magic eye doctor

Chapter 1358 Bad News

Chapter 1358 Bad News

The corpses of the four demon emperors were retrieved, and another ingredient was added to the list of high-grade monster meat in the ingredients library. Classmate Le took the new harvest and flew high into the sky to the hill with the volcanic lake.

It is said to be a small mountain, but it is not at all the same as Dongchen Continent. As far as the 9000 to [-]-foot-high mountain is concerned, it is actually more majestic than Mount Everest, the highest peak on the earth, with an altitude of more than [-] meters. It covers an area equivalent to ten The sum of Mount Everest.

Because it used to be a volcano, after countless eruptions, the mountain became shorter, and then experienced crustal movement, the surrounding mountains bulged, and it became an inconspicuous little dwarf.

The volcanic lake on the top of the mountain is wide and magnificent, full of mist.

The volcanic lake is very deep, and the water level is basically maintained at a certain height. There is a gap in the northeast of the top of the mountain. Every year, the outside is replenished with rainwater, and the water level of the lake rises. The river course, due to the lack of rain at present, the lake water has not yet reached the gap on the top of the mountain, and there is no water overflow.

The volcanic lake is too wide, no matter how spiritual the spring water from the bottom of the lake is, and because the lake is too wide, and there is no spirit gathering array, the spiritual energy will gradually disperse. If so, it is better than ordinary river spring water, and Cai Linghu Rabbit and Rabbit Caterpillar went to war for the water source.

Flying to the top of the mountain, Le Yun watched from a distance of [-] meters away from the lake. The lake surface was blue in a sunny day, and her calves were as stiff as stones. That kind of deep lake is the most terrifying!

As a member of the deep-fearing aquarium, she hates deep lakes, but for the sake of her own space, she has to bite the bullet and collect water from the volcanic lake.

In order to decompress myself, I took out an aircraft and filled the aircraft with spirit stones as if free of money.
The aircraft was made by Yuhengzong. It is in the shape of a canoe, with two pointed ends and a small body. The belly of the boat can only accommodate 12 people.

Yuheng Zong responded to the request of the little fairy to build an aircraft, and the pursuit of speed was the top choice, so it abandoned other requirements and made the aircraft small and exquisite to reduce the burden. The real person presides over the casting, and the small aircraft created can be regarded as the most perfect work in the history of Yuhengzong.

The canoe-shaped aircraft has abandoned other requirements, and its speed is naturally one-on-one. It starts at full speed, which is equivalent to the full speed of a monk in the integration stage.

That kind of speed is also the maximum limit that the aircraft on Dongchen Continent can reach.

Classmate Le Xiao filled the small aircraft with 100 yuan of spirit stones in a duck-feeding way, drove it to a place a few meters above the surface of the volcanic lake, and took out the swallowing snail and threw it into the lake to absorb water.

She didn't want to stay on the lake for too long, so she turned on the strongest water absorption speed of the swallowing snail and let it absorb the lake water with all its strength.

The lake water rushed towards the conch, and the water level dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There is a fish in the volcanic lake, which is a fish species unique to Dongchenxilu—the Schizothorax, which belongs to the same species as the unique species of Schizothorax in Province Z of China.

Fox rabbits are omnivores, that is, they eat plant tender stems like rabbits, and also eat fish and birds. The volcanic lake is the place where fox rabbits often catch fish and eat them. All the big fish in the lake are killed, and the remaining fish are the largest. The one weighs about ten kilograms.

Fox rabbits live near the mountain fire lake and kill all other wild animals. There are only fish in the lake and no other aquatic animals.

It took Tiantianluo two quarters of an hour to suck up all the water in the lake. The volcanic lake is about 20 feet deep. There is a fountain with a diameter of about [-] meters at the bottom of the lake in the north, and the water gushes up from the ground.

Le Yun hated the dark deep wells and deep pools, so she only observed the underground fountain from a distance, flew out of the volcanic lake in an aircraft, and brought the sky-swallowing snail back to space.

There are many fish in the storage lake in the space. In order to protect the Schizothorax from being eaten up by other fish, the lake water is placed in a lake about [-] miles southeast of the medicine field in the center of the space. It was originally a wetland by visual inspection. , there are several lakes and ponds, the largest lake is as wide as Banyue Lake in Yulanzong, and about two thousand feet deep.

Le Yun poured the water from the swallowing snail into the lake in the wetland, and instead of looking for the little fox and little Huihui, she hurriedly left the space and returned to the natural world, without digging the plants, flew in one direction for about 130 meters Here, I found a huge river, chose a flat river bank to stay, and used conch to fetch water while collecting spiritual plants.

The aura around the forbidden zone is the same as the air in the non-celestial part of Dongchen Continent, and the plant species are also similar to those in ordinary mountains. Because the forbidden zone is isolated from the world, it is like a secret place, and the plants are older and more numerous.

The big river is more than 3000 feet wide, which is equivalent to nearly [-] meters wide. The river is clean, and the river banks are towering with ancient trees, overgrown with shrubs, or steep mountains and rocks.

The big river is surging, schools of fish chasing the waves, puffer fish and various large aquatic animals swim, and occasionally you can see their shadows passing by.

The focus of Little Lolita is water. However, the conch cuts off the river, and the aquatic animals in the downstream section of the river without water supply suffer. The amphibious animals are nothing. Those pure aquatic animals ran aground without water.

Le Xiaoluoli, who was busy collecting plants, found fish, crabs, turtles and so on in the river bed.

Although she collected enough fish to support an army of tens of thousands of people, the good thing is of course "Han Xin orders troops - the more the better".

In the spirit of not being wasted, little Loli picked up the corpses all the way, and finally had to move downstream with the conch until the tributaries of the big river had water to replenish the river.

After absorbing enough water from the conch, Le Xiao threw the conch back into the space and gave it to the little fox to let it irrigate the land with water. She turned on the mopping mode, and while frantically digging for spiritual plants, she fed stones to the birthmark on her arm.

When feeding stones, no longer eat which one alone, the two kinds of celestial stones come in turn, the celestial stones containing the power of lightning cannot be grasped, she uses her spiritual sense to "take" the stones and throw them directly at the birthmark on her arm, even if the celestial stones are pasted When the right arm is electrocuted, the numbness will disappear quickly, which has little effect on picking spiritual plants.

The little loli is busy collecting supplies, and the little fox is also busy, planting trees and watering the land. The little human girl has not brought water back to the blessed land for several months. He uses water from the storage lake to water the land and trees.

When the little girl finally transported water to the blessed land again, the little fox poured the water from the conch into the storage lake, emptied the water in the belly of the big conch, and threw the conch to the designated place before doing her own work.

Le Xiaoliu swept the plants for nearly two minutes, and found that the little fox had transferred the water from the swallowing snail, and held the conch to get water again.

With her previous experience, she chose to fetch water not far from a big river with tributaries, so that aquatic animals would no longer be stranded due to a large area of ​​river cut-off due to lack of water.

Fill the conch with water, throw it back into the space, and throw it to the little fox.

The little fox guarding the blessed land of the cave, when the little girl sent back the swallowing snail, he transferred the water.

Therefore, one is responsible for fetching water outside, and the other is responsible for transferring water in the cave, one inside and one outside, the cooperation is perfect.

After seven repetitions between one person and one fox fetching water and transferring water, the sun finally went down in the restricted zone. When it was getting dark, Leyun little fox and little Huihui took them out of the space to let them see the natural scenery.

Xiao Huihui hugged the fingers of the beautiful young lady, acting coquettishly and cutely.

The little fox stood in the little girl's jade palm, stood upright, propped his body up and looked around, the more he looked, the more frightened he became: "Little girl, it's terrible, where have you run to?"

"This is the inner circle of the restricted area known as the restricted area of ​​death on this continent." Le Yun smiled and looked at the sky, stretching out her paws to point to the looming thunder and lightning in the distant sky: "Little fox, there is a space-time channel under the lightning in the sky over there. Right?"

The little fox looked at the purple and golden lightning flashing in the distant sky, held his chin with his paws, and looked worried: "Little girl, you guessed it right, but it's not good news."

"I don't need to think with my brain, I can almost figure it out with my toes. There must be more than one space-time gate in the area under the thunder and lightning. There should be many time-space channels."

"Little girl is so smart, be careful not to have any friends." The little fox held her cheeks and sighed: "I have sensed that there are thirteen time-space gates, and there are more than ten time-space gates that have been destroyed."

"..." Le Yun was dumbfounded. The thirteen gates of time and space mean that they are connected to thirteen different places?There is also the destroyed time and space gate, how many continents does Dongchen Continent connect to?

Dongchen Continent... No, what secrets did the former Star Continent have that allowed it to communicate with so many time and space?
The amount of information was too much, and she was so shocked that her little heart jumped out of her throat. She was stunned for a moment before she recovered her voice: "Little fox, there are so many time and space gates, how can you tell which one is the channel connecting to the earth?"

God, if she can't tell which door leads where, does she have to test them one by one?

I still remember that there is a record in "Sou Shen Ji" that a man named Ding Lingwei went to the mountains to learn Taoism, and he came out of the mountains after learning. Hundreds of years have passed in the world.

If she wants to go back to the earth, she has to go to a different time and space to determine which door leads to the earth. When she runs around and returns to the earth, will it be the same as Ding Lingwei? Similarly, the earth has long been changed, and the sea is mulberry field?
Thinking of that possibility, Le Yun yelled, squatting down and hugging her head to cry, God, don't let that happen, she doesn't want to be a lonely family that no one knows.

The little girl suddenly squatted on the ground with her head in her arms. The little fox looked dazed, and stroked the little guy's hand holding her head with her big tail: "Little girl, what are you worried about? No matter how many doors there are, you can tell which is which."

"Can you tell the difference?" Le Yun was resurrected with full blood in a second, it's good to be able to tell the difference, and there is no need to go to every time and space gate.

"Of course, the gates of time and space are very close, and it is impossible to distinguish which is which at a glance. During the beginning of spring, watch in front of the gate of time and space, and the situation of another continent will appear in the gate of time and space in the form of a mirage."

"That's it, I'm relieved," the mood turned from cloudy to clear, Le Yun pinched the little fox's ears with her fingers: "Little fox, hurry up and feel, are the time and space gates close, stable or not?"

"Little girl, although Benhu understands your homesickness, I still want to tell you some bad news. Benhu senses that the time-space gates are not stable. Some time-space channels may open at a similar time to other time-space gates. Some time-space gates intersect, which will cause time-space chaos, that area is very chaotic, and the most stable time-space gate is affected by time-space turbulence, and it will take at least decades to stabilize."

The little fox weighed his beard. He said it was safe. In fact, he felt that the space-time gate was destroyed, creating a space-time vacuum, which affected the space-time channel not far away, which was quite dangerous.

Le Yun hugged her head again: "It's over, it's over, if it takes hundreds of years for the gate of time and space to stabilize, even if the time is different, it will only be one year after staying here for ten years on Earth. After more than ten years or decades, no one protects my younger brother and parents, what should they do if they are bullied?"

"Don't panic, little girl. The most stable door I perceive may take about 30 years to be stable. You can play happily all over the mainland, and come back to observe after 30 or [-] years."

The little girl was thinking about her family so much that she was about to cry while holding her head. The little fox hurriedly put the little monkey on top of the little girl's head, and then stroked the little girl's tender face with its big tail to calm her restless heart.

Xiao Huihui climbed on the top of the young lady's head, hung upside down in the monkey fishing style, stretched out her little paws to help the young lady press her temples and forehead.

"Really?" Le Yun raised her head. One gate can be stabilized in about 30 years, so it shouldn't take too long for other time-space gates to stabilize.

"When did Benhu lie to you? Little girl, it takes two to thirty years for the time-space gate to stabilize. You can just take advantage of this period to condense spiritual energy beads and get water from Dongchen Continent. The water quality on the earth is too bad. The water in Dongchen Continent is so poor Clean, there will be no such shop after passing this village.”

"Actually, I can accept it within a hundred years, as long as it doesn't take thousands of years."

"Then why are you still frowning?"

"I'm afraid of [-] or just in case."

"You are God's own daughter, okay? That might be so unlucky."

"In case God gave birth to another little girl and ignored me, bad luck is possible."

"Bah bah, what a child's talk, let the strong wind blow away!" The little fox angrily stretched out his claws to poke the little girl's forehead, saying something stupid, God's daughter is not a Chinese cabbage, so how can it be said that there is something.

"Hey, I'll just talk about it." Le Yun touched his forehead, put the little fox on his shoulders, hurriedly took out the swallowing snail to absorb water, and then collected plants on the river bank with the two cuties.

The little girl's emotions come and go quickly, and there is no need to pour chicken soup for the soul. The little fox and Xiao Huihui help pick young leaves, flowers, and roots of plants. They are extremely busy.

The flow of the big river is large, and the swallowing snails turned on the maximum water absorption speed, and it took about an hour to fill up the bottomless pit-like belly.

The conch sucked up enough water, and Le Yun took the cutie and Tiantian snail back to the space, and watered the land on both sides of the river that was being greened.

After unremitting efforts, there are no trees planted on both sides of the river from the sickle lake to the first water storage lake area, which is less than [-] miles away. The land has been watered several times and is almost soaked.

(End of this chapter)

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