magic eye doctor

Chapter 1369 Duplicity

Chapter 1369 Duplicity
The Yujing Mountain range is wide, with peaks rising from the ground. Between the two towering peaks are various types of narrow valleys, ranging from wide to narrow. The general canyon is four to five thousand feet wide, because the place where the secret realm is located is a canyon. The canyon formed by the small branch peaks on the side is extremely narrow.

The Secret Realm Gate is located in a small canyon, thousands of feet away from the Grand Canyon. Walking out of the narrow small canyon, the eyes suddenly open up. The small canyon faces the big valley, which is about [-] feet wide. In the valley, there are forests connected with mountain vegetation, and there are also single There are patches of savannah and savannah meadows.

A big river meanders through the canyon, the narrowest part of the river is hundreds of feet, the canyon is flat, the river flows slowly, and there is no rushing roar.

The area opposite the small canyon was originally a forest, and a passage was cleared.

With the little one on his back, the Golden Retriever walks out of the woods along the opened path, flies into the air, and happily rushes to the riverside: "Little one, throw out the conch, and I'll fill it with water."

The big lion is always so considerate and meticulous, and Le Yun's heart is warm. He took out the sky snail from the space and handed it to Jin Mao. Make a home.

Find a place you like, cut off the tall vines and grass on the grass, take out a palace-style red sandalwood house with five rooms and put it on the ground, so that the house faces the river and its back faces the woods.

After placing the wooden house, go to the small canyon to collect firewood, clear out the dry trees on both sides of the road, and pile up the tree poles and branches separately, and then store them in the storage device.

The little one put the wooden house in the woods, and the golden retriever roared happily. The little one lived in a place alone, so those shameless real people came to grab the spiritual food.

He carried the conch and threw it into the river to cut off the river, then ran downstream to pick up fish, and picked up and moved downstream.

When the little loli picked up the dry trees and saw no sign of the big lion, she went back to the wooden house to light a fire in the kitchen, heated up the pot, poured in the medicinal soup, then threw the fish and condiments to stew together, and then Stew a pot of fish, wash the rice and steam the rice, and then cook the braised fish.

Head Li and the others had strong spiritual senses, so they naturally knew that the little fairy and the golden retriever roared out of the small canyon to stay in the grand canyon. At first they thought that the little fairy was fetching water, but when there was no other movement after an hour, they vaguely guessed that the little fairy might decide to stay in the canyon. Canyon camp.

When they smelled the food, all the real people thought silently... want to catch the golden retriever lion and beat him up violently, but the little fairy didn't want to live with the others, so she only took the big lion to camp in the Grand Canyon. spiritual food, they are not as good as a lion.

At any rate, they wanted to show some face, and they were embarrassed to grab some food. They had afternoon tea at Yu Lanzong, and everyone dispersed.

Golden Retriever ran downstream with conch shells. When the conch shells were full, put them away first. He ran to the river bank to find mushrooms, dig spiritual plants, and jumped into the river to take a bath until the sun went down. He went back to the small wooden house refreshed. Give her the conch, and help light the fire.

Yu Qiyu Nineteen and the left-behind disciples of various sects are free, and it is also the season when wild fruits are ripe and mushrooms grow. They go to the forest to sweep away the resources that the cultivators don't want, and they leave early and return late every day.

That day, when the sun was half covered by the sea of ​​clouds, he returned to the camp. Hearing that the junior sister was coming, Yu Shijiu sensed where the golden retriever was and ran towards the Grand Canyon.

Yu Qi and the nineteenth junior brother fled together, the two floated out of the small canyon, searched for the fragrance and found the rosewood wooden house, flew across the river, and happily floated into the wooden house to find the junior junior sister.

Golden Retriever sensed that his partner and his senior brother were coming, but pretended not to know.

Le Yun calmly put the last condiment on the stewed fish, then turned around, and saw the two senior brothers scrambling to float into the kitchen, showing their beautiful teeth with a smile, and softly shouted: "Seventh senior brother and nineteenth senior brother .”

Yu Qiyu Nineteen was a bit depressed and was about to complain about being released by the younger junior sister for the second time, but when she heard the soft and intimate sentence of senior brother, the little resentment in her heart did not know where to go. He rushed into the kitchen, rubbed the little junior sister's head vigorously, pinched her pink and tender face.

"Junior sister, why is your hair short?"

"Little Junior Sister, why are you so skinny again?"

After messing up the cute and cute little junior sister's hair into a chicken coop, the two senior brothers reluctantly let her go. After discovering the changes in the little junior sister, they asked about her health status with concern.

Le Yun was used to the fuss of the cheap seniors, so she was extremely calm. She briefly explained the reason why she missed the appointment, and then asked the seniors if they had any fun exploring the secrets in the west land, and asked them why they didn't go to the secret place.

The junior sister came, and Yu Qi and Yu Nineteen had endless things to say. They chattered about where they had been in the West Continent, and what they had seen and heard before and after the opening of the secret realm of Yujing Mountain. Mu Er also went to the secret realm, so they directly mentioned it.

Running around in the secret realm, Le Yun has not eaten rice for more than two years. In order to reward herself for her hard work, she made Sibao wild rice for dinner, with fish soup stewed by Lingzhi, braised fish with shallots and herself Invented braised fish with jam.

Golden Retriever got a big pot of fish, sat on the ground holding the pot and ate it, made Yu Qiyu Nineteen so jealous that he wanted to grab the big lion's rations, the two senior brothers resolutely refused to go back to the camp after dinner, and stayed in the wooden house with the big lion Help be the door god.

There were two young men vying for his position, Jin Maohou secretly rolled thousands of eyes, and slept at the door of the little one's bedroom at night, resolutely defending his position.

Le Xiaole laughed at the open and secret fight between the senior brother and the big lion, and slept beautifully until dawn before waking up on time. After dawn, he went to the woods to cut tree bark and collect tree sap resin. He was busy until the sun rose a pole high before returning to the wooden house Spirit food.

She promised to make snake soup for the big lion, so she naturally kept it in her heart. She cleared a place on the grass, set up an array with stones, wood, etc. and talismans, set up three stoves in the array, and two pots to cook snake soup , a pot to extract python oil.

Snakes are obscene in nature and cold in nature. Classmate Le is well aware of her physical condition. When she was young, she was seriously injured and her uterus was dysplastic and deformed. Now she has no adverse symptoms, but she cannot eat snake and python meat.

Therefore, she didn't plan to bring python meat back to the earth as food, but planned to use it to refine python oil, and some of it would be used as spiritual food for the big golden retriever.

Some python kings, and the monster python meat and snake meat given to her by the Five Immortals. It would take two months to boil the oil, and she didn't plan to formally refine the snake oil. Boil the oil by the way.

Put the boa constrictor meat in the pot, put the seasonings that should be put in, cover it and leave it alone, then go back to the wooden house to start the pot, and use other ingredients to make spiritual food. The stove outside the house is left to the golden lion to take care of it. Just add ingredients when seasoning.

Yu Qiyu and Nineteen followed the junior sister around and wrote down what kind of sap resin she wanted to collect, and went into the forest to collect it silently, and also collected plant seeds and mushrooms.

Golden Retriever Roar is in charge of fetching water. The little one said that he has collected a lot of fish, but he is not keen on catching fish. He intercepts the tributaries of the river to fetch water, and when the little one comes back, he gives her the conch. He helps guard the stove in the front of the wooden house, often Go around in circles to see if there are any centipedes. If you see a centipede, catch it alive and give it to the little one to study.

He was very happy working as a fireman, and after waiting for an hour and a half, the little guy transferred the water from the swallowing conch, and he carried the conch to fetch water, just repeating between managing the fire and fetching water.

It took an hour for the aroma of the spiritual food to slowly form a climate. A vortex of spiritual energy formed over the wooden house and the formation in front of the house, and it became bigger and bigger. After two hours, it stabilized, like a huge funnel.

The aroma of spiritual food permeates for several miles, and the moods of the monks in the small canyon are indescribably complicated. You said that they also make spiritual food, why is the spiritual food they make not so fragrant?

Those who can't make spiritual food that is fragrant all over the world, and have no chance to taste it, greedily inhale the fragrance and practice hard.

The mood of everyone in the Yulan particularly entangled. The little fairy went to the Grand Canyon to settle down. The distance is too far, so it's not easy for them to visit.

Elder Mu and the others knew that Yu Qi and Yu Shijiu had gone to Little Fairy and hadn't come back. They thought they would come back the next day, but in fact they didn't!

At dusk, Elder Mu sensed that the two boys had returned from outside and stayed at the little fairy's place again, and flew out of the main tent angrily, floated out of the small canyon, and floated lightly to the grand canyon for a walk.

Golden Retriever looked around and saw Elder Mu "walking" to the front of the wooden house, glanced silently, and walked into the formation to control the fire.

The golden-haired lion ignored him, Elder Mu slowly climbed the stairs in front of the wooden house with his hands behind his back, walked up the stairs, entered the hall of the wooden house without looking sideways, and then ate into the kitchen, where he saw his parents and disciples huddled in the kitchen. , accompanying the little girl pinching the buns while chattering.

The little guys ignored themselves, and the face of the old man was very smelly.

Yu Qi glanced at Elder Mu entering the kitchen before turning her head: "Elder Mu, you really don't want to lose face, why don't you insist on coming to see the scenery until tomorrow."

"How can I not give face?" Elder Mu stared angrily, and he allowed the two boys to rely on the little guy, and didn't allow him to come?
"Junior Junior Sister bet yesterday that you always said that you would come today. I think you should be able to persist for one day and come to visit tomorrow. You always come today. I lose face." Yu Qi expressed helplessness, and Junior Junior Sister said One is accurate, it can be seen that the junior sister has a thorough understanding of Elder Mu.

"..." Elder Mu was a little shy, pretending to be calm, he floated behind the table and sat down, without saying anything, he just sat and closed his eyes to comprehend.

"Elder Mu, Junior Sister said that the spiritual food can only be eaten tomorrow." Yu Nineteen quickly packed a plate of steamed buns baked before a stick of incense and rushed out, and handed Elder Mu a plate of chubby steamed stuffed buns.

"My old man is not hungry, but I just want to smell the aroma of spiritual food near the water tower and feel comprehended. Put the things down, and you are busy with your work." Elder Mu took the plate over with lightning-like hands and protected himself, expressing coldly that he didn't need it. people accompany.

Yu Mowen twitched the corners of his mouth in secret, if you really just want to smell the fragrance, you can still smell it when you stay in the Zongmen camp, why bother to rush here?You are really not greedy for spiritual food, do you need to grab the plate?
Your boss is always duplicity, is that good?

(End of this chapter)

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