magic eye doctor

Chapter 1348

Chapter 1348 The Rhythm of Getting Rich
Le Yun quickly removed the ointment from her eyes, sat up when she was able to see, fetched water, cleaned the medicine dregs stuck to her eye sockets and eyelids, cleaned up the medicine applied to her eyes, and then checked herself, it was okay, internal injuries and The cracks in the bones are healed.

The advantage of a strong recovery ability is that injuries heal quickly. Even if you suffer from internal injuries, you can be alive and kicking after lying in the corpse for a day or two.

Le Xiao, who was so proud of his recovery ability, jumped up and down by himself. He felt no sequelae and was full of energy. He was willing to waste time reminiscing about the feeling of being injured before, and handed over the task of taking care of the space to the little fox and Xiao Huihui, hurry back to the natural world.

Inside the talisman is quiet and quiet, outside the talisman the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

After observing in the talisman array for a while, Le Yun removed the talisman array, took the trees destroyed by the iron-backed rhinoceros into the space, and first went to the nearby river to take out the iron-backed rhinoceros carapace and scrub it. I didn't have time to clean the skin of the ironback rhinoceros.

After scrubbing the mud off the iron-backed rhinoceros's leather armor, she also took a bath, cleaned the clothes soiled by the mud thrown by the iron-backed rhinoceros two days ago, and put them in a space to dry.

The hair was not dry yet, Le Yun didn't sit and wait for it to dry naturally, and didn't collect plants, she threw the flying sword and flew in the direction of the iron-backed rhinoceros.

The rhinoceros is a very stupid and naive animal. Normally, it will not actively provoke other animals. She and Jinmaohou had not sensed the existence of the iron-backed rhinoceros before. If she sensed a demon-level monster, she would not run away. Provoke, take the initiative to retreat.

She didn't even know that there was a demon god-level iron-backed rhinoceros nearby, let alone stimulated it. It ran out to attack them out of nowhere and was still in a state of rage, which was obviously abnormal.

Le felt that it was necessary to find out the reason for the iron-backed rhino's anger, so he flew in one direction following the smell of mud on the iron-backed rhino's armor, flew over a jungle and a forest, and arrived at a swamp about 120 miles away.

The swamp is very wide, and there are small hills in some places. The aquatic plants in the swamp are lush, and the reeds are in pieces.

The season is about mid-May in summer, when the plants are lush, many plants are blooming, and the swamp area is also full of colorful flowers.

Le Yun, who stepped on the flying sword and stopped in the air, didn't find anything strange in the swamp, so he tied up his hair that had been dried by the wind before walking slowly.

There are many fish and birds in the swamp, all of which are low-level beasts or first- and second-level monsters, and because they are too weak, they can live in harmony with the iron-backed rhinoceros.

After searching for a long time, Le Yun finally found the place where the iron-backed rhinoceros stayed. In that swamp, the ponds in some higher areas were dry, and the ground was full of green plants. There was a big hole in a puddle among the green. The silt was still fresh.

The iron-backed rhinoceros should have been lying in the mud to sleep before, and it should be a practice-style sleeping method of sleeping for several years or ten years at a time. I don't know what caused it to wake up.

The demon beasts at the level of demon gods have a very wide territory. Rhinoceros live in places with abundant water sources, and their range of activities is limited to a certain extent. They rarely go to grab the territory of other monsters.

The territory of a demon god-level iron-backed rhino is generally four to five thousand to ten thousand miles wide.

Although she felt that being attacked by the iron-backed rhino was a natural disaster, Le Yun also expressed her understanding. She and Golden Retriever Hou were only a hundred miles away from the place where it slept.

In Dongchen Continent, big fists are the truth. Don’t try to communicate with monsters. For monsters like tigers and bears, communicating with them is a waste of time, or doing stupid things to irritate them.

Therefore, Golden Retriever Roar and Little Lolita didn't even think about communicating when they were attacked by the iron-backed rhinoceros. Communicating with a rhino monster in a state of rage would only make it soar.

I found the place where the iron-backed rhinoceros was sleeping, and speculated that it should be sleeping in a retreat. It has been sleeping for at least 30 years, and it will basically not wake up.

After researching for a while, I flew to the swamp, dug away dozens of aquatic plants, and then flew to the mountain with aura not far from the swamp. The aura in a certain place is very strong, and because of this, she and the golden retriever came to have an iron-backed rhinoceros. The direction of the perch.

The iron-backed rhinoceros is a herbivore, and the spiritual plants are its food. The nearby medicinal plants are not very old, and only the roots of the perennial plants are older.

Le classmate flew nearly a hundred miles, crossed the swamp, bypassed two small hills, and found the mountain with the most aura. The mountain was more than [-] feet above sea level. Fly out.

There are ferocious monsters like Ironback Rhinoceros, and there are no high-level monsters nearby, and there are no guardian monsters near the cave, so it is safe.

Carried out reconnaissance and measurement of the scene, stepped on the sword and flew, far away from the cave, and saw swallows flying in and out of the cave, whispering and singing songs to forage or return after foraging.

"I feel like the rhythm is going to be developed." Le Yun couldn't help but chuckle when he saw the group of swallows that were only the size of a finger from a distance. The smell in the air indicated that there were golden bird's nests in the nearby area. The swallows came and went to the cave, so the cave is golden. The habitat of swiftlets.

There are countless spiritual plants in her pocket, and there is no bird's nest yet. It's not that there are no bird's nests in Dongchen Continent, but that the immortal sects in Dongchen Continent are not interested in bird's nests with less aura than the spiritual plants produced in Lingtian, and no one collects them. that kind of thing.

Dongchen Continent is full of aura, swallows inhale the air with aura, and eat food with aura, so the bird's nest is naturally more precious.

In a good mood, Le Yun rushed madly on the flying sword, getting closer and closer to the cave, and the figure of the swallow became clearer and clearer. Inhabiting the cave is a kind of swiftlet that does not exist on earth - the golden-waisted swiftlet The difference between it and the gray-rumped and white-rumped swiftlet is that there is a circle of golden feathers on its back near the tail.

Animals in Dongchen Continent are larger than those on Earth, and so are swallows. Swiftlets are two or three times larger than swallows on Earth, with a smooth body, light body, vigorous and agile.

Most of the swallows in the cave are larger than ordinary swallows, and the smallest swallow is as big as an adult's fist when its hair is plucked.

Looking closely, Le Yun also confirmed her guess - some swallows in the group of golden-waisted swiftlets had evolved and were promoted to first- and second-level spirit beast swallows.

The swiftlet's nest is even more precious and rare.

Le Yun was pleasantly surprised. He hurried to the cave, which was nearly [-] meters high, and a stream flowed out from the side of the cave.

Observe that there are no fierce beasts in the cave, and charge forward with the sword. The cave is in the shape of an arch, high on the outside and low on the inside, with a sense of hierarchy.

Swiftlets came and went, ignoring the sudden appearance of humans.

Less than 20 meters away from the cave is the habitat of swiftlets, and the walls of the cave are covered with bird's nests.

Swiftlets build their nests with saliva or saliva mixed with down feathers, which are bird's nests.

Swiftlets must build a nest every time they lay eggs. If the first nest is still there, they will build another layer on top of the old nest, and will not lay eggs in the old nest. They will hatch about three times a year.

The saliva is the most abundant when swiftlets build their nests for the first time. The nests are generally pure white, called white nests, and the quality is the best; Bird's nest; sometimes the saliva is yellowish brown or darker in color, also known as blood bird's nest.

Le Yun observed the bird's nests on the cave wall and found that there are bird's nests of various colors, some are pure white, some are yellowish brown, some are grayish, and some are black.

The black bird's nest is a very old bird's nest, which has been abandoned for a long time, and has no nutritional value. The gray bird's nest has too much fluff.

Some bird's nests are stacked several times, like a string of bird's nests strung together. In some places, the bird's nests are crowded together, and the new nests are tightly attached to the old nests.

It's the season for swiftlets to raise their offspring. There are young swiftlets in many bird's nests. Their feathers are fully grown or almost full. Whenever a parent flies back, the young swiftlets open their mouths and wait for feeding.

There are more than 20 swiftlets living in the cave, and at least [-] to [-] pairs of swallows are feeding their offspring. The sound of young swallows begging for food is one after another, ups and downs like ocean waves.

The voice of swiftlets echoed in the cave, making the cave like a battlefield.

Le Yun thought it was nothing at first, but the more she walked in, the denser the sound became. After walking less than two miles, she felt a pain in the head. She initially estimated that there were 20 swiftlets, but in fact she guessed - wrong -!

Judging from the bird's nests on the wall of the cave and the flocks of swallows that are not moving, there are at least 60 swiftlets. Such a huge flock of swiftlets can cover a piece of the sky when they fly out.

Going all the way in, the cave is very deep and dark, swiftlets can come and go in the dark, and the cave's depth does not stop them from building their nests.

After flying for about five miles, the cave branched off. The entrance of one cave was only about [-] miles high, and the big cave was still very large.

Le Yun walked along the main cave, and walked about five miles. There was a faint light in front of him, and the nests of golden silk birds were more dense. After about four miles forward, a large hole like a sinkhole appeared above, and many swallows flew in from the mouth of the sinkhole. fly out.

It is also because there is a hole at the other end, which is also the reason why she misjudged the number of swiftlets. As for the smell, well, don’t try to distinguish it by smell. The smell in the cave is very confusing because of the swallow droppings.

For a period of time, Le's nose was ineffective due to the smell. It was not until he went to another exit and was blown by fresh air for a while that his nose returned to normal olfactory function.

The tiankeng at the other end is very large, and there is a very thin stream of water on one side of the pit. It flows down from the stone wall and forms a small pool at the bottom of the pit. The pool is so shallow that you can see the bottom. place through the cave.

The tiankeng and the cave are the private domain of the iron-backed rhinoceros. In the past, the iron-backed rhino lived at the bottom of the tiankeng or in the cave.

After exploring the main cave, Le Yun retreated back to the branch of the cave, and then walked towards the small cave. There are swiftlets nesting in the small cave. The terrain on one side of the cave is slightly lower, and there is a thin stream of Lingquan stream , the water flow is very small, and the combined water volume is only about one finger thick as a trickle.

(End of this chapter)

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