magic eye doctor

Chapter 1353

Chapter 1353
The four disciples led by the head of Zhuerba are two of the first and second generation disciples under the head, and they have also been to the secret place of Langshan before, and they are also familiar with Yuqi, so naturally they are not unfamiliar.

The little fairy and the real Yuqi don't mind going with them, and Juerba's head, Joy, goes with Yuqi to the inn where he stayed in the city to wait for the three real Yulan sects who are out.

Because they had to wait for their junior sister, the four senior brothers of the Yulan Sect booked an inn in the city for peace and quiet. The head of Zhu Erba and his four direct disciples were not afraid that there would be no guest rooms when they arrived.

The innkeeper has only long-term guests for a year, and most of the time there is only one person, so it is very free. When the guests bring friends, they are busy cleaning the guest rooms, and they are busy for a while.

It was past noon when Juerba's head and his party arrived in the city, and they didn't go anywhere after checking in, resting at the inn.

I have a separate guest room, and it is not convenient for Le Yun to return to the space, but it doesn't matter, I can organize my supplies, feed stones to the birthmark on my arm, or organize the knowledge stored in my brain.

She only had half a day to spare, and slipped to go shopping the next day, but Zhu Erba didn't go, and asked the second-generation personal disciple to accompany the little fairy to play and see what she liked.

Yu Qi knew that Little Fairy and Junior Sister would buy and buy when they went to the street, so she was ready to pay the bill.

The four of them took to the streets and strolled leisurely, because it was the capital of the empire, prosperous and rich, the streets and alleys were full of people, cars and horses, and perhaps some pedestrians were in a hurry, most of the time, men, women, old and young walked calmly and looked leisurely.

Yu Qi thought that the junior sister would buy buckets and basins again, but this time the junior sister changed her target. She went to the four treasures of the study shop, and if there was no accident, she would sweep away all the paper and ink.

The papermaking technology of Dongchen Continent is relatively advanced. Due to different regions, the raw materials for papermaking are also different, and the color of the paper produced is also different. There are several kinds of paper that are slightly worse in whiteness than the Xuan paper of Great China, and the paper is slightly thicker. It has stronger wear resistance and better water resistance.

Dongchen's ink is also good. It is pure natural ink without any coagulant. There are several kinds of ink with a little fragrance added, which is called fragrant ink. The fragrance is elegant and has a refreshing effect.

Student Le is interested in the paper and ink of Dongchen Continent, and has included it in the purchase list. Instead of collecting a large number of raw materials for papermaking and inkmaking, it is better to purchase ready-made ones.

Yuqi was relatively calm. One of the two second-generation direct disciples of Yuhengzong was named Fu, and his name was Fuyuan; The whole person is confused, does the little fairy buy so much paper and ink because she wants to study for scientific examinations? !
The three Yuanzhen-level seniors ran along without saying anything, and ran for a whole day, running all over the streets and alleys of the imperial capital. The two seniors Fu and Xiangli of Yuhengzong also learned the cruelty of the little fairy's shopping. He is interested in the most common items in the secular world, even the stone mill that looks pleasing to the eye.

Xiangli and Fuyuan returned to the inn, and were asked by the head master what the little fairy was looking for. The expressions of the two were really indescribable. Also a little confused.

What made them even more confused was that the next day the little fairy went shopping happily again, and the two senior brothers of Yu Hengzong and Yu Qi smiled and gave up their lives to accompany the gentleman.

On the third day, continue to hit the streets.

In the middle of the morning of the fourth day, Luo Cheng wished Yu Mowen to return to the inn after being away for nearly a month. Hearing that the junior sister was coming, Yu Jiujiu flew away and searched for the junior sister all over the city. The junior sister just raided the shops selling vegetables, radishes and other crop seeds.

Seeing Senior Brother Cheap, Le Xiao dropped his fellow Senior Brother, flew over to stick to Senior Brother Yu, and pulled Senior Brother Yu's sleeve to apologize: "Senior Brother Nineteen, I'm sorry, I took Golden Retriever to the secret realm and hurt him."

Yu Jiujiu pulled the little junior sister to her face, and rubbed her head happily: "Young junior sister must be frightened, don't worry, the big lion's skin is rough, it doesn't matter if he bleeds and has a few pieces of flesh, as long as You can live without dying.”

Unable to avoid being patted and killed, Le Yun silently behaved like a good little junior sister.

Yu Qi approached the two senior brothers of Yu Hengzong, and returned to the inn with Yu Shijiu and his younger junior sister. When they returned to the place where they stayed, Luo Yi and the others had already boiled the spiritual spring water and made spiritual tea.

Classmate Le slipped to the side of Senior Brother Cheap and Senior Brother Shiliu to act like a baby. Zhu Yi never likes to talk, and he is the one who rubs the head of the junior sister.

Luo Cheng loved the junior sister a lot, and still pressed the top of the junior sister's head with his hand, and returned to the subject with a serious face, discussing the route and plan to go to the west land, and consulting the head of Zhu Erba and the senior brothers of the Yuheng sect.

In fact, the head of Zhu Erba mainly escorted the little fairy to the west land. What he did in the west land was incidental, and he didn't have any suggestions for the route planned by Luo Yi and others.

Planned the travel route, drank spiritual tea, and rested in peace of mind. The next day, a group of people retreated from the inn room and set off for West Continent. People, make it perfect.

They set off in early September, and Dongchen Continent was in the harvest season, and ripe crops could be seen everywhere, as well as people who were happy because of the harvest, and they would also meet monks collecting resources when they flew over the tall mountains.

Luo Yi and his juniors waited for a year, and searched all the mountains within 30 miles of a certain imperial capital, so they basically didn't stop on the road.

With the head of Juerba flying with him, Le classmate was a slob with peace of mind, just happy to sort out the materials collected by the brothers. The four brothers searched around and collected countless wild animal meat, ordinary spiritual plants and minerals, wood, Utensils made of wood, stone, wood, bamboo, pottery, etc., as well as grains, cloth, ready-made clothes, cotton, silk, etc.

The four senior brothers went to the ranch to purchase animal meat and filled a storage container with a radius of one mile. The grain collected could fill the storage container with a radius of two miles. Even though the amount of other materials was huge, it still could not be filled. A storage device with a radius of about five miles.

The junior sister is counting her supplies, and the four senior brothers of the Yulan Sect and the two senior brothers of the Yuheng Sect take turns to help the junior sister fetch water with swallowing snails.

Classmate Le Xiao also laughed secretly, isn't she very similar to "Journey to the West" where she learns scriptures from the West?Tang Seng went to the West to learn scriptures, and she was looking for the way home.

She is in a good mood, and sometimes the senior brother fetches water to catch a fish or a beast, or catch some worms for research.

The senior brothers sometimes expressed their helplessness. When you say digging spiritual plants to catch monsters, they can understand. Why do you want to catch ugly bugs?
Of course, there is a little fairy who can make a fuss, and the group's journey to the west was full of joy. They hurried non-stop, and after one and a half months, they left the Central Mainland Plain and arrived at the huge mountain range at the junction of the Central and Western Continents.

Between Zhonglu and Xilu there is a huge Hengduan Mountain Range called Yulang Mountain, which is not inferior to Yuhengzong. It stretches from the north of the edge of Zhonglu and the northeast of Xilu to the coast where Nanlu and Xilu meet.

Its northeast mountain range in the west land is connected with the branch of the Yuxue Mountain in the west land, and the mountain range in the north of the middle land is connected with the branch of the Yuheng mountain, successfully separating the middle land and the west land.

Cultivators who can fly can cross the mountains to travel between the two continents, but if ordinary people want to cross the two continents, they can only go to the plain bordered by the southern land and the western land, or from the plateau bordered by the northwest of the central land and the western land. Far away, ordinary people may not be able to succeed in their entire lives.

There are many first- and second-rate immortal sects in the branches of Yulang Mountain toward the middle land. As for the depths of the mountains, many places are also unknown, and many secret realms are hidden.

It was the beginning of November when Yu Qi and others arrived at the edge of Yulang Mountain. There were occasional snow and ice in the mountains, but it did not have much impact on the monks at the Yuanying level. The group made some repairs in the towns outside the mountains. , and embarked on the road to the west.

When crossing the Hengduan Mountains and crossing the inner circle, Le Xiao had the urge to swear in Dongchen's indigenous dialect, oh my god, there is a secret place in the mountains!
Secret realm, that kind of place is a treasure land with countless spirit stone ores.

Even though her purse was full, she still felt that she was poor and greedy. In the end, she persuaded herself to turn a blind eye. She had to go to Xilu to find the gate of time and space first, and then talk about other things after finding the gate of time and space.

If the gate of time and space is not stable, go to some secret places when you have time, and search for some resources to fill your pockets. If the gate of time and space is stable, it is better to take back the materials exchanged for selling emeralds early, and go back quickly.

Of course, Xiao Le took a lot of effort to convince himself not to be greedy, and he resolutely did not tell his fellow seniors and the head of Zhu Erba.

Even though they crossed the mountains, the rhythm of the group's journey did not change. They rushed every night, rested before midnight every night, and set off again after dawn the next day.

Luo Yi and the others help Junior Sister fetch water every morning. They are really curious about where Junior Sister keeps the water, and they also increase their knowledge by asking around. Load up an ocean.

As for why the little junior sister didn't use it to absorb water directly, it has something to do with the rules of time and space. The water-covered bead is a magic weapon of the fairy level, not Dongchen's thing. If it is taken out, it may be banned due to the restrictions of the rules.

Once again, I feel that the people in the sky and the sky yearn for Feixian even more, and hope that they will go to the wider world to learn more after they become immortals. Of course, none of them are greedy.

Also because they knew that the junior sister was covered with water drops, the senior brothers were more attentive and changed to helping the younger junior sister to carry and swallow the sky snails to fill the water once every morning and evening, and sometimes even try to stay near the river when they stop, and use the conch to fill the water by the way.

The little fox acts as the guardian of the paradise, and is responsible for continuously pouring the water from the conch into the sickle lake and the first storage lake, or using it to irrigate the soil on the river bank, helping to plant trees and sow plant seeds.

With the joint efforts of Little Lolita and Little Fox, Dongtianfudi is developing in the direction they envisioned. The riverbanks from the first water storage lake to the central medicine field area have all been greened. The riverside green belt from the sickle lake to the medicine field area is also getting longer and longer.

(End of this chapter)

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