magic eye doctor

Chapter 1368 I'm Not Interested In The Secret Realm Anymore

Chapter 1368 I'm Not Interested In The Secret Realm Anymore
Before Le Yun walked into the vortex, she swore silently that if the next place was still in the secret territory, she would not look for any spiritual plants or dig mines, but only find a place with sufficient water sources to collect water, and wait ten or eight years before finding the exit.

After a period of dizziness and dizziness, I took a closer look, and there was another huge lake under my feet!
The lake is wide, and the hills on one side of the lake in the field of vision are arranged like a row of garlic. The peaks are green and there are tall and cold fir everywhere.

"..." Le Yun swallowed the curse that blurted out, and lowered her head to find that she was less than three feet above the water, her legs were so frightened that her legs went limp, she hurriedly took out the flying machine and jumped in and flew more than ten meters before stabilizing her beating heart .

I didn't know where I was, so I flew up to a height of several thousand meters, and then looked around, and found that the shape of the lake was a bit like a bird flying with wings, which seemed familiar to me.

After thinking for a few seconds, I found a map given by senior brother Nuannan Yuqi, started searching, found a lake, and compared it with the lake below, successfully seated.

The name of the lake is Swan Lake. It is a well-known large lake in the northwest of Dongchen, and it is also the largest lake in Dongchen Continent, ranking among the top ten.

Originally, he was in the secret realm in the restricted area of ​​the Western Continent, but he was not only sent out of the secret realm, but also traveled tens of millions of miles to another corner far away.

Le Yun was shocked. He held the map and looked left and right, and then went around the lake to observe. After going around a circle, he checked the terrain on the spot and confirmed that it was indeed correct. The real object and the map completely matched.

Swan Lake is not too far from Yujing Mountain.

After studying the map, put it away, fly to an island in the lake to stay, use swallowing snails to absorb water, fill the conch and return to the space to pour water, and then take water. After taking water five times, the lake bottomed out.

As for the small lake in the lake, Le did not go to patronize, and flew to Yujing Mountain with the aircraft. She hurried and hurried, and it took half a month to cross the many mountain dangers and fly to Yujing Mountain.

It was almost dusk outside Yujing Mountain, so she flew over the periphery of Yujing Mountain, rectified at the place where there was a river, and embarked on the journey again in the early morning of the next day, flying for about an hour to cross the mountains and find the secret place.

Mu Lianzi and Sect Leader Li You didn't enter the secret realm, they were sitting in the main tent to meditate, suddenly opened their eyes, rushed out of the tent, people floated outside the tent, and the voice reached people's ears: "Little girl is here! "

"?" Sect Leader Li and He Hufa didn't react at first, but then realized that the little girl was referring to the little fairy, and they also floated out of the tent, flying to a height of several tens of feet from the ground to have a look.

The head of Yuxue Yuxia Yuheng Yuqingzong and the Great Elder or Dharma Guardian who also did not enter the secret realm also sensed that someone was rushing towards the canyon in front of the secret realm, and also noticed that the elder Yulan Zongmu was out of the tent to visit, and they also came out one after another Master account, check in the air.

The real people only paused in the air for less than a hundred breaths, when they saw a beam of light flying from the north to the west, the light was tens of thousands of feet away in an instant, and it was clearly visible that it was a small aircraft with a A petite girl in men's clothing.

Seeing the aircraft and the person who piloted the aircraft clearly, everyone was overjoyed by coincidence, the little fairy is here!
Although it has been several months since the opening of the secret realm, she came late, but she finally caught up.

The speed of the aircraft is very fast, and it can cover hundreds of miles in a flash. Le Yun can't look at the scenery around her when she is flying. She doesn't slow down until she sees the gray-white aura vortex in the secret realm ahead. She also sees the real people in front of the secret realm. She immediately flies wildly, enjoying herself Shouted: "Uncles and brothers, I'm coming!"

The clear and clear voice of the little fairy was heard several miles away, and the remaining members of the Treasure Hunting Group in the small narrow valley also heard it, and they all ran out of the tent to wait and see.

The elders of the Five Immortals Sect were also very happy to hear the joyful voice of the little fairy, and waited with smiles on their faces.

The boat-shaped aircraft soared to the top of the open space in front of the secret realm gate in a few breaths, about twenty feet away from the real people. Le Yun put away the aircraft and flew forward. After saying hello, he also rushed to the head of the Yulan Sect.

He rushed to the place where the big brothers of the Yulan Sect were standing, grabbed the sleeves of Sect Leader Li and Elder Mu, raised his face, and showed a bright smile: "Uncle Sect Master, I'm here, I missed the appointment again, It made the senior brothers and senior uncles worry."

"Stinky little girl, are you having fun in Xilu?" The little girl didn't tie her hair up on top of her head, but tied it up at the back of her head casually. Elder Mu stretched out his hands to rub the little guy's head, enjoying the extra fun.

"Elder Mu, I didn't forget the time when I was playing, I was almost trapped in the secret realm and couldn't get out." Touching his head, Le Yun hurriedly hid behind the master, who knew that just after hiding, he turned away from the master and turned around He was caught and patted on the head again.

Elder Mu chuckled, and head Li grabbed the petite child, smiled and rubbed her head: "Little fairy, why is your hair getting shorter?"

"I often fight with monsters in the secret realm, and my hair is too long and inconvenient, so I cut it short." Le Yun couldn't avoid being patted on the head, and shouted anxiously: "Uncle, do you have something delicious to drink? It’s been more than three years since I had a good bite, ouch, I went looking for something to eat, you guys are here to enjoy the scenery.”

The little fairy yelled and ran away, floated in front of Yulan Sect Master's tent and flew into the big tent, the head of Li blinked funnyly, and invited the real people: "Little Fairy is here, everyone should not be busy at the moment, let's go to Yulan together." Lan Zong, sit down and listen to what adventures Little Fairy has."

"I'm also curious about Little Fairy's trip to the West."

Everyone readily responded, and calmly fell to the ground, followed the three real people of the Yulan Sect into the big tent. When they arrived, Fairy Le had already occupied a seat beside the main seat, holding a fist-sized spiritual fruit and gnawing on it. , well-behaved and docile appearance very much like a little squirrel, very cute.

Sect Leader Li invited the guests to take their seats. He took the main seat at the master's table, stretched out his hand and rubbed the little fairy's head, and gave her a few bunches of golden wild fruits.

Le Yun got the five-leaf tongguo given by the head of Li, her eyes lit up, she broke off a waist-shaped fruit and peeled off the skin, and the two of them ate up the golden flesh and core, eating one after another, eating After finishing the five fruits, he continued to eat his own wild apples.

Elder Mu snatched the place next to the little girl, and also stuffed fruit for the little girl, and he was very careful. He took a thousand-eyed golden lily and peeled it, cut it into pieces and put it in a bowl for the little girl to eat.

There is fruit to eat, Le classmate is holding the bowl, his happy eyes are narrowed into a slit.

The little fairy was busy eating, and the real people didn't ask her what was going on in the restricted area. The three real people from the Yulan Sect first boiled water to make spirit tea, and drank slowly.

After eating the fruit, little student Le drank two bowls of snow tea in one gulp, and wiped his mouth contentedly: "It's such a blessing to eat in a place where there is no danger."

"The little girl is often chased by monsters and hides everywhere in the secret realm?" Elder Mu couldn't let go of the little guy's head, and climbed up to rub it with his hands.

"That's inevitable. I'm either on the road of being chased by monsters, or I'm on the road of fighting with monsters. If I want to dig a spiritual plant to dig some mines, there will always be monsters jumping out to make trouble. I'm so tired." In fact, she has hunted and killed monsters more times than she has been hunted and killed, but she will not tell the truth.

"Poor child!" Elder Mu helped the little girl scratch the back of her head in a funny way, and asked enthusiastically, "Little girl, how wide is the death penalty zone in Xilu? Have you gone to the side?"

"I don't know. I only went to Zhongwei and found a secret realm that might have Jiuzizhu. I observed and speculated that the passage to the secret realm would take at least [-] years to be stable, so I ran away and went to another secret realm. Ouch, that secret realm is too wide, I am dizzy."

There are some things that cannot be revealed, Le Yun said half-truths and half-false: "About the restricted area of ​​West Land, there are taboo powers, several fairy tombs, bad luck, and curse power."

"Is there really a fairy tomb in the restricted zone?" The little fairy's words also confirmed that the previous guess was correct. The hearts of all the real people are hot. The fairy tomb is more attractive than the secret realm. If you can find a fairy tomb, it will be worth more than all the savings of a fairy sect. .

"Yes, the tombs of the immortals are all cursed. Some of the green energy that can be seen outside the restricted area is bad luck and the power of curses. Whoever enters the tomb of the immortals will be engraved with a curse. The restricted area is also doomed to death."

Le Yun curled her lips. There are several places in the restricted area where there are people with great power. She speculates that those are the exits leading to the fairy tomb. Considering the danger of the fairy tomb, she gave up exploring the secrets. After a few lifetimes on earth, don't be greedy for ill-gotten gains.

The flames that had just emerged from the real people of the Five Immortals Sect were instantly extinguished by the little fairy with a pot of cold water. Before she could express her regret or express her gratitude for the supernatural powers of the immortals, the little fairy poured another pot of cold water. Don't go to the Xilu restricted area to explore, everyone's fairy fate is limited, don't toss your own fairy fate away, the gain outweighs the loss.".

The little fairy's words were clear, and the real people of the five sects seemed to be drenched in ice water. They were extremely sober and extremely firm and vetoed their plan to go to the restricted area to find the fairy tomb. The best policy is not to get involved in any place.

Since the West Continent Forbidden Zone has the power of curse, it is better not to talk too much about it. All the real people don't ask what is the secret realm that the little fairy went to, but they are all concerned about when the little fairy will enter the secret realm of Yujing Mountain.

Le Yun has no love for the secret realm, and firmly shakes her head to express that she is not interested. She just wants to eat, drink, relax, and let others discover the secrets of the secret realm.

After chatting for a while, thinking of the big golden retriever, he decisively released it from the jade slip.

Golden Retriever Roar was sent to the jade slips for four years, all injuries healed, and he was carried from the soul beast space to the natural world. He was a little unresponsive at first. The delicate little fairy threw herself down and stuck out her big tongue to lick her face.

"Ho Ho, little one, as long as you're fine, Ho Ho, little one, have you been hurt by the iron-backed rhino?" He threw the little one to the ground, licked his mouth a few times, and then the golden retriever looked at the little one carefully, checking if she was healthy. Not hurt.

All real people: "..."

Elder Mu grabbed the big lion's hair: "Big lion, get up, it's been more than four years since you were injured."

"Roar!" Jin Mao was lifted up by his mane, with a shocked expression on his face. Four years have passed since he and Xiao BuDian met Iron Back Rhino, which means that he was sent to the soul beast space to heal his injuries for four years?

"Little one, has anyone bullied you these years? Whoever bullied you, tell me, and I'll fight back." Thinking that he hadn't been by Little Fairy's side for four years, Jin Maohou felt pain in his heart, and really wanted to kill that iron-backed rhinoceros. .

Elder Mu really wanted to slap the big lion away with one slap, breaking a lion is too much, he thinks these old fellows are dead?

Le Yun didn't expect that the big lion would rush over excitedly. She was caught off guard for a while and was licked on the face a few times. The fur of the big lion, lying on the lion's neck like an octopus, hangs.

"Golden Retriever, you treat me the best. I am not bullied. Whoever bullies me curses that he will be struck by lightning. Golden Retriever, you are sleeping. No one will carry me. I have to walk everywhere by myself. I am exhausted."

"I'm fine now, I'll carry you on my back." The little one hangs his neck, the golden hair doesn't care about Elder Mu, sits on the ground, spread out a paw to lift the little one up and put it on his back.

"Yeah, the big golden retriever is the most caring. We will find a place to put a wooden house later. I caught a big python at the level of a demon emperor. I will make a snake soup for the golden retriever tomorrow. The golden retriever was injured by the iron-backed rhino, and the whole The shoulder blades are all broken, so much blood has been lost, and it needs to be mended."

"My wounds are all healed, and I don't need to mend them. The little one keeps the demon emperor python for medicinal purposes. Just make some ordinary monster meat for me to eat." The little one is the best, and he is willing to give him any high-level monster meat. He can't Don't be greedy to hold back the little ones.

"I don't like to eat boa constrictor meat. Boa constrictors are so ugly that they can't bite. Golden retrievers don't like to eat boa constrictor meat. Who would like me to give it to others?"

"I eat and I eat. I eat whatever the little one does." The python emperor that the little one catches should not be given away to others, it's better to give it to him. He will be stronger after eating it, and he will play with the little one every day.

The little fairy and the Golden Retriever love each other, and the real people of the Five Immortals Sect: "..." If it is said who is the most favored by the Five Sects in front of the Little Fairy, it is an undeniable fact that the Golden Retriever of the Yulan Sect ranks first.


They are very jealous of the big lion. That lion must have accumulated blessings for eight lifetimes, so it is loved like that by the little fairy. Thinking that a large group of them is not as good as a lion, I feel heartbroken.

Golden Retriever Roar didn't care about whether the real people were worried or not, picked up the little fairy on his back, stood up Xiongjiu, crossed the table, left everyone behind and ran out.

All the real people drank tea silently, well, they are high-level Nascent Soul real people after all, and they can't have the same knowledge as a lion. The big lion was released after being imprisoned in the soul beast space for so long, let him accompany the little fairy first.

With the little one on his back, Golden Retriever walks out of the main tent with a steady pace like a dragon, stands outside, looks around, and observes which position is appropriate to put the wooden house.

The spiritual vortex of the Secret Realm Gate is close to the ground. The diameter of the vortex is several tens of feet wide, and the total width of the small canyon is less than two hundred feet. Except for the necessary open space, the densely packed tents also make the whole place look very narrow.

There was a heart-warming big lion walking on its back, and Le Yun happily acted like a slob, lying on the big lion's back and letting it go outside for a walk in the Grand Canyon. The river in the small canyon was very small, so she didn't want to stay in the small canyon.

Golden Retriever Roar was very happy, carrying the little one on his back, walked happily and slowly, and walked out of the small canyon slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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