magic eye doctor

Chapter 1360 1 pot end

Chapter 1360
The tenth-level monsters of the python family can't fly yet, and a group of small pythons stretched their necks on the ground to watch the battle, spitting out letters and making hissing sounds to cheer.

The giant white-flowered python is equivalent to the strength of a human in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. It is huge but very sensitive. Every time it flicks its tail, it is more ferocious than a tornado.

Le Yun is small in size, she can only dodge the python's "dragon wagging tail" skill, every time its tail swipes, she has no other way to deal with it except hiding, the python's skin is as hard as iron armor, and the magical weapon only leaves behind A white point, if you want to attack its vital points, there is no chance.

Relying on its huge size, the boa constrictor swept from side to side, chasing and killing the two-legged beast.

The more you fight, the more obvious Le's inferiority becomes. She is not like a monster with a big body that can be head-to-head.

The two sides fought for nearly two hours, Le Yun was so tired that he vomited blood, and was threatened by the flames several times, and he also played a real fire, no longer caring whether the talisman would burn the big python into black charcoal, and took a new one Take the magic sword, print a few talismans on the body of the sword, throw the sword at the big python, and attack the big python's head with the sword formation at the same time.

The giant python has experience in dealing with the attacks of human-shaped two-legged beasts. It moves its body to avoid the attack of the real sword, and hits the virtual sword. Every time it hits, the virtual sword shatters.

When another real sword flew over, the giant python stretched its long tail and hit the sword. The sword didn't touch its tail, and deftly turned around in the air, flying above its body, and the sword exploded.

The dharma sword exploded, the talisman light flashed, and the burst of pale golden light almost enveloped the entire giant python.

When the golden light exploded, there was a muffled loud noise from high above the sky, and then, a fifty-foot-thick golden beam of thunder and lightning landed, and when the golden lightning struck the body of the white-flowered python, the sound of "cracking" thunder was heard. open.

The giant python raised its head when it heard the dull and loud noise in the sky, and fled subconsciously when it saw the appearance of the golden lightning beam. Its front body moved tens of meters, and the golden lightning beam also hit its waist.

The thunder cut the giant python into two parts, and the golden thunderbolt and the severed part of the python fell to the ground, landing from a high altitude, blasting a huge hole in the ground.

The place where the thunder and lightning fell was where the tenth-level monster pythons were staying. Several pythons couldn't escape and were killed by the thunder and lightning. Dirt mixed together and splashed in all directions.

A few monster pythons escaped from the sky, they didn't care about other things, they took the road and fled, they traveled dozens of miles in a blink of an eye, or burrowed into swamps or lakes to hide their whereabouts.

The life of the boa constrictor is very strong. After losing half of its body, the giant python of the demon emperor that was severed at the waist moved away and rushed into the distance.

Le Yun held up the dharma sword and chased wildly. While chasing, he summoned the flying machine. With the flying machine to help him fly, he caught up with the big python with a flick of his fingers, and threw out a talisman again, and at the same time scattered a few handfuls of medicine powder.

A large number of talismans fluttered around the boa constrictor like snowflakes, like ignited fireworks, exploding one after another, there were thunder talismans, sword attacks, and earth attack techniques, all kinds of moves fell on the boa constrictor to beckon.

The giant python was scared out of his wits by the thunder, and when he heard the thunder again, he was a little bit late in his actions. When he was surrounded by a mess of moves, he was blindfolded by something, and he saw a red surrounding, and it bumped randomly.

Just when it was dizzy, something cold pierced Zhong's eye, and it pierced right through, and the next moment, a sharp weapon pierced the python's vitals - seven inches.

Qicun was injured, the giant python let out a "hiss" scream, and half of its body twisted in pain.

Le Yun knew very well that her medicine powder and talisman paper attacks could only confuse the python in a short period of time, so when the python king couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north, he took the opportunity to stab it blind, and then stab it seven inches, After two hits, he sprinkled a handful of medicine on its wound, and quickly dodged away from it.

Half of the giant python twisted into a ball, rolled a few times in the air, and its power gradually disappeared. In less than 5 minutes, it fell from a high altitude like a kite with a broken string, and hit the ground heavily, making a big hole in the ground. Dead, constantly twisting and rolling.

The python demon emperor couldn't run away, Le Yun put away the flying machine, and slowly floated down. After waiting for more than ten minutes, the big python was still rolling. The group's python body finally slackened and collapsed to the ground.

The Python Demon Emperor finally died.

He sighed for a long time, Le Yun wiped his forehead, put away the dharma sword, put on gloves and a mask, dragged the python from the pit to the grass, rinsed it with water, and quickly brought it back to the space. Tarpaulins were spread out in the wilderness far away, and pythons were dissected immediately.

The python's skin is so hard that it can only be dissected with a jade knife.

The first step is to dissect the python's head, cut open the huge snake's head, and find a red stone the size of an egg in the head shell. The red stone is like fire, scorching hot.

what is that?
Le Yun didn't know him, so he guessed that it might be the key to the python's fire-breathing. The reason why he was reluctant to greet it with talisman paper was because he was worried that Tianlei would kill the python and damage the contents of its skull. Fortunately, it ran fast. , was not hit in the head, and kept the contents of the skull.

After researching over and over for a while, suddenly, she thought of Yan Ren, that handsome guy has fire powers, if he swallows the stones found in the python's head, will his powers be stronger?

After thinking for a while, without considering the use of the red stone for the time being, I took out a stone box and put the stone in the storage bracelet, continued to dissect, extracted the poisonous gland sac, and cut out five half-egg-sized eggs from the python's head. Aura beads.

The boa constrictor is a non-toxic python, and its venom glands contain a kind of saliva, which also has magical effects.

After dissecting the python's head, it dissected the python's body. The python fell to the ground from the air, and some internal organs were damaged and useless. Fortunately, the python's gallbladder was still there, and more than a dozen spiritual energy beads were found.

The boa constrictor has a fishy smell, and during the dissection, the sleeves of the snake will inevitably touch the snake's body and the smell will also be stained. After dissecting the boa constrictor, Le Xiao frowned in distaste, packed up his belongings, rolled the tarpaulin into a roll, and moved out of the space. Take water and scrub at the flat place by the river.

She just used a bucket to scoop water from the river to wash away the dirt on the tarpaulin when she suddenly felt something strange, put the tarpaulin and bucket away, and jumped into the sky to look at it.

When I climbed up and looked around, I saw several giant pythons soaring from the southwest direction. The pythons are so huge, like small towers, wrapped in the gust of wind, like wind and thunder.

Before the group of pythons arrives, the smell of pythons has already rushed over.

The giant python came straight to the place where the white-flowered python died in battle, which means that the python clan found out that their clan was killed in battle, and they came to avenge their clan.

Seeing the galloping pythons, Le Yun grinned cheerfully, isn't this the same as killing the young ones and bringing the old ones?

In terms of fighting, who was she afraid of?
She never hesitates to fight with people, and even less so when fighting with monsters, no matter if it's one or a group, she can still fight.

In Le Xiao's eyes, the pythons were delivered to their door to add ingredients to their food stockpile, and of course they would not refuse, let alone run away. They sorted out the talisman papers quickly, and waited for the python monsters in a leisurely manner.

The speed of the python is very fast, and it has soared to the void less than 20 meters away in less than 32 seconds. There are five giant pythons, all of which are high-level monsters of the demon emperor level. The leading python has a red and black grid pattern , with a body length of more than [-] meters, a waist circumference of more than [-] meters, and an oblate head.

Under normal circumstances, the eyes of the boa constrictor are very small, and the eyes of the monster python are not too big, but the eyeballs of the red and black patterned boa constrictor are bigger than duck eggs, blue and blue, shining coldly.

There are more than a dozen small bags on the top of the huge python's head, and there is also a huge sarcoma. The letter in its mouth is [-] centimeters wide, and when it spits out the letter, it looks like a red silk dangling.

The giant python with red and black patterns is at the peak level of the Demon Emperor, which is equivalent to the late stage of the human Nascent Soul. The four pythons following it are also at the Demon Emperor level. Yao Miscellaneous.

The five giant pythons flew like rockets, and when they passed through the void, there was no sound of piercing through the void, and the whistling sound of the hurricane was not heard until they passed far away.

The five demon emperor pythons came menacingly, with a fishy smell, Le Yun endured the unpleasant smell, stared at the python monster closely to see if the five demon emperors had devoured any strange things, scanned for a while, and found that the The leading red and black flower python once devoured a treasure of heaven and earth!
The earth material and earth treasures have not been fully integrated by the python monster. Inside the python's heart, there is a lump the size of a fist. Even if the python's heart membrane wraps it, it can't stop the hazy white light it emits.

Observing the uniqueness of the giant python, Le Yun was so entangled that his little heart clenched into a ball. The leader of the giant python was stronger than the previous white flower monster python. As far as fighting alone, I don't know how many days it will take to separate the results, attracting thunder and lightning. When she came to kill the python, she was worried that the bombardment would blast the contents of the python's heart and the lumps on its head into slag.

The five demon emperors of the python tribe smelled the bloody smell of the two-legged humanoid beasts from their own race, and they knew that the two-legged humanoid beasts had died at the hands of the two-legged beasts without asking. There are more than a hundred feet scattered, outflanking the humanoid two-legged beasts from different directions.

The demon emperor was extremely fast, twisting his long body, and moved tens of miles with his fingers, so the four demon emperors crossed the humanoid two-legged beast from the side in an instant, and then turned around. One demon emperor went to intercept it, and the three Occupy three sides respectively to surround the humanoid two-legged beast.

When the four demon kings cut off the two-legged humanoid, the leading red and black flower python rushed towards the two-legged humanoid, opening its bloody mouth, trying to devour the two-legged humanoid as a snack.

The demon emperors came outflanking him, Le Yun wrinkled his face into a bun, immediately took out the aircraft and turned it on, just as he flew into the aircraft, he saw the head python rushing down, driving the aircraft and throwing a lot of it at the same time Talisman paper, throw the talisman while rushing down.

The human-shaped two-legged beast moved away from where it was standing in a flash, and the five demon pythons chased downwards, their huge tails sweeping down first, forming a shadow wall to prevent the human-shaped beast from escaping.

When they turned around and chased down, a series of pale golden flakes exploded, and many attacks greeted them, but their strength was too weak to hurt their scales, but the light was too bright, which was a bit of an eyesore.

The five demon emperors didn't care about those small obstacles at all, ignored the golden light, and stared at the prey. The humanoid beast is very fragrant, eat it, and it will be great!

The Five Demon Emperors were very excited, with their blue eyes wide open, they looked down from the explosive attack technique, their heads passed through the golden light, and saw that a humanoid beast stepped on a palm-sized magic weapon that had landed on the ground, and rolled their tongues excitedly. It stretched its neck vigorously and rolled it towards the humanoid beast.

The giant tails of the five monsters sweep up and roll up the hurricane to form a cylindrical airtight space. Le Yun, who is trapped in the wind wall built by the five monsters, will be hit by the huge tails of the monsters no matter where he rushes. When she came back, she didn't think about rushing out, landing on the aircraft, and looking up.

When she raised her head, the heads of the five monsters also rolled down through the golden light, and the letter in the mouth of the five pythons was as red as blood, stretching and shrinking, like a red cloth shaking.

Python tongues are nasty, and their fishy smell is even more nasty.

Le Yun stared at the python demon emperor who was protruding downward, spread the talisman paper in his hand again, flicked his fingers slowly, and smiled: "You long bugs have stayed in the restricted area for too long, and your ancestors probably didn't teach you to die. How to write the words, so you sent them to your door to seek death."

"Hiss!" The leader Yaohuang Python's blue eyes flashed a cold light, and he opened his mouth like a huge funnel, covering it downwards.

The smelly wind from the boa constrictor's mouth rushed, Le Yun showed a meaningful smile, slipped back to his own space with the aircraft, stood in the desolate wilderness, smiled and listened to the movement outside.

The human-shaped beast showed a provocative smile, and the python emperors were enraged, they all opened their mouths and bit down. Just when they thought that there would always be a fellow of the same race who could bite the human-shaped beast, the little two-legged beast disappeared out of thin air.

The humanoid beast disappeared, and the sheet-shaped magic weapon it dropped exploded, emitting a faint golden light.

The prey that was blocked by him disappeared from under his nose, and the Five Demon Emperors moved slowly, blinking their cold eyes, looking for where the Two-legged beast was hiding in the golden light.

Just as their heads were lowered a little, countless golden thunderbolts shot out from the dark clouds in the sky, falling down like raindrops.

The golden thunder pillars were so dense, sealing the world within a radius of five miles, and the golden thunder and lightning beams descended overwhelmingly, landing on the ground in an instant, and swallowed the five giant pythons.

The thunder and lightning beam engulfed the monster beast, and the sound of rolling thunder resounded through the heaven and earth.

When the five demon emperors sensed a change in the sky, they turned their heads and looked up. The moment they saw the thunder and lightning, they turned around and wanted to escape. However, before they could move their bodies, the light beam hit their backs and heads in an instant.


There was a shrill scream amidst the explosion of thunder, and the sound was like a drop of water falling into the sea amidst the loud thunder that resounded between heaven and earth, without a single wave.

The dense golden lightning beams bombarded the ground with ox forks shining, blasting the ground to be riddled with holes. All the living things in the area visited by the lightning were killed by the lightning, even the animals hiding in the water did not escape the big fire. Robbed, electrocuted or electrocuted.

There was only one wave of hundreds of golden thunder pillars. After the bombardment, the thunder pillars disappeared. The trees within a radius of ten miles were chopped into black charcoal, and the earth was full of large and small pits.

The surroundings are quiet, only the smell of scorched earth and burnt animal meat.

Le Yun, who was hiding in the space, heard a loud "boom and crackle", waited quietly for seven or eight minutes, put away the aircraft, and crawled out of the space wobbly.

 Little fairies, the second watch is here~
(End of this chapter)

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