magic eye doctor

Chapter 1380 Problems

Chapter 1380 Problems

After the discussion was over, Sect Leader Li left the injured disciples in the main tent, and asked the uninjured disciples who had just returned from the secret realm to rest and adjust their rest first, while the left-behind disciples prepared to make spiritual food for the evening.

Everyone filed out, and the wounded stayed behind.

Mu Lianzi pushed back the long fur of the golden-haired lion again, and brought out the little girl who was pretending to be dead: "Little girl, it's quiet now, you can get up."

"Okay, I'll go to the Grand Canyon to cook and eat safely." Le Yun stretched lazily, it's not good to stay in other people's tents, and you can't do whatever you want.

"Junior Sister, wait a minute," Luo Chengsheng was afraid that Junior Sister would run away, and hurriedly tugged at one of her sleeves: "Junior Sister, there are more than a dozen monks seriously injured in the secret realm this time, and there are also some seriously injured people from the Yulan Sect. , can I ask you to take a look?"

Being caught doing hard labor, Le Yun's face collapsed. On the earth, Yan was always caught doing white labor, and when he arrived in Dongchen Continent, he was caught doing white labor again?

Does she really look like a bun?
Unhappy in his heart, he hugged the big lion's neck, pouted and muttered: "Please see the wound and treat it. I have to pay for the medical expenses. If you don't pay, you won't work."

?A group of elders were full of question marks, Yu Qi reacted quickly, stretched out his hand to rub the top of the junior sister's head, and smiled Mimi: "Your junior sister means that the seriously injured monks need to receive Lingshi or pure gold for the treatment of injuries, right?"

"That's right, a doctor is also a human being. He has to eat and support his family. There's no reason to treat people's wounds in vain and give them pills." She helped the real people who entered the invisible secret realm to heal them because she brought them there, so she naturally had to do her best. It's not for her to let them go and return, and the people who enter that secret realm are not for her to find resources, so there is no reason for her to work for nothing.

"I know, my junior sister shows the injured disciples of the Yulan Sect, how many spirit stones and pure gold do I have to charge, and my junior sister tells me." It is only natural to collect money for medical treatment.

"My rules can't be changed. I only look at the injuries, one thousand per person, and if I see them, I will treat them. The medical expenses will be calculated separately, and the prices will be clearly marked. No one is cheating." , Do not pay the consultation fee, resolutely quit.

"No problem, no problem, follow the rules of the junior sister." The junior sister is even cuter when she is serious. Yu Qi rubbed the head of the junior sister and couldn't bear to move her hand.

The seventh junior brother was discussing the consultation fee with the junior junior sister, and Luo Cheng was sweating silently. It seemed that the seventh junior brother knew the junior junior sister best, and could best guess what the junior junior sister was thinking.

Sect Leader Li winked at the wounded disciples, and the five wounded disciples immediately stepped out, floated to a position not far in front of Xiaoxianzi and the Sect Leader, Elder Mu, and lined up, sitting cross-legged upright Down.

After negotiating the consultation fee, Le Yun revived with full blood in a second, sat upright, turned on the special function of her eyes and carefully checked the situation of the wounded again. At a glance, she needs to go out in person now, and she must be carefully inspected.

I glanced twice, saw through the inside and outside of the wounded, and knew their physical conditions like the back of the palm of my hand, pouted: "Three people's injuries have been treated very well, and there is no need for this little fairy to go out in person, wear blue The senior brother in the robe broke a tendon in his right arm, it is enough to reconnect the muscle, and the rest is fine."

The final focus fell on the disciple wearing a veil, and she paused: "The female disciple wearing a hat, if she wants to have a chance to win the Nascent Soul Stage, she can only expand her pulse. Whole, need a lot of exotic plants.

1 yuan for medium-grade spirit stones, I will renew a tendon for senior brother Lanpao, this female disciple, the lowest price is 20 yuan for high-grade spirit stones, of course, if Yu Lanzong produces the spiritual plants needed for the elixir, I will only charge [-] yuan Lingshi is used for the painstaking expenses of making medicine and giving her a facelift. "

Little Wuya heard that her face was still saved, she was so excited that she almost jumped up, because the head and the elders were there, she firmly suppressed her excitement, and sat upright.

The little fairy knew the seriousness of the injured disciple's injury just by taking a few glances. The leader Li and the elders were very surprised. The little fairy didn't look at the little Wuya's face, and she actually knew that the little Wuya's face was seriously injured?
"Junior Sister, that disciple wearing a gauze hat is the youngest girl among the direct disciples. She is the senior sister of the seniors. What kind of spiritual plant does she need to restore her appearance?" Rest assured, focus on the issue of Lingzhi.

"Most of the Lingzhi Yulan Sect has them. I will list them for you to find for yourself. If you find them, send them to me. I will start making medicines immediately. It will take about three days." Le Yun is a practical man, grabbing a pen and ink from the storage container A paper table and a table.

Yu Qi wittily helped arrange the items, and personally fetched Lingquan water to help grind the ink. The fragrance of the ink was light and elegant.

Elder Mu thought that the boys were in the way, and when Yuqi helped the little girl to study the ink, he pushed the brat aside and stood next to the little girl, not to mention, the little girl's handwriting is really good, graceful and graceful, Immortal aura and arrogance.

After the little girl finished making the list, Elder Mu threw the list to the head of the house, and the old man waited for the little one to put away the things, and put his big hands on the top of the little guy's head, in case she ran away and threw himself off.

Sect Leader Li took a look at the roster of spiritual plants, and told the five disciples to go down to rest first, and then notify them if the little fairy concocted the medicine.

The five disciples bowed and saluted, lined up in a row, and filed out.

There were only the elders and three direct disciples in the tent, Elder Mu squinted at the others: "If you have anything else to say, hurry up. After finishing talking, I will take the little girl to play."

"Yes, yes, master uncle, please wait a moment, I still have something to trouble my junior sister," Luo Cheng answered, and quickly took out a set of neatly folded clothes from the storage box and showed it to the junior junior sister : "Little sister, please help senior brother smell it, does it have a strange smell?"

As soon as Luo took out a suit of clothes, neither the leader Li nor the elders knew why.

The clothes Luo Yi held were neatly arranged, but there was still no way to hide the fact that they were worn, and there was a little dark blood stain on one corner of it.

The neatly folded moon white clothes were handed over, and Le Yun frowned: "Brother, why do you ask me if you know there is a strange smell?" Asking knowingly, it is unnecessary.

Luo Cheng's expression changed instantly, he looked at the elders in the tent, endured the anger that was about to burst out of his heart, and asked in a low voice: "Junior Sister, I'm suspicious, I didn't smell anything strange, Junior sister, can you tell me what kind of strange smell your clothes are stained with?"

Sect Leader Li, Dharma Guardians, and the elders had almost guessed something, their expressions changed, and a cold and murderous aura was vaguely revealed on their bodies.

Asked what the smell of medicine was, Le Yun knew everything: "The clothes have the smell of attracting monsters. That kind of medicine can cause monsters to go berserk. This clothes didn't directly touch the medicine, so the amount of medicine that got on it is very weak. The alchemist who refines the medicine is very talented in the medicine, and the medicine that he makes is relatively colorless and tasteless."

"Colorless and odorless?" Elder Mu was surprised, it was colorless and odorless, how could the little girl know there was a problem by smelling it?
"Mr. Chang, what I said is relative, that is to say, it is colorless and odorless compared to you. To me, there is nothing artificially made that is colorless and odorless." If it is naturally colorless and odorless, she I have only seen weak water, the aura vortex of the time-space gate, and the aura itself.

"You're just a little monster, I can't compare with you." Mu Lianzi was stabbed with a knife, her heart was full, and the little guy indirectly said that their noses were too bad.

He Hufa and others are also heartbroken, who can compare with the little fairy, she is the favored one, okay?

When the junior sister said that a certain smell could trigger the monsters to riot, Luo Cheng's hand holding the clothes was so stiff that he could barely move. After a long while, the stiff body became conscious, and gently moved from the side of the golden hair to the In front, I knelt in front of the master master: "Master, this clothes was changed by the disciple after the battle with the monsters. When he was besieged by the monsters, the disciple observed the monsters and found that the alliance team was captured by the monsters. The situation of the beast siege is very similar to the situation encountered by the third and fourth masters in the secret realm more than ten years ago, the group of monsters are irritable and irritable;
Moreover, the disciples also discovered that when the monsters besieged the two disciples of this sect and the monks who were adjacent to the two disciples, they were particularly partial. The disciple who stood closest to Xiao Wuya and the others either died or was seriously injured. "

The elders of the Yulan Sect suddenly changed their colors. Luo Yi made it so obvious that they were not fools, and everyone wanted to know the reason. The reason why the Five Sects and the Yancheng Alliance Group were besieged by monsters was because someone secretly killed those who died. The medicine pill was used, which attracted monsters to besiege. The disciple who was drugged had a strong smell of medicine, so he also became the target of monsters.

"Luo Yi, I remember that you were not very far away from the little black duck, and you were the one who rescued the little black duck." Elder Lu Xiao's face changed several times, recalling the life-and-death battle with the monsters, and also remembering A detail or two.

"Yes." Luo Cheng admitted the fact Elder Lu said without hesitation, and explained again: "Since entering the secret realm, this disciple has never dared to stay too far away from his junior brothers and sisters. The monster standing at the position is the most vicious. After observing that something was wrong with the group of monsters, the disciple took out a pouch given by his junior sister and put it on his body. Not long after, the furious monsters became quieter, and the disciple became suspicious. When cleaning the battlefield, I quietly asked for the clothes of the junior brother who was closest to the little black duck, and it was this one."

The faces of the elders of the Yulan Sect were dark and ugly, and they left the head and turned to the little fairy, showing a smile: "What did the little fairy give Luo Yi for self-defense?"

"It's nothing, I'm just worried that the four senior brothers who accompanied me will be tricked one day, so I gave them a pouch containing the detoxification pill I made, which can detoxify some strange poisons to a certain extent. Targeted poison won't have much effect, at most it can refresh the mind and calm the nerves."

Classmate Le Xiao is a good boy who cares about his seniors. At the beginning, he was worried that they would encounter some kind of poisonous gas when they went to the south of the West Continent, or they would break into the lair of monsters and run into a monster in estrus and go berserk, so he gave some pills just in case.

(End of this chapter)

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