magic eye doctor

Chapter 1370 Promotion to Mahayana

Chapter 1370 Promotion to Mahayana
Before the spiritual food was ready, Elder Mu would definitely not return to the small canyon. After eating the buns stuffed with mushrooms and monster meat, he regarded himself as a stone sculpture, sitting motionless.

Elder Mu went out for a walk and went to visit Xiaoxianzi's wooden house, head Li and Hufa He couldn't laugh or cry, Elder Mu is too treacherous!
Yuxue, Yuxia, Yuhengzong, and Yuqingzong's disciples practiced silently for one night. On the second day, except for those who stayed behind in the tents, everyone else went to the mountains of Yujing Mountain to sweep away the ordinary resources that the immortals didn't like.

Elder Mu sat quietly all night, and witnessed that the little guy and Yu Qiyu Shijiu were busy all night, and the disciples of Yu Lanzong's parents helped pinch the buns all night.

Yuqiyu and Nineteenth went out early in the daytime, drilling the mountains to collect sap resin, and returned to the wooden house when the sun went down.

Golden Retriever Roar worked as a fireman for a day, fetching water several times, and when the sun was about to set, he didn't need to control the fire. He looked around, jumped into the river to take a bath, and sat on the grass waiting for his dinner.

It wasn't until the sun set one-third of the figure that Le Xiao went into the center of the formation to see the results. He first collected the python oil and boiled it for a day and two nights. In the end, he only got about [-] catties of python oil in a large pot of python meat , is pure oil.

After collecting the python oil, look at the python meat soup.

The python meat was stewed into a soup, and the python meat soup from countless spiritual plants was added, and it turned into a light green paste. It didn't have any python smell, but had a rich fragrance.

As soon as the lid of the pot was opened, an aroma ten times stronger than before rose into the air, and the fragrance wafted away in a blink of an eye.

Wood Elder Yu Qiyu Nineteen was still able to control his salivation, and the saliva from the corner of Jin Maohou's mouth fell like raindrops.

Two large pots of python meat soup, at least several thousand catties, Le Yun found five cooking pots and three clay pots, first filled the pots and pots with a portion of meat soup, and then found two Put two bowls in a large bowl, and divide the rest into pots and basins evenly.

The two pots of python meat soup were divided into several parts. When the pot was empty, pour water into the pot to warm it. First, it floated back to the wooden house, gave the big lion a pot of meat soup, and then handed a storage container to Elder Mu: "Elder Mu, let's go!" Come on, one for the family of the Five Immortal Sects, and another pot of python soup for the Yancheng expedition team. Elder Mu remembers to send the pot and pot back for me tomorrow. Python meat is cold, so don’t be greedy. Yuan Yingqi eats about ten catties... "

For the sake of safety, she still earnestly explained the power relationship first, and told which class's cultivation base how much to eat, so as not to have big bosses greedy and stealing from the disciples. Leave a place for him and Xiao Huihui.

"I know, I know." Elder Mu took the storage container and smiled broadly, rubbed the little girl's head, and before she could stop touching her head, he flew away in a hurry, flew across the river to the sky above the woods outside the small canyon, and then He disappeared without a trace.

Elder Mu ran away, Le Yun patted his head resentfully, stuffed the big lion with a large pot of meat, and then gave them the cheap brother's share, slipped back to the kitchen by himself, and boiled the pot to make fish soup.

Yu Qiyu and Nineteen held their spiritual food and floated into the kitchen, waiting for the junior sister to bring fish soup and steamed buns, with surprise in their eyes: "Junior sister, you don't have any python meat soup?"

"Senior Brother, I have some deficiencies in my physique. I can't eat python and snake meat. I eat my fish." Le Yun puts fish soup in it. This is an exclusive fish soup that can help bone growth, and it is not for others to drink.

"..." Yu Qiyu Nineteen rubbed the little junior sister's head distressedly, and lowered her head to eat the spiritual food. The little junior sister didn't want to say what the deficiency was, so they didn't ask, it would make her sad.

The Golden Retriever ate the spiritual food loudly, and after eating a pot, he also brought out the hidden pot of python meat soup, slurped it up, drank it up like soup, moved the pot to the river to clean it, and then helped to clean it up. The pot for boiling the python soup was also cleaned, and he slipped back to Xiao BuDian, happily acting as a pet cat.

Elder Mu flew back to the Zongmen camp with the storage device, first went to the camp of the Yancheng Treasure Hunting Group, and gave a pot of python meat soup to the real person in Yancheng. The secret realm also gave Xiaobudian a special product from the sea area, Xiaobudian also liked it very much, and had a particularly good impression of Yancheng.

The staff of Yancheng were flattered by the spiritual food presented by the little fairy. After tasting the python meat soup made by the little fairy, the staff of the Yancheng Treasure Hunting Group felt that their lives were in vain. They had eaten the spiritual food made by countless sea pythons and monsters. I didn't know that python meat could be so delicious.

Elder Mu sent spiritual food to Yuqing Yuheng Yuxia Yuxuezong, and finally returned to the sect to share the spiritual food with the head protector and disciples. At noon the next day, he swaggered with the excuse of sending pots and pots Visited the cabin again.

Le Yun didn't care about Elder Mu's arrival at all. She took the storage container and went to do her own work. In addition to making spiritual food storage, she steamed a few pots of rice in the morning to make wine and vinegar.

The four cheap brothers of the Yulan Sect helped her collect a large amount of sorghum, barley wheat, corn, corn, glutinous rice and rice.

Le gave full play to the advantages of his strong hands-on ability, and did everything by himself, steaming rice, mixing yeast, adding spiritual plant juice, packing jars and sealing, etc., every process was meticulous.

In order to test my formula, I steamed several pots of bamboo rice, mixed with seasonings and sealed it in a jade vat.

Little Lolita is endlessly busy, busy around every day, Golden Retriever Roar is the most considerate, helping fetch water unshakably, carrying conch to fetch river water at least four times a day.

Naturally, the two senior brothers would accompany the younger junior sister to live in the wooden house and run to the forest every day.

When Elder Mu arrived at the small wooden house, he lingered and did not leave. He acted as an air, watching the little guy busy making spiritual food and steaming rice every day. The spiritual food that the little girl cooks most is fish, fried, fried, grilled, stewed, and stewed. She only feeds him one meal a day, and she stores the rest.

Even if there is only one meal of fish a day, Elder Mu is also happy. He just works as an uncle in such a cheerful wooden house, sometimes helping to boil water, and making tea for the little girl when she is tired and resting.

Le classmate has been busy for half a month, suspending the business of steaming rice and brewing wine, resting for a day and a night, and then returning to the busy work of making spiritual food.

After another ten days of busy work, in one and a half morning, all the spiritual food in the pot was baked out. Classmate Le made a pot of fish to treat Elder Mu to a big meal. Jin Maohou also had a portion. Even the soup with fish was at least [-] catty.

The Golden Retriever was afraid that some elder would shamelessly snatch it from him, so he hid in the kitchen with the basin in his arms to eat.

The little guy invited himself to a big meal, Elder Mu was so happy, tasting delicious food, and practicing while eating.

Le Yun boiled water, brewed herbal tea, waited for a certain old man to eat the spiritual food, invited him to drink tea, watched him drink five large bowls in a row, and shouted: "Elder Mu, I also ate the fish and drank the tea, you Hurry up and go outside to the river to see the scenery."

"I think my old man is in the way again, really." Elder Mu wanted to drink a few more bowls of tea, but was stared at by the little guy with his beautiful almond eyes. He lost his temper, muttered, flew out of the wooden house, and ran to sit on the grass outside. With sentiment.

When a certain old man went out, Le Yun quickly packed up his things, then flew out of the wooden house with the golden retriever, put his house into the storage device, lit a stick of incense on the ground, climbed on the golden retriever's back, sat and ran to the other side of the river to stay .

The golden retriever was lying on the grass with the little one on his back, watching an old man meditate across the river.

Sitting on the grass, Elder Mu sank into the practice immediately, ecstatically practicing until noon, when the aura around him surged towards him like crazy, and the aura around him became stronger and stronger.

Mu Lianzi, who was in the state of ecstasy, unknowingly heard a crackling sound of "cha", right next to the riot of zhenqi, the zhenqi rushed to the sky like a torrent, as if countless needles pierced her body and head, and she was convulsed with pain , he gritted his teeth and endured.

He thought that there might be a burst of purgatory pain, but in fact, after a while, he heard a "poof" cracking sound, the painful head instantly cleared up, and the violent true temperature calmed down.

At the same time, a powerful aura erupted from his body, it was just an aura, like a startled rainbow splitting the sky, shaking the air in a radius of hundreds of miles into turmoil.

The rivers that are less than ten feet apart are swept by the momentum of the human outbreak, and the river water rises and falls with the momentum, and the water flow turns into a water column and rushes towards the sky. The voice is endless.

The Golden Retriever Roar who slipped to the other side of the river saw that things were not going well, and set up a power wall to block the rushing coercion, protecting the little one from being shocked.

The movement of Elder Mu's promotion was too great, and the real people in front of the small canyon's secret realm were startled by the aura vibration in the canyon, and rushed out of the tent to check, found the source, and flew to the Grand Canyon like a meteor.

When all the real people rushed out of the small canyon chasing the moon and chasing the moon, they saw Elder Mu sitting on the other side of the river, the river in front of him was undulating like waves, and above him there were clear air debris, and the pressure belonging to the Mahayana stage was like a tornado. He soared in all directions.

Even though they were still far away, the real people felt the oppressive feeling of the blade and the blade, and they all stood still, staring at Elder Mu without blinking, taking the opportunity to feel comprehension.

The hurdle between crossing the catastrophe and Mahayana is the most difficult level for a cultivator to break through. Some monks have reached the stage of crossing the catastrophe, but they are only a little bit short of achieving great success, and then they are stuck at the last step. If they can get promoted from others Gaining a little insight may also play a vital role in promoting oneself.

Elder Mu was promoted to Mahayana from the tribulation stage, and his aura and coercion raged for a full half a stick of incense. As he exercised his kung fu and adjusted his breath, he controlled his own power, and the rioting river was slowly calmed down.

The oppressive coercion disappeared, and the aura still surged toward Elder Mu. However, compared with the vision of the aura vortex formed when Le was promoted, the concentration of aura around him was not scary. The movement was a tornado, at most a small typhoon had blown by him.

The aura and coercion on Elder Mu's body was gone, and the real people who stood in the air were still motionless, as quiet as a wooden stake.

Elder Mu sat in the spiritual wind and practiced. About an hour later, his aura calmed down. He stood tall and laughed loudly: "Thank you, little girl!"

The little girl's spiritual food and spiritual tea are not free. After eating the spiritual food for more than [-] days and drinking a few bowls of tea, he broke through the shackles of consummation in the later stage of the tribulation, and successfully promoted to Mahayana.

(End of this chapter)

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