magic eye doctor

Chapter 1354

Chapter 1354
The head of Juerba led a group of young monks into the Western Continent, slowing down the itinerary a little, and giving half a day to the little fairy to sweep the goods every time he arrived in a big town.

A group of people walked and stopped, and it was the end of the year in a blink of an eye. Most of the western land was covered with heavy snow. The rosewood palace is placed in an open space for easy viewing.

Classmate Le Xiao personally cooks the spiritual food and spends two days making several kinds of spiritual food. Therefore, one of the first-generation direct disciples of the Yuheng Sect, who was originally a real person who was consummated in the late Yuanying period, after a full rubbing After a pause, he was promoted to the out-of-body stage.

If it weren't for the presence of the disciples of the Yulan Sect, the joyous head of Juerba would probably jump up happily. The one who was promoted was the chief disciple among the first generation of direct disciples. Get the blessing of the little fairy.

Now, his wish has been fulfilled, and the head of Juerba is very happy. The chief disciple has been promoted to the out-of-body stage, so he can consider abdicating his position to be a virtuous person.

Yu Qi and the others secretly rolled their eyes, knowing that the head of Zhu Erba specially brought four disciples to escort the little junior sister to the West Land, it must be to gain the favor of the little fairy, and it really is.

After the new year, the second day of junior high school, the head of Juerba and the young monks set off again. After flying for nearly two months, the central part of the Westland is also far away.

At the beginning of March in the new year, spring is everywhere and the people are busy with farming, the eldest princess Mu Yuechan of Cang Yue Kingdom finally returned to the capital of Cang Yue Empire with a few people who survived from the secret realm of Wolf Mountain.

Don't think that they missed the time playing on the road, so that it took more than two years to return to Cang Yue, in fact, that is a very normal speed.

There are tens of millions of miles from Langshan in the middle land to the Cangyue Empire in the north land. If ordinary people are allowed to go, it will take at least ten to thirty years, and monks in the Qi refining period will have to walk for more than five years. However, the Cang Yue Treasure Hunting Group only had Mu Er as the intact golden core, and she was on her way with a few burdens, and it was not easy to return to Cang Yue in two years.

Mu Yuechan returned to the imperial capital without going into the city immediately. She first stayed in the wilderness dozens of miles away from the city to rest. When the Cang Yue Empire's treasure hunting group set off with great vigor, the entire army was almost wiped out. Now that she came back in disgrace, how could she? With a face, he swaggered through the imperial capital with remnants of soldiers and generals.

When it was getting dark, Mu Yuechan brought the surviving members of the treasure hunting group into the city. She stepped on the flying sword and flew over the city wall from the sky where the common people could not see, and landed directly outside the palace, which was still the living hall of the emperor.

A UFO descended suddenly. At first, the palace guards thought there was an assassin, and surrounded them in a huff, only to find out that it was the eldest princess of the empire. They were shocked.

Emperor Cang Yue, who had been busy with government affairs for a whole day, returned to the living hall in the evening. He had just rested for a while and hadn't served his meal. There was a burst of noise outside, and there was a louder voice of "See Your Highness the Eldest Princess", which was a bit unbelievable. Miss Huang has returned home?
It stands to reason that Huangjie will definitely go to the secret realm of Wolf Mountain with Yulan Sect, so she will definitely go back to Yulan Mountain with the sect, so she probably won't have the time to go back to Cang Yue.

While being surprised in his heart, he stood up and walked out.

Cang Yue Emperor Mu Hao and Mu Yuechan are siblings. However, Mu Yuechan is the first emperor's eldest daughter, and Mu Hao is his mother's old son. The siblings are over 40 years old. Dijun is over 390 years old.

There is a sister of a direct disciple of the Yulan Sect, Mu Hao, who was forcibly piled up with pills to become a consecrated monk. Of course, he only has the lifespan of a consecrated monk, without that strength, and at the same time, he has reached the limit. If there are too many pills, you can't advance further. If there is no accident, you will stop at the initial stage of consecration in your life, unless you eat the elixir that can make people ascend in the daytime.

The consecrated monks who accumulated pills took a lot of beauty pills, but it was still difficult to cover up the traces of the years. People in their 300s looked like they were in their fifties.

The emperor's court clothes of Cang Yue Kingdom are purple-gold, and Emperor Mu hasn't changed into his court clothes when he came back from the previous dynasty. He only took off the emperor's crown and is still wearing the purple-gold court robe.

Mu Yuechan was in a bad mood. When she returned to the palace, she saw a group of guards rushing towards her. She almost ran away. It wasn't until the group of people knelt on the ground that her anger subsided a little. First take her down for resettlement, and she goes to see Dijun.

The guards in the palace obeyed the eldest princess's orders without any hesitation, and the entire empire knew that Cang Yue's emperor respected his sister-in-law most, and it was absolutely right to follow the eldest princess's orders.

The guards led a few people and were about to retreat, when they found that the emperor had left the hall, they saluted immediately.

Mu Yuechan ordered the palace guards to take the survivors of the treasure hunt group down to resettle them, then turned around and floated towards the main hall, when she saw the emperor's younger brother coming out to greet her at the entrance of the main hall, her cold face eased a bit.

Mu Dijun saw that his sister Huang had returned, and from the expression on her face, she could tell that she was in a bad mood, so she stepped out of the palace with a smile, and stood in front of her: "Sister Huang is back? It must have been a hard journey, let's go to the palace to rest .”

The emperor's younger brother was still as intimacy as before, Mu Yuechan's gloomy mood improved a bit, and only a "hmm" was the answer, and she walked towards the palace.

When Emperor Mu walked out of the palace gate, he saw clearly the people who followed the imperial sister back to the palace. He guessed that they might be members of the treasure hunting group sent to the secret place of Langshan, but for some reason there were only a few people, and Mu's Yuanying enshrined was nowhere to be seen. Suspicious in my heart, I didn't ask any questions, and turned around and entered the hall with Sister Huang.

After the siblings entered the palace, they immediately went to the warm pavilion in the side hall. The maids fetched water in an orderly manner to wait for the eldest princess to clean her hands and face, and then served Lingcha. .

After drinking the spiritual tea from the Yulan Sect, Mu Yuechan's gloomy and irritable mood became calmer, and her complexion was still not very good.

Mu Dijun guessed that the trip to the secret place of Wolf Mountain must be very difficult, so he didn't ask, and ordered Chuanshan first.

The palace people who had been waiting for a long time took the meal immediately. The imperial meal flowed from the dining kitchen into the emperor's living hall like flowing water. Nearly a hundred dishes were placed on the huge table. cloth dish.

Mu Yuechan is used to eating spiritual food. In the past, when she returned to the palace for a long stay, she would take out monster meat or first- and second-level grouse and other animal meat and hand them over to the chef to cook for her. It looks like ordinary delicacies, so I only pick a few foods that are barely edible.

Mu Dijun didn't feel wronged because of Huangjie's picky eaters, he ate dinner as usual, cleaned his hands and face, and moved to the study.

The emperor and the eldest princess always go to the study room protected by formations to discuss matters. The palace people have long been accustomed to it. When walking in front of the imperial court, they will first send spirit tea into the study room, and then lead the palace people to evacuate the table in an orderly manner. Those who go to eat go to eat.

The study is protected by formations, and they are not afraid of being peeped. Without the presence of palace people, the siblings also relax.

Emperor Mu looked at her face so that the emperor's face was gloomy, and he deliberately acted as if he hadn't seen the guards of the treasure hunting team who had returned with the emperor outside the palace before, and jokingly asked: "Emperor sister, seeing your preoccupied appearance, Could it be that there is a male immortal who wants to double cultivate with Huangjie, which makes Huangjie hesitate?"

Mu Yuechan was in a very bad mood, being teased by the emperor, she wrinkled her heart tightly: "It's not about the partner of the dual cultivation, but a big change happened during the trip to the Langshan Secret Realm."

"Sister Huang, with you and Elder Miao, it doesn't matter if you don't gain much this time. If it's a big deal, you will go to other secret realms later. Sister Huang, you don't have to worry about it." Comfort Huangjie, who doesn't know that Elder Miao, the inner elder of the Yulan Sect, is Cang Yue's patron saint, and with Elder Miao's protection, even if Cang Yue goes to the secret realm and doesn't gain anything, she can still make a lot of money in the future.

When mentioning Master, Mu Yuechan frowned even tighter: "My Royal Brother, the situation is not optimistic this time, the sect is very dissatisfied with my Master and I protecting Cang Yue as a disciple of the Yulan Sect, which caused the opening of the Wolf Mountain Secret Realm." On that day, the Zongmen didn’t allow us, master and apprentice, to enter the secret realm, and because of this, the empire and the Xuntuan expedition team were attacked by high-level monsters in the secret realm and suffered heavy losses. The two imperial nephews died and the other was disabled. In the end, they were rescued along the way and only a few people survived."

"How did this happen? The relationship between Elder Miao and Cang Yue has been maintained for hundreds of years. It's not that the Yulan Sect never asked about Elder Miao's private affairs before. Why do they suddenly care about the behavior of disciples in the secular world?"

Mu Dijun turned pale with shock, the annihilation of the treasure troupe is nothing to be distressed about, he has more than forty sons, the death of one or two of them will not affect the future of the empire, but if the Yulan Sect explicitly forbids the disciples to have close contact with Cang Yue, Yu Cangyue will be extremely disadvantaged.

Over the past few hundred years, Elder Miao has protected Cang Yue, so even if Cang Yue expands her territory and devours the territory of other empires, other countries are afraid of the Yulan Sect and dare not attack aggressively, allowing Cang Yue to accumulate a lot of wealth.

If the Yulan Sect ordered Elder Miao not to interfere in the secular world's imperial battle, Cang Yue would lose the protection of the Yulan Sect elders, and would suffer repression and revenge from the surrounding empires.

Emperor Mu became more and more frightened when he thought about it. Elder Miao protected Cang Yue not for a few years or decades, but for hundreds of years. Why did the Yulan Sect never ask about what happened to the Yulan Sect? Sudden dissatisfaction with Elder Miao?
"I don't know what's going on. The ancestor and the head of the sect have already ordered the disciples of the sect not to get involved in the affairs of the secular world. If my master and I always put Cang Yue as the most important thing as before, we will most likely be punished. It may be downgraded from a direct disciple to an outer disciple."

Mu Yuechan didn't dare to mention the serious consequences of being expelled from the Yulan Sect. She tried her best to whitewash the peace and said it calmly: "The secret place of Langshan is closed. Master has been ordered by the sect to return to the Yulan Sect. No sect will allow it in the future. It is very likely that I will not be allowed to leave Yulan Mountain. I have been allowed to travel abroad for ten years with the permission of the sect. In order not to anger the elders of the sect, I will not stay for a long time.

Calculated according to the time, a secret realm will be opened in Yujing Mountain in three and a half years, and the secret realm of Mangshan Mountain on the border of Cangyue Kingdom will be opened in about six years. I will go to Yujing Mountain and try to return to Cang Yue before the secret realm of Mangshan Mountain is opened. The time of the year has also come, I will go back to the sect, and I don't know how long it will take to walk again.

As far as I can tell, other empires don't know that the Yulan Sect has ordered my master not to meddle in the affairs of Cang Yue Kingdom. Taking advantage of the power of our master and apprentice, if the emperor wants to expand the territory or collect wealth for the empire, he should try his best to do so within a few years as soon as possible. completed within.

Also, the emperor is strictly guarding against the Mingyue Kingdom, it is best to clean up the Mingyue Kingdom first, so as to get rid of the serious troubles. "

After the Wolf Mountain Secret Realm was closed, the master disappeared. Mu Yuechan didn't know what happened to the master, and she didn't dare to challenge the authority of the head of the sect. She still traveled to and from the imperial capital as before.

Based on her guess, Luo Cheng and other juniors will definitely accompany a certain girl to the secret realm of Yujing Mountain. After all, the secret realm of Yujing Mountain is also a secret realm of ten thousand years. It is only opened once, and the next time it is opened, it will be the second time. The harvest is quite fruitful, and the second opening is also very tempting to the world of cultivating immortals. With someone who likes Lingzhi, he will definitely try it out.

Mu Yuechan decided to go to Yujing Mountain to find the disciples of the Yulan Sect to find out the attitude of the sect towards the master according to the situation, and then decide what to do.

The imperial sister mentioned the Mingyue Kingdom, and Emperor Mu felt aggrieved. The Mingyue Empire and the Cangyue Empire both have the character for moon, but they are deadly rivals. Moreover, the Mingyue Kingdom has been established longer than Cang Yue, so that Cang Yue wanted to use the name of the country to have the same name. The words show that the Yue Kingdom seized Cang Yue's luck to attack the other party, and it is not valid.

The Mingyue Empire used to suppress Cang Yue until the first emperor and the emperor's sister used Duan, and the inner elders of the Yulan Sect, Elder Miao, protected Cang Yue, giving Cang Yue a chance to breathe. .

It is not an easy task to clean up the Mingyue Empire. A certain royal child of the Mingyue Empire was once a direct disciple of the Yulan Sect. Will there be an argument?
To Cang Yue, Mingyue Kingdom is just a thorn, stuck in her throat, unable to move up or down, Mu Dijun also listened to what the emperor said, and then asked how many members of the treasure hunting group in the secret realm of Langshan came back alive, What kind of monsters did they encounter in the secret realm? Why didn't the Mu clan enshrine the Nascent Soul come back?

When he heard that the real person enshrining Yuanying suffered a serious injury and hung his crown and resigned, Emperor Mu became more and more suspicious. No matter what one said, the real person enshrining Yuanying suffered a serious injury. weird.

He felt that it must be Yu Lanzong's action of not allowing Mr. Miao Zhang to enter the secret realm as a disciple, which made Mu's priest realize that Yu Lan Zong was dissatisfied with Elder Miao, so the priest took the opportunity to escape.

Emperor Mu became more and more aware of the seriousness of the situation, so he calmly talked to the emperor for a while, sent the emperor away, and immediately went to the study where the government affairs were handled, opened the secret passage of the study to enter the underground secret palace, and discussed state affairs with the practitioners in the underground secret palace .

He stayed in the palace below for nearly half an hour before leaving the study room. The next day, he calmly summoned the survivors who had returned from the secret realm of Wolf Mountain, and gave comfort fees to the dead and injured. As for the disabled prince, he became a Abandoned son of the royal family.

When the mother and concubine of the two princes heard that their child was dead or injured, no matter how sad they were, they did not dare to make trouble, let alone express any dissatisfaction with the eldest princess.

Cang Yue's eldest princess lived in the palace for ten days, and set off for Yujing Mountain. As soon as she left, Emperor Mu secretly dispatched troops to condemn the generals and stepped up preparations for the supplies needed for the war.

(End of this chapter)

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