magic eye doctor

Chapter 1378 Return from the Secret Realm

Chapter 1378 Return from the Secret Realm
A New Year's Eve dinner made the three of them advance to the ranks. The eyes of the real people looked at the little fairy with kindness like an old mother, and the smile was extraordinarily gentle. When Yu rested until the first and second day of the first lunar month and set off, the ferocity of the mopping up was even higher. Lou, especially for the things that the little fairy loves, would rather give up the resources that Xianzong needs to keep them in his pocket.

All the real people have only one idea: collect a lot of materials that the little fairies like, and ask the little fairies to make spiritual food!
During the crazy sweep of the real people, after half a month, they entered a plateau grassland and found the exit of the secret realm. The exit was in a large lake among a group of lakes in the plateau grassland, and it was still invisible.

The entrances and exits of the Invisible Secret Realm are inseparable from water, and for this, Le is tired of not loving it.

According to the time, the secret realm of Yujing Mountain has not been closed yet, and the real treasure hunting group is not in a hurry to go out, so they persuaded the little fairy to wait a while before giving them some time to explore the secret realm.

Le classmate did not spoil the spirit of the real people, and let the real people go exploring. She found the plateau river as a place to stay, collected water, and then went to the grassland to collect yak dung and dig some spiritual plants.

The real people's regiment split into two groups, rushing like wild horses to places they had never set foot in, looking for mineral deposits and spiritual plants, and catching monsters.

Yu Qiyu and Nineteen stayed with the junior sister, who focused on collecting water. They rushed into the plateau grassland to find Lingzhi and chase cattle, sheep and other herds.

The plateau grasslands are rich in animal herds, including wildebeest, antelope, sheep, blue sheep, gazelle, buffalo, cattle, yak, etc., in groups, ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions.

Of course, the number of carnivores is the same. Jackals, tigers, leopards, lions, wild dogs, vultures, etc. are balanced by predators, so that the number of herbivores will not get out of control and the ecological balance will be maintained.

The two senior brothers tracked for several days, and their hard work paid off. They taught them to find a group of wild camels, the number of which reached 80 million. Grassland rabbits, wild birds and wild boars, etc.

The two senior brothers wandered around the highland grassland for a month before going back to look for the younger junior sister. They have traveled at least a million miles, but they have not traveled all over the highland grassland. According to the types and numbers of the herds of animals, it is estimated that the grassland may be crisscrossed. For more than 300 million miles, if there is not enough space and food, the herd will not be able to develop.

Yu Qiyu and Nineteen returned to the exit area of ​​the secret realm to find the little junior sister, and wandered around with her every day, waiting for the real people who didn't know where to go to explore the secret.

The group of five real people followed the little fairy in the secret realm, and outside the secret, the people waiting at the gate of the Wannian secret realm in Yujing Mountain were doing similar things day after day, and at the same time they secretly followed the little fairy to go somewhere. When will the real person who explores the mystery return.

They waited and waited, month after month, the little fairy and the five real people disappeared without a trace.

While the monks were waiting, autumn passed and winter came, and Yujing Mountain was gradually covered with ice and snow. Half a month before the New Year's Day, the canyon in front of the secret realm was also covered with snow.

The left-behind personnel spent the old year and ushered in the new year in the vast snow. The snow in the sunny part of the canyon melted until the end of the first lunar month, while the snow in the shade was still thick and did not melt until the middle of February. Move up.

The ice and snow have not yet melted to the snow line of the permanent glacier, and the Ten Thousand Years Secret Realm has also ushered in its closing period. It bloomed with golden light at a certain time in the night at the end of mid-March, and the vortex swirled, and it lasted for a day and two nights before it stabilized.

The gate of the secret realm was reopened, and the expedition team that had been traveling in the secret realm for a year came out of the secret realm one after another.

The five immortal sect alliances and Yancheng's team are the first to leave the secret realm, walk out of the secret realm's vortex door, and each go to the sect or team members they greet, and return to the camp to discuss in detail.

The teams that entered the secret realm came out one after another, some were killed, some were wounded, some were wiped out, and the people who greeted them outside the secret were either happy or sad.

The members of the Five Great Immortal Sect Alliance were also lost, the disciples at the Jindan level were lost, and the disciples above the Nascent Soul level were severely disabled, so they managed to save their lives.

The team of the Five Immortals Sect returned to the camp with the welcome personnel from their respective sects. The Yulan Sect also lost an inner disciple of the Golden Core, and many others were disabled. The direct disciple Xiao Wuya suffered heavy injuries and ruined half of his face. A right leg was bitten off by a monster from the knee to the ankle, the sole of the foot was retrieved, but the middle limb was gone.

The injuries to the face and legs were not only physical blows, but also spiritual blows. Xiao Wuya was depressed, wearing a gauze-covered bamboo hat, and silently followed behind the brothers.

Mu Yuechan and her direct disciples walked behind the elders, and after entering the main tent, they sat quietly on one side. They secretly observed and found that they didn't see the master. They were very puzzled.

Luo Cheng and the elders entered the main tent, and after saluting the head and the right protector, they were the first to speak: "Master Uncle, Master Uncle, is there any news about Junior Junior Sister and Golden Retriever?"

"The little fairy came to Yujing Mountain in August after you entered the secret realm, played for a while, and took the real people from the five sects to explore another secret realm, but they haven't come out yet." The head of Li also knew that Luo Cheng was worried about the little fairy, so he fell. Nothing to hide.

Hearing that Junior Sister has rushed to Yujing Mountain, Luo Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, however, when he heard that Junior Sister went to a certain secret place again, he felt a little disappointed: "Uncle, did Junior Sister say when she will come back? Many members of the team were seriously injured this time, and I thought I would ask my junior sisters to see if they can be fully healed."

The leader of Yulan Sect who came back from the secret realm didn't think there was anything wrong with Luo Yi asking Little Fairy instead of reporting the trip to the secret realm. When he knew that he asked Fairy to help the wounded, especially I am gratified that Luo Yi always puts the sect as the most important thing, this is the responsibility that the chief disciple should have.

"The little fairy took the real people to the invisible secret realm. She didn't say when she would come back. Elder Mu and the elder Xiliang of the Jade Snow Sect also went. With them in the team, the time to explore the secret realm should be greatly shortened."

The little fairy didn't mention the return date before going to the invisible secret realm, and the leader Li didn't want to guess wildly. He looked at the disciples who had returned from the secret realm: "Who is injured this time, is the injury serious, and what kind of medicine do you need? The pills are the sect’s own, and they are all used. If this sect does not have it, other sects have it, and the head of the sect will exchange it in person.”

"In this trip to the secret realm, disciples from the five sects and Yancheng were injured, one from this sect was lost, and several disciples were injured..." The elders in charge of the team immediately replied, pointing out the injured disciples and explaining why The wounded ones also begin to narrate.

Yujingshan Wannian Secret Realm is the second time to open it. It is reported that when the secret realm was opened for the first time, monsters at the level of demon emperors appeared, and the people who visited the previous time had a lot of harvest and fewer people. Limited, no one knows or knows how wide the secret realm is, and there are monster beasts of even higher ranks than demon emperors.

In view of the lessons learned from the fairy-level monsters in the Langshan Secret Realm, this time, the expedition team formed by the Five Sects Alliance and the Yancheng team included real people from the Nascent Soul to the Tribulation Stage. The team is very strong, but The monsters in the secret territory are not weak either.

The secret realm is very wide, estimated to be more than 2000 million miles in length and breadth. The initial expedition of the five alliances and the Yancheng alliance team went smoothly. Although there were encounters with demon saints and demon beasts, even if there were desperate fights, the team did not suffer any major losses. .

However, just four months ago, the team encountered a crisis and was attacked by a herd of demon-level monsters. The group of monsters was not a certain family, but a mixed team of beast races. The monsters, the group of monsters seemed to have gone mad, besieging the alliance team to death.

The teams of Wuzong and Yancheng were not weak, but they couldn't resist the siege of angry beasts. After several endless battles, both the monks and the beast clan lost their soldiers and generals, and no one got any benefit.

Speaking of the battle with the herd of beasts, the elders of the Yulan Sect who returned from the secret realm were particularly depressed. The battle between humans and beasts was simply too depressing. The reason why the monsters besieged the team was because of the muddle-headed start and muddle-headed end. I don't know, and I don't know why they retreated later.

Headmaster Li and Hufa He listened to the returning elders narrate the final battle between man and beast, turned their gazes to their personal disciple Mu Er, and took a deep look at her.

Mu Yuechan sat with her brothers and sisters, keeping her eyes slightly lowered. She felt that someone was staring at her. When she raised her eyes, she collided with the eyes of the sect master and the right guardian. What did you do?

Sect Leader Li and Guardian You took a fixed look at Mu Er, then turned their eyes away, and listened to the returning disciples report on the details of the secret realm.

When it was time to reopen the secret gate in the secret realm of Yujing Mountain, Le and the five real-life expedition groups also embarked on the way out of the secret realm.

In the Invisible Secret Territory, the real people who ran wildly before leaving the secret realm did not return until mid-March. A group of people encountered sky monsters on the way to explore the mystery, and thus three new people were seriously injured. The death of soldiers will be regarded as the greatest fortune in misfortune.

A wounded man was seriously injured. Not only was a quarter of his body tissue missing from his back, but he also lost half of his liver, lungs and intestines, and one of his kidneys was missing. Medicine nourishes life.

At this time, Xiao Le had a place for heroes to use. He took out his own medical tools, re-cleaned and disinfected the abdominal cavity of the seriously injured, made fake bones and fake skin, sewed up the intestines, and repaired the liver and lung lobes.

An operation took six hours. After the operation was completed, resin paste was used for immobilization, and the seriously wounded were wrapped into mummies, and supplemented with special medicinal pills to nourish the body orally.

People in Dongchen Continent seldom get sick. Sickness is a disease of wealth or the tiredness of farmers due to hard work, as well as injuries caused by war. They do not advocate medical skills, so that there is nothing good about medical skills. Few people practice medicine and they are not well-known.

The five sects of real people watched the process of Xiaoxian healing the wounded, and they realized from the bottom of their hearts that a healer is no worse than an alchemist.

The real people worked together for a whole day, and set off early the next morning to leave the secret realm. The real people entered the man-made cave and were carried out by the little fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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