magic eye doctor

Chapter 1352 Meeting

Chapter 1352 Meeting
The Yuheng Sect's farewell banquet was held in the main hall, and the elders of the inner sect, the elite disciples valued by the sect, the direct disciples, and the elders of the outer sect all attended.

Yuhengzong's dinner banquet has a variety of dishes. Classmate Le ate very happily. After a full meal, her excited heart that couldn't find the north barely calmed down. An hour later, the dinner party really ended.

To be honest, the elders of the Yuheng Sect and the disciples of the inner sect were reluctant to let the little fairy go, and sent her to the main courtyard to rest, and they reluctantly left.

Back at the place where he lived, Le Xiao first released the big golden retriever from the jade slips, helped him change the dressing again, and then sent him back to the soul beast space, and then happily checked his supplies.

The Yuhengzong gang organized the supplies in an orderly manner, and classified them into categories, making it very convenient to find them. What pleased her most was the 36 sets of medical needles and scalpels, 36 medicine tripods, and 36 medical tripods made by the Yuhengzong gang. Container for water.

The difficulty of casting the scalpel is not a problem compared to monks above the Yuanying level of Yuhengzong. The test is medical needles and medicine tripods. Shaped with mental strength, the intersections of curved needles, cross needles, arched needles, crescent needles, Y-shaped needles and other strange shapes are natural and smooth.

Yuhengzong is an earth moat. Each set of medical needles uses demon-level animal skin leather as the needle cover, and comes with a sheep fat jade box.

Due to the different raw materials, the medicine furnace has different colors, including gold, silver, black, blue, purple and brass, as well as vermilion and bright colors.

The largest three-legged medicine stove is more than [-] meters high, each foot is as thick as a bucket, and its round belly is like a huge ball. The medicine cauldron can hold ten thousand catties of water. The smallest medicine stove is about the size of an ordinary pot and is compact. exquisite.

The water-holding containers are all in the shape of a big tripod or a furnace. The largest big tripod can hold 50 catties of water, and the other containers can store about 40 to [-] catties of water.

The elders of Yuhengzong were very careful and filled the container with spiritual spring water.

The medical needle made by Yuhengzong was perfect, and Le Yun was full of joy. After reading her personal belongings, she checked the gift from Yuhengzong.

The direct disciples of Yuhengzong sent a gift—mushrooms and plant seeds they collected, as well as some high-quality wood, dead trees, charcoal and wooden utensils, including beds, top chests, Duobaoge bookshelves, Wooden furniture including tables, stools, and piano stands, and a thousand exquisite mats of spiritual herbs.

Yuhengzong donated 50 catties each of bamboo rice and wild rice, and a total of 100 million catties of grains produced in Lingtian; [-] camels, [-] fourth-level monster bears, [-] grouse and hogs each, Comes with a full container of grouse's feet, camel's paw, bear's paw, hoof and fish head and swim bladder.

In addition, there are [-] sets of special pots and stoves, [-] sets of stone products including stone basins, bowls, barrels and jars, [-] sets of pottery jars, and [-] sets of jade products.

There are also four houses, made of red sandalwood, golden nanmu, rosewood, and bamboo. The house made of sandalwood, nanmu, and rosewood is five palace-style, and the small building made of bamboo has only three rooms, all of which are in the middle land. The mixed architectural style, the atmosphere is exquisite, resplendent and magnificent.

Seeing the house, Le Yun was so happy that she wanted to fly up. The house built with trees over 10 years old is well developed!She decided to revitalize the space in the future, put the house in different places, and live wherever she wants!

She was in such a good mood that she was not willing to close her eyes all night. She fed the birthmark on her arm and ate stones while condensing spiritual energy beads. Before dawn, she took a bath and changed clothes. resign.

The inner elders and elite disciples of Yuhengzong had breakfast with Xiaoxian, and then sent her out of the Yuhengzong formation. The disciples made an appointment to meet in the city.

From Yuhengzong to the city designated by the Yulanzong disciples to meet, it takes about half a month for the Nascent Soul-level monks to travel, but the head of Zhu Erba only takes two days to arrive. He flies by himself and it only takes half a day.

The six of them were still more than a hundred miles away from the city. Among the four senior brothers of the Yulan Sect, Yu Qi, who was staying behind, had received the news and flew out of the city to meet him. He beheaded his junior sister ten miles away from the city.

Seeing the cheap Nuannan senior brother, Le Yun jumped away from the flying sword held by the big guy, flew to Nuannan senior brother's side, and tugged at his sleeve: "Seventh senior brother, do you miss me? I miss you!" .”

The little junior sister rushed over to act like a spoiled child, Yu Qi looked at the cute smiling face, annoyed and funny, stretched out her jade-like finger to poke the little guy's forehead: "You still have the nerve to say that you miss us? You think we just throw us aside , let us wait bitterly for a year, you can bear it."

After being poked on the forehead, Le Yun hugged the warm male senior brother's hand to save her own forehead in the way of encircling Wei and saving Zhao: "Seventh senior brother, I didn't do it on purpose, don't be angry, ah, it's all the fault of that mysterious place, that broken place It’s too wide, and I can’t find the way out when I go in, which delays my itinerary and makes me lose my promise to my brother, I swear, I will definitely take a detour when I see strange places in the future.”

The little junior sister pouts her mouth and pouts her cheeks to act coquettishly. Yu Qi can't pretend to be serious even if she wants to. She smiles and pushes the little junior sister's claws away, ravages her head decisively, and pokes her pink cheek: "Senior brothers are not angry, It’s good that little junior sister is safe, we haven’t seen each other for a year, our little junior sister looks younger and younger, her face is more pink than a seven or eight year old child, so cute!”

Suffering from being killed by the warm male senior brother's claws touching his head and poking his face, Le Yun covered her head and face and was busy protecting herself, but failed to protect herself, so she simply pulled her senior's sleeve to cover her head and hid herself.

The junior sister used her sleeve as a magic weapon for protecting herself. Yu Qi was so happy that she pulled out the sleeve and touched the back of the junior sister's head: "Junior sister, don't hide it, it will be boring."

"Senior brother pinch my face again, I'll just suffocate myself." Forget about touching her head, he still loves to poke her face just like the beauty brother, so I really want to turn my face off.

"Okay, don't pinch your face." The little junior sister's pretty face was wrinkled, Yu Qi smiled and rubbed her round head under her hands, and then, belatedly, she found out that the little junior sister had successfully conceived a baby. He hugged the petite child in a circle and cheered: "Our little junior sister has successfully conceived a baby. The little junior sister is really a peerless genius that is rare in all ages!"

Le Yun, who was hugged by a bear, was confused, what is this?Being hugged and turned around a few times, his eyes were full of flowers. When he felt that he was about to be turned out of the concussion, a certain cheap brother stopped circling and was held down instead. His head was brutally ravaged by the most brutal thing in history.

"Senior Brother Seven—" Le Yun, who was stunned by a series of movements of touching her head in circles, tried her best to poke her head out of her embrace full of fragrance, with stars still shining in front of her eyes.

The little junior sister was dizzy, she looked silly, and she was so cute, Yu Qi couldn't help but hold her in her arms again, rubbing the little guy's head heartily: "Little junior sister, what are you asking your brother to do? Please brother eat spiritual food."

Being patted on the head again made her feel like her hair was going to explode, Le Yun arched and arched vigorously, and finally separated her face from her senior's clothes, she was about to cry: "Seventh senior brother, if you touch my head like this again, I will stop I won’t travel with you anymore.”

The little junior sister's face became aggrieved, Yu Qi rubbed her round head a few times amusedly, and withdrew her hand contentedly: "Okay, brother, don't tease little junior sister anymore, little junior sister don't run away alone , You will get lost if you run alone."

As he spoke, he held his little junior sister by his side, and then looked at the head of Juerba. He felt that Juerba's slap gave a completely different feeling from when he was in the secret realm of Langshan. Sect Master Ba personally escorted the junior sister here, Xiaoxianzi and the younger junior sister are a bit mischievous, and must have worried the seniors and seniors of the Yuheng Sect a few days ago."

The head of Zhuerba and the four disciples were not upset when the little fairy was cut off by a direct disciple of the Yulan Sect. When the little fairy landed on the mainland, she landed in the Yulan Sect. Naturally, she was closer to the Yulan Sect disciples.

They smiled and watched the little fairy fly to Cultivator Yu's side, acting like a little girl in the secular world, acting naughty and innocent after being ruthless by love.

The relationship between the little fairy and the disciples of the Yulan Sect is very good, and the head of Zhuerba is also a little envious. When he heard the monk Yu thanking him, he narrowed his eyes with a smile: "Where is it, the little fairy has boundless blessings, and the Yuheng Sect Thanks to the blessing of the little fairy, the suzerain was able to advance to the rank a few days ago, if it wasn't for the little fairy who wanted to travel to the mainland, the sect really wanted to keep the little fairy to play in the mountains for a few more days."

"Junior Sister loves to run all over the mountains. If she stays longer in Yuhengzong, maybe she will turn Yuhengzong upside down. At that time, the masters and uncles of Yuhengzong must have a headache." Yu Qi couldn't help but crawled again. On the top of the little junior sister's head, the biggest advantage of having a short junior junior sister is that she can touch her head at any time.

"Senior Brother Seven, what are you talking about? To be honest, many places in Yuhengzong are very interesting. This time I don't have enough time, and there are still many places I didn't go to play. Next time I have time, I will go to Yuhengzong." Le Yun tugged Nuan The male senior's sleeves were wrinkled in protest. She likes to look for plants all over the mountain, but she still has a sense of proportion and won't overwhelm the host.

"Hahahaha, we don't mind the little fairy running all over the mountain." The little fairy said that she had a great time in Yuheng Mountain, and the head of Zhuerba was in a happy mood: "I heard that Yu Zhenren accompanied the little fairy to the Western Continent. I need to go back to the secular family, Master Yu should not mind my suzerain walking with you, right?"

"The four of my brothers and sisters couldn't have wished for the head of Juerba to accompany them along the way." Yu Qi was surprised at first, and then surprised. The head of Juerba is a high-level real person, and he can greatly shorten the journey with him. number of days.

"Wow, I don't have to fly by myself with Juerba's master uncle running with me." Le Yun was also very pleasantly surprised. With the fairy of the fusion period leading the way, she should be able to reach Xilu within four months. You can also know the information about the time and space gate as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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