, and rushed to the other side. Find a suitable place to print the second talisman paper.

She desperately ran around the area where the giant beasts were fighting, and when she put down the seventh piece of talisman, she heard the howling of the golden retriever, guessing that the golden retriever might be injured, regardless of the surging blood in her chest , flew desperately again, and ran to the eighth place suitable for placing talisman papers.

When Little Lolita was setting up the formation, Golden Retriever and Ironback Rhino fought frantically. Ironback Rhino was in a rage and frenzy, attacking Golden Retriever furiously, completely reckless and desperate.

Golden Retriever Roar is the Lion King, but he is two levels lower, and his defense is not as strong as that of Ironback Rhinoceros. He was cut several times by the horns of Ironback Rhinoceros, and was bitten to the neck. He flashed fast, and his neck was not bitten off. A large piece of flesh was torn off, and the right shoulder blade was also pierced by the horn of the ironback rhinoceros, and the entire shoulder blade was almost smashed to pieces.

Jin Maohou's right shoulder blade was injured, and his movements were slow. After a few rounds, he dodged and was hit hard by the iron-backed rhinoceros, and flew into the sky.

The iron-backed rhino threw Golden Retriever into the air, and bumped into it with its single horn. The long horn pierced Golden Retriever's stomach with a bang. Opened a huge blood basin and bit the golden retriever roar's neck.

Le Yun flew wildly to the ninth place and dropped the talisman paper, rushed towards the battle circle, rushed out from behind the tree, and just saw the golden-haired lion being pierced by the iron-backed rhinoceros with its unicorn and flung away, his eyes were red with distress, while He rushed forward, taking out the jade slips of the fairy beasts and chanting the mantra.

Golden Retriever Roar was picked up and was seriously injured. When he managed to stabilize himself, he found that the little one had run back, and he was so angry that he almost roared. Why isn't she running back and forth?
Seeing the little one running towards him, the golden retriever roared with red eyes, and regardless of the holes in his body spurting blood like pillars, he rushed desperately towards the iron-backed rhinoceros.

One didn't want to die, the other wanted the other's life, and the two fierce beasts collided again. The golden fur roar's claw stabbed fiercely in one of the iron-backed rhino's eyes, and the other paw grabbed the iron-backed rhino's horn twist hard
The iron-backed rhino's big mouth didn't bite Jin Maohou's neck, but bit the flesh of his neck and shoulder blades.

With a click, the bitten flesh and bones of the Golden Retriever were crushed by the strong bite force of the Ironback Rhinoceros. The eyes of the Ironback Rhino are the only weak point on the head. The eyes were stabbed by the Golden Retriever. Hou's flesh and bones were torn off his mouth.

The iron-backed rhino took a step back, and the golden-haired roar also stepped back, gouging out the iron-backed rhino's eyes and breaking off a part of the iron-backed rhino's horn. support.

Le Yun watched the two ferocious beasts fighting in close quarters, watching them both lose one thousand and eight hundred. When Golden Retriever roared back a few steps, he rushed to the vicinity and chanted a spell to take it into the soul beast space.

Jin Maohou's huge body disappeared from the air, and the iron-backed rhino that bit Jin Maohou's mouth opened its mouth to spit out the flesh and blood in its mouth, roaring and rushing towards the weak human.

One eye of the Ironback Rhinoceros was bleeding, and it rushed forward desperately, Le Yun threw a lot of talisman papers, and ran away, throwing talisman papers as he ran.

The power of the metal type smashed thousands of mountains, the earth type's sky collapsed and the earth shattered, the fire type's raging fire burned the sky, and the three kinds of talisman papers hit the iron back rhinoceros head and face, and the iron back rhinoceros was only slowed down and unscathed.

Le Yun didn't expect the talisman paper to do anything to get the iron-backed rhinoceros. She just dragged its hind legs. In the eye position.

As the last talisman fell to the ground, the talisman array opened, and a huge golden mask appeared out of thin air. When the golden light suddenly appeared, thunder and lightning appeared in the clear sky. Thunder descended from the sky, passed through the talisman array, and blasted towards the Iron Back Rhinoceros.

Blocked by the power of the flying talisman paper, the Iron Back Rhino slowed down and chased after it. The weak human disappeared from its eyesight. It was furious and crashed into the golden mask.

It collided with the golden light shield ferociously, causing the golden light to sway and make a muffled sound. The golden light dimmed a little instantly, and the light shield seemed to be broken at any moment.

The iron-backed rhino failed to break through the golden formation in the first collision, and made a second collision. Just as its head was about to hit the golden light, the golden thunderbolt that fell from the sky hit its head with a bang.

The iron-backed rhinoceros was struck by lightning and its brain was concussed, and its uninjured eyes couldn't see clearly. It was pitch black, and it still couldn't see clearly, and then thunderbolts bombarded its head one after another.

After being struck by lightning a few times, the iron-backed rhino became dizzy and rushed in one direction. Just as it was about to hit the golden light, a thunderbolt hit its head again.

The iron-backed rhino turned around and ran away. The thunder seemed to have eyes, chasing and bombing one by one, bombarding the whole body with head and back bombardment. Lei Hong, a part of its back was collapsed, and its skin was torn, revealing its tender flesh.

It was still able to escape, but when it was bombarded by several thunderbolts on its back wound, it finally couldn't hold on, fell from the air, stood up staggeringly and continued to escape, was hit a few more times, and its back was blown out. A huge hole, it finally fell to the ground.

After the Ironback Rhino fell to the ground, he wanted to get up and run, but the golden thunder bombarded it indiscriminately, causing it to be thrown from the ground, and then fell into the pit blasted out by the thunder.

Le Yun stood on the edge of the talisman formation and watched, holding a handful of talismans in her hand. When the iron back rhinoceros hit the talisman formation and almost broke the power of the talisman, she was so nervous that she was sweating coldly, and her fingers were almost stiff until she saw the golden thunder pillar continuously Bombing the iron-backed rhinoceros let the iron-backed rhinoceros out of the rune formation before he heaved a sigh of relief.

She stood outside the talisman formation and watched the iron-backed rhinoceros survived dozens of lightning strikes, and cold sweat dripped down her back. The iron-backed rhinoceros' defense is too strong, and there is no fairy-level high-level magic weapon to match it. Fighting is pure masochism!

She felt that she was so weak, really, if no one protected her and let her face the iron back, she would definitely be killed!

Silently, Le Yun took a few breaths to stabilize her beating heart. Watching Lei continue to bombard the iron-backed rhinoceros until it fell to the ground with weak vitality, she quickly removed the eye talisman paper from the talisman array, In another place, put two stacks of talisman paper again, and change it into another protective rune array.

The eyes of the talisman array were closed, the golden light disappeared, and the thunder in the sky also disappeared.

After changing the formation, Le Yun flew into the formation, and immediately called Jinmaohou out of the soul beast space. Jinmaohou returned to the soul beast space and fell asleep, and the wound was still bleeding.

The Golden Retriever was severely injured, and his life was not in danger. First, he helped the Golden Retriever press the acupoints to stop the bleeding, and then put a pill in the Golden Retriever's mouth, and first brought it back to the Soul Beast Space.

Strike while the iron is hot. It is more convenient to deal with the monster when it is just hanged. The iron-backed rhinoceros is dead, but some power has not completely disappeared, so it is the best time to deal with it.

Taking advantage of the right timing, Le Yun took out a scalpel made of emerald and poked the iron-backed rhinoceros' neck. It took 25 consecutive stabs to break the iron-backed rhinoceros' thick armor, cut through the blood vessels of the iron-backed rhinoceros, and took out a jade bottle to collect blood.

The iron-backed rhinoceros had very little blood. There was a big hole in its back, and it also lost some precious blood. Only five bottles of blood were collected, with a total weight of less than four catties.

The blood was collected, and then the rhino horn was taken. Before the life force of the rhino horn disappeared, it was cut off, and the inside was hollowed out first, and then rough processed into bowls and cups.

After dissecting, take out more than [-] spiritual energy beads from the rivet nodules on the head and back of the iron-backed rhinoceros, and then separate the usable skin, tendons, and bones into different categories.

It was not yet noon when Little Lolita and Golden Retriever met the iron-backed rhinoceros. Because the giant beast had a high defense, only the emerald scalpel was available. The scalpel was small, and it was very slow to deal with it. Rhino anatomy is clear.

After packing up the animal meat, Xiao Le didn't care about his own internal injuries, so he immediately took out his stove and medicine stove, started to cook medicine at the same time, and found elm wood chips while cooking medicine.

Golden Retriever roared with several pieces of bones smashed and had to be replaced with fake bones. She didn't collect willows in Dongchen Continent, only elms, and she used elms to join the bones.

Cut the elm bone, soak it in medicinal juice to disinfect it, apply ointment, and finally put it in a jade box.

Le Xiaoliu waited to boil the medicine for five days and five nights, and the carefully prepared medicine was released. She first applied a few ointments to treat her wounds, poured a few bowls of medicinal soup, and then moved the things back to the space, and the people also went back. , spread cloth paper on the ground of the ring-shaped spirit stone enclosing the medicine field, take the Golden Retriever out of the soul beast space, and perform surgery on it.

Golden Retriever Hou's stomach was also pierced by the iron back rhino, and his internal organs were also damaged. The first step was abdominal surgery.

The fur of the golden lion is also strong, and ordinary knives can’t cut it. Only the emerald scalpel can be used. Le Yun spent a lot of effort to open the operation window, wash the abdominal cavity of the golden retriever, sew up the intestines, sew up the lungs and liver, and then connect the quilt Broken ribs and sternum.

Complete the abdominal surgery, suture, and apply medicine.

Afterwards, surgery was performed to help Golden Retriever deal with the injuries on his shoulder blade and neck, set bones, and sew them up.

On the surface it was two operations, but in fact it was very troublesome. It took Le Yun a day and a night to complete the operation. After checking to make sure there was nothing missing, Jin Maohou was sent back to the soul beast space to recuperate.

After finally treating Jin Maohou's wound, she applied medicine to her eyes and fell down to recuperate.

That sleep would be endless. When she woke up, the little fox and Xiao Huihui were by her side. Seeing her open her eyes, the little fox grabbed the little monkey and threw it on the little girl's shoulder excitedly: "Little girl, you are finally here!" Woke up, Benhu almost thought you were going to sleep for a long time!"

"..." Le Yun, who just woke up, was full of confusion. It took a while before she came back to her senses. Because her eyes were blindfolded, she asked while removing the medicine: "Little fox, how long have I been asleep?"

"Two days and two nights." The little fox stroked the little girl's face with its big furry tail, ouch, the little girl slept like a corpse, her heart beating slowly, almost frightening the fox god.

"Fortunately, I only lay down for two days and two nights." Le Yun vowed silently that she would not go to explore any mysterious secrets in the future, her life is important.

(End of this chapter)

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