magic eye doctor

Chapter 1350 Come Out

Chapter 1350 Come Out

The little fox was in a very sad mood, but he did not give up on himself. He watched the little girl's promotion and saw that after she was promoted to Yuanying, the coercion that belonged to the Yuanying real person disappeared only for a moment. He was very surprised, and the little girl's ability to control power was also Is it too strong?
After the little girl was promoted to Nascent Soul, there was no sound again, the little fox almost jumped, don't tell him that brat will continue to advance!

While he was eager to see through, the little girl practiced quietly for a day and a night, her strength was stable, and she was at the consummation of Yuanying's early stage.

When the little girl opened her eyes, the little fox jumped up screaming, leaped over, hugged the little girl's face, and pawed her forehead: "Little girl, you evildoer! You are born to hit people!" Yes, if you are like this, this fox will be beaten to death one day."

Le Yun, who found that the meridians were filled with gold, opened her eyes through an internal inspection, and immediately noticed that her eyes had undergone earth-shaking changes. Her vision was clearer than before. At a glance, she could see the fine dust on the stone wall.

Just looking at the stone wall, a cute fox covered his face, took off the fox's paw that was holding his forehead, picked up the little fox, and grinned: "Little fox, I'm a real Nascent Soul!" , can condense real spiritual energy beads!"

"..." The little fox felt tired, the stinky little girl was so obsessed with her paradise, she didn't see his sadness at all.

"Zhizhizhi—" Xiaohuihui ran wildly with her feet on her feet, jumped to the side of the young lady, grabbed the young lady's hair and climbed up, quickly climbed to the young lady's shoulder, grabbed the collar, leaned over and gnawed on the young lady's face Two bites.

"Wow, Xiao Huihui is so clever." Xiao Huihui actually knew how to climb by her hair, Le Yun couldn't help but hold Xiao Huihui, and gave her a kiss.

Xiao Huihui was so kissed that her face was drooling, and she laughed like a silly monkey.

After kissing Xiao Huihui a few mouthfuls, the excited little classmate Le picked up the little fox and gnawed the little fox until he covered his face in shame and smirked.

After receiving dozens of sweet kisses, the little fox's depression was wiped away, and he held his face in his paws, his eyes sparkling: "Little girl, the swallows outside have left their nests, and you have to go to work again."

"Oh, my bird's nest!" The little fox mentioned the swiftlet, and Le Yun jumped three feet high, rushing out in a hurry.

The little girl was still so lively and cute, the little fox frowned with a smile.

Le Yun rushed out of the two light curtains holding the two cuties, and went outside to see that there were no little swallows in the nest of the first- and second-level spirit beast swiftlets, and the big swallows were not there either. They should be out foraging and playing until night to return.

She didn't pick the bird's nest of the spiritual beast swiftlet, so she flew to the big cave, to the end of the cave in Chaotiankeng, and saw a few adult swallows playing in the cave, put the two cute ones on her shoulders, and took out a giant clam bird's nest. Use a scalpel to remove the bird's nest.

After the swiftlet's saliva solidifies, it sticks tightly to the stone wall. It is difficult to pick it off with bare hands, but it can be easily picked off by scraping against the stone wall with a scalpel blade.

First picked more than [-] white bird's nests, and then picked more than [-] hairy bird's nests, flew back to the place where there was fine nectar and jade liquid, set out the tools, and asked the two cuties to help pick out the fluff of the bird's nests.

The little fox, Xiao Huihui, worked hard without complaint, and worked very sloppily.

Until this moment, Le Yun finally calmed down from the excitement, released the golden lion from the jade slip, and found that the big lion was more than half healed, changed the medicine again, and then sent the big lion to the jade slip to recuperate.

The water storage pit was also full of water. She took away the water full of spiritual energy, and then went back to the cave to pick the bird's nest, and at the same time took out the mechanism beasts to help them dig up the swallow's droppings.

Swiftlets have inhabited the caves for tens of thousands of years. Over the years, the droppings have piled up into hills. After continuous compression, the bird droppings at the bottom turn into lithic minerals, and when crushed, they become natural phosphate fertilizers.

Classmate Le Xiao did not pick bird’s nests in one pot. In the area where the stone walls were smooth and there were not many gaps, only part of the bird’s nests were removed, leaving some nests for the swallows to roost at night; when picking bird’s nests, they also removed their abandoned black nests to make room for the swallows. Build a new nest.

In the evening, the swallows return.

In order not to frighten the swallows away, Xiao Le called it a day and only added spirit stones to the trap beasts, allowing them to continue digging up swallow feces. The trap beasts had no breath, and their existence had little effect on the swiftlet flock.

She went back to the small cave by herself to get the water from the spiritual spring, and then dug the water hole wide and deep, so that she could also get acquainted with the power of the Nascent Soul Stage, killing two birds with one stone.

Because it is not suitable for extensive mining, just dig a huge pit and stop, go back to the space, feed the birthmark on the arm to eat stones, and prepare fertilizer at the same time. In the past, because there were not many raw materials collected, the grade of the self-made fertilizer was slightly inferior. The resources collected now Rich, also collected natural phosphate fertilizer, can make a batch of high-grade fertilizer.

The preparation of fertilizers is a collective effort and spiritual work. First, the raw materials must be calculated, then matched according to the amount, thrown into the storage container, and then stirred and mixed by mental manipulation.

Le made two special fertilizers, and piled the mixed fertilizers on a flat place in the space to let them ferment. Counting the newly made fertilizers, she made a total of three kinds of fertilizers, divided into primary, intermediate and advanced, and the last one It is the highest grade fertilizer, and it is also a special fertilizer for medicine fields and flower gardens.

After making high-grade high-grade fertilizers, two batches of intermediate-grade fertilizers were produced. After that, it was almost the beginning of the twelfth century, so I hurriedly meditated and practiced.

The next day, get up early in the morning to collect the water in the big pit, collect the guano phosphate rock excavated and accumulated by the organ beasts, then go out of the cave to find the river, use swallowing snails to intercept the river to get water, fill the water back into the cave and enter the space, and put The water from the conch irrigates the land along the riverbank from the medicine field to the first water storage lake.

After using up the water, go out of the space to pick bird’s nests, go to work during the day, and withdraw in the evening when the swallows come back, go to the river to fill the conch with water, and then return to the cave, and return to the space with the cutie to irrigate the land, plow the land, plant trees and sow Seeds of shrubs and herbs.

In order to turn the space into a green planet as soon as possible, she didn't feel bad, took out the spirit beads she got from Tiebeixi and dug it deep in the ground.

High-level monsters condense spiritual energy beads to be filled with real energy when the spiritual energy is insufficient when advancing to the rank. Monsters above the demon emperor level will store spiritual energy beads, and the iron-backed rhinoceros has spiritual energy beads hidden in the head and armor nodules , a total of more than thirty.

First bury one in each of the four directions outside the big circle of the central medicine field, and only bury one spiritual energy bead between the central medicine field and the first water storage lake. After that, go to the sickle lake and bury it around Get a few spiritual energy beads.

Buried the spiritual energy beads, made fertilizer once or twice, and when it was time to work, classmate Le took the two cuties back to the cave to meditate and practice. The spiritual energy in the cave was several times thicker than the space, so resources should not be wasted.

When she was meditating until she was ugly, she fed the birthmarks on her arms and ate stones while compressing the spiritual energy to condense the spiritual energy beads. Before dawn, she meditated and adjusted her breath for a while, and then repeated the steps that must be done every day: fetching water - sending conch back to the space to spit water - picking bird's nest - fetching water - returning to the space to plant tree or fertilizer.

When Le Xiaoluoli was busy with the boring work of fetching water and picking bird's nests in the secret realm, Luo Chengyuqi wished Yu Mowen to look forward to the little junior sister every day.

Luocheng Yuqi wished Yu Mowen to collect resources all the way, and rushed to the city agreed with the junior sister before September. It was the imperial capital of a certain empire. They came first, and they went to the empire to find the emperor and a certain family of cultivators to pick up their purchases. The soul jade should pay the junior sister the grain, pure gold and other materials.

As a result, I waited until the beginning of September, but I didn't wait for the little junior sister and the golden-haired lion. I only waited for the disciple who sent the letter from Yuhengzong. I heard that the little junior sister might go to a secret place in Yuhengzong to explore the secrets. I don't know when. The four senior brothers wanted to cry. Too good at playing, what should they do?
The junior sister let her go, the four senior brothers could only accept after crying, I don’t know when the junior sister will come, they divide the work, three of them go out to help the junior sister find what she likes, leave one person in the city waiting for contact, and go to half a city at a time month or months.

Month after month, the left-behind brothers almost roamed the streets and alleys of a certain empire, searching for the beds and furniture that the nobles liked, as well as bamboo fabrics, barrels, and beautiful jars on the street crock jars, and grain and other things.

The four senior brothers stretched their necks while waiting, and the younger junior sister still didn't see anyone for a long time, almost dying of depression.

They were anxious, and the head of Yuhengzong Zhu Erba and others were even more anxious. The little fairy disappeared after entering Yuhengzong. What if they were misunderstood that they killed people to seize treasures?
However, no matter how anxious they were, month after month, at the end of the year, the little fairy was nowhere to be seen, and at the New Year's Eve, there was no sign of the little fairy at all.

The new year started, and spring came, but the little fairy was still missing. The elders of Yuhengzong's inner sect were so anxious that their mouths were blistered, and they ran to the deep stream every day to look around, and finally they simply sent someone to sit on guard.

The people outside are in a hurry, and Le Xiaoluoli in the secret realm is busy collecting resources, and occasionally digs some mutton jade, spirit stone and jade mixed mines at night, and it takes her a whole month to pick all the bird's nests that can be picked in the cave , and finally picked one or two nests of swiftlets, leaving less than fifty nests for them.

After harvesting the bird's nest, I dug the mutton fat jade mine for half a day, and then dug a large pit several feet deep at the intersection point of the jade and spirit stone veins. Dig a few feet down to the bottom and bury a few pieces of emerald, and then cover it up.

Harvesting a lot of music, I didn’t leave in a hurry. I crawled back to the medicine field area in the center of the space, rolled up my sleeves, took the tools, and took the mechanism beast that is good at digging to dig the south of the three flower beds in the east. For flowerbeds, dig out the soil like mining.

Because when making special fertilizers for the flower gardens, the soil of several empty flower gardens and the soil of the flower gardens with trees are planed away, and digging holes again saves some effort.

In order to do it in one go, Le Xiao took the mechanism beast and dug down more than [-] meters deep, turning a flower garden into a huge pit, and then filled the pit with high-grade fertilizer, and it was about six meters high at the entrance of the flower garden. Then fill a layer of soil in the center of the flowerbed with the soil dug from the origin of the secret bamboo, and then plant a cluster of bamboo in the flowerbed.

Properly plant the Jiuzi bamboo, then fill it with fertilizer, cover the surface with a layer of intermediate fertilizer and a mixture of spiritual soil dug from the secret place, and then use the spiritual spring water condensed from the suet jade collected in the cave.

After planting the bamboo, Le Yun was in a very bright mood, packed up, went back to the cave, left a line of writing on the stone wall, patted her buttocks and left, and went outside the cave to dig out the excrement of the iron-backed rhinoceros that had piled up like a hill Make fertilizer.

Calculated according to the time, I have been in the secret realm for a year, and I also missed the appointment with my seniors.

Le Yun is very sad, will cheap brothers touch her dog's head?

Thinking of the picture of the four cheap senior brothers touching her head, she stretched out her paws and rubbed her head, then turned her head and looked back. She was not tall, but her hair grew wildly, it was already below the bend of her knees.

Well, let it stay for a while, and then cut it off to make a wig when the hair grows past the calf.

Rubbing her own head to determine the location, Le Yun stepped on her sword and flew away. Because she had been missing for too long, she was afraid that her brothers would worry, so she never stopped on the road, and only ran to dig a little when she smelled the smell of rare medicinal materials.

On the way, there are also monsters that don't have eyes, and a certain little fairy has passed the addiction of killing the monks in the Nascent Soul stage, killing the monsters to the brim, and adding an ingredient to her ingredient library by the way.

The speed of Daoist Yuanying is several times faster than that of Jindan cultivators. Even if she walks a straight distance, it still takes Le student [-] days to find the exit. The exit is above a lake.

Rushing out of the formation, Le Yun raised her eyes to look around, scouted the environment, wiped off her sweat silently, the exit was at the other end of the deep ravine, about eighty miles away from where she entered the deep ravine.

She was still feeling emotional. Elder Lin Ling, who was guarding outside the deep ravine, sensed someone at the other end of the deep ravine, soaring through the air, flying over the mountains in the blink of an eye, and saw someone standing on the other side of the deep ravine A little fairy who doesn't know what to think in the sky.

"Little fairy!" Seeing the missing little fairy standing there alive, Elder Lin was overjoyed. He rushed to the little fairy's side and rubbed the little guy's head with his hand: "Little fairy, you go there for a year!" , finally came back!"

Knew it would be like this!Being killed by touching her head, Le Yun felt bitter in her heart, and her small face was wrinkled into a ball: "Master, don't mention it, I almost became a snack for monsters, hey, let's go back to Yuhengzong, we will talk about it when we go back."

"Little Fairy is protected by a golden hair, how dare monsters eat you." Elder Lin rubbed the back of Little Fairy's head amusedly. Baby, almost stumbled in shock.

He slowed down a bit, and hurried to catch up with the little fairy, still not quite sure, he humbly asked for advice: "Little fairy, have you conceived a baby?"

"Yeah, I can't suppress my strength, and I got promoted by accident."

"..." Elder Lin felt like crying. Others wanted to be promoted as quickly as possible, but Xiaoxianzi couldn't suppress her desire to be promoted.

The 22-year-old Nascent Soul is frightening to death, okay?

Elder Lin paid a silent tribute to the young people in the mainland. Once the little fairy came out, no one in the mainland would dare to be called a genius, unless someday someone could break the historical record set by the little fairy.

Elder Lin accompanied the little fairy back to the main peak of Yuheng Mountain, and he did not forget to send a message to the head. The head of Juerba received the message and knew that the little fairy had come out of the secret realm. He couldn't help but summoned the elders to wait in the main hall.

 I was surprised to hear that a little fairy thought that a certain lovesickness was too slow, and wanted to send a blade. The stupid lovesick was so frightened that she clutched her little heart and hid in the corner, and then threw a second watch. Beautiful little fairies, please Be merciful, how about changing the blade to potato chips?
(End of this chapter)

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