magic eye doctor

Chapter 1371 Team up to explore the secret realm

Chapter 1371 Team up to explore the secret realm

Elder Mu's whole body was introverted, Golden Retriever also took off his protective cover, lay down quietly, and secretly rolled his eyes at a certain old man, a certain shameless old man was brazenly staying next to the little one, and only got promoted after eating so much spiritual food, with poor talent Difference……

A certain old man finally finished his practice, and Le Yun complained to the old man on the other side, blowing his beard and staring: "Hmph, I let you go to enjoy the scenery, but you always refuse to take a few more steps. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and put my house away early." Move it away, or it will be shaken to ashes."

Elder Mu raised his feet, crossed the river in one step, and floated to the side of the big lion. He stretched out his hand and lifted the little one, put him on his arm and sat like a child, rubbing her head with one hand: "The little girl is so stingy, the house is broken. Just build a new one.”

The real people who were interrupted by Elder Mu's laughter wanted to congratulate Elder Mu. Elder Mu caught the little fairy and played with them, so they were not easy to disturb.

Le Yun was helpless to be hugged by a certain fairy like a child, but she couldn't run away, and rolled her eyes madly angrily: "You always put it bluntly, my house was infused with so many spiritual fragrances, insect-proof and moisture-proof, and in addition The materials used to build the house are definitely not as good as the existing ones.”

"Isn't it not bad? Don't be annoyed, little girl. My old man will accompany you to enter the secret realm and help you find the timber head office."

"I just want to eat and sleep right now."

"Then you eat and sleep."

"..." Le Yun rolled her eyes, you should let go, you are carrying her, how can she find a place to eat and sleep peacefully.

Mu Lianzi didn't care what the little girl was thinking, she flew back to the camp with a light step like a child hugging a little one, returned to the Yulan sect, sat down by herself, put the little girl next to her, and gave the spirit fruit to her. She eats, touches her head with one hand, her eyes are full of kindness.

Elder Mu ran away with the little fairy without saying a word, and all the real people also floated back to the small canyon. They didn't get invited to visit the Yulan sect, so they went back to the camp first.

When Li's head, Zuo Guardian, entered the main tent, he saw Elder Mu coaxing the little fairy with a spiritual fruit, and congratulated Elder Mu happily, congratulating him on being promoted to Mahayana, not far from the time of Feixian.

Being snatched away by Elder Mu, Jin Maohou was so angry that he wanted to fight with him, chased and flew into Yu Lanzong's big tent, and let her lean on him behind him.

Mu Lianzi accepted the blessing with a smile, and looked at the little girl with kind eyes like an old mother: "Little girl, go to bed when you are full, and let's go for a walk in the secret place when you are full."

"You can go as long as you want, I'm not interested." There are many secret realms in the restricted area of ​​the West Land, where there are taboos, and the monster beasts are limited to the demon emperor level, which will not threaten life, and the safety is guaranteed. In the secret realms in other places, the monster beasts are too powerful , The danger is so high, it's better not to go.

"Oh, my old man can't go to some places. You are responsible for leading the way. My hometown is responsible for catching monsters and digging spiritual plants. You are playing on the side."

"I have Lingzhi from the soul jade trade, which is enough."

"Life is so long, so just a few furnaces of spiritual plants will be gone. It has always been only too few spiritual plants, so how can there be too many."

"Hundreds of millions of alchemy plants will be gone after a few batches of alchemy. The guys who make alchemy are so innately poor. It is a waste of spiritual plants to live. You can commit suicide and apologize. This little fairy has a high level of alchemy. Hundreds of millions of spiritual plants can make a lot of things." Dan, there is no shortage of spiritual plants."

"..." Elder Mu's heart was so congested that he couldn't breathe, can you stop being so serious, he said a few furnaces in general, not a real number of furnaces.

Mu Lao was blocked so that he could not speak, Le Yun was in a good mood, holding a fruit that looked like a bergamot, and gnawed happily.

He Hufa, head of Li, looked at Elder Mu resentfully at the little guy, who looked so aggrieved that he wanted to beat him, but he couldn't yell at him, and he was very happy.

Le Yun ate a fruit, wiped her mouth, and glared at a certain old man who was staring at her: "Don't look at me, I can't grow flowers even if you look at me. Do you really want to go to the secret realm so much?"

"Of course." Mu Lianzi wanted to rub her head again after being glared at by the little guy, afraid that she would not let go and go to the secret realm if she got angry, so she held back her hands.

"That's fine. If you want to go, I will send you there. You always find a few companions, and then find a cave. I will take you to the secret realm tomorrow."

"Really?" Elder Mu's eyes suddenly lit up.

"It's better than pearls. Find a few more powerful helpers. If you encounter a monster of the demon level, I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it by yourself."

"No problem, we are blessed to share together. Invite the other four sects to invite real people who are above the fusion level, and keep them until the monsters can't fight back."

"Just brag, there are not as many sea monsters bullying the land, right?"

"Golden Retriever, hurry up and invite someone from another sect, or I won't take you to the secret place to play." Mu Lianzi didn't mind the little guy beating herself up and ordered the big lion to run errands.

Golden Retriever wanted to roar at first, but immediately jumped up and rushed out of the big tent, running to the door to call Yuxue Yuheng, head of Yuqing Yuxia Sect and the elders who protect the law to come to Yulan Sect as guests.

Yuxue, Yuxia, Yuqing, Yuheng sect masters returned their accounts and were either feeling comprehension or thinking about what kind of spiritual tea the little fairy gave Elder Mu, so that he could be promoted to Mahayana. Yulan Sect, the four heads, guardians or elders rushed to Yulan Sect immediately.

The five sects have met several times, and they are familiar with each other, so they don't need to be too polite. They entered Yulan Sect's main tent back and forth, and sat on two sides, with two sects on one side.

Sect Leader Li explained the reason for asking the four sects to post the account. As for whether each sect is willing to send high-ranking real people to the secret realm, it is up to each sect to decide, Yulan Sect does not force it.

Hearing that Elder Mu was going to the secret realm with the little fairy, Yuxue Yuxia Yuheng Yuqingzong was very pleasantly surprised and readily agreed to go together. The reason why each sect was led by the head of the sect, and the guardians or elders came to Yujing Mountain together was because they wanted to Separate a part of the staff to explore the secret realm with the little fairy.

"I'm not interested in this secret realm. If I want to go, I'll go to another more mysterious secret realm. You have to think carefully, the hidden secret realm may be very dangerous. I only bring people in, and I don't guarantee the rest." She has cheats and self-protection With the power, bringing others into the secret realm does not guarantee that everyone will go back.

"We understand that if we go voluntarily, life and death are up to us." Cultivation is a difficult road. If you are greedy for life and afraid of death, you will not be able to practice immortality. Those who can live to this day have never experienced life and death.

All the immortal sects are willing to take risks, so Le Yun will naturally not dissuade them. They arrange their staff and agree to leave tomorrow morning. Then, she will sleep next to the golden-haired lion.

The heads of the four sects brought people back to their own sects to discuss. In fact, they all wanted to go, but the heads of the sects definitely couldn't go. The heads of each sect are the spiritual pillar of the sect. How can they go to the secret realm to take risks, so they only send the elders or protectors. Take three or five real people to the secret realm.

The same is true of the Yulan Sect, the head of Li is no exception, and the guardian of the right also stays behind, and Elder Mu leads a team to explore the secrets.

Yu Qiyu and Nineteenth went out early and returned late. In the evening, they went to the jungle and found that the wooden house of the little junior sister was gone. Junior sister Huanhu slept in her arms, she was very jealous.

The two senior brothers heard from the sect leader that Elder Mu would go to a mysterious secret place with Little Fairy tomorrow, petitioned to go with them, got permission, and happily went to tidy up their storage utensils and recharge their energy.

The next day, the real people of the five great immortal sects gathered after drinking morning tea. When Golden Retriever roared out of the tent and flew into the sky with the little fairy on his back, they all flew in the air and flew to the inner circle of Yujing Mountain in a group.

The members of the treasure-seeking groups who stayed behind in the small canyon found it strange that the real people of the five immortal sects went to the inner circle of Yujing Mountain. Could it be that the five immortal sects wanted to exterminate all the monsters?
The head of the Five Immortals Sect and the real people followed the little fairy and arrived at a huge canyon after half an hour.

There are many strange peaks and dangerous valleys in Yujing Mountain, and several grand canyons are full of mystery. Some canyons are the same no matter how you look at them, and some canyons lose their way after entering. Many real people have explored the secrets and found nothing in the end.

Flying to the Grand Canyon, all the real people showed expressions of "as expected". The Grand Canyon is one of the mysterious canyons of Yujing Mountain. The main valley of the canyon is more than [-] miles long, of which there is a section of the canyon that is about [-] miles long. Looking at the mountains and looking at the small canyons are exactly the same, even looking at the rivers, you can't tell which way it flows.

The group flew into the Grand Canyon about eighty miles away from the mouth of the canyon. The Golden Retriever landed on the flat grass beside the river bank, and everyone else floated down. Elder Mu threw out a small house to make it bigger, without saying anything to the little guy. He was the first to fly into the cave.

The cave is small and exquisite, even more exquisite and beautiful than the cave in the secret place of Wolf Mountain last time.

The five sects sent people to the secret realm, and each sect was led by a real person at the fusion stage or the transcending tribulation stage, with six people in each case, and the minimum cultivation level was also a monk at the Nascent Soul stage.

Thirty people flew into the cave, and Golden Retriever followed suit. Elder Mu made the cave smaller to the size of his head. The house looked like a ivory carving, which was very cute.

Le Xiao held the little house in his hands, said goodbye to the five masters and real people, flew across the river, and flew to a small canyon mouth next to the mountain peak on the side of the canyon where the river passed around the mountain peak.

The heads of the five great immortal sects and the remaining staff flew high into the sky, and they saw the little fairy turning from a sharp rock wall on a mountain surrounded by a river to a small canyon, where there seemed to be a flash of light, and then turned to a small canyon. The figure of the fairy disappeared out of thin air.

The real people flew over to check, looked left and right, there was nothing unusual about the place where the little fairy had disappeared, there was river water under their feet, and a flat stone wall that looked like a knife-cut opposite, they walked over the place where the little fairy walked, and they floated to the place in one step. In front of the trees at the mouth of the small canyon.

Real people have to believe that no fate means no fate, and their own fairy fate is limited, so they cannot see the formation eyes of the mysterious secret realm, nor can they enter the mysterious secret realm.

After personally testing it, everyone no longer struggled with it. They waited at the same place for about a stick of incense, flew high into the sky, and slowly wandered back to the small canyon in the secret realm that had been opened in Yujing Mountain. They drank tea at Yuxuezong before leaving.

The left-behind members of the Small Canyon Treasure Hunting Group saw members of the Five Immortals sect going to the inner circle of Yujing Mountain in the morning. When they came back, there were many people missing, especially the little fairy and the big golden lion. They finally realized that there must be a certain place in Yujing Mountain. Is there any secret realm that they don't know about, the little fairy took people to explore the secret realm.

(End of this chapter)

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