magic eye doctor

Chapter 1376

Chapter 1376
Yu Qiyu and Nineteen's original duty was to play with the junior sister. When the junior sister came back, the two senior brothers no longer helped deal with the crocodiles. They cleaned up and accompanied the junior sister to look for mushrooms and wild fruits in the nearby mountains.

The real person group of the Five Immortals Sect was so busy in the middle of the afternoon that day that they took care of the monsters properly. They sorted out a portion of the best meat from the monsters from the demon emperor to the demon fairy level, and gave it to the little fairy along with all the spiritual energy beads.

The little fairy has no shortage of monster meat, but the beast meat she exchanged for the soul jade is her own, and a large part of the monster meat collected in the secret realm was killed by the little fairy's thunder talisman. Big head, at least one-sixth.

Little Lolita doesn't like to eat crocodile meat, and she is quite rare to eat crocodile meat at the level of demon gods and immortals. She especially likes the spiritual energy beads, and she doesn't have any pretentious excuses, and accepts them happily.

Everyone rested on the river bank for the night, and set off the next day, heading towards the possible exit pointed by the little fairy.

There are real people in the Mahayana period to suppress, and a group of people set out to collect all available resources. There are no large monsters in the territory of the crocodile beast, but there are many herbivores, and those are also the source of food for the crocodile beast.

The real people were not polite, they swept away the resources, and No. 15 left the territory of the crocodile tribe and entered the territory of the giant rhinoceros and hippopotamus.

Hippos and giant rhinos are both aquatic animals and herbivores. Because of the abundant food sources, there is no need to fight to the death for territory. The overlapping territories can instead form a deterrent, and the two sides live in peace.

The giant rhinoceros in Dongchen Continent is a hybrid offspring of a white rhinoceros and a giant lion. It has a long coat and is bluish-gray. It has more bloodlines inherited from the rhinoceros. In terms of body shape, it has inherited the giant lion. It is a big, beast-shaped adult giant A rhinoceros is ten feet long.

The Five Immortals secretly hunted and killed six monster king-level giant rhinos and six monster king-level hippopotamuses. They also wanted to hunt higher-level ones, but unfortunately, there was only one leader of the monster king giant rhinoceros. , the little fairy said that one must be kind and honest, and not kill the most powerful leader, otherwise the orc clan would be in danger of being wiped out.

The giant rhinos cannot be hunted and killed wantonly. The real people turned their depression into strength, swept away the resources in the territory of the two orcs, found four kinds of mineral deposits, and dug the mountains to evacuate them.

The real treasure hunting group stayed in the territory of the giant rhinoceros for ten days, and continued to embark on an adventurous journey, passing through the territories of the grizzly bear and the golden eagle to explore the secrets, each spending more than ten days.

At the end of September, Xiaoxianzi temporarily diverted to the north on the way to the west, and entered the Dashan Mountain area after seven days of travelling.

The mountains in the secret realm have peaks of more than 10,000 feet, and peaks of [-] feet can be seen everywhere. The mountains are continuous, and the canyons and plains between the mountains are often [-]+ miles wide.

Entering the big mountain range, floating in the sky, looking at the music of the distant mountain, pointing to a mountain in the distance with a peak as sharp as the tip of a pen: "That mountain has a mine of spirit stones, whether you can take it down depends on whether you have any That determination."

All the real people looked into the distance with surprise in their eyes. Is there a Lingshi mine?Why didn't I see the unique glow of Lingshi's birth?

"Little girl, why didn't my old man see the glow of the birth of the spirit stone?" Elder Mu couldn't control his hand, and a big hand climbed on the top of the little girl's head and kneaded it.

Elder Mu asked the doubts he wanted to ask, and the real people also humbly listened to the answers.

"Who said that there must be a glow in the place where there are veins of spirit stone?" Le Yun moved the big claw on the top of her head, curling her lips faintly: "The appearance of glow in the sky means that the vein of spirit stone has matured, and the vein line will no longer coalesce , the spirit stone vein I'm talking about is still in the growth stage. Do you want to dig it?"

"Yes!" There is no reason not to dig the Lingshi Mine.

"As expected, the Lingshi Mine is located at the junction of the territories of the bear monsters and tiger monsters. Brothers and uncles have to subdue the two monster beasts before they can get the mining rights."

"..." All the real people raised their eyelids silently, little fairy, the reason we explore the secret realm is to grab resources, okay?

"And then?" Elder Mu looked at the small and cute little girl amusedly, what did the little guy want to say?
"What I want to say is that judging by the breath and smell, the bear monster clan has at least ten demon-level monsters, and among the tiger monsters there are sky-level monsters."

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter if there are demons and immortals, you can grab them!" Elder Mu laughed freely. Cultivation of immortals is the monks and monsters constantly grabbing resources and opportunities, so there is no reason to retreat in fear of monsters.

"Grab it, it's a must."

"The last time I fought against the crocodile beast, I had a lot of experience, just to verify it."

All the real people responded that cultivating immortals requires courage to move forward, and you can't become an immortal if you are afraid of hands and feet.

"Yeah, just as long as you are happy." What else could Le Yun say?She felt that if she wanted to talk to the monsters first and trade the soul jade for the mine of spirit stones, real people would think she was a fool.

All the real people laughed at Mimi, and those who were close to Little Fairy stretched out their hands to rub her head.

Everyone summed it up, and flew forward with unstoppable momentum, flying over dozens of mountain peaks, and the mountain with the tip of a pen was getting closer and closer.

That mountain looks very small from a distance, but it looks huge up close. The peaks that look like pens are piled up with layers of glaciers and snow. They are about [-] feet high. The mountainside is surrounded by clouds and mist.

The real people are still thousands of miles away from the mountain. A group of bear monsters emerge from the high mountains in the south of the mountain, and a group of tiger monsters emerge from the valley plain in the north of the mountain, waiting for the invaders to approach.

The real people who flew forward also sensed the breath of bears and tigers, and there really were monsters of the sky demon level!

"It looks more fierce than this deity." The two monsters released their aura, even though they were far apart, Golden Retriever also sensed the murderous aura, and muttered dissatisfiedly, he is not arrogant as a lion king, those guys are so fierce.

"You will beat up some of them later to vent your anger." Yu Qi, who was flying next to the golden retriever, touched the big lion's shoulder in a friendly way: "You have beautiful hair and a mighty figure. You can't let the little bears and tigers look down on you and weaken your partner. name."

Golden Retriever raised his head, and Xiong Jiu shouted: "I know, I don't need you to say, this deity is a little spirit beast anyway, how can it be weak."

Real people: "..." You are obviously Yu Shijiu's contract partner, when did you become a little fairy?You are so shameless, have you ever thought about the feelings of your contract partner?
Yu Shijiu silently regarded himself as air, and was ignored by the golden retriever who "begged for spiritual food against the Lord", what else could he say?
The Golden Retriever Roar is not afraid of getting hurt by his contract partner. With the little one on his back, he happily flies forward with the real person. His eyes are wide open, and he is secretly thinking about whether he will beat the bear demon or the tiger demon. It seems that the little one likes to eat For the palm of the bear demon, it is better to consider picking on the bear monster.

The bears, tigers and beasts waited quietly, and soon the intruders moved from far to near, and the beast clans above the demon emperor level charged up into the air, forming a formation in the air.

The bear clan and the tiger clan used to fight for territory. When foreign enemies invaded, the two sides put aside their grievances temporarily and reached a tacit understanding to fight the enemy together. After flying into the air, the two clans were only a few feet apart, forming a semicircle Waiting for outsiders.

The bear tribe is the white bear among the bear monsters. They are huge in size, their white hair is as bright as white hair, and only their eyes are black. If they walk on the snow without showing their eyes, they must be mistaken for a ball of ice and snow.

The leader of the bear clan was a great white bear at the peak of the demon fairy. Its huge body was like a small hill, and standing there still gave people a lot of pressure.

The Tiger Clan is the blue tiger among the tiger beasts. Its coat has a blue striped pattern. The leader is a male tiger of the sky demon level. The blue pattern is like the color of the sea, which is particularly dazzling.

There are 29 members above the level of the Bear Beast Demon Emperor, and the number of members of the Tiger Clan is slightly less, 22 in total.

There are more monsters than human monks.

Elder Mu, Elder Xiliang, led the group of real people without avoiding or going around, flying in a straight line, and stopped a hundred feet away from the monsters. I will leave after digging the mine, please let the orc friends make it easier for you."

Le Yun: "..." Didn't a certain old man say that reasoning with monsters and beasts is purely for self-indulgence when he has nothing to do? Why is he also reasoning with monsters?

The two orc clans looked at the humanoid two-legged beasts, ignored them, and directly expressed their answers with actions-whoever is stronger has the right to speak!
The bear clan and the tiger clan attacked without saying a word, and the real people who had already been prepared changed their formation in an instant, forming a herringbone formation and rushing forward, also amplifying their attacks.

I wanted to have a peaceful talk, but the monsters didn't appreciate it, and Elder Mu Xiliang didn't negotiate any more. Law enforcement treasure fended off a wave of attacks and charged towards the sky monsters.

The sky monsters of the tiger clan are already at the late stage of the sky monsters. Elder Mu has just been promoted to the Mahayana rank, and the elder Xiliang is at the middle stage of the Mahayana. The two deal with the sky monsters first.

The number of monks is smaller than that of monsters, but human beings are intelligent, and they form formations, sometimes herringbone formations, and sometimes three-talented formations, and it is difficult to distinguish between top and bottom in a short time.

Xiao Le, who was blocked by the real people, observed for a while and asked the golden retriever lion to help. She also bypassed the crowd of real people and rushed to the group of tiger demons to tear them apart.

Golden Retriever heard that it was time to fight, so he rushed to the bear herd, and tore apart a demon emperor rushing head-on. Relying on his higher level, he quickly resolved the battle, and shot a demon emperor bear to death. He snatched it up and put it in his storage container.

After catching a monster bear, Jin Maohou was full of confidence, and rushed to the bear monster again, snatched a monster king-level bear from the human opponent bear beasts, crushed and beat it, the little one said that the persimmon was soft, in order to give the little one Collect more ingredients, and kill a few bear demon emperors first.

Golden Retriever Roar has a strong defense ability, and can also resist the coercion of monsters. With him participating in the battle, the pressure on the real people will be relieved. When I accidentally saw the big lion bullying the monster emperor like an adult bullying a child, I didn't expect it What do you think? When they found out that when they killed a monster, the golden-haired lion left behind the opponent and snatched the corpse first, so he was speechless.

Yu Shijiu almost jumped: "Golden Retriever, what corpse are you picking up, fight first, and count the spoils after the fight."

"You don't understand this. If I don't snatch some corpses first, if I do a little bit of big tricks, I will wipe out the monsters. I won't even find a complete monster."

With the lessons learned from the past, Golden Retriever feared that the same result as the crocodile family would appear again, and when he could snatch the corpses of bear monsters, he tried to collect some beast corpses first.

Yu Mowen was choked to the point where he had nothing to say, Jin Mao made a lot of sense, to tell the truth, he also wanted to pick up the beast carcasses first, but there were too many monster beasts to even out.

The real people also thought of the consequences of Jin Maohou's words, and tried to collect the animal corpses as much as possible when they could.

Elder Mu and the elders of Xiliang teamed up to deal with the blue tiger of the sky monster level. The two of them fought and walked away as one beast. They had already moved hundreds of miles away to open up a separate battlefield.

Without the monsters of the sky monster level and the monks of the Mahayana period, the monster group and the monks were not afraid of being affected by the power of the sky monsters, so they let go of their hands and feet to attack.

Classmate Le fought with a blue tiger who was in the perfect demon queen stage for fifty minutes and still couldn't tell the winner. He was so angry that he rewarded the other party with a talisman angrily.

The thunder talisman exploded beside Lanhu, turning into a silver thunderbolt and bombarding Lanhu. On the surface, the silver thunder was only as thick as a pillar, but it was actually a three-fold overlapping effect, which was equivalent to nine silver thunders.

Hit by the thunder talisman, the blue tiger's hair ignited and turned into a ball of fire, screaming and falling.

When it fell about a thousand feet, its breath was gone, and the flames on its body were not extinguished, like a shooting star across the sky.

"Let's just say, the little one is not happy and there won't be a good beast carcass. Look, that little tiger beast is almost cooked." Hearing the howling, Jin Maohou turned his head to look at the battle on the side of the tiger clan, and saw a mass of The fireball flew downward, showing off proudly.

Classmate Le used a thunder talisman to kill a tiger demon emperor, rushed down, and chased the corpse that was still in flames. An earth-type spell extinguished the flames and put the beast corpse away.

Snatch back the beast carcass, and then rush to the monks' battlefield to kill the tiger clan. She really wants a few blue monster tiger skins, but she has no problem with self-protection. It is difficult for monsters with higher cultivation bases.

After testing, it was difficult for the ordinary magic weapon in her hand to pierce the defense of monsters above the demon emperor. Le Yun returned to the battlefield, and threw the talisman directly, too lazy to use weapons.

The tiger clan saw the tragic scene of the same clan being struck to death by thunder and fire. When the humanoid beast threw out the skill with golden light, the tiger clan demon immortal roared and led the clan to abandon the formation and flee away.

The tiger tribe retreated, and the leader of the bear tribe also roared and moved away with his tribe.

The two big orcs fled for dozens of miles with a snap of their fingers, flying towards the sky like a meteor.

The bear beasts and tiger beasts on the ground rushed towards their family territory upon hearing the leader's order.

The sky demon tiger is one-on-two, and it is also invincible in the fight with the two-legged beast. When he heard the roar of the descendants of the same clan, he unleashed the fierce tiger out of the forest and swept the human-shaped two-legged beast away. Thousands of miles away.

The monsters suddenly called out to withdraw their troops, and the real people were also stunned, how did they withdraw properly?

Just when he was taken aback, the talisman thrown by Xiaoxian exploded, and the silver thunder struck the air.

Golden Retriever wanted to hunt down the monsters, but when he heard the thunder, he turned his head to look for the little one, and shouted anxiously: "Little one, little one, they are about to run away, hurry up and use your moves!"

Le Yun watched the monster leave, and the corners of her eyes twitched: "Golden hair, exterminating them will hurt the peace of heaven, not to mention the blue tiger race is very small, if this one is the only one, destroying them is like exterminating the whole family. The virtue of God's good life."

"Okay, it's a pity for the tiger skin, the blue pattern is pretty nice." The little boy was merciful, and couldn't bear to chase the blue tiger, and the golden retriever also gave up. He wanted to run towards the little one, but after thinking about it, he turned around and rushed down .

(End of this chapter)

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