magic eye doctor

Chapter 1379

Chapter 1379
Holding the small house in his hands, student Le Xiao secretly threw a few rough emerald stones into the eyes of the invisible vortex in the lake, and then took the aircraft into the vortex.

After experiencing a sense of dizziness, I took a closer look and found that it still appeared above a lake, and the lake looked very familiar, and then flew more than [-] feet high to look down, and recognized that the big lake was the one that came from the Xilu restricted area before. That Swan Lake.

Recognizing that the exit of the Invisible Secret Realm is at Swan Lake, Le Yun pretended not to know, threw the house into the canoe flying machine, made it bigger, and invited real people to come out.

A group of real people flew into the air, watched for a while, and recognized where they were from the shape of the lake, shouting "Isn't this Swan Lake" and "The exit is at Swan Lake".

The two Mahayana masters calmly grabbed the little one and flew to the shore of the lake. They helped her get water from the snail, and gave it to her when it was full, and then fetched water after she finished pouring the water. One of the Mahayana real people flies with a house pretending to be a real person, and the other carries a little fairy and a golden retriever.

Two Mahayana-level real people stepped on flying swords and flew to Yujing Mountain in only one day and one night. They ran to the place where they entered the secret realm with great interest. year secret.

The two mahayana real people were so fast, one hundred miles in an instant, and thousands of miles with the snap of their fingers, and soon they arrived near the secret canyon that was about to be closed, and let the five real people fly by themselves with flying swords.

The real people and the little fairy on the back of the golden retriever flew over several mountains and arrived at the sky above the small canyon in the secret place.

Five real treasure-seeking groups flew over the small canyon. The expedition team that went out in the ten thousand year secret realm has not all come out of the secret realm, especially small teams have drilled out of the secret realm door one after another.

When the team that walked out of the secret realm or the monks who were walking in front of the gate of the secret realm or towards their own camp found a fairy flying towards them, they all looked up and saw the person on the back of the big golden lion and a group of real people who were full of immortality. They all exclaimed "Little Fairy Le is here" and "Little Fairy is back".

The elders in power of the five great immortal sects were originally discussing matters with the returning disciples in the main tent, and they were overjoyed when they heard the call "Little Fairy" came back outside. People, fly out of the main tent.

"..." The disciples of Yuxue Yuxia Yuqing Yuheng Sect who had just returned from the secret realm did not know that there was a real person in the sect accompanying the little fairy to explore the hidden secret realm, and they all looked at a loss.

The remaining disciples were overjoyed, the little fairy is back, and the elder/guardian will definitely be back too.

Luo Cheng was a little dull, and rushed out of the main tent, followed the head and the right guardian to meet the little junior sister.

The head and the right protector left the sect disciples and went out. The elders were not dissatisfied, and they looked forward to the head leading the little fairy to the Yulan Sect tent.

When Mu Yuechan heard the news about a certain girl, her heart sank.

The heads of the five sects and the guardians or elders fell outside the tent and looked up at the sky. Sure enough, they saw the real people of the five sects returning surrounded by the little fairy sitting on the back of Jin Maohou. Then I guessed that this trip must be very fruitful, and I was very happy.

The group of real people fell like a cloud on the open space in front of the tent of the Yulan Sect. The real people of each sect greeted the head of Li, and then flew to their own tents to return to the tent with the head of the sect.

The members of Jade Snow Sect returned to the main tent first, and stepped into the main tent protected by formations. Ji He asked the Xiliang elder: "Great elder, is there any disciple hurt?"

"All five sects have real people who were seriously injured. After the little fairy rejuvenated, there is no danger of life." The Xiliang elder smiled on his usual indifferent face: "The depth of the little fairy's blessing is hard to compare with the deep sea. I will follow her into the secret realm. If you find a large vein of spirit stones, Wu Zong can get 1 million spirit stones at least."

"..." The disciples of Jade Snow Sect held their breath in shock. Each Immortal Sect can get 1 million yuan of spirit stones. How big is the spirit stone mine?
The smile in Ji He's eyes almost overflowed his eyes, and he immediately sat down with everyone, asked his disciples to make spiritual tea, and first listened to the real person who followed the little fairy into the secret realm to talk about what adventures he had.

Luo Cheng stood by the side of the sect master, watching a group of real people come down, first saluted and said hello to the real people, when the real people of Yuxue Yuheng Yuqing Yuxiazong left, he jumped forward and sat on the back of the golden hair, reaching out to rub Little Junior Sister's head: "Little Junior Sister, why did your hair get shorter? Did you get bullied when you came to Yujing Mountain from Westland alone?"

Mu Lianzi was going to enter the tent with the sect leader, but when she heard Luo Yi's words, she picked up Luo Yi and threw it away angrily: "Go, you boy, don't be clingy to the little girl, you just came here to disturb the little girl's good mood."

The old man's hand turned to rub the top of the little guy's head lovingly: "Little girl, don't play with them, let's go in first, and my old man will help you get the conch to fill the river later."

Being thrown aside by Elder Mu, Luo Cheng stomped his feet depressedly. The junior sister was obviously their junior sister, so why did Elder Mu come to snatch her?
Yu Qiyu and Nineteen shrugged their shoulders to express their sense of powerlessness. Elder Mu doted on the younger junior sisters more than anyone else. With Elder Mu around, they all became an eyesore.

The four real people who came back with Elder Mu didn't seem surprised, they clustered around Elder Mu and floated into the main tent together; the disciples of the Yulan Sect saw Elder Mu and several elders accompanied the little fairy into the big tent, and said hello to the elder.

Little Wuya stayed in the group of seniors, and saw the girl who was led in by the elders like stars and moons, with mixed emotions in her heart. The little fairy looks so cute, but now she has become an ugly monster, and she has no face anymore. Play with fairies.

Mu Lianzi put her hand on the top of the little girl's head, went to the main seat, and waited for Jin Maohou to lie down on the ground before he sat down, Yu Qiyu Nineteen and Luo Cheng sat behind Elder Mu, next to Jin Maohou.

Yu Lanzong was discussing matters, Le Yun didn't want to listen in, and couldn't leave. The golden retriever was lying on the ground, and she got into the long mane of the golden retriever's neck to sleep.

"Little girl, don't hide, get up and listen to what's interesting in the secret realm." The little girl pretended to be dead, and Mu Lianzi pushed the big lion's long hair away, so that the little girl who shrunk into a ball couldn't hide even if she wanted to.

Golden Retriever's paws are ready to move, if the little one is unhappy, he doesn't mind patting a certain elder's hand away.

"I'm not interested in the secret realm anymore, don't disturb me to sleep." Even if you want to pretend to be dead, is this trying to force her to leave?
"You are not interested, my old man is interested, listen to my old man, if there is a secret in it, let's go in and take a look because the secret place will not be closed for a few days."

"No, you have to go by yourself, don't drag me, I will never take you to the secret realm again."

"Why?" Mu Lianzi was a little stunned: "Isn't our cooperation very good? If anyone makes the little girl unhappy, he will be kicked out in the future and not allowed to join the team."

"No one messed with me. The first time I brought you into the secret realm and was sent to the lair of monsters. I was afraid of you. This time I was lucky. It was a group of stupid guys. The moment you saw me, you slapped me, and I had to reincarnate and rebuild."

"Oh, this was an accident, it was definitely an accident, and I will definitely not be so unlucky next time." Mu Lianzi was a little cautious, this time it was indeed lucky, the sky monsters did not go out at first, Ruotian monsters appeared at the moment when the little guy appeared Launching an attack, the little girl may really be unlucky.

"One's heart must be content." Le Yun blinked her beauty's eyes, smiled meaningfully, and huddled together again.

Mu Lianzi twitched the corners of her eyes depressedly, loosened the long hair of the golden retriever, and hid the little guy.

"Master Mu, you guys went with the little fairy to the hidden secret realm, what happened? Did you really get sent to some kind of monster den by the teleportation array?" After listening for a while, Sect Leader Li asked the five sects of real people to follow the little fairy to the invisible secret realm. Also a little curious.

"That's right, I was sent to a group of crocodiles' nests right after I entered the secret realm. The crocodile family has four sky monsters..." Elder Mu didn't hide anything, and told the truth about what he had seen and heard in the invisible secret realm.

The disciples who had just come out of the Ten Thousand Years Secret Realm in Yujing Mountain were shocked when they heard Elder Mu said that they were teleported into the lair of Youtian monsters. The fairy and the others retreated completely when they encountered the sky monsters. People are compared to people, and they will really piss people off.

Elder Mu was talking about the process of exploring the secrets, and the elders of Yuxue Yuqing and Yuxia Yuhengzong who returned from the adventure with the little fairy were also talking about their adventures in the invisible secret realm.

The reaction of the head of Yuxia Yuqing Yuheng Sect and the elders was similar to the reaction of the disciples of Yuxue Sect when they heard that they had dug a large mine vein, they were all shocked.

It takes at least a few million years for a vein of spiritual stones to mature. A mine that can dig out millions of spiritual stones is considered a large deposit. How big is a vein that can dig out hundreds of millions of spiritual stones?

Of course, the heads and elders of the various sects were pleasantly surprised. The purchase of the soul jade spent a lot of savings in the sect, and digging the spirit stone in the invisible secret realm can also fill the vacancy in the sect. If the little fairy finds the soul jade again, they You can also get enough spirit stones in exchange.

While the Five Immortal Sects were discussing, the Yancheng team was also discussing the secret realm. It is undoubtedly the most correct alliance between Yancheng and the Five Immortals. City organizers discuss how many resources they can get and which resources they want to exchange with others.

Ruan Zhenren from Yancheng brought Ma Er into the secret realm with his team, so he also lost the opportunity to follow the five real people and the little fairy to explore the invisible secret realm. They were a little regretful, but they were not discouraged. Secret realm, where there is an invisible secret realm next time, maybe they will take Wu Zong to explore the secret realm, they still have a chance.

The Yancheng team discussed it, and those who returned from the secret realm should go to rest first. The nerves and consciousness in the secret realm are tense, and now they can relax.

There are more teams entering Yujing Mountain Wannian Secret Realm than those going to Langshan Secret Realm. There are more than 3 people, and fewer people are lost. It is estimated that 6000 people will stay in the secret realm forever, and explorers will leave one after another. In the secret realm, all the living people returned to the small canyon camp in front of the secret realm in the middle of the morning.

The five great immortal sects discussed for a long time, even talking about the ten thousand year secret realm and the invisible secret realm, each sect took an hour to finish the discussion at the earliest, and it took an hour and a half an hour a little slower, when the five sects discussed the matter At the end of the day, it was already noon, and the gate of the secret realm was empty.

(End of this chapter)

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