magic eye doctor

Chapter 1377 Spirit Stone Mine

Chapter 1377 Spirit Stone Mine

The Golden Retriever suddenly ran down. Yu Qi and Yu Nineteen didn't react at first, but suddenly realized, and also rushed down. Yu Nineteen shouted while running: "Golden Retriever, you can just pick up one or two monsters, you can't!" All."

The real people understood that the golden retriever was running towards the ground to pick up food, so they couldn't laugh or cry, and they were not in a hurry to grab it, and flew down slowly.

Elder Mu, Elder Xiliang, can't beat the sky monster and tiger beast in two-on-one. It's not shameful. Tiger monsters are good at fighting, and the monsters of the sky monster level are powerful, and they are stronger than human monks at the same level and level. .

The leader of the blue tiger celestial demon is a veteran celestial demon, whose age is older than the biggest crocodile celestial demon. They can't kill the celestial demon blue tiger, and the other party can't kill them for a while, too. If the tiger wants to leave, they can't stop it.

Being shaken into the air by the sky monsters, the two Mahayana monks steadied themselves and did not become angry. Seeing the monsters withdrawing their troops, they also flew towards the ground.

Golden Retriever originally wanted to pick up some bargains, but he didn't know that his contract partner was a hindrance. He was so angry that he didn't want to talk to that guy, so he plunged into the plain, looking for the body of the tiger monster.

The canyons and mountains at the foot of the big mountain are full of dense forests, but any tree that can compete for sunlight will last tens of thousands of years.

Jin Maohou only found a beheaded tiger demon emperor beast carcass in the jungle, and the real people of the Five Immortals also flew down above the forest, looking for the beast carcass slowly.

There was a big golden retriever who ran to pick up the dead body, Le Yun had mixed feelings in his heart, such a good golden retriever is not his own, if he can bring it back to the earth, he should say more.

Elder Mu, Elder Xiliang floated down next to the little fairy, and the two elders couldn't help but climbed to the top of the little guy's head, rubbing his head gently.

"The little girl is amazing, she scared away the sky monster with just a single talisman."

"The little fairy is so famous that even the monsters are scared away."

The two elders were in a turbulent mood, happily motivating the little guy.

"Oh, she is a gentle and kind little fairy, not evil, those monsters are cowardly, and ruined my reputation." Being flanked by left and right, Le Yun couldn't escape even if she wanted to, holding her head and wanting to cry, can you stop bullying her head of?If you want to show that you like to give her the spiritual fruit of the spiritual plant, that's fine.

"Hehe, the little fairy is a kind little fairy, we all know this." Isn't it true that if the little fairy is not kind, a thunder talisman is enough to kill all the monsters. I also have kind thoughts on monsters.

The little girl hugged her head and hummed. The two elders were embarrassed to hold her head, so they withdrew their hands and discussed where the spirit stone veins were.

The young and the old three talked for a while, and the real people who searched for the corpses of the monsters also searched the surrounding corners. There are a lot of monsters from the bear monsters and tiger monsters. There are very few monsters killed, only seven or eight of each kind.

After clearing the battlefield, the real people flew to Xiaoxianzi and the two Mahayana elders, discussed the division of labor plan on how to dig out the spirit stone veins, and flew to the huge mountain peak.

The peaks are more than 6 feet high, gradually sharpened from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. The foot of the mountain uprooted from the ground covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles. The mountain is the boundary between bears and tigers. family territory.

The people flew to the side of the mountain close to the tiger monster's territory, and flew thousands of miles around the side of the mountain to survey, and chose a place facing the plain where the mountain was full of rocks and no vegetation as the starting point for mining. A place was cleared in the woods on the plain thousands of feet away to place the cave.

Everything is ready, the real people are divided into two groups, Elder Xiliang leads a group of people to collect resources, Elder Mu leads a group of people to mine, and there is a tiger clan territory with Sky Demon nearby. Therefore, each group of people is led by a Mahayana real person just in case.

Yu Qiyu Nineteen was excluded by the real people of the Five Immortals Sect. The two senior brothers were very happy. When the mine diggers dug the mountain to dig the tunnel, they first ran to help the little junior sister collect a conch of river water, and then went to find some mushrooms and wild fruits. Ah, ordinary spiritual plants, helping dig the soil and so on.

Golden Retriever rushed into the woods happily with the little one on his back, helped her cut precious trees, collected dead wood, and dug the fertile soil where fallen leaves rotted into mud. He was very happy.

Student Le Xiao ran to several secret realms, dug the medicine gardens of the sages, and collected a frightening number of spiritual plants. Her obsession with spiritual plants has cooled a little bit. At this stage, she focuses on collecting water, plant seeds, and soil.

In September in the secret land, the climate is very cool, which is the season when the seeds of plants mature.

Little Lolita collects seeds cheerfully, especially the seeds of meadow plants. It is also convenient to collect. With true energy as the wind, it sweeps across the grass like a tornado, and can collect tens or hundreds of catties of plant seeds at a time.

Yu Qiyu Nineteen is 24 filial brothers, they follow the junior sisters wherever they go, move all messy things to storage containers, catch monsters, catch wild beasts, find eggs left by pheasants, dig spiritual plants to harvest seeds , Even the stones are not spared, it is more ferocious than the locusts crossing the border, and the place they pass is simply a mess.

The members of each branch go out early and return late, and live in the cave at night. There is a formation outside.

The spirit stones are hidden inside the mountain. In order to protect the spirit stones from being damaged and the mountain cannot be blown up, real people act as mining rats and dig a tunnel from the foot of the mountain to the mountain to cut off the spirit stone veins.

More than a dozen real people worked in shifts day and night to dig the mine. It took ten days and ten nights to dig a huge tunnel that almost penetrated one-third of the total thickness of the mountain range, and successfully found the spirit stone veins.

The real people dug for a whole day before digging through the spirit stone veins. The total thickness of the veins is about ten miles long. The way is gradual.

As for the height and total length of the vein line, real people can't predict it at present, because their mine caves pass through the vein line, and there are spirit stone mines from top to bottom, and it is difficult to measure the height and length.

After cutting through the Lingshi vein, the real people celebrated with great fanfare at night. The next day, Yiba, the real person who collected resources, also went to the mine to dig. Top, a team digging down.

Le classmate was also dragged into the tunnel by the Golden Retriever Roar to look at the Lingshi mine. Seeing the shiny spirit stone, she felt so regretful that she wanted to beat her chest. She knew that she would find such a huge spirit stone vein. If she enters the secret realm alone, the entire spirit stone mine will belong to her.

A whole spirit stone mine, moved into the space, with such ample spiritual energy, not to mention expanding the star core by tens of thousands of miles, it will not be a problem to expand it by thousands of miles!

Le Yun, who is so distressed that she bleeds, can't show it yet. Le Yun, who is so distressed that her liver is hurting, takes the golden retriever lion far away from the Lingshi mine, and immerses herself in sweeping up resources, so as to appease her broken glass heart. .

After excavating the Lingshi Mine, Elder Mu and Elder Xiliang also started to dig the mine. As soon as they made a move, their true energy turned into a vortex to absorb the ore, often hundreds of meters of Lingshi were peeled off, leaving a big hole.

The few real people who were seriously injured couldn't use their true energy yet. They were recuperating. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, more than [-] real people dug the spirit stone mine day and night. Thanks to their hard work, they still haven't finished digging after ten days.

And the storage devices carried by real people are limited. After digging for so many days, there is not much space left in the storage device. Elder Mu decisively grabbed the little fairy and borrowed her storage device first.

Looking at the mainland now, if you ask who has the most storage devices in their hands?The answer is ready to come out, except that Fairy Le doesn't want to be the second person.

Fairy Le has more than 100 storage containers made by Yulanzong, and entrusted Yuhengzong to create a hundred super large storage containers. Yuhengzong gave her a batch of storage containers. After returning from the Langshan Secret Realm, he also helped her create some storage containers as a return gift for her gift of soul jade.

Roughly speaking, there are four hundred storage devices in Xiaoxianzi's hands.

Other real people are embarrassed to find the little fairy, but Elder Mu is not afraid of losing face, so he catches the little fairy as a hard worker.

Classmate Le, who was caught as a mobile warehouse, felt heartbroken when he saw Lingshi. He silently threw out several storage containers that were nine miles wide, and then rolled away without saying a word, looking for a place to heal his wounds by himself.

A group of miners spent another eight days digging out all the spirit stone deposits, and almost half of a mountain range was dug out, forming a huge cavity inside. In order to prevent monsters from entering the cave and fighting and causing the entire mountain to collapse, the real people Close the tunnel.

When they dug up a spirit stone mine, the group of real people from the Five Immortals Sect was in a good mood. They had already left the recent hard work behind, like a vicious tiger pouncing on the territory of the tiger clan and the bear clan. After sweeping away all the resources they took away, they happily turned around and headed back to the west.

There is a little fairy leading the way, and the real group just collects resources with confidence. Wherever they pass, a radius of 50 miles is looted by "bandits". !

Walking and stopping, time passed by in a blink of an eye, and it was the end of the year in a blink of an eye. The Five Immortals Sect Daoist Treasure Hunting Group counted the days until the New Year's Eve, and found a place with rich water sources to rest.

In view of the fact that real people collected the resources needed by Xianzong along the way, and also helped them collect many plant seeds, fertile soil, trees and plants, and a large amount of precious wood. Classmate Le cooks as real people hope, and the ingredients for spiritual food are public , Lingzhi also has a public trip, and she is in charge of producing it.

Even if they are in a secret place and isolated from the world, the mood of the group of real people is particularly good, and the New Year's Eve dinner is also delicious. A bit promoted from distraction to fit.

The real people used to eat New Year's Eve dinner in the palace-style wooden house of the little fairy. When a real person was promoted, Elder Mu and Elder Xiliang both deployed defenses, and successfully promoted the distracted stage into one. The anger was suppressed, and it didn't let it run around and knock off the roof of the little fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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