magic eye doctor

Chapter 1351

Chapter 1351
Hearing that the little fairy appeared, the head of Juerba and the elders were overjoyed and looked forward to the little fairy. They waited for about three quarters of an hour. Elder Lin returned with the little fairy and landed on the square in front of the main hall from the sky. Walk into the main hall.

When he returned to the inner gate of Yuhengzong, Xiao Le, who was standing on Elder Lin's flying sword, suddenly found more than a dozen kinds of mushrooms drying in the square of Yuhengzong!
That’s right, it’s mushrooms. The variety of mushrooms dried in the square of Yuheng Sovereign Hall is epic, red, white, black, green, yellow, blue, etc. There are slices of mushrooms, some half-dried, some The ones that have just shriveled in the sun, and the ones that are almost dry, the square is like a large colorful cloth, colorful.

In an instant, Le Yun was happy. Needless to say, everyone knew that the mushrooms were for her. A group of immortals were willing to dry the mushrooms in front of the main hall. It couldn't be cuter.

Because she was in such a good mood, she smiled like the sun, and entered the hall with Elder Lin, she was very clever, and she ran to the seat reserved for herself by the head of the big guy Juerba.

As soon as the person sat down, there was a big slap on the head. Le classmate: "..." Short people have no human rights, and this is the case everywhere.

The elders knew that the little fairy had successfully conceived a baby before, and when they witnessed the fact with their own eyes, they were still shocked in their hearts, what kind of reincarnation was the little fairy, and they were all embarrassed by this.

"Little fairy, where is your golden-haired lion?" Zhu Erba, head of the sect, was still a little uncomfortable seeing the golden-haired lion.

"I encountered a demon god-level iron-backed rhinoceros in the secret realm, and the big lion fought with it. He was seriously injured and is still recuperating in the soul beast space."

Le Yun honestly confessed her experience, took out a jade bottle, and stuffed it to the big head with a distressed expression.

The elders of the Yuheng Sect were surprised when they heard that the little fairy met the iron-backed rhinoceros at the level of a demon god. Turning around, I suddenly felt curious, what did the little fairy give the head?
The little fairy stuffed a jade bottle, and the head of Juerba held it in the palm of his hand regardless of Sanqi 21, and weighed it. The bottle was a medicine bottle weighing about one tael, and the total weight was about half a catty. The little fairy looked distressed again. , and asked with a smile: "Little fairy, what is in the jade bottle? Is it the blood of the iron-backed rhinoceros at the level of a demon god?"

"It's not iron-backed rhinoceros blood, it's fine nectar. The master master has put it away. If I see it again, I won't be able to resist snatching it back." Le Yun looked at the things she sent out, feeling extremely painful.

It's really not pretending, it's really reluctant.

Fine nectar and jade liquid are rare, and she only has twenty catties in her hand, so there are many places to use it, not to mention giving away a few taels, even a drop of it would make her feel distressed.

Because the Shenjian Secret Realm is in the Yuheng Sect, so I gave some to the master, otherwise, Le Xiao would be so smothered that she would not let anyone know that she found the jade liquid.

"Little fairy, if you give it to us, it's ours." Zhu Erba, the master, heard the little fairy's reluctance, and put the jade bottle back into his storage container, smiling blindly.

"Fine nectar and jade liquid?" The elders who were still in shock couldn't believe it. There was fine nectar and jade liquid in the deep stream of Yuheng Mountain?

"It's really fine milk and jade liquid. That deep stream is several times wider than Yuheng Mountain, and it was shrunk down to inches by the sages' great powers to hide it." The guys explained: "It's great to be hidden there, I personally suggest that you don't try to open it, it's better for Yuhengzong like this.

In the secret territory of Shenjian, there is a vein of spirit stone and a vein of jade colliding in a mountain. A certain sage may have wanted to dig out spirit stone or jade, and found that there were innate conditions for producing fine nectar and jade liquid there, so he kept it. It took time to condense the fine nectar and jade liquid. "

The elders, who were hit by the great news, cast their scorching gazes on the back of the master's hand covering the jade bottle, and their breathing was suppressed to the point of almost no.

The head of Zhuerba also knew what the elders were thinking, and he laughed so hard that he could hardly find his eyes: "I have estimated that the jade liquid that the little fairy gave us is about four or two weights, and each of the elders in the inner sect should be able to share it. Half a drop or a drop."

"..." Noticing that the elders' eyes moved from the head of Juerba to himself, Le Yun looked up at the sky: "Don't look at me anymore, the place where the fine nectar is produced has been patronized by a monster, I I just picked up some leftovers, and the senior uncles and senior brothers of Yuhengzong treated me well, so I reluctantly parted with them and shared a share with them.

Also, the sages did not dig the spirit stone mine, and I am not willing to destroy it. In the future, whoever in the Yuheng sect is destined to enter the deep stream should not be greedy. You can get the fine liquid and jade liquid. Don’t dig the spiritual stone and jade. It's gone. "

"Little fairy, what kind of monster stole the fine nectar? Ben is going to kill it!"

"Bastard monster, kill it!"

The elders were distressed at first, and immediately regarded a certain monster as an unshakable enemy, ahhh, the damned monster actually robbed them of their fine milk and jade liquid!
If the monsters hadn't stolen the fine nectar and jade liquid, and the little fairy found a place, she might be able to collect a few catties or tens of catties, and share them with them, at least a few catties.

The hearts of the elders were broken when they thought of the fine nectar that was robbed by monsters.

"It should be a rhinoceros. The mountain range that produces the fine nectar and jade liquid has been set up by the sages to create a psychedelic formation. The fine nectar and jade liquid is a treasure of heaven and earth, protected by a natural barrier. Among the beasts, only the horns of the rhinoceros are born with the ability to destroy the delusion." Only the rhinoceros can find the place.”

There is a saying that when heaven closes all doors, it will always open a window for you. This is the case with rhinos. Rhinos are naturally stupid, but their horns have the ability to destroy illusions. The psychedelic skills of many monsters are ineffective against them. Some monsters are also immune to poison.

"..." The elders who couldn't get rid of their anger looked at the sky, they just yelled, knowing what kind of beast it was was useless, because they couldn't walk into the deep ravine.

The elders of Yuhengzong are very cute, Le Yun was amused by them, they didn't ask any more questions, she was very witty, and hand-painted a map of the deep stream secret realm to Yuhengzong, of course, what she depicted was what she knew, she didn't Don't ask her about the areas you set foot in.

The head of Juerba and the elders circulated the map, a treasure-like collection, because the little fairy was in a hurry to meet up with the Yulan sect's seniors, and decided to leave tomorrow, they didn't say polite words to keep them. Hand over part of the kitchen waste to the ashes of the animals, and they then took the empty storage container to load the ashes of the animals, and at the same time started preparing for the farewell dinner.

The direct disciples of Yuhengzong put away all the mushrooms that were drying in the sun when the sun went down, and then went to visit Xiaoxianzi's younger junior sister, and invited her to a dinner party by the way.

Classmate Le Xiao didn't rest in the main courtyard of the Yuheng Sect. He fed birthmarks and stones, sorted out his own resources, and when the direct disciples of the Yuheng Sect came to visit, he warmly received them and made spiritual tea that he had prepared.

The senior brothers drank a few bowls of tea, well, two golden elixirs were promoted to Nascent Soul, and one Nascent Soul was promoted to out of body.

The head of Juerba and all the elders rushed to hear the news, and they were stunned. The little fairy can help people get promoted if they invite them to drink tea. This... her power of blessing is simply against the sky!
The bigwigs in power also sat down and drank tea with great anticipation.

After drinking five bowls of tea, the head of Juerba, who had successfully passed the checkpoint in the distraction stage for hundreds of years, also unknowingly broke through the shackles and rushed to the integration stage.

When they sensed the power riot on the head of the sect, the elders hurriedly threw all the disciples out of the main hall, threw out more than a dozen magic weapons to protect the hall and the little fairy, and... the tea set and tea stove of the little fairy.

Because the incident happened suddenly, the elders were busy throwing people in order to protect the disciples from accidents, and they couldn't control their strength perfectly. The disciples were thrown out of the hall like sandbags. When they landed, they were thrown to pieces Baluo got up one by one, staring blankly at the main hall of the side hall bursting with brilliance.

The head of Juerba was promoted without any warning, and the coercion of the monks in the fusion stage rushed in all directions like a tsunami, breaking through the protection of magic weapons one by one. Elder Lin and others jointly exerted pressure and barely protected the last one. The protection of the magic weapon has not been breached.

After a full quarter of an hour, the power of the riots when the head of the Juerba was promoted stabilized. Elder Lin and the others breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the broken magic weapon, and lined up in front of the head.

Little classmate Le, who was protected by a porcelain doll without even touching the hem of her clothes, watched the promotion process of the head of the big guy with an extremely calm expression. The big guy was meditating while she slowly boiled water and made tea.

The elders: "..." The little fairy made tea, but they didn't say anything, just drink!
When the main hall was calm and still, the stunned direct disciples entered the hall one after another, sat down in rows, and continued to drink the unfinished tea.

The head of Juerba sat for two sticks of incense, he floated up and laughed long and loudly: "Hahahaha, cool, so cool!" It feels so good to be promoted.

"Sect Leader, enough is enough, do you want to quickly repair the damaged magic weapon?"

"Master, the damaged magic weapon will be handed over to you for personal maintenance."

The head was proud of himself, and the elders interrupted him angrily, and motioned him to see what good things he had done.

Personal disciples: "..."

Juerba, who was in a state of exuberance, belatedly remembered that there were other people. He quickly glanced around and saw eight broken magic weapons lined up in front of him. He was stunned. bad?
"What's the matter? How did they break into such a good way?" Don't admit such a shameful thing!
The master pretended to be stupid, and Elder Lin rolled his eyes silently: "Master, this is considered lucky, but a few magic weapons were damaged. If you hurt the little fairy, you won't even have tears."

The guy in charge feels that he wants to advance, won't he go to the sky by himself?The strength of the fit practitioners is tyrannical. If they are not present, the whole side hall might be razed to the ground.

The head of the sect is foolishly staying in the side hall, he has been promoted to the integration stage, so if the magic weapon is broken, the head master must bear the materials needed to repair the magic weapon.

The elders didn't have the slightest sympathy for the head of the sect, who told him not to go to a quiet place when he was promoted, and he must be responsible for repairing the property of the sect if it is damaged.

"..." The head of Juerba originally planned to come to deny it, but when he saw the smiling face of the little fairy, he immediately acquiesced, put a few broken magic weapons into the storage container, and swept them away. He sat down next to Xiaoxianzi: "Xiaoxianzi, the tea you made is really delicious, I can drink another ten bowls."

The elders think... Kicking the head, he has advanced and wants to drink ten more bowls, is that too greedy?

"It's too late, Uncle Master, I'll treat you to another bowl of tea, is there too much?" Le Yun twitched the corner of her mouth, and passed a bowl of tea. Drink her rhythm.

The head of Zhuerba touched his face helplessly and drank tea. The little fairy didn't even blink when she gave the soul jade, but she was reluctant to invite him to drink a few more bowls of tea. Sure enough, once Lingzhi was involved, she would become stingy Barra's.

More than 200 people continued to drink tea in large bowls. After about two sticks of incense, someone broke through again, mostly from the early or middle stage of a certain level to the middle or late stage of a certain level or reached The later stage is perfect.

For high-level real people who have been stuck in certain classes for decades or hundreds of years, even drinking tea and loosening the checkpoints is a huge improvement, so even if you don't get promoted, you are still full of joy.

After drinking tea, the head of Juerba and the elders took the opportunity to hand over the materials such as the spiritual stones and spiritual plants that Yuhengzong should pay for the soul jade to the little fairy, as well as the trading materials they took back on their behalf. They originally wanted to wait until the farewell banquet Give it to Little Fairy, because of the promotion of the disciples, they have a chance to have a private meeting with Little Fairy before the banquet, so I will give it to her by the way.

The supplies that Yuhengzong handed over to Xiaoxianzi can only be described as massive, with more than forty storage containers installed.

As a matter of fact, the materials that should be paid to the little fairy should be gathered together, and they should be stored in the largest storage container with a radius of three or two miles among ordinary storage containers, and a hundred storage containers cannot hold it.

Yuhengzong itself is good at casting. Under the same conditions, the storage containers they made are wider than those produced by other sects. What's more, when Xiaoxianzi came to Yuhengzong Mountain as a guest, he entrusted them to make storage containers. Given the raw materials, including soul jade as the raw material, the storage utensils they built were all large containers with a radius of nine miles.

The widest square radius of Dongchen Continent’s storage device does not exceed ten, and nine miles is the maximum limit. If it is wider, it is not a storage device, but a cave.

Yuhengzong built hundreds of maximum storage containers for the little fairy. Because the little fairy went to the secret realm, they had time. After the preliminary refining, the spiritual plants and grains were classified into categories, and the monster meat was roughly processed, thus saving a lot of storage containers.

In addition to supplies, there are also ashes of kitchen garbage beasts filled with twenty storage containers. There are many people in Yuheng Sect, and there is also a lot of kitchen garbage. The accumulated garbage is three times more than that of Yulan. Fairy, the last ashes of the beast filled twenty storage containers with the largest capacity.

Le Yun was so happy that she almost became a fool when she got the materials traded in jadeite. There are so many spiritual stones, many medicinal plants, many mines, and many grains...

Things can only be described as "a lot", and her little heart is beating very hard, as if floating in the clouds of the nine sky, so walking with the big bosses of the Yuheng Sect is like stepping on white clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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