magic eye doctor

Chapter 1349 1 Step Over 3 Steps

Chapter 1349
Le Xiao kept the most peaceful heart, drifted slowly, and walked about three miles along the small cave. There was also a faint crystal light in front of him, and a refreshing breath rushed towards his face, which also diluted the turbid smell in the cave.

Walking back for about one mile, the cave wall was illuminated by the crystal light in the distance. There were more than a thousand bird's nests adhered to the cave wall, most of which were pure white without fluff, like round and half moons hanging on the stone wall, shining brightly.

Those bird's nests are the nests of first- and second-level spirit beast swiftlets. Half of the bird's nests contain baby swallows. There are more than a hundred pairs of swallows perched on the nests or cave walls, combing their feathers slowly, and opening their eyes when they see humans. stare.

The human beings are clean and friendly, without any murderous intent. The swiftlets do not feel any danger, and are very quiet, studying the humanoid beasts with curious eyes.

Le Yun, a human from the earth who became the target of spectators, silently pretended that she was a monkey, and drifted forward for about half a mile before arriving at a shining place.

Those glints are the luster of jade, all of which are suet jade. The cave cut into the suet jade veins, or, the sages digging caves a long time ago dug the jade vein belt.

The cave also extends forward, and there is a thin layer of light curtain across the cave at the edge where the jade mine is inlaid with the rock, which also prevents swiftlets from entering the place with the jade mine.

Taking a few glances, Le Yun stepped into the thin light of the Suet Jade Mine. At the other end of the thin light, the breath of jade was refreshing, and the aura was rich, making the air seem to be dignified.

The jade mine cave absorbs the moisture from the outside world, condenses into water vapor on the cave wall, then condenses into beads, slides to the ground, gathers less and becomes more, and also forms thin spiritual spring water.

When human beings walked into the light curtain, the swiftlets opened their eyes with confusion.

After studying the purity of the jade mine and the width of the vein, Le Yun suppressed her heartbeat and continued to fly forward. After flying about three miles away, a light curtain appeared again. Behind the light curtain was the intersection of the suet jade mine and the Lingshi vein.

Passing through the light curtain, the cave becomes very small, only four meters high and five meters wide, and about half a mile further on, the cave also ends at the end. The half-mile-long cave is the intersection of mutton fat jade and Lingshi mine. Lingshi and mutton fat jade are both extremely pure, because they are too pure, and condensed into jade liquid.

The fine nectar condenses on the cave wall first into small water droplets, which condense into a drop the size of a finger belly, and slide down along the stone wall. There is a small artificially excavated pit at the bottom of both sides of the cave, accumulating into a pit of fine nectar. , the portion is not much, and there are more than ten catties of liquid in a pit by visual inspection.

"..." Le Yun's heartbeat was so fast that it was difficult to breathe. She felt that she might really be the reincarnation of God's own daughter. Otherwise, how could she explain that her luck was always so good?

She stood there without moving, not because she didn't want to move, but because she was too excited to move her legs.

At this moment, she also finally understands why that iron-backed rhinoceros can easily cultivate to the level of a demon god. It is estimated that the iron-backed rhinoceros is only ten thousand years old, and it can be cultivated to the level of a demon god at a long age. The intelligence of rhinoceros is not as good as that of tigers and monkeys, and it usually takes 10,000+ years to achieve great success.

Only the iron-backed rhinoceros of ten thousand years has cultivated to the level of demon gods. It can only be an adventure. The adventure of the iron-backed rhino is the jade liquid. It may find a water source with spiritual energy to find a cave and drink the jade liquid to cultivate. In order to skyrocket, he quickly cultivated to the demon god level.

Qiongye Yuye, the treasure of heaven and earth in Dongchen Continent, it is said that just one drop can make a monk in the out-of-body stage be promoted to distraction, and ten drops can make a monk in the tribulation stage successfully promoted to Mahayana.

Le Yun never thought about being promoted to the Mahayana of Transcending Tribulations as soon as possible. In her eyes, Qiongye Yuye is the medicine of longevity. With it, she can guarantee that even if Father and Aunt Feng don't practice immortality, she can easily make the two elders live to two hundred years old. It can also guarantee that Grandpa and Grandma Chao will live to 180 years old.

Happiness comes quickly.

When the great luck came, Le Yun was completely dumbfounded. She stood there for a full 10 minutes before she managed to calm down her heart that was so excited that it was about to jump out of her throat. She rushed to the puddle and took out the ice jade Made jars and spoons, one spoon at a time, scoop up the fine nectar and jade liquid and fill the altar.

The agar nectar is very thick and has a jelly-like paste shape.

Spoon by spoonful, then fill the altar, fill the jar with five catties, seal it, take another jar, fill it up and seal it, then put it in a jade bottle, fill four bottles, two bottles are about two catties, two bottles Pack one catty each.

Finally, take out the Jiuzi bamboo tube to hold Qiongyu liquid, fill the bamboo tube with bamboo film to cover the top, then cover it with tissue paper, cover it with a horizontal cloth, seal it with wax, and put the bamboo tube on it.

After filling five Jiuzi bamboo tubes in a row, the fine nectar and jade liquid also bottomed out.

Le Yun ran out of the light curtain, went outside to collect spiritual spring water, used the spiritual spring water to wash the puddle filled with fine nectar and jade liquid, then scooped up the water and put it in a jade bottle, then slipped to the suet jade mine cave area and took out a The mechanism beast, dug a pit with it, and took the suet jade that was dug out into the pocket by the way.

One man and one beast dug a big pit with a diameter of three meters and a width of three meters, scrubbed it clean, and let it store water.

After digging the pit to store the spirit spring water, Le Yun put away the mechanism beast, went into the intersection area of ​​suet jade and spirit stone mine, took out the jade bowl and spoon to collect the fine liquid jade beads that condensed into small water beads on the stone wall.

The liquid beads took a lot of effort to collect, and it took her about a day and a night to sweep away the fine nectar and jade liquid that had condensed into beads, which weighed about three catties.

The swiftlet is still in the feeding stage, so it is not suitable to pick bird's nest for the time being, and there are no too precious plants nearby, and it is not suitable to dig the Lingshi mine and suet jade mine extensively.

There is a lack of aura on the earth, even if it reaches a very high stage, it may be useless after returning to the earth. She didn't pursue crazy advancement, she would rather use all her time to dig spiritual plants. After going through the iron back, she felt that her strength It's too low, at least you have to cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage, and it's safe to run around in Dongchen Continent.

There are spirit stone mines and suet jade mines in the cave, which are full of spiritual energy. If such a good cultivation environment is not used well, let alone others, even she herself will scold herself for not knowing good and evil.

Before sitting down and meditating, Le Yun took Xiao Huihui and the little fox out again, so that the two cuties could also absorb some spiritual energy.

The little fox was carried away to the natural world, looked around with his golden eyes wide open, and yelled in surprise: "Oh, my ancestor, little girl, your luck is beyond the charts. If you look like this, you really don't have any luck!" friend's!"

"Shouldn't it be that I have more friends? I'm lucky. If others want to gain favor, they should hug their thighs." Le Yun stared at her beautiful almond eyes, puffing her beard and staring at her eyes. She was scared by the iron-backed rhino before. Not lightly, this must be God's compensation for her, and give her some treasures from heaven and earth, so as not to be shocked.

Xiao Huihui cleverly crawled along Miss Sister's arm to sit on Miss Sister's shoulder, looked around, her big eyes were full of curiosity, wow, so many shiny things.

"There must be people who want to hug your thighs. If you see them more times, they will be jealous of you." The little fox jumped to the ground, squatting, and was extremely jealous of the little girl. The child's good luck is so... too good It's unscientific, even God's own daughter is not so lucky.

He felt that the little girl was God's own daughter, and she couldn't get away with it. Moreover, she must still be God's youngest daughter. The so-called grandparents love the eldest grandson, and parents love the youngest. The little girl is God's precious youngest daughter, so she is especially loved preference.

Le Yun gritted her teeth, in order not to be jealous, she should try to make as few friends as possible, lest her friends be jealous of her stabbing her, of course, she would not say so, rolled her eyes, and meditated happily.

The little fox admired the little girl's expression, twitched his beard, sat down, and imitated the little girl to meditate seriously.

Both the little sister and the little fox are busy practicing, Xiao Huihui looks at this and that, slides down from the shoulder of the little sister, slips to a place not far from the little fox and sits upright, and seizes the opportunity to practice, the little fox says little The elder sister can live for a long time, and she must practice if she wants to follow the younger sister.

Le Yun practiced seriously, practiced for a few weeks, and felt that the aura in the dantian was much stronger, relaxed her limbs, and fed her birthmarks and stones while practicing.

Little Fox and Xiao Huihui wake up to practice and play by themselves, play for a while and eat, and then practice after eating.

Student Le is also the same as the two cuties, practicing, eating, and playing. She also has two more things, feeding birthmarks to eat stones and condensing spiritual energy beads, repeating the same things over and over again.

When the sun rose on the fourth day, the aura in Little Lolita's dantian was compressed to the extreme and exploded, and then she was promoted from fusion to bigu stage in a blink of an eye, and auras from all directions also rushed towards her, not only the aura in the cave was destroyed Attracting, the spiritual energy of the outside world is constantly gathering, and the spiritual energy of the cave is extremely strong.

The little fox noticed that the aura was rushing towards the little girl to form a big vortex, he grabbed Xiao Huihui and slipped away, hiding in the corner to practice, picking up the remaining aura that the little girl could not finish devouring.

The little loli in the spiritual vortex kept attracting and compressing the spiritual energy. She repeated the process of compressing and consuming the spiritual energy without eating or drinking. After three days, she practiced from the early stage of bigu to the perfection of bigu. He will be promoted to Jindan in a short period of time.

The golden core stage monks need more spiritual energy than the bigu stage, and a large amount of spiritual energy is swallowed up. However, whenever the spiritual energy is consumed, the own spiritual energy will continue to fill the gap, so there is no need to worry about the lack of spiritual energy.

The student Le Le, who is immersed in cultivation, has long forgotten the time, happily and non-stop comprehending, constantly compressing the aura of the dantian, and his strength is also rising, from the early to the middle stage of Jindan, soaring all the way up.

Her strength is increasing, and her hair is growing.

She practiced day after day, and the little fox didn't feel hungry, and didn't need to eat. When Xiao Huihui was hungry, she went to lick some water stains from the fine nectar, and she also didn't feel hungry.

Two cute creatures guard the little human girl, practicing and playing.

Day after day, and a month passed in the blink of an eye, Earth Human Le students also cultivated to the final stage of Jindan, and the swiftlets in the cave have full wings one after another, leaving the nest one after another to learn to be self-reliant.

Life went on and on, and ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and the last batch of baby swallows of the swiftlet group also left their parents and started their own swallow production.

On day No. 12, the aura that was almost stagnant around the girl sitting like a bell frantically rushed towards her, and the speed at which she attracted the aura also doubled and doubled.

The spiritual energy inside and outside the cave was attracted, and rushed to the human beings one after another, forming a large white funnel-shaped vortex, and the spiritual energy was continuously swallowed by humans.

After a day and a night, the skin of the young girl who sat quietly like a bell exuded a faint brilliance, and three golden lights appeared on the top of her head, showing the vision of three flowers gathering on the top.

"I don't want to be jealous, but I can't help it." The little fox squatting in the corner stretched out its claws and drew circles, so sad that it wanted to cry. The little girl was lucky, and her cultivation talent was ridiculously good. It is difficult to break through a certain bottleneck, and she advanced to the second rank in less than half a month.

It doesn't matter if she is promoted to two ranks, anyway, she is God's own daughter, but because Mao has only practiced for more than a month, she is about to be promoted to Nascent Soul?

The little girl is only 22 years old, and she has cultivated to the Nascent Soul at such a young age. This makes the fox god who has cultivated to the Nascent Soul after a thousand years of practice, how can he see his elders?
The little fox, who had no face to see Jiang Dong's elders, cried like a dog silently.

Xiao Huihui has no idea what the little fox is struggling with. Isn't it better that the young lady has become more powerful?The little sisters become very powerful, and they can find many good things to make their homes beautiful, and they can play happily.

Le Xiao, who is in the advanced stage, is even more ignorant of the grievances in the little fox's heart. She didn't think about anything, just practiced naturally. At a certain moment, she heard a "click", and something seemed to rupture in her brain , The consciousness is like rushing out of a trapped well, and the sky is wide and the earth is wide in front of you.

She felt light in body and mind, and there was gold flowing in the "vision", the gold flowed like water along veins, and finally entered a golden ocean, in the middle of the golden ocean was a mass of white light, warm and soft, and there was a little golden man at the same time .

The soft white light keeps compressing the gold, part of the gold is absorbed by the white light, and part of the gold becomes more pure. When the gold is compressed, the golden light in the ocean is like sea water being stirred, flowing and swirling continuously.

The little golden man in the gold is very quiet, even if the golden light is swaying, it is as stable as Mount Tai. The little golden man was just a small embryo at first, and it is slowly attracting pure golden true energy, growing up bit by bit.

Whenever the gold is compressed to become more pure, new light gold rushes in, and the golden ocean remains full.

After "watching" for a while, Le Yun came to her senses. She looked inside, and the tube-shaped collaterals were meridians, and the golden ocean was her dantian!
She let the flow take its course and maintained her cultivation method. Soon, the little golden man grew from a small finger to the size of an egg, with clear facial features, and she looked like a shrunken version of her.

"Looking" at the miniature version of herself, Le Yun has the urge to cover her face, it's so small, so small, can you help me fight?
The little golden figure is still growing, growing, growing, until it grows as strong as her wrist, and it will not grow anymore. It sits quietly in the golden sea, facing the soft white light.

The little golden man no longer grows, the white light is still compressing the gold, until most of the gold in the dantian is compressed to the purest, and the soft white light also suppresses the brilliance.

The golden ocean quieted down.

Le Yun, who was practicing sitting cross-legged, was still absorbing spiritual energy. When her meridians all over her body were filled with gold and her true energy was full, her body functions automatically stopped absorbing external spiritual energy.

The white aura vortex slowly dissipated, but the aura in the cave was still strong.

(End of this chapter)

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