magic eye doctor

Chapter 1359 The Fire-breathing Python Demon

Chapter 1359 The Fire-breathing Python Demon
Le Xiao returned to her own land, planting trees, holding the swallowing snail to irrigate hundreds of acres of land, and handing the conch to the little fox, she used magic to plow the land.

Xiao Huihui couldn't do heavy work, so she sat on the young lady's shoulders and helped sow the seeds of plants with a bag containing only seeds.

The little fox took the conch to water the land along the river bank. His job was very simple. He threw the conch on the ground to let it spit out water slowly, and let the water flow naturally to irrigate the land until the soil no longer absorbs water before changing the place.

Le, with his two cuties, plowed the land with all his strength, plowed out a piece of land and planted saplings first, so as to restore his mental strength.

One person and two small beasts were busy meditating and resting until around eleven o'clock in the evening, and then worked overtime after one o'clock in the morning. It also represents the successful completion of the greening work on both sides of the river from Liandao Lake to Yaotian District in the center of Dongtianfudi.

Le Yun, who was so tired that her waist was sore and her back ached, couldn't help but hold the two cuties in her palms, and kissed wildly. The two cuties accompanied her from the earth to Dongchen Continent. Although they were not of the same kind, they were One of her most important relatives.

The little gray fox, whose face was drooling after being gnawed, held his face in his hands and laughed silly.

Having fun with the cuties, Le Xiao returned to the circle area outside the medicine field, fetched water to help the two little ones take a bath, wiped off the water, and let the two little ones eat their favorite snacks.

She ran back to the natural world, fetched water from the big river, took a quick bath, put the clothes in the space to dry after washing, dried her hair with the "breeze" of the wind system, took out the scissors to cut her hair, and there was a burst of clicking. Crack, a head of black hair that reached to the calf was cut off from the position above the shoulders.

Xiao Huihui, who was eating the spirit fruit, and the little fox, who was eating the spirit stone, were dumbfounded when they found out that the little girl was cutting her hair.

"Ouch!" The little fox came to his senses, threw away the spirit stone, and rushed to the little girl's side, standing on his hind legs, with a look of horror on his face: "Little girl, tell me what's on your mind. Get into a dead end."

"When did I get into a dead end?" Le Yun put down the scissors and straightened the cut hair. Her hair was too thick, and when combing her hair, she couldn't hold all the hair with one hand, and she still couldn't finish it with one hand after cutting it.

"Why are you cutting your hair?" The little fox was terrified, don't tell him that the little guy also learned what he said, "I cut off my long hair and cut off my worries".

"The hair grows too fast, and it's too long to work." Le Yun neatly gathered her hair and tied it with cloth strips.

"?" The little fox put a question mark in his heart, and carefully observed the little girl's expression: "Others can't ask for it, what a pity to have such a beautiful hair cut."

"If you cut it, it will grow. I ate so many spiritual fruits and plants, so I don't grow tall, and my hair grows. Besides, I won't throw it away after I cut it. I keep it for myself to make a wig." Le Yun weighed her hands. I tried a bundle of hair in it, it was so heavy.

"Really?" The little fox breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't get overwhelmed.

"Of course, I have already planned it. When I have time, I will extract the leather shell for making wigs from the rhinoceros hide that I hunted in the secret realm last time."

"Oh, as long as you're happy." The little girl has nothing to worry about, the little fox is relieved, and ran back to the place to eat the spirit stone after a few moments. The little girl is more beautiful, cuter and more immortal with long hair , but whether to have long hair or short hair is all up to the little girl's wish. Others are not qualified to dictate her personal preferences, as long as she is happy.

The little fox ran away, Le Yun smiled and put the cut hair into a bamboo tube of Jiuzizhu, then put it in a mutton fat jade box, and stored it on the foundation stone of the Lingshi, she is also very precious I have long hair, I don't want it to be damaged.

Cut off the long hair, it relieved a lot of burden, I felt a little bit unaccustomed to it, tied up the hair again, and jumped on the spot a few times to get used to it, um, cut off the long hair, and then dig out the spiritual plant or something, no need to spend time Take care of your hair so that it doesn't get dirty on the floor.

Student Le Xiao ate the spirit fruit by himself, and happily crawled out of Dongtianbao, carried the swallowing snail to fetch water from the river, filled it with water, returned to the space, poured the water into the sickle lake, went out to absorb water, returned, poured the water and then returned to the space. Go out and get water.

She ran four times repeatedly to fill up the sickle lake and several storage lakes with water, and then took the two cuties around the sickle lake to discuss which land to irrigate first and which trees to plant.

After dividing the work, Le Xiao left room and flew to the volcanic lake to get water.

After one night and almost a day, the water in the volcanic lake is still not full, and it has accumulated to about two-thirds of the water volume. Because of the short time, the aura has not evaporated, and the aura in the lake is stronger than yesterday.

The little loli sucked up all the water from the volcanic lake, went back to her place and poured the water into the lake where the lake was stored yesterday, then left, sucked up the water from the big river with the swallowing snail, and threw it back into the space for the little fox to manage. She was busy feeding her arms Celestial stones, collect resources.

You can take water unscrupulously in the restricted area, and return to the space to plant trees. Le Xiao is not too ambitious, and doesn’t want to find any secret places. He collects spiritual plants and trees in the fox and rabbit land near the big river, and collects leaf decay in the virgin forest. soil.

There are very few intruders in the territory occupied by monsters. The territory of the fox and rabbit family has been passed down from generation to generation, and it has been occupied for a long time. Except for the adjacent rabbit family who want to grab the territory, there are no other fierce monsters to compete for it, so it is safe.

Le stayed in the fox-rabbit territory for 20 days, collected water from a volcanic lake, and explored downstream along the big river. It took him a month to get out of the fox-rabbit territory and enter the mink territory.

There are other beasts living in each type of monster territory, and the king of the territory does not allow monsters stronger than his own family to live in his own territory, not to exclude all aliens.

The territory of the mink clan beasts is very wide. It was ten days after Le Xiaoluoli stepped into its territory that the mink clan discovered the uninvited guest. The leader is also a demon beast of the demon emperor level. There are three demon emperors who brought a group of younger brothers to kill them and drive them away. alien.

The monsters tore apart without saying a word. The little loli from the earth expressed that she was not in a good mood. To be honest, she didn't really want to fight with the monsters. She just wanted to collect water, dig plants, find Looking for mines or something, fighting is too time-consuming.

Of course, the most important thing is that she only has one person, and monsters are in groups, one-to-many, and talismans must be used. After using talismans, monsters can basically only be used as food after being killed.

Facing the three mink beasts at the demon king level, Le Xiao was very depressed and had to accompany them. He fought with the three demon kings in the air. fight.

Unsurprisingly, the two demon imperial mink were killed by the thunder and lightning attracted by the humanoid two-legged beast, and the remaining one wanted to escape, but was besieged by the sword array. After nearly an hour of hard fighting, it finally failed. Enemy class, honorable death.

The mink clan lost three demon king-level leaders, and the clan fled away under the leadership of the demon king leader.

Little Loli did not hunt down the mink clan, but took the beast blood from the Yaohuang mink beast she had killed, put away the three beast carcasses, continued to collect water, dig spiritual plants, feed the birthmarks on the arms and eat celestial body stones, and condense the spiritual energy beads when resting .

The mink people are carnivores, and the spiritual plants in the land are more abundant than the fox and rabbit lands, especially the central area where the mink people live is rich in species and older.

Classmate Le raided the mink tribe and found three mines, one was a coal mine, the purity was not very high, so he gave up and refused to dig, one was a copper-based mine, and the other was a graphite mine.

The copper mine and the graphite mine are of high purity, so naturally they cannot be missed. She spent five days and eight days respectively digging out the mines. The reason for the speed is not only because she is a Nascent Soul cultivator, but also because she has a mechanism. The beast helps.

She has a total of ten mechanism beasts, Nuannan Senior Brother Yuqi gave her three, and later Luo Senior Brother and Yu Senior Brother each gave her one, and Yu Lanzong Senior Brother gave her two mechanism beasts for pure mining, one for dual-purpose, and one for dual-purpose. The two are good at harvesting spiritual plants.

When the Wolf Mountain Secret Realm was closed, she probably heard her complain about the hard work of mining. The brothers of Yuxiazong and Yuxuezong each sent two professional ore-mining mechanism beasts. The organ beast asked the seniors of the master Hengzong to help transform the storage device, but did not bring it to the deep stream secret realm.

Leaving Yuhengzong, the elders of Yuhengzong presented a professional mining mechanism beast, which is still a very large and high-level mechanism beast.

Classmate Le Xiao brought many mechanism beasts into the Xilu restricted area, and they cannot be used on the outside. There is no restriction on the inner circle, and the mechanism beasts are also useful. In addition to the two mechanism beasts suitable for digging spiritual plants, eight mining mechanism beasts are on the field. , The speed of collecting ore is absolutely jaw-dropping.

After evacuating the two mines, the little Loli patted her ass and left as if nothing happened, and continued to explore downstream along the big river. After walking for a month, she walked out of the territory of the Mink tribe.

The area next to the mink tribe is also the world of the python tribe because it is a swampy wetland and a savanna plain.

The boa constrictor family is close relatives to the giant boa constrictors on Earth. The boa constrictors in Dongchen Continent are all huge, several times the size of the giant boa constrictors on Earth. A 40-meter-long boa constrictor is a normal size.

Classmate Le Xiao entered the python territory, and only on the sixth day did he meet a team of the python tribe patrolling the territory. The leader of the python tribe was a white-flowered grid python of the demon emperor level, about 90 meters long and nearly 20 meters in diameter. It is as thick as a meter, leading ten tenth-level small pythons.

When the white-flowered boa constrictor saw the human-shaped two-legged beast, it attacked fiercely, breathing out flames.

The first time I saw a snake breathing fire, Le Yun was stunned. The boa constrictor is obviously an aquatic animal... Even if it is actually an amphibian, why does it breathe fire?

She was frightened, and paused a little later in reaction, the flames spewed out by the python monster rushed towards her face like a cloud, when she was startled, she quickly dodged, but she was not burned, but a sleeve was burned.

The flame was so powerful that it ignited as soon as it stuck to the sleeve. She reacted fairly quickly and cut off her sleeve with one finger at the moment the sleeve caught fire, so she didn't get burned by the flame.

Knowing how powerful the flame is, Le Yun put up all his strength to deal with it, instead of causing the thunder to kill it, he fought it with real swords and guns in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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