magic eye doctor

Chapter 1357

Chapter 1357
The little loli from the earth, in line with the principle that beasts do not offend me and I do not offend beasts, is not going to take advantage of the fire, but just wants to watch from the sidelines.

The reason why she doesn't want to take advantage of the fire is because she already has enough monster meat in her pocket, and secondly, she has a good plan. If a certain beast clan is willing to sit down and discuss a grand event, she hopes to cooperate with the beasts. Let's make a fortune together.

However, she has a peace-loving heart, and the fox rabbit and the rabbit cat don't. The four demon emperors who were desperately trying to reach a truce agreement in an instant when they sensed the invasion of a third party.

The Four Demon Emperors, who decided to temporarily shake hands and make peace, soared into the sky, like a meteor flashing by, they flew to the sky in an instant, outflanked the third-party intruders from all directions, and launched an attack when they were three hundred feet away.

The demon beasts of the demon emperor level are as powerful as the monks of the Nascent Soul stage. Even an ordinary attack has the power to destroy a small mountain. The destructive force shot at the petite human being.

Le Yun, who was watching the battle with great interest, saw two groups of monsters flying up into the sky after fighting, happily waiting to negotiate a deal with them, but who knew that the four monster king beasts did not say a word, and directly zoomed in, so angry that the top of their heads was about to smoke .

For such a big person, she stood high in the sky without hiding, and clearly released her kindness, telling them that they were not enemies, but the two groups of monsters joined forces to attack her. Is it bullying her good temper, or bullying her small stature? ?
I have always liked to use force to solve problems, but it is rare for me to show kindness, and I don’t want to see blood, but the other party doesn’t appreciate it. Le Xiao is in a bad mood. To the four demon emperors.

A monk in the Nascent Soul stage has a normal speed of a hundred miles in an instant when he has enough true energy. Le Xiaoluoli's focus is not on accumulating true energy, but on the pursuit of speed. Therefore, her speed is comparable to that of a perfect monk in the late stage of the Infant Stage. It rises nearly [-] meters in one rush.

As soon as she left, the four golden balls thrown by the Yaohuang Beast also hit the position where she was standing, and the four balls of light collided in an instant, making a loud noise that pierced the sky.

The four clusters of golden light that collided fiercely were like two small comets colliding, the force exploded, and the golden light was tens of thousands of points. At the same time, the force of the explosion swallowed the air, forming a vacuum around it.

The Fox Rabbit and the Rabbit Cat quickly withdrew their troops when the leaders of the Demon King level issued an order to cease fighting. The two beast clans immediately retreated, each retreating more than ten feet, standing and looking up at the sky to watch the battle.

When the four groups of golden power collided and exploded, the ferocity of the power caught the beasts off guard. The low-level beasts and those who had not cultivated their spiritual intelligence were shocked by the sound and died one after another. He was not killed on the spot and suffered internal injuries to varying degrees.

The demon kings were also dizzy from the shock of the sound waves. When they realized that some of their fellow clan members were dead, they quickly deployed power shields to protect the living family members.

The four demon emperors made a surprise attack, thinking that they would definitely kill the human two-legged beast. When they threw out the power ball, they also flew backwards. When they realized that they had miscalculated, the human two-legged beast was not weak, and they were able to move away in an instant, and immediately flew upwards Fly to surround the Human Twolegs.

When the four demon emperors were floating upwards, they saw the talisman paper emitting a faint light, and they didn't sense any threat, so they waved their paws in unison to pat them.

That kind of talisman is very weak, and it is not vulnerable at all.

When the paws of the four demon emperors came into contact with the talisman light one after another, the little talisman paper burst out with dazzling golden light, like the sun rising in the east, shining brightly.

Just when the talisman light exploded, thunder rolled in the dark clouds in the unreachable sky, four thick golden thunderbolts emerged from the dark clouds, and in the flash of golden light, they struck the four demon emperors respectively in an instant.

When the four demon kings found out that the thunder and lightning were coming, they only had time to think of running away, but before they could move, they were struck by the lightning and let out heart-piercing screams.

Amidst the shrill screams, one of the four demon king beasts was chopped into two by lightning, one head was blasted into slag, and fell on the spot, and the other two were turned into zombies by electricity.

When the four demon emperor beasts were struck by lightning, their fur was also burned off, turning into four pieces of coke.

The power of thunder and lightning killed the four demon emperor beasts in one blow, and disappeared without a trace.

The four demon emperor beasts failed to withstand a thunderbolt, and they were all killed on the spot, and their charred bodies fell from the sky.

Le Yun: "..."

This... this, who will explain what's going on?You said, is it because the demon beast at the level of the Demon Emperor is too careless and too weak to withstand a thunderstorm, or is her talisman too powerful?
The little fox said that her talisman is more powerful than the talisman drawn by other immortals, but the power of a talisman should not be so cruel, right?

The little classmate Le, who was confused, felt a little fluttering all over his heart. He opened his eyes and looked at the falling beast carcasses. After a while, he realized that the four demon kings had been burnt and their faces were wrinkled in distress. , It's a pity that the fur of the monster!
The fur of fox rabbits is even more high-grade than that of fox fur. The five immortal sects gave her many monsters, but there were only two fox rabbits of the demon king. Burned the hair off.

Le Yun's heart is bleeding at the thought of losing two fox and rabbit skins of the demon king level. Her talisman is very effective, but the thunder she attracts is also very strong. By analogy, if you use the talisman to attract thunder to kill the enemy, it is completely useless Keep the fur, so if you encounter a monster who wants to keep the fur, you have to carry your own sword and fight desperately.

Thinking of animal skins, she turned her head and lowered her head to look at the fox-rabbit clan and the rabbit-mantle clan. Her eyebrows lit up, and she rushed down. The fur was fur, and if dozens of fox-rabbits and rabbit cats were caught, wouldn't there be fur?
The four demon emperor beasts died gloriously, and the falling speed of the corpses was a bit slow. When Little Loli was less than [-] meters away from the ground, four pieces of black charcoal-like beast corpses fell to the ground and fell among the dense forest and grass.

If it were an ordinary monster that fell from a height of tens of thousands of meters, it would be turned into a pulp if it didn't fall to pieces. It fell to pieces.

The group of foxes and rabbits and cats were watching the battle on the ground. When the leaders of the demon king were killed by lightning, they were all frightened and could not move until there was a loud sound of heavy objects falling on the ground. Only then was shocked back to God.

As soon as they came back to their senses, they saw a human-shaped two-legged beast rushing towards them. The two beast clans lost their leaders and were angry in their hearts. The monster kings howled and rushed towards the human-shaped two-legged beast. Smashed on the beast.

"You guys are too dumb. This little fairy stopped to watch the fight when I passed by and saw you fighting. I wanted to wait for you to finish the fight before negotiating a deal with you. Your leaders yelled at me without saying hello. You are the same , you really think this little fairy is easy to bully, don't you?"

The eyes of a group of beasts are tearing apart. Thinking of the demon king beasts screaming and killing before, Le Yun wanted to scold the beasts in the Westland dialect. She obviously only wanted to negotiate a deal with the beasts. , Too bullying!

Feeling not very happy, little classmate Le floated in the air, avoiding the messy attacks, took out the sword-shaped magic weapon and threw it away. After she was promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage, she had no chance to test her cultivation results, so she could just take the Demon King Beast Let's try the power of magic.

The magic weapon burst into golden light in the air, one divided into two, two into four, four into eight, and instantly transformed into a thousand magic swords. Each of the shiny magic swords turned around and flew downwards, some rushed into the group of foxes and rabbits, and some The magic sword besieged dozens of demon kings.

Most of the groups of foxes, rabbits and cats are low-level. Entering the herd with magic sword is like a tiger like a herd of sheep, nothing can stop it, but in the blink of an eye, dozens of foxes and cats fell to the ground.

Le Yun didn't kill them all, and hunted down dozens of monsters, commanding the magic sword to besiege the monster king.

The Fox Rabbit and the Rabbit Mantle, who had escaped the catastrophe, fled away under the leadership of several little leaders with a slightly higher rank, and did not bring the corpses of their own clansmen. They rushed to the grassland like a tide, and soon disappeared into the weeds. I learned that the sound of Xi Suosuo had gone away.

Monster king-level monsters can also fly for a while, and it is impossible to stay in the sky for a long time. Dozens of monster king beasts are not as fast as a humanoid with two feet, and their strength is not as good. Unable to break through, more than a dozen monster king beasts died in battle.

Student Le is quite satisfied with her sword formation. Considering that the group of fox rabbits and rabbit cats does not have a leader at the level of a demon king, they may be wiped out by high-level predators. The demon king took a horse.

The demon king-level monsters escaped from the sword formation, regardless of the severity of their injuries, they did not stop for a moment, and chased in the direction where their family members retreated, and walked cleanly in the blink of an eye.

All the living monsters were gone, leaving behind a lot of corpses.

Watching the demon king go away, little classmate Le floated to the ground, happily picking up the corpses, taking advantage of some monsters just died, the blood was still warm, and collected the animal blood by the way.

Her favorite is fox rabbit fur. There are more than [-] fox rabbits, which are enough to make a jacket for herself and her family.

Fortunately, the people in Dongchen Continent don't know what a certain little fairy thinks. If they know that a certain little fairy thinks that rabbit skin can only be used as a cushion, they will definitely vomit three liters of blood, and curse at the prodigal son, a monster that is hard to find. Animal skins are only used as cushions, and they are used as burial objects.

Little classmate Le, who was thinking secretly about using rabbit cats as a cushion, was in a happy mood, and picked up all the beast corpses lying on the ground, and then went to pick up the monster emperor beast corpses.

The corpses of the four demon emperors have long been beyond recognition, because the thunder and lightning were so fierce that the flesh in some areas was cooked, causing her a lot of pain, the fur was burned off, and even the teeth and many useful parts were all damaged , There are very few things that can be used.

The monster was burnt black by lightning, and then it was thrown, its skin was torn apart, and its appearance was so miserable that it was unbearable to look at it directly. Even if it was used as an ingredient to make a spiritual food, she probably would have difficulty thinking of the appearance of the raw material. The picture is so real It's hot eyes.

However, it is a monster of the Demon King level. Even if the body of the monster is burnt black, no matter how hot the eyes look, it is impossible to throw it away. When he has time, he will clean it up and make spiritual food for the golden-haired lion. will dislike it.

(End of this chapter)

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