magic eye doctor

Chapter 1375 Is it Useful

Chapter 1375 Is it Useful (2 more)

The several real people who were recuperating in the cave due to their injuries witnessed the whole process of the little fairy healing and suturing the wounds of the same real people, and they couldn't come back for a long time.

As far as they know, many seniors in the world of cultivating immortals have lost certain bones or flesh due to accidental injuries, but this does not affect their lifespan. With their abilities, it is okay to lose a few bones.

But the little fairy taught them to refresh their three views. It turned out that the lack of bones can be replaced by wood, and the lack of skin can also be replaced by other fake skins.

Real people have mixed feelings.

Little Lolita is performing an operation on a real person. Elder Mu is leading people to dissect the giant crocodile. Because the body of the demon crocodile that was killed by the joint efforts is still not stiff, Elder Mu, Elder Xiliang, is assisted by several monks in the fusion period. , First collect the blood of the sky monster, and then pick off the crocodile's armor.

Completely separate the carapace of the monster, then dissect it, take the heart and soul of the monster, look for the inner alchemy, and then find the spiritual energy beads hidden in the muscle.

The giant crocodile was bombed by lightning, and its bones and flesh were destroyed in several areas, and the spiritual energy beads were also turned into powder. Fortunately, it was huge and had hidden spiritual energy beads everywhere. A total of [-] beads were found. The aura beads are the size of eggs, and the aura beads in other areas are slightly smaller, the smallest ones are like small pearls.

Student Le Xiao had finished the operation, and Elder Mu and others hadn't dealt with the giant crocodile yet. She sat on the golden retriever's back and looked at the spiritual energy beads that were taken out, smiling so hard that she couldn't see her eyes.

Elder Mu put away the giant sky monster crocodile meat that they had killed together, and divided it up after leaving the secret realm. He gave the inner alchemy and spiritual energy beads of the sky monster that he found to Little Fairy, and then helped Little Fairy dissect the other meat she caught. A sky demon crocodile.

Although the sky monster in the lake was killed by their joint efforts, in fact, the little fairy took half of the credit. Materials such as monster meat and animal bones were given to her as an inner alchemy.

When seeing the giant crocodile thrown out by the little fairy, the real people have an urge to go back to the furnace and rebuild it. The little fairy caught a fierce beast alone, and they worked together, and finally had to rely on the little fairy's soul jade knife It's so embarrassing to kill the beast.

Elder Mu kept his word, he and the real people took on all the work, and let the little guy stay and play.

Elder Mu, Elder Xiliang, and his helpers were dissecting the crocodile at the level of the sky demon, and the other real people cleaned up the corpses of the monsters they picked up, and also did some basic treatment.

Real people dig a hole in the grass to bury unwanted internal organs, but collect all that can be used. For example, some internal organs cannot be used as ingredients, and they can be brought back to the sect to feed spirit beasts. The raised spirit beasts eat the meat of high-level monsters. It may be promoted from a first-level spirit beast to a second-level spirit beast.

Elder Mu and Elder Xiliang spent an hour and a half to dissect a large crocodile, and extracted several catties of heart blood, with a total of more than 400 spiritual energy beads.

Several real people cleaned the spiritual energy beads to remove the fishy smell, and then handed them to the little fairy together with the soul jade knife and the packed monster meat, blood, and skin.

A group of people entered the secret realm early in the morning, fought with monsters for a long time, and then dealt with two crocodiles. It was already mid-afternoon. Student Le played for a while, used conch to fetch river water, and moved pots and stoves to a clean place Come out to heat up the spiritual food.

The little fairy took out the spiritual food she had stored and heated it up. All the real people thought that there was spiritual food to eat at night, what a joy, and the speed of processing the monsters was a bit faster.

In the evening, all the real people ate the spiritual food made by the little fairy herself, and the fatigue of the day was swept away.

Even with the protection of formations, the real people of the five sects also arranged night guards, so they had a peaceful night without being disturbed by monsters.

The next day, the real people are still dealing with the crocodile monsters. The little fairy wants the spiritual energy beads accumulated by the monsters. The crocodile monsters they collect will have to be processed sooner or later. Anyway, it’s a start, so it’s better to solve it all at once, and find out the spiritual energy beads first. For the little fairy, we will talk about it later when we catch monsters above the Demon Emperor level.

The real people fulfilled their promise to let the little fairy play, and took care of all the work. Classmate Le didn't have to do anything, and he ran away alone. The reason was to find a quiet place to comprehend, and speculate in which direction the exit of the secret realm was.

Yu Qiyu and Nineteen originally wanted to play with the little junior sister, and told her that if someone followed her, their luck might affect her speculation and judgment, so they didn't want to follow her.

Golden Retriever Roar was in a depressed mood because he was left behind, so he lay on his stomach and pretended to be dead, and after less than a stick of incense, he was resurrected with full blood, and ran to dig nearby spiritual plants.

The little Lolita traveled thousands of miles in an aircraft, found a big river, first used swallowing snails to get water, and then happily rushed into the primitive jungle to look for spiritual fruits.

She had been busy all day, and when the sun sank into the sea and darkness covered the earth, she caught the little fox and asked him to use his powerful spatial perception to help find the exit of the secret realm.

The little fox rushed forward without complaint, sensed it, pointed out a direction, and then naturally nothing happened to him.

The little fox finds out the location, and Le Yun writes it down. Neidan, who found out the Sky Demon Crocodile just obtained yesterday, asked the little cutie, "Little fox, is it useful for you to eat this?"

"Hey, the inner alchemy of a Mahayana-level monster?" The little fox saw a pearl the size of a duck egg in the little girl's hand, and opened her golden pupils in surprise. The little girl killed a monster that was equivalent to a human Mahayana. ?It is really amazing to get a complete inner alchemy.

"That's right, can you restore your mana after eating it?" Little Fox is a good helper. With him to help manage the space, she only needs to find a water source to carry it back. The stronger he is, the more things he can do.

"No." The little fox looked at Neidan very enviously, and said the truth: "This level of demon pills can't break the seal of this fox even if you eat hundreds of them, you can only eat demon pills of the same level as this fox or higher. Only the beast inner alchemy can be effective."

"That's it, let's keep it for now." Le Yun put away the inner alchemy of the monster beast for others to use. If he eats it and it's useful, she doesn't feel bad about it. She can't break the seal even if he eats it. Why don't you just keep it and say It might come in handy someday.

The little fox didn't show that he wanted to eat the inner alchemy of the monster. The little girl made a lot of spiritual food for him. The little girl is so cute and considerate, and she treats him so well, so he can't be too greedy.

After finishing the business, Le Yun took out the compass to locate, and confirmed that the direction pointed out by the little fox might be the west direction of the exit, put away the Sinan instrument, and then used the swallowing snail to fetch the river water, returned to the star core space with the little fox, and planted trees as soon as possible afforestation.

Thinking that he was not in a hurry to meet the real people at the moment, Le also stayed in the star core space the next day, and drastically rectified the medicine field and the flower garden where the god tree was planted in the star core center.

There are enough spiritual plants in her hand, and there is no need to plant spiritual plants for the time being. The medicine field and flower garden have been empty, because the seeds fell to the ground before, and the medicinal materials will still grow one after another, especially the mushrooms, which are growing very diligently.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Le Xiao decided to replace the medicine field with soil. First, he dug out all the soil in the medicine field and removed it, together with the fertilizer he made and the soil he dug out, as well as the medicine from a certain immortal sect in the secret realm of the forbidden zone in the west land. The lingtian soil collected in the field is mixed to make new fertilizer soil, and then backfilled.

To do it well, she dug the spiritual field to the bottom, and the spiritual stone wall of the medicine field was ten feet deep into the ground, and even the bottom surface was paved with brick-shaped spiritual stones, leaving only a few gaps for water seepage.

Just backfilling with fertilizer is not enough. Little Loli buried a few pieces of jadeite and jade at the bottom of the medicine field, and felt a little dissatisfied, so she buried a few spirit beads.

The spiritual field that has been replaced with fertilizers still does not plant spiritual plants, and temporarily maintains the soil, hoping to upgrade the spiritual field to the level of the eighth or ninth-level spiritual fields of Dongchen's immortal sects.

After rectifying the medicine fields, start work on a few flower beds that have not been replaced with soil, dig out all the soil in the flower beds that can be dug away, and replace the fertilizer soil again.

The sacred tree that has been planted on the earth has already taken root in the flower garden, and it has grown very strong. It is unrealistic to dig it out and replant it. Le Xiaoliu is very sensible and did not forcefully dig out the well-grown sacred tree. Buried a spiritual energy bead in a flower garden.

Anyway, I’m digging the soil, so I just don’t do anything, and by the way, a [-]-acre private plot with a width of [-] mu is set up in a place about three miles away from the [-]-meter circle of the medicine field, which will be used for planting crops in the future. At present, it is used as a sapling nursery base, and dozens of acres of land have been sown with tree seeds. Some seeds have sprouted, the tallest one is half a foot high, and some have just sprouted.

After finishing the most important tasks, the time is still early, and the happy little girl can't help herself. She is planting fruit trees not far from the water and soil conservation forest in the big river basin. A few trees, with a distance of 500 meters between each small piece of fruit trees.

She deliberately mixed the earth fruit saplings with the fruit trees of the same species in Dongchen Continent, and let them pollinate each other at the fruit bearing stage. Can they complement each other? By the way, she planted some of her favorite wild raspberries between the rows of fruit trees. .

I have planted fruit trees, and my interest is not diminished. I plowed a few plots of land to plant grapes, August fried, akebia, schisandra, and cold rice balls. I set up a shelf and planted saplings at intervals in the shade-loving botanical garden. shade.

Le Xiao, who is full of beautiful visions for the future, took the two cuties happily from morning to evening, and gave the two cuties a fragrant bath after finishing their work, so that the cuties could rest.

She is strict with herself, she only eats something to replenish her strength, and then carries and swallows the sky snails to fetch water, returns to the space to pour water at the source of the upper reaches of the river, and plows the land to grow plants.

Le classmate had a busy night, and in the next morning, he used conch shells to fetch water twice and threw it into the space, then he packed up and wandered slowly to find Brother Cheap.

The real people of the Five Immortals Sect beat the little fairy to play alone. They dealt with the crocodile beasts with peace of mind. The crocodile beast family has tens of thousands of members. There is a residual body, and it will take time to deal with it.

The little fairy went there for two days and two nights, and the real people didn't worry at all that she would suffer or be in danger. The little fairy was blessed with boundless blessings, and she was also a god of death. They felt that the monsters in the secret realm should be in danger.

It took two days, and the real people of the Five Immortals Sect had almost dealt with the monsters. However, when the little fairy came back, their work hadn't been finished, and there were still more than a dozen crocodiles left.

Jin Maohou, who was busy looking for Lingzhi to catch the beast, sensed that the little boy was back, so he didn't care about picking plants, so he rushed back quickly, sticking to the little boy as a pet cat.

 Little fairies and handsome guys, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!On this festive occasion, I wish friends at home and abroad good health, a happy mood, a happy family, and a long journey together!

(End of this chapter)

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